Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 5
Lady Catherine
Rating: G

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and,
unfortunately, most likely never will, no
matter how much I wish for it :(.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting
for a very long time but what will happen when
they begin to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I only got a few replies about
where people wanted my story to go but those I
got all wanted it to go on to secret
identities, so that's where I will go. Thanks
to all of you who answered my questions!

~*A t The Arcade*~

"I . . . need . . . water!" gasped a
breathless Minako. She had just run from
Moonlight Sweets where she had seen her best
friend and her supposed archenemy locking lips.
"What happened Minako? Why did you run
all the way here?" Makoto and Ami had jumped up
from their booth at her entrance. Mako was
getting her glass of water from a very
intrigued Motoki and Ami was interrogating her.
"Here's your water Mina-chan. Will you
please tell us what you are so excited about?"
Mako was beginning to get a little impatient
waiting for Minako to recover. As she bounced
from foot to foot Minako gulped the water down.
"Ok, now my news. You will NEVER in a
million years believe what I SAW!!" She had
the whole arcade's attention by this point and
several people were about to fall off of their
"Would you please just get on with it!"
said a very exasperated Makoto.
"Oh yeah, sorry. I was walking past that
new ice cream, parlor, Moonlight Sweets and I
looked inside because I wanted to see what some
of the desserts looked like. Guess who I saw?"
"Yep, but that isn't why I am so excited.
There's nothing unusual about Usa-chan being at
a dessert shop, right?"
"Right," answered the whole arcade.
"I'm excited about who she was with."
"Who was she with? Will you get to the
point already!?!?!?" Makoto was beginning to
turn bright red in frustration as Minako
finally continued.
"She was with . . ." at this point the
whole arcade was leaning towards her in
anticipation. "CHIBA MAMORU!!!!!!!!!"
The whole arcade let out a collective gasp
and began whispering amongst themselves.
"But wait, that isn't even the best part.
The best part is what they were doing." Minako
paused for dramatic effect as she enjoyed
keeping the arcade on the edge of their seats.
"Please continue Minako." Makoto was
beginning to raise her hands in a strangling
"The were . . . KISSING. Passionately!
For an extended amount of time!" After this
announcement there were no sounds in the arcade
other than the GAME OVER bleeps coming from
every video game.
Usagi and Mamoru's fighting was legendary
in Juuban and every arcade patron had witnessed
at least one of their daily brawls. This was a
VERY unexpected development to say the least.
Minako was the center of attention as all
of her friends tried to glean as much
information about what she had seen out of her
as possible.
"I'm telling you everything you guys! I
saw them and made a mad dash this way as fast
as I could to tell you all. What are we going
to do about it now? Are we going to confront
them or are we going to let them tell us in
their own time."
"I think that we need to call Rei. NOW.
She is not going to be very happy about this.
I think she has a crush on Mamoru. Ami, why
don't you go call her." Mako winked at Ami as a
signal to use the senshi communicator to get
her here faster. "We have some planning to do
in the meantime."

I am sorry that this chapter is so short but I
am experiencing severe writer's block.
Hopefully in the next day or two I will be able
to finish this story because otherwise it might
be awhile. School starts on Monday and I am
taking some really hard classes (17 Credits),
so if you want this done soon please pray for
an end to my writer's block!!! Please continue
reviewing my story. It really means a lot to
me. Thanks to those of you who have.

Lady Catherine