Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 6
Lady Catherine
Rating: G

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon does not belong to me
and it never will. :(

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting
for a while now but what will happen when they
begin to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I am going to try to get this
story done tonight. Wish me luck!
~*Usagi's House*~

'I can't believe the changes that have
happened today. I figured out that I love
Mamo-chan; he told me that he loves me too, and
we had an incredible date. How did this all
come to be so quickly anyway?' Usagi was
sitting at her desk doing her homework as she
contemplated the changes in her life. What she
didn't notice was that as she was doing her
math was that she wasn't even looking at the
answers as she wrote them. Luna however did.
"Usagi, you need to pay attention to your
homework. You can't just write in random
answers while you daydream. Ms. Haruna WILL
notice." Luna walked towards her charge and
began glancing over the answers she had
written. "Usagi, did you get Ami to tell you
the answers again?"
"No I have barely even seen Ami today
Luna. I learned my lesson last time. I didn't
even realize that I was writing anything. Did
I get them right, or something?" Usagi looked
at her cat with a very confused look in her
azure eyes.
"They are ALL correct and you weren't even
looking. What is going on Usagi?" 'Maybe she's
finally beginning to remember her past. Oh I
hope so. We need her to if we are going to
defeat Beryl.' Luna had long ago figured out
that Usagi was the princess that they had been
searching for. Unfortunately, until she
realized it for herself there was no way to
tell her exactly who she was without freaking
her out completely.
"I don't know Luna. I just feel as if I
had learned all of this before. And I mean
everything. From getting up to Mamoru, it's
like my life has already been lived. I have
had the worst déjà vu in the last two days."
"Hold on a second. Mamoru? What is that
about? Usagi I want you to tell me everything
that you did today." 'I always knew that there
was something between them. Maybe he's the
prince. Queen Serenity did say that she had
sent him back along with the others. Hmmm, I
think that I need to speak to Central about
this. "Never mind about that right now Usagi.
I forgot that I am supposed to meet Artemis to
discuss the Princess. Gotta go." With that
last comment Luna leapt out of the window and
left a very confused Usagi staring after her.
"I always knew that she was insane." With
that last comment Usagi turned back towards her
homework and began daydreaming about Mamoru
~ *The Arcade*~
Luna arrived at the arcade just as Rei
did. "Hello Rei. Are you meeting the scouts
"Yeah. They called me on the communicator
and said that it wasn't scout business but that
they had a very important bit of gossip that
they just had to tell me in person so I ran
over here. Why are you here?"
"I am here to visit the command center,
but I think that I want to hear the news as
well. Who is it about anyways?"
"I think it must be about Usagi because
they told me not to call her on pain of death."
"Usagi was rather preoccupied for some
reason today. Let's go find out shall we."
With that Rei picked up Luna and walked into
the arcade. They were greeted by a tumult of
"You are FINALLY here Rei. I thought that
you would never get here." This came from a
very overexcited Minako.
"You guys will never believe what we are going
to tell you. Wait a second, why are you here
Luna?" Makoto looked at the cat in confusion.
"I was coming to the control center when I
ran into Rei. What is the news that you have
for us? Is it about Usagi?"
"Yeah. . . how did you know?" Minako
looked at Luna with an accusing glare. "Were
you in here earlier when Mina-chan made her
"No but she's the only one not here."
"Ok will you quit with the small talk
already. I want to know what is so important
that you dragged me away from the sacred fire
when I was trying to do a reading." Rei had
that fiery priestess look that made all the
boys swoon and the girls run in fear.
"Ok Ok. I will tell you two what I saw."
Minako didn't dare draw out the suspense with
Rei and Luna like she had all the others.
"Today on my way to the arcade I passed the new
restaurant Moonlight Sweets and just happened
to look inside and see Usagi and Mamoru
"Yeah so?"
"Kissing. Passionately. For an extended
period of time." Mina let this sink in and
waited for Rei and Luna's reactions.
"Did you just say that you saw Usagi and
Mamoru KISSING!!!!!!!? You have got to be
imagining things Mina-chan. How much sugar
have you had today?" Rei looked at Minako
"None. I haven't even had a milkshake
yet. Motoki has been in shock ever since I
told him what I saw. He hasn't been very good
for business. Not that anyone else has
recovered yet anyway."
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Mamoru and Usagi
that they hated each other. They are
constantly fighting and bickering with each
other. Mina, ARE YOU SURE?????" Rei looked at
Minako with a pleading look, hoping that she
was wrong.
"Yep. Positive." She sat down and put her
arm around the priestess's shoulders. "I know
that you liked Mamoru too but I always sensed
that it was kind of a one-sided attraction.
What I felt coming from them was most
definitely a mutual feeling. I think that they
are really meant for each other. I am still at
a loss as to why I never felt anything between
them before. Do you understand?" She looked
concernedly at her friend and waited for a
reply. No one noticed Luna going to the Sailor
V game and entering the underground control
center. She had heard everything that Minako
had said and needed to talk to Central.
Rei had recovered slightly and began to
really think about Usagi and Mamoru. "Mina-
chan, I think that you're right. There has
always been a kind of underlying connection
between them. I always knew that he wasn't
really interested in me and I was just fooling
myself. I think that they will be a good
influence on each other."
Rei had reconciled herself to the notion
rather quickly and had surprised everyone
including herself. To all of them, though they
were surprised, it just seemed right that Usagi
and Mamoru were together. They discussed how
to confront them and, thanks to Ami, they
decided that they would let them announce it
themselves but that if they didn't by the end
of tomorrow they would confront them and make
them fess up. The scouts left Motoki still in
shock and went their separate ways.
~*The Command Center*~
Luna had escaped to the control center in
order to think about what she had heard. "This
news confirms it. They are the Prince and
Princess. They have to be. From what I heard
Minako say, she feels that they are meant to
be. The only person that is meant to be with
Princess Serenity is Prince Endymion. Usagi is
Serenity so Mamoru must be Endymion. I wonder
how long it will take them to figure it out?'
With that last thought Luna entered her
password into the computer and began composing
her report to Central.
That's all for this chapter. I think it
might be the longest one that I have written to
date. I wanted to finish the story but that
took me a lot longer than I thought it would
just to write this much. I have to go to bed
in 20 minutes so I don't have time to continue
if I am going to post it tonight. Please
review and tell me what you think. I will try
and work on it some more tomorrow.

Lady Catherine