Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 8
Lady Catherine
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. Darn't.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting for a
very long time but what will happen when they begin
to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I think that this will be the last
chapter but we will see how long I have to write.
Please read my new story The Odango and The Baka. I
will be publishing it at all the same sites. The
first chapter is already up. Thanks again to
everyone who has reviewed my story. I really
appreciate all the encouragement.
P.S. Sorry in advance for the really really really
lame fighting scene. I suck at writing action.
The screaming had gotten louder as Usagi ran
towards Mamoru. He had turned and was looking
frantically for her. "MAMO-CHAN! I'm over here!"
Usagi yelled at him to get his attention. The
arcade patrons had begun swarming the doors when the
screaming had become audible and they had blocked
her path to the counter where her love stood.
"USAKO! Stay there, I'll come and get you!"
Mamoru began trying to push his way through the
panicked crowd. Usagi noticed that the other senshi
had already made their way outside and were running
towards the nearest alley to transform. She waited
helplessly and watched her love try to push his way
towards her. She reached for her transformation
broach and gripped it tightly. She wanted to be
ready to transform as soon as he reached her.
She looked up again after grabbing her broach
and saw that Mamoru had almost made it through the
whole crowd. Finally he pushed through the last few
people. "Oh Mamo-chan. I am glad you made it
through. Now we have to get you to a safe place."
"What are you talking about? You are the one
who needs to get to a safe place. You have to
hide." He began pulling her towards the backroom of
the arcade. She let him, deciding that she could
transform secretly and still have him safe at the
same time.
Finally they found the door to the basement and
they ran down the stairs. Mamoru began looking for
something to have her barricade the door with after
he left her.
"Mamo-chan I have something that I need to tell
you. RIGHT NOW!" At her screech he stopped
searching and turned towards her.
"What is more important than your safety? I am
trying to make this room safe for you." He gave her
a look that made her heart pound.
"I am not going to stay in this room and let
you go back out there. I am going and you are
staying." Mamoru stared at her in disbelief.
was in awe of his tirade.
'WOW, he really cares about me. . . wait a sec?
How does he know about the Negaverse? I thought
that only the senshi and Tuxedo Kamen knew about
them?' "Mamo-chan how do you know about the
Negaverse? The only guy that should know about them
is Tuxedo Kamen." She gave him a confused and
questioning look. "Anyways what I wanted to tell
you was-" Usagi's communicator went off and she
hastily reached for it. "Moon here, what's the
"Usagi we need you NOW! These youmas are
really hard to beat. We have only hit them twice
and we have been trying every attack we know.
Mercury can't even find a single weakness. We need
Sailor Moon." Sailor Mars was looking at the youmas
behind her as yet another explosion rocked the
"I will be right there Mars. Just let me make
sure that Mamoru is safe. Moon Out." She turned to
a wide-eyed Mamoru. "Well I guess my little secret
is out. That is what I was going to tell you. I am
Sailor Moon." She grabbed her broach and held it in
the air. "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!" Her
transformation began with the usual swirl of
ribbons, leaving her nude for a second in front of
her very appreciative boyfriend. When it ended she
was in her classic pose and had a very shocked Mamo-
chan staring at her. "Uhmmm, surprise?" she stared
at him sheepishly and waited for a reaction.
"You are Sailor Moon. You are Sailor Moon.
You are SAILOR MOON!" Mamoru looked ready to pass
out as this information sunk in. Then he got a grin
on his face and reached behind his back. He pulled
out the most perfect red rose that Usagi had ever
seen. "I have a surprise for you too Usako." With
that he transformed into. . .
"Tuxedo Kamen?!" Usagi was beyond stunned.
"To think I was worrying about how to tell Tuxedo
Kamen that I had a boyfriend." Much to Mamoru's
surprise she jumped up and grabbed his neck and
planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you Mamo-chan.
Now let's go and help the senshi." She grabbed his
hand and pulled him back up the stairs and through
the arcade.
The scene that greeted them was one from war
zone. There were giant craters in the street from
the senshi's attacks; streetlights were bent over
from being melted by the youmas fire. The girls
were lined up in front of a row of youmas that
looked very serious. They were metal and each had
several kinds of weapons that they were firing.
Most caught and held a person to drain their energy
as was evidenced by the bodies of the victims
littering the street. Malachite and Zoicite were
hovering above the street watching the battle. They
seemed to be enjoying themselves as they waited for
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen to arrive.
"OH NO! I should have come with them instead
of going with you. All of my friends are hurt."
Usagi began to run towards the girls as they
prepared for another attack.
"No Usako. Wait a second. The Negaverse has
all of the rainbow crystals right?"
"yes they do."
"then why haven't they used it to wipe out the
senshi yet?"
"Maybe they don't know how to use it. Luna
said that the only person she knew of that could
make them work was the Moon princess." 'Which is me'
"We need to get them to think that you can
activate them. Then they will be willing to bring
them here. The only problem with that is that we
must make them think that they have beaten us.
Otherwise they will never bring them to us."
"That's a good idea Mamo-chan. I will tell
Mercury and the others. Wait for Luna to get here
and then tell her to figure out how the crystals are
activated. I need to know this soon. Goodbye my
love." With that she ran into the fray and left him
to watch her.
"Sailor Moon! Finally you're here. We need to
come up with a plan." She hugged her friends as
they chattered at her incessantly.
"Don't worry guys, I have a plan. Mamo-chan
actually came up with it. It's going to hurt but in
the end it will be worth it." She looked around and
made sure that they could talk for a minute and not
be attacked. "We have to make them think that we
are beat and then we will tell them that only the
princess can activate them. Once we have the
crystals we will do a major planet power attack and
destroy all of the youmas. I don't know if we can
get the generals but is worth a try. Mamo-chan is
waiting for Luna to tell her the plan and to get her
to find out just how the crystals are activated. Oh
by the way Mamo-chan is Tuxedo Kamen so there was no
problem on that front. Do we agree on the plan?"
"It will hurt but it should be worth it," said
"I agree. It has a definite potential," said
"I can pretend to be beat as long as I'm really
not. I have bluffed in a fight before," said the
tough Jupiter.
"My computer gives us very good odds if we can
pull it off," said who else? Sailor Mercury.
"Good. Lets begin." Sailor Moon turned
towards the line of advancing youma and pulled off
her tiara. "Moon Tiara MAGIC!" She sent her tiara
flying but purposely aimed to have it only graze one
of the youma. "Start attacking girls. We have to
beat them. We can't let anyone else be hurt." Marveling at Usagi's acting skills the other senshi
began their own wave of attacks, not noticing Luna's
arrival on the scene.
"Luna! Over here," called Tuxedo Kamen.
"Sailor Moon asked me to fill you in on the plan."
Luna walked over to the masked man suspiciously.
"Why did she tell you their plan?"
"Because it was my idea. Unfortunately I have
to watch my love get pulverized."
"Mamoru?!?! Is that you? I knew it I knew it
I knew it I knew it!" Luna began a little victory
"Uhmmm. . . Luna? Are you ok?" Mamoru looked
a little frightened at the normally uptight cat's
"Oh huh? Oh sorry Mamoru. Your being Tuxedo
Kamen only proves a theory that I have about Usagi."
"What theory?"
"That she is THE Moon Princess and that you are
her soul mate, the Prince of Earth."
"Ok. I already knew that I was the prince but
how do you know that she is the Moon Princess?"
"Haven't you seen the changes in her? Noticed
how she always seems to be experiencing déjà vu?
Doesn't even look at the paper when she's doing her
homework? Once I noticed these things it was so
obvious that I was surprised I hadn't noticed it
sooner. I should have remembered at the beginning.
I also think that she already knows. I just don't
know why she didn't tell at least me." Luna sighed
and looked at the confused super hero/prince.
"Are you sure that she's the princess?"
"OH MY GOD! I have to stop the plan. If she
gets the crystals and activates them then the
Negaverse will know whom she is. They will destroy
"Mamoru, calm down. She will be fine. If she
activates the crystal she will have an almost
infinite amount of power to draw on. She will be
able to defeat them." 'I hope'
"Ok I have to stay calm for her. Let's go into
the arcade and you can tell me how she is supposed
to activate the crystal and I will fill you in on
the plan." They walked into the arcade together and
went into the command center.
I am so sorry about the cliffhanger but I haven't
done ANY of my homework and it is closely
approaching my bed time so I need to post this
chapter and do my prelab write up for chemistry.
Thanks again for all of the reviews that people have
written me. I really appreciate it. Please
continue with it. Thanks again. This should be
finished in one more part. I haven't decided
whether or not to do an epilogue yet. You guys will
have to let me know after the next chapter is out.
Lady Catherine