Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 9

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 9
Lady Catherine
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting for a
very long time but what will happen when they begin
to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I am apologizing in advance for any
inane or absurd comments or remarks in this story.
I am exhausted but I felt that I should attempt to
get a chapter out so that I don't have any impatient
readers out there. I know how it feels when someone
doesn't update. Please review.
The scene on the street had not improved. More
craters had been created behind the senshi, who
looked very, very ragged. Unfortunately their plan
had not worked perfectly. They really were being
run down by the constant stream of attacks they were
unleashing. The youma they were facing were very
accurate and managed to hit them several times no
matter how they tried to dodge. Usagi was doing her
best to keep her friends from being hit but she had
a feeling that she could do something more but
didn't quite remember how.
'Oh Mamo-chan, I need you to figure out how to
use the crystal and soon.' She looked back at the
battle and realized how futile it was becoming. Her
mind was screaming for something to come and save
her friends. She began concentrating her power on
calling the crystals. She had realized that the
generals would never risk bringing the crystals to
her. Even they weren't that stupid.
~*The Command Center*~
Mamoru and Luna were searching the databanks
that held all of the information from the past.
Queen Serenity had made sure that it had followed
them to the future. Unfortunately there was nothing
that told them how Usagi was to activate the
crystal. The only mention of it was that in order
to defeat the Negaverse they must have it.
"Luna I have to go and help her. I can feel
her in danger and I can't just sit here and wait for
her to get hurt. I have to go."
"I understand Mamoru. You must go and protect
her. It is an innate compulsion within you and it
will not let you rest. Go; keep the princess safe.
Do whatever you must." Luna watched the prince go,
knowing that he would protect her charge with his
life and knowing that he most likely would have to.
The sight that met Mamoru was worse than he had
imagined. Usagi was standing in front of her
friends, trying to spare them more pain. The other
senshi were now unconscious and lying prone on the
street. Usagi turned as she sensed his presence.
As she did so Zoicite released an ice crystal that
came straight for her.
"USAGI LOOK OUT!" She turned at Mamoru's
warning but it was too late. She was unable to move
out of its way. Mamoru ran as fast as he could.
Seconds before it would hit her he pushed her to the
side. Unfortunately he was not so lucky. The
crystal pierced his back.
"NOOOOOO! MAMO-CHAN!" Usagi picked herself up
off of the ground and ran towards the injured man.
When she reached him she dropped to her knees and
gathered him into her lap. "No, you should have let
it get me. I can't live without you." Sobbing
Usagi held the body of her dying love in her arms
and rocked him back and forth. Above her an image
of Queen Serenity appeared.
"My Daughter, you must listen to me." At the
sound of her mother's voice the princess looked up.
"Mother you must help me. How do I heal
"You must activate the crystal. That is the
only way that you can help him."
"But how do I activate it. I have been trying
for the whole battle and nothing has happened."
"You must be willing to sacrifice everything
and to wish for it with every part of yourself.
There must be nothing else."
"I can do that. Mamoru my love, I will save
you." Usagi began concentrating on her desire to
save her prince. For a few moments nothing
happened. Then a bright light appeared over her
head. The generals stood in awe as they watched the
rainbow crystals that they had collected appear over
the head of Sailor Moon.
As the crystals began to spin faster, Usagi's
fuku was changed into a long silvery-white dress
that flowed to her ankles. A golden crescent moon
appeared on her forehead and glowed brightly. The
colors swirling above began to meld together into a
single form. By this time the other senshi had
begun to wake. They stared at Usagi in awe.
Finally the spinning mass above her coalesced
into a single gleaming, many-faceted crystal.
As if in a trance Usagi reached up and put her
hands around the crystal. Instinctively she lowered
it over Mamoru and began concentrating on using its
power to heal him. At once he began to show signs
of rejuvenation. The color in his cheeks came back
and blood no longer poured from his wound. Slowly
the gash began to close and soon there wasn't even a
hole in his tuxedo. As the crystal finished healing
him his clothes transformed into a gleaming suit of
armor. He rose and lifted Usagi up to his side.
"Serenity my love, you have saved me."
"Oh Endymion I was so afraid I had lost you."
Usagi held onto her prince and after a moment turned
in his arms and directed the crystal's power towards
her senshi. They were instantly healed and were
transformed into their princess forms.
"Come my friends, let us end this here."
I am sorry 1) for the shortness and 2) for the utter
triteness of the dialogue. I am really, really
tired and I am obviously not that good of a writer
when I am so. I hope that you enjoy the chapter
anyways. Thanks for reading and hopefully
Lady Catherine