Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Christmas Wish ❯ The Kiss Of a Lifetime ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes:

Hi, everyone! Sorry for not updating in a very long time, but I had my reasons. Over the last two weeks, I felt extremely discouraged to write anything. Why? I received several e -mails (at least more than 20), by some reader, who considerately went out of their way to send me flame mail. I usually don't mind some, since most people are nice about it, but this person was different. The person had stated in the 20 or so e - mails they sent me, how my writing sucked, and why would I even continue writing. Those were only the first couple of comments. As you can see, I was thinking about not ever continuing writing again, but thanks to some my encouraging friends, I decided to continue. (It's not like I had a choice anyways…hehe… friends… what would you do without them?) Well, that's my reason for not updating in a while. So if your mad, sorry. As for this chapter, I know it's awfully short, but please bare with me here. Well, that's all for now. So, on with the story…

***Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailormoon characters in this story. ***

"A Simple Christmas Wish" - Chapter 3


Being in the Christmas sprit, I was about to answer her question. You know, the one waitresses are suppose to ask their customers, when…

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I felt small hands turning my head to the side, before warm lips slam against my own. My bottomless midnight blue eyes widen extremely large. I, being a medical student knew it was not normal, but then again I'm sure people don't have someone's lips slamming against their own on a everyday basis! Well, unexpected anyways. I decided it was safer to close my eyes, instead of having to face medical problems in the near future. The kiss… was indescribable! Getting lost in the emotion, I felt myself rise from the seat. I slowly pulled her closer to me, as I deepened the kiss. I heard a small gasp from the girl. Whoever the girl was, she sure was shorter than me…

Finally coming out of my thoughts, I do the most rational thing many would have done in my place. What is that, you ask? I had to try and figure out who the person was. No one gets to kiss me, Mamoru Chiba, idiot extraordinaire… umm… that didn't come out right…what I meant was… the heart destroyer known throughout Tokyo, for free! Well… unless it was my Usako, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Ok, here I go again. Getting lost in my thoughts. Let's see who you are girlie.

I some how managed to open my eyes. Weird, huh? I'm here, getting kissed by some girl, who had some how managed to stir emotions inside me, and what do I do instead of enjoying the kiss? C'mon on people! I am a typical male after all. I do need some "enjoyment" right? Well… actually no I don't, since I'm totally and completely head over heels in love with my Usako. Ok, buster. You sure are going to get a piece of mind when I figure out who …you…are…Usako?!

Fellow readers, by this time, I was utterly confused and overjoyed at the same time. Making sure I wasn't seeing things, I double checked the girl's qualities. Blonde hair? Check. Meatballs? Check. Blue eyes? Well, can't see that, seen her eyelids are closed. Finally, dear readers, I can enjoy the kiss…. but that was when she needed to breath, and decided to pull her mouth off of mine! I'm quite positive, someone up in heaven hates me. I stared intently at her face. She had yet to open her eyes. My hands were still around her waist. Slowly, she does. I gazed intently at Usako, making her blush.

"Mamo - chan…" whispered my Usako looking down at her feet to hide her flushed face from me.

Mamo - chan… I could get used to that. It was defiantly an improvement from baka, or cold hearted jerk. She looked so adorable then. I couldn't help but smile at her expression. She always did somehow make my bad mood go away. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest, I felt as if would pop out anytime soon. I waited anxiously to hear what she wanted to say. Finally, she looked up at me again. As she was about to finish her sentence, something happened…

- To be continued…

Author's Notes:

Hi again! So, how was it? Please send an e - mail ( to me or please leave a review. If you're the person who sent me the 20 or more flames, well… f%c#k - you and wish you rot in hell. I apologize about the swearing for the other readers. I had been wanting to say that for a long time. If there was any editing mistakes, please ignore them for now. I wanted to release this soon as possible, that I didn't get time to edit. I'll try to release the next chapters out soon. Once again, I apologize about the swearing to other readers. The person really made me upset and angry, that I couldn't even write for two weeks. Well, I'm sorry about the updating. Thanks for reading! Ja ne!