Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Christmas Wish ❯ Heart Of Ice... New Tears ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes:

Hi there! How's everyone? <Readers throw rotten vegetables at the author>…hehe… Sorry about the wait. I know, I know. I couldn't possibly have a good excuse (that's actually worth hearing) for the delay, right? Well, I don't. Joking! On a serious note though, I barely had time to write or post any chapters last week. Guess why? *Shudder* School's starting tomorrow! ~_~ So, like every other person (well, not everyone), I spent my last week of peace before exams, homework, TEACHERS, etc, having fun. Yay! Aren't you happy for me? <More vegetables get thrown at the author> ...hehe… Well, I managed to get this out sooner than planned. Yes, I planned on letting you wait longer… but since I have something called a conscience (surprising, no?), I decided to release it today. ^_^ Well, I'm done now. So on with the story… Oh, enjoy!!!

***Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailormoon characters in this story. ***

"A Simple Christmas Wish" - Chapter 5

Snow. It was snowing again. Barely noticing the cold or my surroundings, I remained walking towards my solitude… my home…my loneliness. My head hang low. It was not caused by the affect of the weather. No, that was the last thing on my mind. My aching heart felt as if were about to burst. Cry… the word seems so inviting. I will not shed a tear though. I did nothing wrong for me to shed any tears. The barrier around my heart thickened. My eyes turned ice cold. Bitter. That's the only way I felt now. I wonder why Fate can be so cruel at times… The incident, which occurred at the arcade, kept replaying in my head. The kiss… Usako… Anguish…

*** Flashback: ***

After I came from the backroom, I was anxious to speak with my Usako again. Finding out that my bunny had left, I decided to leave the arcade. Might as well, she wasn't even here. I walked towards the counter to pick up my forgotten belongings. My jacket… I happened to misplace it. I glanced around the arcade, trying to detect where I placed it earlier. Finally spotting it near the back, where I was seated earlier, I began walking towards it.

At last I reached the booth. Laughter… They sound familiar somehow. Suddenly realization hits me. The four meddlesome teenage girls, whom happen to take Usako away, were seated next booth. I wonder where Usako is…? It appears that they have yet to discover my appearance. Not wanting to be nosey about their conversation, I turn around to leave. That is, before I heard…

"Can you believe she actually KISSED him?" asked the temper headed Rei, before bursting into laughter.

"On the lips to!" added Mina, joining in on the laughter.

"And to think, she would actually go through with it!" exclaimed Lita, grinning.

"Guys, you're being really rude. How any you dare Usa to kiss her enemy, like that?" asked Amy, as she placed down the textbook she had been reading.

"Oh, c'mon Ames. Don't tell you didn't enjoy watching that!" argued Rei. Mina and Lita nodded in agreement.

"Besides, it was worth it. Now, Mamoru and Usagi would probably be too embarrassed to see one another," continued Rei. "That would mean less arguments between the two."

"And, peace to our hearing." assumed Mina.

"Man. Did you see the look on Mamoru's face though? It was priceless!" said Lita, as the others nodded in agreement.

"Usagi looked as if she wanted to crawl under something and die!" added Rei, drinking on her milkshake.

"Guys, don't be-" Amy stopped abruptly. She turned slightly pale, once her eyes met mine. Noticing Amy's reaction, the others turn around, to see me standing there. Their eyes slightly widen. I hardly take notice. My face held no expression. I quickly picked up my lather jacket, and hastily left the arcade. Ignoring the girls calling me to stay…

*** End Flashback: ***

'She wanted to crawl under something and die…' Those words wounded my tender heart even more, than anything else. My Usako… She didn't kiss me on her own… It was a dare… She doesn't love me… Who would blame her though? What person would love a cold-hearted orphan such as myself? My eyes begin to with up with tears. I take no notice of them as they silently fall down on my cheek, one by one to the snowed ground. Love from my angel… that's my simple Christmas wish, but it appears my wish shall never be granted…

- To be continued…

Author's Notes:

Hi again! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I apologize to anyone I offended, by making the scouts characters a little…mean. I'm thinking of making this the last chapter the story. Hmm… it's not a great ending though, is it? I think I'll continue it. I have ideas for future chapters, but I really want your opinions about this. So, please send an e - mail or please feel a review on what you think I should do. It would really help!

Kiki and Ladypup, I'm sadden to hear that my plot was confusing, and I apologize for that. Please send an e - mail, if you have any questions about the plot. I'll try to clear them up the best I can. If there's anyone else, who has any questions about this fanfic or any other fanfic of mine, please feel free to send me an e - mail ( Well, sorry about the long author's note. Thanks for reading!

Take Care,
