Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

-Capsule Corp.-

Everyone had just returned home from a huge battle. There was going to be a big party. Bulma had said that Vegeta could stay at Capsule Corp. and they were all going to have a big picnic.

"Should we invite Usagi?" Asked Bulma as she began planning it.

"We haven't heard from Usagi in years." Goku said. "Can you find her?"

"I know where she's at." Said Bulma. "She lives in Crystal Tokyo. She's the Queen, remember?"

"Usagi? A Queen?" Goku began to bust up laughing. "Yeah right! Usagi can't even walk and chew gum without falling flat on her face!!" He said. His laughter could be heard throughout Capsule Corp. He felt his footing go and felt himself falling. He hit his head on a lamp and fell to the floor, with a thud. The whole place rattled as he hit the ground.

"Owe!" He cried, rubbing his head where he'd hit it.

"I swear, you and Usagi should have been related." Bulma said, turning back to her planning.

Goku stood up, thinking of his sister Usagi. He had had a dream earlier right after he had returned. A bunch of women in fancy dresses had told him not to say anything about Usagi being his sister. It would be really bad if anyone were to find out about it. He had a feeling something awful would happen if it got out.

"Let's see we'll need 50 coolers" Bulma continued counting and making calculations as to how much food they would have to bring.

Goku turned his attention away from her as he heard a grunt. It was Vegeta. He entered the room, his usual scowl on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest.

"I don't know why you have to plan these stupid things." He said, not looking very interested. "Why would you want to sit around with a bunch of goody-goody's all day?"

Goku and Bulma just ignored him. They were used to the way Vegeta acted.

"Humph" Said Vegeta. "Fine, I can take a hint." He said. He turned around and walked out the way he had come in.

He turned the corner and headed for his room. He walked into the room and laid down on the bed. He had a strange feeling about this 'Queen Usagi' they had been talking about. He hadn't even seen a picture, but the name seemed so familiar.

"I might as well take a nap. I don't have anything better to do." He said. He walked into his room and laid down on the bed, his eyes closing as he lay motionless. Maybe this feeling I've been having lately will go away. He thought as he fell into a troubling dream.

"Who's there?!?!" He demanded searching for an answer. He was standing before a huge building of some sort. There was a balcony high above, he saw the source of the voice high on the balcony. There was a woman standing there in a long dress. She had long hair done up in two odangoes that was blowing in the breeze, but he couldn't make out her face or even the color of her hair.

"Prince Vegeta" The voice said once again. "You have come for me"

"Who are you?" He asked, still trying to make out her face.

"You must find me you must set me free you must or" She said, a tear falling from her eye. He say the tear as it shone on her face, it began to glow a low white light. "Please Prince Vegeta I need your help find me"

"Princess what's your name?" He asked, seeing the silhouette of the thin, frail woman.

"It doesn't matter what my name is you must find me you must set me free once again" He voice faded and when Vegeta opened his eyes, all he saw was white.*>

Vegeta's head flew up off the pillow. "Who was that girl?" He asked himself. "She looked so familiar."

Vegeta got up out of bed and headed for the kitchen. Bulma was in there, still planning the picnic.

"Who is this Usagi girl!" He demanded, his eyes narrowing.

"Huh? Usagi? She's Goku's friend." Bulma said, not looking at him. "They met when he was about 14 years old."

"Where does she live?" He demanded.

"She lives in Crystal Tokyo." She said, as she continued with her planning. "Maybe you could go and invite her to the picnic. No wait, we shouldn't bother her though, she's got a lot on her mind, being Queen and all."

"Queen?" He looked confused. "Queen of what?"

"She rules over Crystal Tokyo and protects us all. Her name is Queen Serenity now." Bulma said. "She was the Moon Princ.."

She was cut off short when she looked over her shoulder and Vegeta was gone. "He has no manners. He didn't even let me finish what I was saying before he left. Humph!"

"Tokyo is a few more minutes away." He said to himself. He looked around and soon a huge rainbow colored, crystal palace appeared before him. "That must be the palace she was talking about."

Vegeta flew in for a closer look and saw a woman dressed in white. She was in the garden with a small child that had pink hair.

"Is that the girl from my dream?" He asked himself, remembering the two odangoes. "Not many grown woman do their hair like that, so it has to be her."

He watched as the little girl ran into the palace, he landed with a soft thud behind the beautiful woman. She spun around to meet his gaze.

"Who are you?!?!" She demanded, her face twisting into a look of anger. "Who sent you?!?!"

He didn't say a word. He just looking into her big blue eyes. They were the bluest eyes he had ever seen. There was something really familiar about this woman.

"I asked you a question!!" She snapped, her eyes narrowing in on him. "Who sent you!!!"

"I heard you woman!!" He shouted, his face twisting in anger. "Don't talk to me like that!!"

"I asked you a simply question! Who sent you?!" She demanded, getting into a fighting stance.
