Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"No one sent me!!" He shouted at her, also getting into a fighting stance. He began to power up, his hair turning a yellowish blond color.

She didn't realize it, but she too, was powering up. It was almost like a natural instinct, when her family or friends were in danger. Her tail lashed behind her and she was surrounded in a white light. Her hair grew in length, about three feet was hanging on the ground. Her hair changed from it's soft blond color, to a bright white.

"I warned you..." She said, her power level rising. "I'll destroy you, if you don't tell me why you just came into this garden!"

"I told you already." He said. "No one sent me, I came here out of my own free will. Bulma sent me to ask you to a picnic she's having."

"Bulma?" Serenity said, remembering at once the woman with green hair. "You know... Bulma?"

"Yeah, I live with her." He said, her face dropped and her hair turned back to its original color.

"I haven't heard from her in years. How's Goku?" She asked. "And Gohan? And Krillin? And.." He cut her off.

"They're all fine, now are you going to go?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What a second... If you know Bulma, what's your name? I'm sure I'd remember someone as arrogant as you seem to be." She said, getting a suspicious look on her face. "Or are you someone from the Nega-Moon trying to trick me with your little game?" He eyes hardened as she tried to sense if he was telling the truth. She couldn't sense anything in this man. He was so cold.

"I'm not from some Nega-Moon or whatever. I'm from a planet named Vegeta." He said, uncrossing his arms he peered down at her. His cold black eyes narrowed on her sending a cold shiver down her back.

"Mommy! Mommy!" A voice cried.

"ChibiUsa!" Serenity cried seeing the pink pig tails bobbing as ChibiUsa ran up to her.

"Who's that man?" ChibiUsa asked, jumping into her mothers arms.

"I don't know, but don't worry darling, everything will be okay." She said, looking down into the child's ruby red eyes. Serenity set down the young Princess who immediately ran and hid behind her mother's legs. "You better not be lying."

"Stupid woman, why would I lie?!?! I have no reason to!!" He cried at her. A sob escaped from ChibiUsa's throat.

"Leave my Mommy alone, you big bully!" ChibiUsa cried, the crescent moon appearing on her forehead. With a burst of power, ChibiUsa ran towards the arrogant man. Her white tail flew out behind her and her body was surrounded in a pink light.

"ChibiUsa NOO!!" Serenity screamed, seeing her daughter head for the man.

The man didn't even move, he waited for the child to get to him and merely stopped her from hitting him. He lifted her off the ground and looked into her eyes.

"You've got quite a high power level for a child." He said, setting her down on the ground. ChibiUsa ran back over to her mother, and threw her arms around her. Serenity knelt down, scooping the small child up into her arms once again.

"What's going on out here?!?!" A voice cried.

"Darien!!" Serenity screamed, seeing her husband appear out of nowhere. She looked back to see that the man had disappeared. He was there one second and gone the next. "Who was that man?" She asked herself out loud.

"What man?" Darien demanded, his eyes narrowing on her.

"No one, I must have imagined someone was here." She said quietly. She knew better than to mention another man around him. He got really mad when she even mentioned another mans name. She asked herself.

"Come on dear." He said, guiding her back into the palace, ChibiUsa still lay in her arms, almost asleep. He went to ChibiUsa's room with Serenity. He kissed ChibiUsa lightly on her forehead after Serenity laid her in her bed. Darien left the room while she staying, watching her child sleep. She thought to herself.

As she stepped out of the room, Darien was waiting for her. She walked out and he took her hand, leading her to their chambers. They entered into the room and Darien turned and looked at her face. Her eyes drooped to the floor and her hands were at her sides. He drew back his hand and slapped her across the face. She fell to the floor, her face stung from where his hand had struck her.

"You little tramp!" He growled, picking her up. He held her tightly by the shoulders. "Who is he?!?!" He demanded, his face twisting into a look of rage. "Who is he?!?!" He demanded, shaking her.

"Let go of me!!" She cried.

"Who is he?!?!" He again demanded. "Is it that Goku guy?" He demanded, shaking her again.

"You're hurting me!!!" She cried, his fingers pinched into the soft skin of her shoulders, causing her to wince in pain.

"Tell me who he is!?!?!" He demanded, throwing her to the floor. He slapped her again, trying to get her to talk.

"Stop it!!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. "There's no one!!"

"I know there is, now you better tell me who or I'll" He raised his hand to slap her once more, but he stopped and realized what he had done. He looked down at his battered wife and without a word, left the room.

Serenity stood up, tears streaming down her face. It was the middle of the afternoon, but she was making plans to leave. She stayed away from Darien for the rest of the day, but when night fell, she went into ChibiUsa's room.

"What happened Mommy?" She asked, looking at her mothers once beautiful face.

"Nothing, darling, I... I fell down the stairs and hit my face on a table at the bottom." She lied, not wanting to tell her daughter the awful truth. She thought.

"Do you want to play dolls?" ChibiUsa asked, her face lighting up.

"Sure, but only for a little while. It's getting close to your bed time." Serenity said, smiling at her little ChibiUsa.

Darien opened the door to ChibiUsa's room to find his wife laying asleep next to his daughter. He didn't regret what he had done. He had to keep her in line. He couldn't lose her now, he'd worked so hard to make sure he ended up with her. He walked out of the room, closing the door silently.

Serenity peeked open one eye and say that he was gone. She packed a bag of clothes and a few toys for ChibiUsa and put the bag on her back. She picked up a sleeping Luna and Artemis and placed them on top in the bag, careful to leave the top open a little to allow air to enter. She picked up ChibiUsa's sleeping form and held her close to her, careful not to awaken her. She threw a dark cape over her, her daughter, and the bag. She was careful to cover her face. She crept to the window and opened it silently and just as silently she stepped out and closed the window.

Serenity thought. She crept towards the stone wall that surrounded the castle and with one easy jump, went sailing over the top. She stayed hidden in the shadows that aligned the streets so no one would recognize her. No one knew she was gone. When she got outside of city limits, she flew into the air, heading for Capsule Corp.

-Capsule Corp.-

"What happened?" Bulma demanded as soon as Vegeta entered Capsule Corp. He didn't say a word.

"Humph." Was all he said.

"Is she coming?!?" Bulma demanded.

"I dunno Woman!" He shouted. "She didn't know who I was okay?!?!" Bulma growled at Vegeta.

"You're such a total jerk!" Bulma yelled. "You probably scared her!! Why can't you just be nice to someone for once!!"

"Shuttup Woman!!!" He shouted back. This went on for several minutes later until Goku intervened.

"Hey, calm down. If she comes, she comes. If she doesn't, she doesn't." Goku said *sweat drop*.

The two of them just gave up. It wasn't worth the trouble. It was starting to get late.

"What took you so long anyway?!?!" Bulma demanded, looking sternly at Vegeta.

"You're not my mother, but if you must know, I was out training!" He spat out. They were staring at each other with daggers in their eyes. ChiChi, Gohan, and Goku just sighed a sweat drop appeared on each persons head. There was a knock at the door and ChiChi got up to answer it.
