Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Goku asked, looking serious for once. His eyes were full of concern.

"Yeah, I have to do this. I have to get my friends to help me. I know they'll believe what happened even if no one else does." Serenity said.

"The ship's almost ready to take off." Bulma said, peeking her head in the door. "You all better get out here."

"ChibiUsa!" Serenity called. She saw the Luna ball coming around the corner and in a minute, the pink head popped out from around the corner as well. She had the bag on her back and was holding two cats in her arms.

"I'm coming Mommy." The little girl said, walking up to her mother. She set the two cats down and Serenity picked her up.

"Let's go, women!" Vegeta shouted from outside.

"How did he get outside so fast?!?!" Serenity asked, a confused look on her face. "Oh well, let's go you guys."

"Serenity" Goku started. "You're my oh, never mind, be careful." Goku said, giving Serenity a hug. She hugged him back and walked out the door, cradling ChibiUsa in her arms. The two cats followed as the ascended the stairs into the ship.

"Good bye." Bulma said, as they disappeared into the ship. Vegeta was already aboard when they got on.

"You might want to buckle up." Vegeta said, not turning to look at her. Serenity buckled ChibiUsa in and placed Artemis on her lap. She walked over to another seat and buckled her own, placing Luna on her lap. Vegeta pushed a button and the ship began to shake.

"Is it supposed to do this?!?!?" Serenity demanded as she felt fear clutch her chest.

"Shuttup woman!!" He shouted back, trying to concentrate on the takeoff. "I'm trying to concentrate!!"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! We're gonna die!!" Serenity was screaming.

"Calm down Mommy!" ChibiUsa yelled seeing the horrified expression on her mother's face. "We're gonna be just fine!"

They flew out of Earth's atmosphere into the cold recesses of space.

-In the Palace-

"Where is she?!?!?!" Darien demanded, sending one of the Royal Body Guards of the Queen into the wall. "I want her found NOW!!!!"

"We've searched every house in Tokyo and those people that you told us to go check out. There was no one there, in either of those places." The Guard said, his voice trembling. "There's nothing we can do."

"Fine, I'll do it myself." He said, storming off out of the palace. "She'll probably try to get to her friends, the once called 'Sailor Scouts'. I have to get to them before she does." He said, a small, black crescent moon appearing on his forehead. He walked out and headed for the airport, blowing a few things up along the way. "She won't ever leave me again!!" He shouted, anger twisting his face. "I'll make sure she doesn't!!"

-On the Space Ship-

"How long until we get there?" Serenity whined. "I'm bored."

"A another day or two until we reach Venus." He stated. He walked over to the gravity machine and flipped on a switch.

"What are you doing?!?!" Serenity demanded, feeling herself being pulled down. "What is this?!?!"

"It's a gravity machine. I might as well train while we're up here." He stated plainly. "I don't have anything better to do."

"Well, what are me and my daughter supposed to do?!?!" Serenity demanded, not having too much trouble walking towards him. He looked at her and a weird expression crossed his face. He thought, looking at Serenity.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!?!" Serenity demanded, seeing his eyes on her.

"Go away woman!" He shouted, snapping back to reality. "Go down below and make sure that little brat hasn't gotten into anything!"

"You can't order me around!!" Serenity yelled, standing right in front of him.

"I can order anyone I want around!! Now GO!!!" He yelled, standing up straight in front of her.

"No! I'm the Queen, I'll do what I wish!!" She yelled, not intimidated at all. "There's nothing you can do to stop me!!"

"Oh yeah?!?!" Vegeta said, a ball of energy beginning to form in the palm of his hand. "How bout you and me see who has to listen to who?"

"Fine!" Serenity shouted, pulling a locket out of her pocket. "Cosmic Moon Crystal Power Makeup!" She shouted, holding the locket above her head. Ribbons swirled around her, forming her white outfit that had the rainbows on the front. White wings formed on her shoulders and a long white cape formed behind her. The locket appeared on her chest and wings formed out of it reaching out to her shoulders. White high heels appeared with wings on the back of them, and crescent moon appeared on her forehead. Long white ribbons hung from the front and a staff appeared in her hand. Everything was white except for a colorful design on the front of her skirt and the crescent moons were a golden color. "I am Sailor Cosmos!"
