Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"Hmm..." Vegeta said, seeing this beautiful woman standing in front of him half dressed. "Not bad, you're not strong enough to defeat me though."

"We'll see." Said Sailor Cosmos. "I'm the strongest of the Sailor Senshi, you will not be able to defeat me."

Vegeta lunged at her trying to scare her. She easily dodged him, not seeming one bit intimidated.

"You don't scare me Vegeta!!" She yelled as he came towards her again.

"You better get scared little girl, because I can destroy you in an instant!" He yelled, his smirk spread across his whole face.

"I doubt it." Serenity said, looking slightly bored. "You're ego could destroy me, but that's about it." She heard a growl come from Vegeta and turned to face him. His eyes were narrowed on her and he was standing ready to strike.

"We'll see how strong you are Sailor Cosmos or whatever!" He yelled, lunging at her, knocking her to the ground. She pushed him off of her and sent him flying into the wall. He hit the wall and slowly slumped to the floor.

"I told you not to mess with me." Sailor Cosmos said, shrugging her shoulders. She turned and walked towards the stairs, detransforming as she walked. "I'm going to get something to eat."

Vegeta thought, looking at the hole in the armor he had been wearing. He followed her downstairs and walked into the kitchen. He saw the girl with pink hair sitting at the table and Serenity was at the stove cooking.

"Huh?" Serenity said, turning to the door after hearing a noise. "What do you want?!" She demanded, her eyes narrowed on Vegeta. He didn't say anything. He just stood there, staring at her.

"He's doing it again Mommy." ChibiUsa complained. "He's staring at you again."

"Shuttup little brat!" Vegeta barked at the child. "This doesn't concern you!"

"If you talk to my daughter like that one more time..." Serenity started. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna...Oh my god..." Her voice trailed off when she sensed a strange presence nearby.

"You'll what?!?!?" Vegeta demanded, but stopped when he saw the look on her face. "What?!?!? What is you problem?!?!?!" He demanded. Her eyes began to fill with tears and her lower jaw began to quiver.

"It... it can't be!!" She cried as she ran up the stairs. She ran to the computer and hit a few buttons. An image of a space ship appeared on the screen. "He... he followed me!!!!"

"What?!?!" Vegeta demanded.

"Mamoru... he... he's trying to get to my friend's before I do!!!" Serenity yelled. "I can't let him try to brain wash them!!! I can't let it happen!!!" Serenity began to type something into the computer to increase the speed. "Hold on!" She cried, when she noticed Vegeta and ChibiUsa standing behind her. She hit a button and the three of them fell to the ground.

"What'd you do?!?!?!" Vegeta demanded, trying to stand up.

"I increased the speed!" Serenity yelled. "I have to get to my friend's before he does!"

"Mommy!!" ChibiUsa cried, her small body laying on the ground. "I can't move!!!"

"Oh ChibiUsa!" She cried, struggling to stand up to help her child. She walked over to ChibiUsa and tried to pick her up. ChibiUsa was much too heavy for her to lift.

"The gravity machine!!" Vegeta yelled. "Turn it off!! So there would be no gravity at normal speed!!"

"Okay!" Serenity yelled, struggling to walk. She slowly lifted her foot, both arms pinned at her sides, and put it down in front of her.

"Mommy!! Hurry!!" ChibiUsa yelled. Serenity looked at her daughter, picturing her daughter's small body being crushed under the immense weight and pressure.

"Hold on ChibiUsa!!" She cried, picking up the pace. Vegeta couldn't move a muscle and neither could ChibiUsa.

"Hurry up woman!!" Vegeta shouted, trying, unsuccessfully, to stand.

"I'm trying!!" Serenity yelled, a determined look on her face. She finally reached the machine and was able to pick up her hand to the height of the machine. Her hand fell on the machine making the ship shake. She picked up her hand and pushed a few buttons. She turned the gravity completely off and fell to the floor, unconscious. Vegeta and ChibiUsa felt the pressure released and slowly stood.

"Mommy?!?!" ChibiUsa cried, seeing her mother's form laying limp on the floor. Tears formed in ChibiUsa's eyes when she immediately thought the worst. "No!!" She cried running to her mother's side. Vegeta followed the child and picked up Serenity's hand, feeling her wrist for a heart beat.

"She's fine kid." He said. "I think she's just tired." ChibiUsa let out a sigh of relief and looked up at Vegeta.

"I'm kind of tired too." ChibiUsa said, a yawn escaping. "Can you come and tuck me in?" The child asked, her big ruby red eyes looking up into his coal black ones. "Please?"

"Okay, why not." He said, picking up Serenity and the child. He put the little girl on his shoulder and told her to hold on to him. He picked up Serenity's sleeping form and held her like a baby, carrying to two of them downstairs. He walked into the room and carefully laid Serenity on the bed and took ChibiUsa off his shoulder. He pulled back the blankets. ChibiUsa laid down next to her mother and Vegeta pulled the blankets up around ChibiUsa's neck. He turned to leave the room, but the sweet voice followed him.

"Mr. Vegeta?" ChibiUsa said.

"Yes?" He asked, turning back to the child. Why am I being so nice to this girl? He asked himself, as he looked into the child's red eyes.

"Can you tell me a bed time story?" She asked, a look of trust in her eyes. "One about a Princess and a brave Knight."

"Okay." He said, sitting down on a chair next to her bed. "Once there was a beautiful Princess that was destined to marry a Prince. She didn't really love him, but she pretended to because she knew that one day they would be married."

"Was the Princess pretty?" ChibiUsa asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Of course, she was the most beautiful person anyone had ever seen." Vegeta said, starting to get into the story. "She met a man and fell in love with him. They ran away together to get married, but the Prince she was supposed to marry followed her and stole her away."

"Did she marry the man she loved?" ChibiUsa was sitting up really getting into the story. "Did they live happily ever after?"

"No." He said dryly. "The Prince took her and married her. She couldn't escape her destiny."

"What?!?! That's not a very good story. She's supposed to marry the man she loved. All the storied my Mommy told me have happy ending." ChibiUsa said.

"This isn't some fairy tale." He said, standing. He walked out of the room and left ChibiUsa to sleep. ChibiUsa laid her head on the pillow and fell into a deep sleep. Vegeta watched from the door as he saw the child's eyes close, then he walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out his hand and brushed the hair off her forehead. He looked at the child as she slept peacefully. Then, leaning over, he kissed the little girl on the forehead. "Don't worry kid." He said, more to himself. "The fairy tale will have a happy ending some day." He looked over at Serenity and saw her smiling at him. She was awake and looking deep into his eyes. "I" He started, but Serenity put her finger to her lips to hush him. She stood up and walked out of the room with Vegeta.

"Thank you." Serenity said as she closed the door behind her. "For watching her while I was unconscious."

"Humph." Was Vegeta's reply, he wasn't real good when it came to people were nice to him.

"It really meant a lot." She said, taking his hand in hers. His hands were big and rough.

"Your welcome." He said, pulling his hand away. He turned around and walked up the stairs to the top and turned the gravity machine back on. He turned away from the machine and began his workout.
