Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 8

Chapter 8


"I'll find her!" He yelled, searching the area surrounding him. He spotted a ship, but as he neared it, it took off and disappeared from his screen. "What?!?! That was her!!!" He yelled, a black crescent moon appeared on his forehead, glowing with a purplish tint. He set the course to follow the ship, but it lost the ship on his scanner so he could only guess where she was heading. "It looks to me like she's heading for the planet Venus."

He set the course for the planet Venus and hit a button to speed up the ship. "I'll beat her there with time to spare." He said arrogantly.

-Usagi and Vegeta-

"Are we almost there?" Serenity asked, walking up the stairs a few minutes later.

"About another hour." Vegeta said, punching the air. Serenity sighed and plopped down into the pilots chair. The extra gravity didn't bother her a bit. She was starting to get used to it, even though she had never trained like him before.

"We have to beat Mamoru you know." Serenity said, more to herself than to Vegeta. "If we don't, he'll turn them against me. He'll brainwash them, I have a terrible feeling about him." Vegeta didn't say anything, he concentrated on training. He was listening, but he didn't say anything.


Mamoru's ship entered the atmosphere of the planet Venus, crashing into the soft ground.

"Finally." He said, stepping out of the ship. He walked out of the crater and towards the Queen of Venus's palace. He glanced in a puddle and saw the black crescent moon on his forehead. "Shoot, I need a disguise. They can't know that I'm with the Black Moon Family. They'll try to fight me for sure if they knew." He touched the moon on his forehead and after a minute, it disappeared off of his forehead. "Now to convince Minako to be my loyal servant."

-Minako's Palace-

"Is it almost ready?" Queen Minako asked the maid that was hanging a banner across the doorway. "It's Serenity's birthday, everyone's going to be here in a few hours."

"Of course your Majesty." The maid said. "Everything will be ready when the guests start to arrive.

"Very good." Queen Minako said. She was wearing a long elegant orange and yellow dress. The symbol of Venus was on her forehead and her long blond hair hung almost touching the ground. She looked down at her list of things to do.

Party Supplies- Check

Cake- Check

Invitations- Check

Decorations- Check

Bringing Serenity- _______

"I still haven't been able to get a hold of Serenity though." She said, looking down at her list. "Where is she anyway?"

"She's on her way." A voice behind her broke into her thoughts.

"Huh?" Queen Minako said, whirling around to meet the eyes of Serenity's husband Mamoru. "Mamoru? How did you get here?"

"I took my ship." He said, no emotion on his face. "Serenity's on her way right now."

"Shoot! We have to hurry then!!" Queen Minako cried, dropping her clip board. "Contact the Queen's of all the planets here! Tell them to come now! That Serenity is on her way!!" She shouted, running though the palace searching for her communicator they had gotten so long ago. She ran into her and her husband's room and pulled a box out from under the bed. She blew the dust off the top and lifted the lid off. She ran her fingers over a few pictures of her and her friend's. She lifted out the frames and found her transformation pen. She ran her fingers over the familiar object that hadn't been used for so long. She looked underneath that and found her communicator. She picked it up and hit a button. Ami's face appeared on the communicator after a few minutes.

"Hello?" Ami said, looking worried when she saw Minako's face. "What's wrong? We haven't used these since Serenity became the Queen."

"Nothing's wrong, I wanted to tell all of you to get here as soon as you can because Serenity is on her way." Minako said, tossing her long blond hair back over her shoulder.

"Oh, we'd better get going then." Ami said. "Everyone stopped her because it was close to Venus. We'll be there as soon as we can."

"Okay. I'll see you all later then." Minako said, turning the communicator off.

"So, they're on they're way?" Mamoru asked, coming up behind her. Minako jumped, dropping her transformation pen on the floor. She was about to pick it up, but Mamoru broke in. "Let me get that for you." He said, bending down to pick it up. A evil look crossed his face when he bent over. Dark energy filled him, he touched the pen. I endow this pen with negative energy. You will be my loyal servant. The symbol of the Black Moon Family appeared on the transformation pen. "Here you go." He said, handing her the pen. She took the pen and immediately keeled over, holding her stomach.

"Wh... what did you do to me?" She demanded, holding her aching stomach.

"Stupid woman!!" He shouted laughing, the black crescent moon appeared on his forehead. "You fell right into my trap!!"

"Your.. your trap?!?!" She asked, looking confused. "How could you?" She demanded, a black cloud covered her body, filling her with negative energy. She cried out in pain as the searing pain ripped through her body. No one heard her screams of pain, and even if they did, there was nothing they could do. The evil energy descended around the palace, changing everyone into zombies that were loyal only to Mamoru.

-Serenity and Vegeta-

"How much longer?" Serenity asked, staring out the window.

"It hasn't even been a half an hour yet!" Vegeta practically yelled. "So stop asking me!"

"You don't have to yell you know!!" Serenity yelled back, standing up. "I can hear you just fine!!" Vegeta began to walk menacingly towards Serenity, who wasn't afraid of him.

"You're really asking for it aren't you?" He asked, walking towards her. She stood up and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You don't scare me." Serenity said, her eyes locked on his. "You're not that big, and you're not as bad as you try to make yourself look. I saw that a little while ago when you told my daughter a bed time story." Vegeta's eyes narrowed on her and she narrowed hers right back.
