Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Nobody asked you!" Vegeta spat out, turning and heading downstairs.

Serenity turned back to the window and watched for the planet Venus.


"So, you're all here." Queen Minako said, going into the main room where her friends were waiting. "It's so good to see you all." Minako said, giving each a hug.

"It's so good to see you Minako." Ami said, giving her friend a hug. "It's been a long time."

"Yes it has. It's been too long." Minako said, she gripped her transformation pen in her hand. "I was going through a shoe box under my bed and I found this." She said, showing it to her friends. Just then, Mamoru stepped out from behind Minako.

"Mamoru?!?!" Rei called out, seeing her first love. "What are you doing here?!?! Where's Serenity?!?!"

"I thought you could tell me." He said, no expression on his face. "Tell me where she is." He demanded. All of the Queen's swayed on their feet except for Queen Minako.

"Wh... what's happening?!?!" Queen Makoto said, swaying on her heels. "I feel so strange." All of them fell to the ground, weak and tired.

"What are you doing?!?!" Rei demanded, trying to stand. "I feel a strange force coming from him." That's when she saw it. The black crescent moon on his forehead. "No... it can't... be the Black Moon Family they're... they're back!" She choked out before falling to the ground unconscious.


"We're here!" Serenity yelled, seeing the planet looming in front of her. It had been a half an hour since she had last asked, and Vegeta was still down below. "Vegeta?!?! We're here!!" She shouted, going down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen, but he wasn't there. The bathroom door was open so she walked into the bedroom. She looked at the bed and saw ChibiUsa laying down asleep with Vegeta laying down on a small cot next to the bed. "Aww, that's so cute." She said quietly, not wanting to wake them yet. "I think I can handle this." Serenity ran back upstairs and flew the ship towards the planet. It entered the atmosphere, and crashed into the planet, a crater forming around the ship. She stepped off the ship and took a look around her. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Finally." She said to herself. "I haven't seen my friend Queen Minako for years."

"So." A voice behind her said. "Are we going to just stand here?" He said, leaning back against the ship.

"I have to go get ChibiUsa." Serenity said. She turned and walked back into the ship. She walked down the stairs to ChibiUsa's side. She picked her up and carried her off, still asleep.

"Come here." Vegeta said.

"What?" She asked.

"Come here." Vegeta repeated. She did what he said and he scooped her up, with ChibiUsa in her arms, and flew off towards Queen Minako's palace.

-Queen Minako's Palace-

"She's on her way Master Mamoru." Queen Minako said, kneeling before Mamoru who sat in her throne.

"Very good." He said, taking a sip from the wine glass in his hand. "Inform me when she arrives."

"As you wish, Master Mamoru." Queen Minako said, standing up and walking out of the throne room.

"Very soon, she will be mine forever." Mamoru said, the black crescent moon once again appearing on his forehead. "Don't worry my brothers, we'll have our revenge very soon." He said, taking a picture from his pocket. It was a picture of him, Prince Diamond, his older brother, and Sapphire, his younger brother. "She will pay for what she did to you."


"We're almost there!" Serenity yelled as they flew near the palace. Serenity thought as the neared the palace.

"How much further?" He asked, ChibiUsa had just woke up and was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Where are we?" ChibiUsa asked, looking up at Vegeta and her mother.

"We're on the planet Venus, we're going to be at the palace in a few minutes." Serenity said, looking down at the small child in her arms.

"We're going to see Minako?" ChibiUsa asked, hope in her eyes. "I haven't seen her in a long time."

"Yes, we're going to see Queen Minako." Serenity said, smiling. "I know what you mean, I haven't seen her in a long time either, and she's one of my best friends."

"Who is this Queen Minako?" Vegeta asked, his eyes ahead of him.

"She's one of my best friends. She used to be known as Sailor Venus, the future Queen of the planet Venus." Serenity started. "Just like I was the Moon Princess and Sailor Moon. Anyway, after I sent the Nega-Moon to the end of the universe, we all took our thrones."

"What do you mean 'we'?" He asked.

"All the rest of the Princess's, they were my court. Each one of the Sailor Scouts were the Princess of their respected planets. Over one thousand years ago..." Serenity told the story of how she became the Queen and by the time she was done telling the tale, they were standing in front of the palace. Vegeta landed in front of the palace and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Serenity yelled. "Something's not right... something's wrong... where's Minako?... she would have been out here by now... she knows when I'm here..."

"You're right Mommy." ChibiUsa said, looking worried. "Something doesn't feel right."

"We'll just have to watch out." Vegeta said, taking Serenity's arm. "Let's go!"

"Take your hands off of me!" Serenity cried, pulling her arm away from Vegeta. "I'm coming!" Serenity took ChibiUsa's hand and headed for the door to the palace.

-In the Palace-

"Serenity is at the front gate along with a little girl and a man." Queen Minako said, once again kneeling before Mamoru.

"Good." Mamoru said. "Once they walk through that door, I'll have my revenge on Serenity for what she did to my brothers. Greet them with hospitality, and then we'll strike."

"Yes Master." Queen Minako said, turning and walking towards the front door.


"Hello?" Serenity called, her voice echoing through the empty entrance way. "Minako? Are you home?"

"Minako?" ChibiUsa called, cupping her hands around her mouth. Vegeta stood by the door, trying to sense anything unusual.
