Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"You have to go to the planet Namic and wish back Serenity." Vegeta said, a touch of
sadness in his voice. Goku didn't notice it though, nor did Gohan.

"What?!?!" Goku burst out. "What happened to her?!?!? Is she really gone?!?!"

"Stop asking stupid questions!! Get to the planet Namic now!!" Vegeta ordered.

"You got it, my sis'll be back in no time." Goku said, grabbing Gohan's hand. "Come on
Gohan, we're going to the planet Namic."

"All right!! I get to come!!" Gohan said, following his father out the door.

"And where do you think you two are off two?" ChiChi asked, blocking the door. Her
arms were crossed and she held a large spoon in one hand. Her eyes were narrowed on
the two men trying to sneak past her.

"We have to go save Serenity." Goku said. "She's in trouble."

"You go off and save her." ChiChi said, letting Goku by. Gohan tried to slip past her as
well. "And where do you think you're going?!?!" ChiChi asked, stopping her son in his

"Aw mom..." He whined. "Why can't I go?"

"You need to stay here and study so you can get into a good school." ChiChi said.

"But mom..." Gohan started.

"No buts!!" ChiChi barked at Gohan. "You're staying here and that's final!"

"ChiChi..." Goku started. "Dear, we're going to need his help though."

"I'm not an animal Goku and don't you go talking back to me!!" She turned towards her
husband, smacking him with the spoon in her hand.

"Owe. That hurt." Goku whined, holding his sore hand.

<Gohan.> Goku said in his head so Gohan could hear. <Go into your room and I'll come
around back and open the window.>

<Okay dad.> Gohan answered.

"I have to go, I'll see you later." Goku said, winking at his son, who got the signal and
headed for his room.

"Now you don't get hurt this time Goku." ChiChi said, giving her husband a kiss.

"I'll be fine honey, see ya later. Nimbus!!!" He yelled. A yellow cloud came around the
corner and he jumped on. "Let's go!!" Goku yelled as the cloud took off.

Gohan walked into his bedroom and changed his clothes. He put on a pair of loose purple
pants and a matching loose purple shirt. He tied a red belt around his waist and fixed the
fluffy, white collar of his shirt. He heard a knock on the window and walked over to it,
opening it up.

"Come on Gohan, before your mother comes in here." Goku said, grabbing Gohan's
hands. He pulled him out of the window and the two of them flew to Bulma's on Nimbus.

"Goku?" Bulma said, when she saw someone fly past. She was outside, washing a space

"Bulma!" Goku cried, jumping off of Nimbus, he and Gohan landed softly next to her.
"We need to get to the planet Namic as soon as possible. We have to use the DragonBalls
to wish back Serena."

"What?!?! Serena's gone?!?!" Bulma said, a shocked look crossed her face.

"Yeah, that bastard Darien did it." Goku said, his eyes crossed in anger. "He'll pay for
ever laying a hand on my sister!!" He said, a low growl escaped the back of his throat.

"This one is almost ready. Go inside and call the rest of the Warriors." Bulma said. "If he
was strong enough to do that to Serenity, then I think you're going to need all the help
you can get."

"You're right." He said, walking into the huge building. He walked to the phone and
called Krillin and Yamcha. They were on their way. Goku walked outside and waited for
them to arrive. "Where's Piccolo? We're going to need his help too."

"Did someone say they needed my help?" A voice said.

"Piccolo!" Goku cried out in surprise.

"Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan cried, seeing his friend. "Are you going to help us too?" Gohan
asked, his eyes wide with hope.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Piccolo asked.

"We're going to the planet Namic to wish back Serenity. Darien sent her into the next
dimension." Goku said. "We'd better hurry before ChiChi finds out Gohan's with us."

"Why would it be dangerous?" Piccolo asked.

"Well, Darien is going to try and kill her again and he'll try to do the same to anyone who
protects her." Goku said, actually serious for once.

"We're here!" A voice said from above. Everyone looked up to see Krillin and Yamcha
floating above them.

"Just in time guys, the ship's almost ready." Bulma said, working on the last touches. "I'm
coming this time though." She said, it was more of an order than a question.

"It's too dangerous for you to go, Bulma." Yamcha said.

"I'm coming and that's final!" She yelled, her face turning red and her eyes narrowed on

"Okay you can come." Yamcha said, throwing his hands back, a fearful look on his face.

"You're not going to leave me out again." Bulma said, finishing up the ship. "All right,
it's fixed, let's go."

Everyone climbed on the ship, including Yageroby and Master Roshi. They buckled in
and Bulma took the controls. She hit the button to start the ship and it began to hum
quietly. She hit the blast off button and away they went. Gripping the seats, everyone
closed their eyes and held their breath until they were out in open space.

"We... we made it..." Goku said, letting out the air he had been holding in since he
walked into the ship.

"How long until we get to Namic?" Gohan asked.

"It'll take about six days, then it will take a few weeks to find all of the DragonBalls."
Bulma said.

"If we all go in search of them separately, we may be able to find them all in a few days."
Gohan said, using paper to do a few calculations.

"You know what, you're right Gohan. But how will we know where they are?" Bulma
asked, pulling out a strange looking devise. "I only have one Dragon Radar. How will we
know which village has one and which one doesn't?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll think of something." Gohan said, working on a few
