Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 23

Chapter 23


"I've brought a new minion to you, Wiseman." Wicked Lady said, bringing and unconscious Vegeta floating along behind her. "I can feel evil in him. He'll be great to send against those silly Sailor Scouts."

"Hmm... I can feel it... he'll do nicely." Wiseman said. Vegeta's eyes fluttered open only to see the girl with pink hair and a man he had never seen before.

"Who the hell are you?!?!" Vegeta demanded, trying to break free of Wicked Lady's powerful grasp on him. "Let me go!!"

"He's quite powerful." Wiseman said. "He might take a little more energy to change... but then again... he was once evil. It'll be a lot easier to change him than it would be to change someone who was never evil."

"Me?!? Join you?!?! You've got to be joking." Vegeta said with his normal smirk on his face. With that comment, he felt a searing pain rip through his body.

"You will join us," Wiseman said, moving his hands over the crystal ball. "You don't have a choice."

"I'll never do that!!" Vegeta yelled, trying to withstand the pain he was feeling.

"Usagi, your Queen, is with Mamoru," Wiseman began, a vision appeared before Vegeta's eyes causing him to forget the pain. "She left you for him. She's loved him since the Moon Kingdom when you two met."

"That can't be true." Vegeta murmured to himself.

"After you and her mother died on the Moon Kingdom, she told Mamoru that she loved him," Wiseman lied. "She's never had feelings for you. It's always been Mamoru."

"That's a lie!!!" Vegeta yelled, his hair turning blond and his eyes turning green. "She loves me!!"

"That's a lie, she's never had any feelings for you, never." Wiseman said. Vegeta cried out as he saw visions of Usagi with Mamoru. Long walks in the park with her, movies, the theater, he saw visions of Usagi on dates with Mamoru.

"It can't be true... but... it must be true... that's why she... she married Mamoru..." Vegeta said, believing every word Wiseman said to him. He began to change. A cape appeared on new Saiyan armor and an amulet appeared around his neck that had once been his father's. A sword appeared on his back and a black crescent moon appeared on his forehead.

"That's it." Wiseman said. "Go now and get your revenge on Usagi."

"She's going to pay!!" Vegeta yelled, his spiky blond hair growing in length. "I'll get her!!"

-Sailor Cosmos-

"I can't give up!" Sailor Cosmos cried, standing up. "I won't let them take Vegeta and my daughter! They won't get away with this!!" Sailor Cosmos stood up and ran further into the palace. "They're going to pay!!"

Sailor Cosmos became more angry with each passing moment. She ran deeper and deeper into the castle, ready to destroy Mamoru for all of the evil that he had sent out into the world. For stealing her daughter, then stealing her Vegeta. For turning her friend against her. For spreading his evil throughout the planet Earth.

"You're going to pay Mamoru!!" She screamed, her Sailor Cosmos outfit disappeared, replaced by white Saiyan armor. Her long blond hair turned white, and the crescent moon began to glow fiercely. White elbow length gloves and knee high boots appeared on her feet. The sword her Saiyan mother had given her appeared on her back and her crystal blue eyes turned deep green.

-The Sailor Scouts and Z Warriors-

"Look out!!" Krillin cried, pushing aside Jupiter before Rubeus sent a blast of energy at her. Krillin lay on the ground unconscious after the blast hit him. Rubeus came over, pouring dark energy into his body until he was lifted into the air. He disappeared through a portal just as the others had. The only people left were Goku, Jupiter, Gohan, and Mars.

"Krillin!" Goku cried, seeing his best friend disappear in front of his eyes. "You're going to pay for that!!" Goku screamed, charging at Rubeus. Rubeus was unable to dodge Goku's fist and was sent flying into the ground.

"That was a bad move." Rubeus said, standing up. He wiped blood from his mouth and sent a blast of energy straight at Goku who easily dodged it.

"Supreme Thunder Crash!!" Jupiter yelled, sending lightening straight at Sapphire (who had been attacking the scouts). He put up a shield of dark energy, sending it back at Jupiter. "Ahh!!" Jupiter screamed, not having enough time to move, her attack hit her. She fell to the ground, landing in a puddle of her own blood.

"Looks like Jupiter is done." Sapphire said, also opening a portal. He lifted her off the ground and threw her into the portal, just like the others.

"Jupiter!!" Mars cried, seeing her friend disappear through the portal. "Let her go!!" She cried, through her tears.

"She belongs to us now." Sapphire said, calmly walking towards Mars.

"I won't let you get me too!!" Mars yelled. "Mars Sniper Arrow!!" Mars pulled out a bow and a flame arrow and shot it at Sapphire.

"You think that little toy can beat me?!?!" He asked, laughing hard. He sent a blast of dark energy, swallowing up the arrow.

"What?!?! No way!!" Mars cried when she saw the blast heading straight for her. "Ahh!!" She screamed as the energy ripped through her body, making her fall to the ground. "I won't... give up!" She said, struggling to her feet.

"Mars!!" Gohan screamed, running towards the girl. She was unsteady on her feet and had to use all her strength to stay balanced. "Look out!!" He cried, pushing her out of the way when Sapphire opened a portal for her. Gohan was sucked into the portal. It closed after her was through.

"Gohan!!" Mars cried, seeing the boy give everything to protect her. "I call upon the power of Mars..." She began, holding a strip of paper with something written on it in Japanese. "Fireball Charge!!" She screamed, throwing the paper at Sapphire.

"What?!?!" Sapphire cried out. "I... I can't move!!"

"Mars Celestial Fire Surround!!" Mars cried, sending her attack at Sapphire. He watched in terror as the attack came towards him. "I banish you!!" Mars shouted as the attack smashed into his body.

"Sapphire!!" A voice came. It was Prisma. Prisma appeared and ran to Sapphire who lay on the ground. "Can you hear me?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"I'll be fine." He said, pushing her away, he stood up and brushed himself off.

"What?!?!" Mars cried, seeing that he only had a few scratches.

"I hope that's not all you've got Sailor Mars," He said. "Because if it was, you're in for a reality check. You can never beat us!!"

"No, it can't be!!" Mars cried as Sapphire headed straight for her. She covered her face and then felt the energy rip through her body. "I'll be with you all soon!" Mars cried, opening her eyes with tears streaming down her face. When he released her, she slumped to the ground, not moving.

"The last Sailor Scout is done for." Sapphire said, opening a portal. He picked her up and threw her into it, laughing at his accomplishment.

"You've spoken too soon!!" A voice shouted.

"What?!?! Who was that?!?!" He demanded, searching for the source of the voice.
