Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

-The rest of the Sailors-

"Sailor Cosmos, NOO!!" The scouts screamed as they saw her and Vegeta disappear through a portal.

"Cosmos, come back!!" Jupiter cried, running towards the portal, only to have it close before she was anywhere near it. "NO!!!"

"Cosmos!!" Mars cried. "We have to save her!!"

"Hey girls," a voice said behind them. All four of them whirled around to see Goku and the rest of the Z Warriors. "What happened?" He asked, seeing the worried look on all of their faces.

"They took her," Mercury said. "She disappeared through a portal!"

"Who took who?!?!" Goku asked, confused.

"Mamoru took Usagi!!" Venus cried, hair flying behind her. "We have to save her!! She's the Queen of Crystal Tokyo!! He's going to try and kill her!!"

"What?!?! Why are we waiting around here, then?!?!" Goku cried. "Let's go!!" All four of the scouts, along with the Z Warriors headed straight for the black palace that stood where the Crystal palace had once been.

"We can't keep up with you!" Jupiter cried, running under the flying Z Warriors. "Slow down!!"

"Huh?" Goku said, looking down at the panting girls. "Okay." He said. He swooped down. Picking up Jupiter around the waist, he lifted her into the air and sped up. The rest of the Warriors did the same. Gohan picked up Ami, Yamcha picked up Venus, and Goku picked up Mars under his other arm. "Let's go!!" He said, speeding up.

-Luna and Artemis-

"Where could they be?" Luna asked, after searching the whole palace. "It's not like them to run off and not tell anyone where they went."

"I know what you mean. How are we going to find them, though?" Artemis asked.

"Luna, Artemis," A voice said. They turned to see Momiji, one of the Queen of Venus's good friends. "What are you doing here?" She asked, picking them both up. "Shouldn't you be at the big battle?"

"Big battle?!?!" Artemis asked, confused.

"Everyone was here for a while," She said. "They left for Earth when they found out the that the Black Moon Family was back."

"The Black Moon Family is back?!?!?!" Luna asked, her face growing pale. "How?!?!"

"Mamoru brought them back. Sapphire and Diamond were his brother's you know." Momiji said.

"Mamoru is their brother?!?!" Artemis said, also going pale.

"Yep, after he sent Serenity into the next dimension, he took ChibiUsa back to Earth." Momiji said.

"What?!?! Serenity's gone?!?!" Luna asked. "How terrible!! How will they beat Mamoru then?!?!"

"Shh... let me finish," Momiji said. "They got a hold of Goku and sent him to use the DragonBalls and bring her back. They should have by now. Anyway, they were preparing to draw Mamoru here, but when they found out he brought back all those evil monsters from before, they rushed to Earth."

"We have to get there too!!" Luna said. "Usagi's going to need our help!! She's never been able to do anything this important without a little guidance!!"

"The fate of the entire Universe is resting in her hands once again." Artemis said.

"I think she can handle it," Momiji said, remembering the few times she had met Serenity. "She has so much spirit. She won't let anything happen. She'll banish this evil. I know she will."

"I hope you're right." Luna said, remembering the teenage girl that couldn't even walk and chew gum at the same time.

-In the Dark Palace-

"OWE!!" Sailor Cosmos cried as she hit the ground. "That really hurt!!"

"Shuttup woman!" Vegeta barked.

"Don't tell me to shuttup!!!" Sailor Cosmos yelled, jumping to her feet.

"Bad Mommy," A voice said. "Left us for him."

"ChibiUsa!!" Sailor Cosmos cried. "Please, darling, don't do this!"

"Look out!!" Vegeta yelled, diving at Sailor Cosmos seconds before a blast of dark energy would have hit her.

"Owe!!" Sailor Cosmos cried, hitting the wall hard. "Vegeta!!! NOO!!" She cried, seeing Vegeta on the ground. Wicked Lady stood above him, dark energy radiating from her body.

"Vegeta... you seem to have evil in you..." Wicked Lady mumbled. "You should destroy Mommy. It would serve her right." Wicked Lady said, levitating him off the ground. "I'll see you again, Mother." Wicked Lady said, disappearing into a portal.

"ChibiUsa!! Come back!!" Sailor Cosmos said, falling to her knees in tears. "What have you done to her, Mamoru?"

-Goku and the Scouts-

"We're almost there!!" Mercury cried.

"There it is!" Gohan cried, seeing the black crystal palace before anyone even noticed it. They flew through the quite city. People were asleep everywhere. They lay on the ground with dogs on leashes, on the telephone, in their cars. They landed in front of the palace.

"How do we get in?" Jupiter asked Mercury.

"I'll check it out." Mercury said, pushing a button on her tiara. A blue visor covered her eyes and she began to scan for a weak spot.

"No time for that!!" Goku shouted. "Everyone ready?"

"Yeah!!" The rest of the Z Warriors shouted, getting into a fighting stance. They began to power up. The ground shook and small stones floated into the air. When they stopped yelling, they stood next to each other and shot powerful blasts from their hands. It hit the entrance of the palace, blasting a hole in the wall.

"That'll work," Jupiter said, following Goku and his friend's into the palace. "Come on Mercury!" They all ran into the palace, dodging traps that had been set for them.

"Look out!!" Gohan cried, grabbing Mercury around the waist when a hole appeared under her feet. They two of them landed a few feet away with a thud.

"Look at those pathetic Sailor Scouts." A voice said.

"They're even more pathetic than I remember." Another voice said. Four girls appeared above them. Each one with a black crescent moon on their forehead.

"Catzy, Birdy, Prisma, Avery!?!?!" Venus cried, seeing their friends. "They got you too?!?!"

"What do you mean 'they got you too?' We came to them." Prisma said, looking strangely at the girl.

"No, don't you remember?" Mars asked, seeing her friends. "All the things about love and friendship you learned? Don't you remember?"

"There's no such thing as love or friendship," Birdy said. "Only power."

"But there is!" Mars cried. "You once knew it! You've just been influenced by that evil man!!"

"Enough with the chat!" Prisma yelled. "It's time to fight!!"

"That's all right with us!!" Goku yelled. "Kame-hame-ha!!" He yelled, a blue beam appeared between his hands, heading straight for the four sisters.

"Is that all you've go, big boy?" Catzy said, sending a blast of dark energy straight at him. The blast sent him crashing into the wall behind him. He held his hands together, trying to keep the blast away from him. It pushed against his hands, causing the crater in the wall to become deeper. He managed to push it up, sending it crashing through the roof.

"Owe!" Goku said, shaking his hands. "That smarts!!"

"Venus Love Chain Encircle!!" Venus cried, using the chains to tie the four sisters up. "Get out of here!!" She yelled, holding the girls in place.

"We can't leave you Venus!" Mars cried.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way!!" Venus cried. Black crystals shot up around Venus and the sisters. "Take that! And that!!"

"Venus, NOO!!" Mars cried.

"Come on!" Mercury cried, grabbing her friend by the arm. "We have to keep going! Sailor Cosmos is going to need our help!!" Mars, the scouts, and the Z Warriors kept on moving, leaving Sailor Venus behind.
