Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 21

Chapter 21


"Now, you have to wish all of us to the planet Earth as well." Goku said to the Namic after the second wish.

"All right, if that's what you want." The Namic said. He turned back to the dragon and began to speak in his language.

"It shall be granted," The dragon said, his eyes glowing red once more. "Your wish has been granted." He said. Goku looked down at his hands and saw that they were transparent.

"We're going home guys!" He cried.

"Farewell." Said the dragon. He disappeared and the DragonBalls fly up into the air and shot out to opposite ends of the planet Namic.

"We're going home all right!!" Bulma cried, as they all disappeared. When they reappeared, they were in the city of Tokyo.

"What's wrong?" Gohan asked his father. "Where is everyone?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Goku said to himself, his eyes narrowed. "Let's find Serenity."

"Okay, we're with you." Krillin said, following his friend.

-In the Palace-

"Sire!!" Rubeus cried, running into the throne room. "The rest of the Queen's aren't dead. Wicked Lady went out to find them. She found their ship and it was empty, no bodies."

"Let them come. I'm bored, I need a little entertainment." King Mamoru said, sipping out of a wine glass.

"That's not all, sire," Rubeus said. "There's more. Queen Serenity is alive, and her friends, the Z Warriors, are on their way as well!"

"I'm not worried. I'm much stronger than all of those weaklings combined." King Mamoru said, arrogance in his voice.

"Shall we prepare for their arrival?" Rubeus asked.

"Yes, do what you want with everyone else, but leave Serenity to me." King Mamoru said. "She's going to pay for killing my brother's."

"As you wish sire." Rubeus said, walking out the door.

-The Scouts-

"Owe!" Ami cried, when she lost her concentration. She fell to the ground with a thud. "I can't do this!!" Ami cried. Standing up, she dusted herself off.

"We have to find another way to do this." Makoto said.

"How about the Sailor Teleport?" Rei asked.

"We don't have Sailor Cosmos, will we be able to do it on our own?" Minako asked, looking at her friends.

"We have to try," Ami said. "Does everyone have their transformation lockets?"

"We all have them," Makoto said. "So we'd better transform.

"Mercury Cosmic Star POWER!!" Ami cried, holding up her pen.

"Jupiter Cosmic Star POWER!!" Makoto cried, holding up her pen.

"Mars Cosmic Star POWER!!" Rei cried, holding up her pen.

"Venus Cosmic Star POWER!!" Minako cried, holding up her pen. Each one struck a pose and then formed a circle. They joined hands and gathered their power.

"Sailor Teleport!" They cried out in unison. They all disappeared and reappeared next to Sailor Cosmos.

"Sailor Cosmos!" Sailor Mars cried out, seeing her best friend. She ran to Cosmos, hugging her, tears streaming down her face. "You're all right!" Mars cried. Everyone else ran to Cosmos, hugging her with tear stained faces.


"I'm almost there." He said to himself, when he felt Usagi's power level on the planet. "I'm coming my Queen!" He yelled, speeding up as fast as he could. Vegeta thought when he remembered how strong Mamoru had been when they had fought before.


"We're back!" He cried, when he opened his eyes. "Let's see... Serenity is... that way!" He said, pointing towards Tokyo. "Let's go!!"

"Right!" The rest of the gang said in unison. Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, and Krillin headed in Serenity's direction.

-Sailor Cosmos-

"Let's go!" Sailor Cosmos said, heading for the palace.

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone else?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"We don't have time to waste!" Sailor Cosmos cried. "ChibiUsa needs my help! I promised her I'd never let anything ever happen to her!"

"It would be smarter if we waited for your friend's the Z Warriors, though." Mercury said (since she was the brain of the group).

"Fine, you guys wait here if you want. I'm going to save ChibiUsa." Sailor Cosmos said. Turning away from them, she ran towards the palace to save her daughter.

"Usagi!! Wait!!" A voice above her yelled.

"Huh? Who's that?" She asked herself, looking up at the source of the voice. "Vegeta!!" She cried. She flew in the air towards him. She flung herself into his arms and laid her head against his chest.

"Usagi. Are you all right?" He asked, pulling her away to look at her.

"I'm fine. I missed you so much." Usagi said, looking deep into his eyes. Their lips met in a sweet kiss that lasted almost a minute. When they broke apart, they heard a scream above them.

"What? Who is that?!?!" Sailor Cosmos demanded, looking around every where. Taking out her staff, she landed on the ground in a fighting stance.

"There you are mother." The evil voice said.

"ChibiUsa?!?!" Sailor Cosmos said, looking for her daughter. "Where are you, my child?"

"Don't give me that, mother." The voice said. "You've never loved me. You abandoned me for this evil man. He took you from me."

"What are you talking about?!?! ChibiUsa, where are you?!?!" Sailor Cosmos begged, searching the air for her daughter.

"You can deny it all you like, I know it's the truth." Wicked Lady said, appearing before Sailor Cosmos.

"ChibiUsa, what has he done to you?!?!" Sailor Cosmos cried, seeing her daughter as Wicked Lady once again. "He's brainwashed you, he's the man that took you from me!!"

"That's a lie, mother. Mamoru, my father, is the only one that has ever loved me!" Wicked Lady yelled.

"Mamoru isn't your real father!" Sailor Cosmos yelled, trying to get ChibiUsa to see. "This is your father!" She said, pointing to Vegeta who stood behind her.

"That's a lie!!" Wicked Lady screamed, lunging at her mother. "You'll pay for all the lies you told me!!"

"ChibiUsa, no!!" Sailor Cosmos cried, seeing her daughter coming towards her. Sailor Cosmos covered her face and waited for the impact. When it never came, she looked up to see Vegeta's face. "Vegeta!"

"Hold on!" Vegeta yelled, dodging a blast of dark energy from Wicked Lady. He was flying as fast as he could, holding Sailor Cosmos in his arms, her hair and cape flying behind the two of them.

"Look Vegeta!!" Sailor Cosmos shouted, seeing a dark portal open in front of her. "Don't go in it!!"

"I don't have any other choice!! I'm going to fast to turn!" Vegeta yelled, flying right into the portal.

"They're on their way, father." Wicked Lady said when the two people in front of her disappeared through the portal. A dark hole with Mamoru's face opened in front of Wicked Lady.

"Good," He said, a smirk crossed his lips. "Now all we have to do is get Sailor Cosmos by herself." He said, chuckling to himself. "You've done very well, my child. You can take care of that evil man that stole your mother from me. He's all yours."

"Thank you, father," Wicked Lady said. "That man's in for a big surprise. He never should have messed with her. Now they will both pay."
