Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

-A few minutes later-

"We're here!" Krillin cried, landing on the soft ground.

"Great!!" Gohan cried, running to his father and friend. "You got the last DragonBall! That's great!!"

"We got it, now we can wish back Aunt Serenity." Goku said, patting Gohan on the head.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Aunt Serenity in a long time." Gohan said, smiling. Krillin set the DragonBall down with the other six and took a few steps back. One of the Namics stepped forward, calling forth the eternal dragon.

"What's the wish?" The Namic asked.

"To bring Queen Serenity back." Goku said. The Namic told the dragon the wish.

"It shall be granted," The dragon answered, his eyes glowing red. "Your wish has been granted.

-King Ki's planet-

"Hey, you're ring is gone!" King Ki cried out when Sailor Cosmos's ring disappeared.

"Really?" Sailor Cosmos, looking up. "Does that mean, I'm alive?"

"Of course it does," King Ki said. "Touch me back. Tell them the next wish."

"Okay." Sailor Cosmos said, putting her hand on his back.


"Goku." A voice sounded in everyone's head. "It's Serenity."

"Serenity?" Goku said. "Are you alive?"

"Yes, I'm alive, but you have to use a wish to wish me back to Earth, and the last one to wish yourselves back to Earth." Serenity said.

"Gotcha." Goku said, telling the Namic the remaining wishes.

"All right." The Namic said, turning back to the dragon. He wished in his native tongue for them to be sent to Earth.

"It shall be granted," The dragon said, his eyes again glowing red. "Your wish has been granted.

-King Ki's planet-

"Look, she's going back." Tien said, as Sailor Cosmos's body became transparent.

"All right!" Choatzu cried.

"I'll see you guys again some day." Sailor Cosmos said as her body became completely transparent, and then, she was gone.


When Sailor Cosmos opened her eyes, she was in the middle of the street in Tokyo.

"I'm home!" She cried. She looked around, but it didn't look like her home. "Where is everyone?" She asked herself, seeing the deserted streets.

-Elsewhere on Earth-

"Stop it Vegeta!!" Queen Ami cried. "That hurts!!"

"Toughen up Ami!!" Vegeta ordered. He held her tightly with both arms pinned behind her back.

"Leave her alone!!" Makoto cried, charging at him. Vegeta swatted her away like it was nothing.

"If you can't even beat me, how are you supposed to beat Mamoru?!?!" Vegeta demanded, seeing the four girls all on the ground, bruised and bleeding. "He's much stronger than you can imagine." He let go of Ami, who slumped to the ground, more afraid than hurt.

"Vegeta!" A voice rang in his head.

"Usagi!!" He cried. "Are you back yet?!?!"

"Yeah, I'm just outside of Tokyo. Can you all meet me here?" She asked. "Goku and everyone else will be here soon."

"Be there in a minute." Vegeta said. "Can you all fly yet?" He asked, he had been trying to train them since they had crashed the ship on Earth.

"I think so." A few replied.

"I can." Rei said. Concentrating, she floated several inches off the ground.

"Let's see the rest of you do it too." Vegeta said, watching them. The other three did the same and soon, all five people were floating in the air.

"Good." Vegeta said. "I'll meet you all there then."

"What do you mean you'll meet us there?" Makoto demanded, practically falling because she lost her concentration.

"Usagi's going to need my help and I can't stay and baby-sit all of you until we get there," Vegeta said. "Besides, I'm faster than all of you and stronger, so Usagi's going to need my help fast."

"Whatever you say, hotshot." Rei said under her breath.

"I heard that," Vegeta said, glaring at Rei. "Remember, Saiyan's have better hearing than humans."
