Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

-Crystal Tokyo-

"We've spotted the ship from Venus, King Mamoru." Rubeus said, bowing before him. "It crashed into the ocean. It is believed that there are no survivors. No one came out of the water after it hit the bottom of the ocean."

"Very good," Mamoru said. "Those lousy Sailor's are out of my way for good. We can start planning to take over the galaxy and then the Universe!"

"Shall I prepare a ship for you sire?" Rubeus asked.

"No," King Mamoru said. "I think this would be a good place to rule over everything. It's perfect."

"As you wish sire." Rubeus said, bowing he walked from the room.

"It has finally happened." King Mamoru said. "Those clumsy Scouts have destroyed themselves!" He said. He threw back his head in an evil laugh.

"King Mamoru." A voice said, stepping out from the shadows behind his throne. "Are they done?"

"Yes they are gone for good, my evil child, Wicked Lady." King Mamoru said. "The evil man that stole your mother is gone for good too."

"But Daddy, I wanted to do it." Wicked Lady said. "Who finished them off?"

"They have always been clumsy, and that was their downfall." King Mamoru said. "Their ship crashed into the ocean. There were no survivors."

"Are you sure Daddy?" She asked. "Did you see the bodies?"

"Not personally, but there's no way they could have survived that wreck." King Mamoru said.

"I think I'll have a look for myself." Wicked Lady said to herself after leaving her father's side. She disappeared and reappeared over the ocean. "Let's see... it has to be around here somewhere." She said, flying over the water. "There it is!" She cried, seeing a whirlpool. "This must have been created after their ship crashed." She used her powers to lift the space ship up out of the water. She flew to land and used her dark energy to set it down. She opened the door, and water rushed out, knocking her to the ground. "Stupid thing!" She yelled, picking up a fish by it's fin, she squeezed it tight between her two hands. Dark energy took hold of its body and it stopped struggling and lay dead in between her two hands. "Now, let's see if there's anyone in here." She floated through the open door, Luna P floating close behind her. "What?!?!?! There's no one here!!!!" She yelled, opening a portal, she went back to the palace and ran to her father.

-Luna and Artemis-

"I can't believe they just left us out here." Luna said to Artemis. "And after everything we did for that girl."

"I know what you mean Luna. When I get a hold of one of them, they're going to be sorry they just abandoned us here."

"And Serenity, just left us in that book bag." Luna complained. "I thought we'd never get out of there. And it took us days to figure out how to open the door of that stupid space ship."

"Someone's going to hear about this." Artemis said. The two cats had been left on the ship when Vegeta, ChibiUsa, and Serenity had flown to the planet Venus. "I'm going to make Minako pay for making me stay with Serenity to begin with."

"What?!?! You'd rather be with Minako than with me?!?!" Luna demanded, scratching Artemis across the face.

"Owe that hurt, Luna!" Artemis cried, rubbing his face.

"Serves you right!" Luna snapped, putting her nose in the air. "Look!" She cried, suddenly.

"What?!?!" Artemis yelled. "What's wrong?!?!"

"It's Queen Minako's palace." Luna said, running towards it.

"Wow, it is!!" Artemis cried. They both ran towards the palace as fast as they could. Luna arrived first, pushing open the door.

"Minako?" Luna called. "We're here!" No answer.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Artemis yelled, searching for any sign of life.

"Hello kitty, how did you get in here?" A maid came over, picking up Artemis.

"Hey, put me down!" The cat cried out in frustration.

"Ahh!! That cat just talked to me!!!" The maid cried, dropping the cat and running away.

"She must be new," Luna said. "She didn't know that we could talk."

"I know, that really hurt too." Artemis complained. "She could have set me down. She didn't have to throw me."

"Quit complaining," Luna barked. "We have to find the girls."

"I know what you mean. Let's go!" Artemis cried, running up the winding steps.

-Planet Namic-

"Look, we have six of the DragonBalls." Gohan said, adding another DragonBall to the collection.

"Where's Krillin? He was supposed to get the last one." Asked Goku, trying to sense where his best friend was. "He's close. I'm going to go find him."

"I want to come Daddy." Gohan said, standing up.

"You stay here, son, help the others look after the DragonBalls, okay?" Goku said.

"All right, I'll wait here." Gohan said, sitting down next to Bulma and Yamcha, who were arguing (as usual).

"I saw how you looked at that girl before we left!" Bulma yelled, her eyes narrowed on Yamcha.

"I didn't look at her any way, Bulma, honest." He said in protest.

"Don't give me that!" Bulma barked. "You do that when any girl walks by!" She said. Crossing her arms over her chest, Bulma turned her back on Yamcha.

"Come on Bulma," Yamcha said, trying to get her to look at him. "You're the only girl for me, honest."

"Humph!" She said, arms still crossed.

"Give it a rest you guys." Yageroby said, covering his ears.

"You stay out of this!!" The fighting couple said in unison.

"Will those two ever learn?" Master Roshi said to himself. Gohan laughed at the people that he called his friends.


"Hey Krillin!" Goku called, seeing his best friend at the door of one of the elder Namic's houses.

"Hey there Goku!" Krillin called, spotting his best friend. "What's up?"

"Got the DragonBall?" Goku asked. "Things aren't looking too good on Earth."

"What do you mean?" Krillin asked, seeing the worried look on Goku's face.

"Some evil force has taken over the palace. It keeps getting greater." Goku said.

"Huh?" Krillin said. "How strong is it?"

"Strong enough to take over the whole Universe and then some." Goku said, landing next to his friend.

"Really?!?!" Krillin said, his eyes growing bigger.

"We'll have to use one of the wishes to take us back to Earth. I don't think the Queen's and Vegeta can handle this by themselves." Goku said, extremely serious.

"Wow, that bad, huh." Krillin said, taking the DragonBall from the elder. "Thank you, sir."

"You're very welcome," The elder said. "Make sure you wish carefully."

"Yes sir." Krillin said, bowing his head. "Let's go Goku."

"Right behind you." Goku said, taking off, he flew after Krillin.
