Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"Very good choice, my dear." He said, lifting her off the ground with his dark power. She floated up in the air with her other sister's and began to change. A skimpy blue outfit appeared on Birdy as well as the black crescent moon. A pink shirt and blue skirt appeared on Catzy, as well as a black crescent moon on her forehead. A orange outfit appeared on Avery, along with the black crescent moon. When their feet touched the ground, they forgot all the good things on Earth. They forgot about love and friendship, about loyalty and forgiveness.

"We're home." Birdy said, touching the blue outfit she wore. "Is everyone here?" She asked. She saw her sisters, Rubeus, Sapphire, Prince Diamond, and Emerald. "Where's Wiseman?" She asked, looking for him.

"You spoke too soon, he's not here yet." Prince Diamond said calmly, joining in with King Mamoru's chant.

"You four have to help, it's going to take a lot of energy to resurrect Wiseman." Sapphire said, also joining in the chant. They joined hands and chanted with all the members of this family. The wind swirled around them, blowing everyone's hair in all directions. They chant grew stronger and the wind did as well, it became louder and a face appeared in the center of the circle. No one stopped chanting. The form of a man began to take shape. A crystal ball appeared between two hands that were circling around it. A long purple cape appeared, covering the creature's face. Two red eyes glowed red deep inside the hood of the cape.

"You have done well." The creature said. "You've managed to do all of this by yourself. You are truly of the Black Moon Family."

"Yes, master." Mamoru said. "Queen Serenity is dead. She won't be coming back this time."

"You're sure of that?" Wiseman asked, his red eyes flaring up again.

"Positive. She's already been wished back by the DragonBalls so she can't be wished back again." King Mamoru said.

"Very good, now all that has to be done is to get rid of those annoying Sailor Scouts." Wiseman said, remembering what they had done to him. "They will pay, and so will the Queen if she decides to show her face here."

"Yes." King Mamoru said.

"We will conquer the entire Universe!!" Wiseman yelled.

-King Ki's planet-

"You are a very fast learner." King Ki said, after teaching Sailor Cosmos the Kaioken technique. "You learned even faster than your brother Goku."

"It's already been three weeks since I've been here. I hope everything is okay on Earth." Sailor Cosmos said, taking a bite of food. "I feel something very strange is going to happen on Earth."

"Hmm... let's see if I can see anything." King Ki said, stepping outside.

"Really!?!?" She asked, following him outside.

"Let's see... Earth is this way... hmm... " He said, looking across the planet.

"Well... what do you see!?!?!" She asked, getting worried.

"Hmm... I see a palace... made of black crystal... there's a girl inside... with pink hair..." He said, taking a closer look.

"ChibiUsa!!" She cried, her eyes growing wide. "Is she all right?!?!"

"It looks like it... isn't she a little old to be your daughter though?" He asked.

"Huh? What do you mean? ChibiUsa is just a little girl." Sailor Cosmos said.

"She can't be your daughter then... she has a black moon on her forehead... kind of like yours, only it's upside down." He said.

"What?!?! It can't be!!! The Black Moon Family!!! They can't be back!!! Sailor Moon destroyed them years ago!!" Sailor Cosmos said, the color in her face drained.

"It looks like there's four girls off by themselves, a man with white hair and a cape, a man with blue hair, a woman with green hair, and another man with red hair. They're all standing around, it looks like they're waiting for someone." He said.

"Waiting?!?!" She asked. "What would they be waiting for?!?! It doesn't make sense!!" She cried.

"Wait, I see a space ship coming into the atmosphere. It looks like there's four girls and..." He said, trying to get a better look.

"What?!?! Who else?!?!" She demanded.

"And... Vegeta!!" He yelled, seeing the spiky black hair and scowl on his face.

"Vegeta!!" Sailor Cosmos cried. "Oh no, Vegeta get out of there!! Don't go any further!!" She cried.

-Venus's space ship-

"Huh?" Vegeta's eyes popped open when he heard Serenity's voice.

"What?" Queen Makoto asked, looking strangely at Vegeta. "No one said anything."

"Serenity?" He questioned. "Was that you?"

"Vegeta!" A voice came across all their minds. "Can you hear me?"

"Serenity? Is that you?" Vegeta asked.

"It's me." She said. "Is everyone else with you?"

"Yeah, they're all here." Vegeta said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but listen." Serenity said. "You can't go to Earth. It's too dangerous. You have to wait until I'm back on Earth. It's the only way."

"We can't." Rei voice sounded. "We can't let them destroy Earth. It's where we all grew up."

"I know, but if you all go rushing in, it could be the end. I may never see you again if you do that." Serenity said on the brink of tears. "Please, promise me you won't go. Not until I arrive."

"I can't promise you that." Rei said. "A lot has happened since you were gone. And it didn't happen for the better."

"I... I know... King Ki told me..." Serenity said, her voice sad. "It won't do any good for you to attack now. We have the element of surprise. Mamoru thinks I can't be brought back with the DragonBalls. He doesn't know about the Namic ones."

"What do we do then?" Queen Ami asked.

"Let's see... go to Earth and hide out." Serenity said. "Don't let them know you're there."

"How can we do that?" Makoto asked.

"I know, you could get out of the ship and then crash it into the ocean. Make it look like you died. They'll never expect it." Serenity said.

"You've gotten smarter since you've become Queen." Ami said. "I didn't think you could come up with a plan like that all by yourself."

"I know what she means." Rei said.

"Why wouldn't I be able to come up with a plan!?!?!" Serenity demanded, getting angry. "I can be just as smart as any of you if I try!!" She cried, her face turning red.

"You've just never been very responsible. You never took being Sailor Moon seriously." Minako said. "But... now that you are Queen Serenity... we know you can be responsible. We've seen you raise ChibiUsa through the years and know that you were the right person to be the Queen of Crystal Tokyo."

"Thank you Minako." Serenity said, a smile crossed her lips.

"What do we do after that?" Makoto asked.

"Find someplace to hide. Maybe... out in the country, in a cave or something." Serenity said.

"Okay that sounds good. I think they'll fall for it." Ami said. Ami thought.

"You will be entering Earth's atmosphere in five minutes." A computerized voice said.

"Okay, get ready." Vegeta said, walking over by the door. Ami set the controls for the ocean and hit auto pilot. "Everyone jump when I say."

"Okay." The girls said in unison.

"Not yet." Vegeta mumbled.

"You have now entered Earth's atmosphere." The same computerized voice said.

"Now!" Vegeta yelled, grabbing the four girls, he jumped from the open door. He floated in the air, holding the four girls. He had two of them under his arms, one on his back, and one was on the front of him with her arms around his neck.

"There it goes." Ami said, as she watched the ship crash into the ocean.
