Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Return of the Black Moon Family


-A year later-

"I can't believe it's already been a year since we sent the Black Moon Family away for good." Queen Makoto said, talking with the other Queen's from the Inner planets of the Galaxy.

"That was quite a battle," Queen Minako said. "I'm just glad we all survived and Serenity got her memory back."

"Speaking of Queen Serenity, where is she?" Queen Ami said, looking around the huge ball room. "I haven't seen her all night."

"Come to think of it, neither have I?" Queen Minako said.

"Me neither." Queen Makoto also agreed.

"Don't worry about her," Queen Rei said, coming up beside the girls. "I'm sure she's fine. It takes us a while to do anything nowadays." She sat patting her stomach. Mamoru came up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He kissed her on the cheek and put a hand on her huge stomach.

"Now you get big and strong for Daddy." He said, rubbing her stomach.

"Yeah, but still, she should have been here by now." Queen Ami said.

"It's Usagi we're talking about," Queen Rei said. "When has she ever been on time?"

"That's defiantly true." The three girls sighed, sweatdrops appeared on each ones forehead.

"Out of my way!!" A shrill cry rang out through the Ball Room. Everyone turned to see the Queen of Crystal Tokyo flying down the steps in Vegeta's arms. She was hitting him on the head, yelling for him to hurry.

"Meatball head's finally here, but it looks like she won't be staying too long." Queen Rei said.

"Calm down woman!!" King Vegeta snapped, trying to hold the struggling woman still. "You've gone through this before, why is it such a shock now?!?!"

"Is Mommy going to have the baby?" Princess ChibiUsa asked, looking up at the Queen's, once known as Sailor Scouts.

"Yes, that's right, Small Lady." Sailor Pluto said, appearing behind the young Princess wearing a long green dress. The fighting couple finally managed to make it out the door then Queen Rei keeled over.

"What's wrong dear?!?!" Mamoru demanded, dropping to his wife's side.

"It's time!!" She cried, grabbing his arm. "OWE!!" She cried, holding her stomach. "Get me out of here!!"

"Yes dear!!" He said, scooping up the Queen of Mars. She began to shout out orders to Mamoru.

"Hurry up!!" Rei shouted, grabbing her stomach.

"Those two are one of a kind." Minako said, staring after the two woman.

"We couldn't live without them, though." Makoto said.

"That's the truth." Ami said.

"It's kind of hard to believe that she's the one that saved the Universe so many times." Haruka said, looking at the girl with two odangos on her head.

"She's a true friend, though." Michiru said, turning to Haruka.

"I guess you're right, maybe she isn't such a bad Queen after all." Haruka said.

How did you like it? Was the ending okay? Do you want another one after this? I don't really know what I can do for the next one, if there is a next one. If you want another one, email me with suggestions okay? I look forward to hearing from you^_^