Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 29

Chapter 29

"Mamoru?" Sailor Cosmos questioned, seeing her husband's face. "Why?"

"You were supposed to be mine for all eternity. I realize now that I was never destined to be with you like we always thought. Now you will die for choosing him over me!" Mamoru/Wiseman cried, creating a huge ball of energy between his hands. "You will die, Queen Serenity!!!" He threw the huge blast straight at Sailor Cosmos, who couldn't move in time.

"Mom!!" The boy with lavender hair cried, diving in front of the woman. He fell to the ground in front of Queen Serenity, who was still Sailor Cosmos.

"Mom?" She said, looking at the boy. She gasped when she realized the resemblance between him and Vegeta. She fell to the boy's side. She picked up his head, laying it on her lap. "You are my son one day." He opened his eyes slightly, looking up into his mother's big blue eyes. They were the same eyes she was looking into except hers were filled with tears.

"In the future.." He said before falling unconscious. The tears continued to flow down her face, dripping onto Trunks face. Sailor Chibi Moon was behind her, looking down at her brother. Her little brother. Sailor Cosmos stood up, limping slightly. She slowly made her way towards Mamoru/Wiseman. All of her friends lay unconscious on the ground except for Vegeta and ChibiUsa. Vegeta walked over to ChibiUsa, picking her up. He stood his ground behind Serenity. He knew that she had to fight alone and the only thing he could do, was protect the rest of them.

"I will not let you win," Serenity said, her eyes narrowing. She lay her hand on her chest, sending pink ribbons surrounding her body. They formed the dress she wore as Queen Serenity and a pair of real wings were on her back. They lifted her off the ground, bringing her closer to Mamoru/Wiseman. "This is for my friends!!" She cried, holding the crystal above her head. "Cosmic Moon POWER!!" Pink light came out of the crystal heading straight for Mamoru/Wiseman.

"We have to help." Mars said, trying to stand.

"You're right," Jupiter said, standing. "We have to help the Queen."

"Planet power?" Venus asked, standing also.

"Yes, I think that will be the only thing we can do." Mercury said. They helped the outer scouts to their feet and joined hands directly underneath of Queen Serenity. Chibi Moon ran in and also joined the circle. They closed their eyes and concentrated their powers.

"Sailor Planet POWER!!!" They cried in unison. Their energy gathered in the center and shot up into Queen Serenity's body.

"Thank you, my friends," Queen Serenity said, lowering her eyes to look at her friends. "You are the truest friends anyone asked for." The power of the crystal increased dramatically, heading for Mamoru/Wiseman. It hit him with such a force that the body of the two disintegrated with the contact of the pure energy of Queen Serenity and the rest of them.

"This can't be!!!" The monster that was Mamoru and Wiseman cried in anguish. "NOOO!!!!"

"They're gone for good, now we will have peace." Queen Serenity said before fainting. She started to fall but stopped halfway to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Serenity," A voice said. It was the voice of Mamoru. "You were right, I did love you at one time. There's someone that I have to tell the truth." Serenity floated slowly over towards Vegeta. He put out his arms, holding the woman he loved close. Mamoru looked towards Rei, who had tears in her eyes.

"Mamoru?" Rei asked, looking at the man she had loved for so long.

"I'm sorry, Rei." Mamoru said.

"Sorry? For what?" Rei asked, tears streaming down her face.

"I never told you how I really felt. I've been so jealous that I couldn't see straight," Mamoru said. "I stopped listening to my heart when I found out Usagi was the Princess. I loved her long ago, but that all changed in this new life. Rei.."

"Yes?" She asked as he wiped her tears away.

"I love you." Mamoru whispered, pulling her close in his embrace. He pulled back a little, looking deep into her dark eyes. He leaned closer, kissing her on the lips. So softly, it was almost as if it had never happened.

"I love you, Mamoru." Rei said.

"I must leave now." Mamoru said, pulling away from Rei.

"Please, don't leave me!!" Rei called, reaching her hand up towards him. "Come back!!" Rei fell to her knees, tears dripping down her face. "Mamoru!!!"

"Huh? What happened?" Serenity asked, looking up to see Prince Vegeta's face. "Vegeta?"

"Are you all right, my Queen?" Vegeta asked, his face full of concern.

"Rei?" Serenity said, hearing her friend's sobs. "Rei, what's the matter?!?!" She cried, pushing away from Vegeta. She ran to Rei's side, placing a hand on her friend's shaking shoulders.

"Mamoru." She whispered. Serenity looked up to see him floating high above.

"Wait!" Serenity cried. "You can't leave Rei again!!" Mamoru looked down at the woman he had once loved. "Please!!" Serenity cried, tears forming in her eyes. "She's my friend, I can't bear to see her in pain!!" The tears started to fall as she spoke.

"Mamoru, my brother." A voice said. Serenity and everyone else turned to see Prince Diamond.

"Diamond?" Mamoru asked, seeing his brother.

"You stay, I'll take your place," Diamond said. "I don't belong in a good place like this. You stay, I'll go and maybe one day I'll meet you again, beautiful Serenity."

"Diamond?" Serenity said, looking at the man that had confessed his love to her with his last breaths.

"I want you to be happy, and I can see that you cannot be happy if your friends aren't," Prince Diamond said. "This is all I can do, beautiful Queen. The one woman I've ever loved, good bye." His body disappeared and Mamoru floated to the ground, landing next to Rei. His body lay limply on the ground. Rei rushed to his side, picking him up in her arms.

"Oh Mamoru!!" She cried, bawling on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and stroked her head, holding her shaking body next to his.

"Good bye, Prince Diamond." Serenity said, falling to the ground unconscious once again.

"Mommy!!" Chibi Moon cried, running to her unconscious mother's side. Vegeta was close behind her, picking his love up in both arms. "Is she going to be all right?"

"She'll be fine, she's just a little tired." Vegeta said. The rest of the Sailor Scouts and Z Warriors stood, slowly walking towards the family. Goku had Trunks's arm around his neck and was struggling to help him over to his family.

"That was quite a fight." Said Goku, laughing. All the others felt their spirits lift as they realized that they had won. The Black Moon Family was gone for good.
