Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Obsession ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
well hello again. This chapter was written at around 4:00 in the morning so forgive any
errors oh benevolent reader! WARNING: THIS CONTAINS A MIDLY GRAPHIC
SEXUAL SITUTATION. ok so not so mild by some standards and down right whimpy by
others. to each his own. .........remember dear readers I need review or else I think you
don't love me and then I won't write anymore. If you hate where this story is going write
me and I will see what I can do.
*******previously posted on***** check there if this isn't updated
Violet Goddess
Chapter 1
Dark Obsession
It was a year to the day. God it was odd but he could never remember much of
that night, except her. He remembered her, oh he remembered every exquisite detail of
her. Her dress, her perfume, the way her body had swayed innocently yet seductively to
the light music that floated through the crowded room. Mamoru Chiba had been forced to
attend a gala to celebrate the merger of two prominent telecommunications companies,
who were now combining to effectively dominate the market. He grinned at the thought,
nothing like controlling an entire media outlet to set the world right for the night. He knew
his presence was causing somewhat of stir, he almost never attending parties but it simply
could not be avoided this time. He needed relations with both CEOs to be air tight for his
future ventures that would benefit from a little media boost. Sighing slightly, plastering on
a brilliant smile he turned his attention back to the exquisite if somewhat flighty creature
standing next to him. What did she say she did? Ahh yes a model. Weren't they all?
Her smiled brightened to near blinding wattage when she realized she had his
attention and she continued to prattle on oblivious to the fact that Mamoru hadn't even a
vague clue as to what she was saying. Looking over her shoulder he eyed the room
distractedly and that's when it happened. The event that he would never be able to decide
whether to accept as a blessing or a curse. That was the moment when he saw her.
Surrounded by a group of mulling men and extravagantly dressed women she seemed to
shine. A simple white silk dress covered her supple body, ahhh and what a body is was.
Even now looking back, it still caused him to groan at the thought of what lay under that
teasingly modest dress. The floor length gown covered shapely legs with a small slit
allowing a tantalizing glimpse of flesh every so often. The image of those legs wrapped
tightly around him as he sank between them flooded his mind with such ferocity that he
stumbled slightly, nearly slamming into his lovely companion. Righting himself with a
murmured apology he turned a roughish half smile on the girl and watched her breath
catch as she once again rushed into their one sided conversation. After a few moments his
gaze was drawn back to the alluring temptress that stood across the bustling room and he
allowed it to rake over her ravishing figure. He felt himself hardening as he continued to
look at her and the fact startled him greatly. He hadn't even met the woman yet for
Christ's sake and he already wanted her, badly!
A fiendish smile flashed across his lips as he eyed his prey, for his prey she surely
was. Her milky skin seemed to shine like satin in the soft light of the banquet hall, her
golden hair flashing like a siren's lure with every movement her lithe figure made. He
would have her, he knew that with a certainty that firmly fixed that smile on his face as he
once again eyed the redhead next to him. Now how to dispose of this obstacle?
The night was wearing on, not that she could leave. She was the organizer of this
oh so splendid if utterly tedious function and it would definitely not go over well if she left
before the guests could make their heartfelt excuses to leave. Sighing she turned her
attention back to Kalia who was reporting back the stats for the evening. Five hundred
very well fed guests, three menu changes, two minor arguments between guests and one
beaming if slightly disgruntled cook. Well Andre had better learn to just accept that not
everyone has a taste for some of his more "ethnic" dishes. Where he got the idea to serve
haggis of all things at a business function Usagi would never know. Haggis for Christ's
sake! When exactly the appropriate time would be to serve a bunch of sheep organs
stuffed in its stomach and boiled she didn't know and hoped to never find out but was
reasonably sure it was not a business reception.
"Good, good." She remarked absently as she nodded her head for emphasis. "Now if we
can just make it through the rest of the night without any major incidents we just may pull
this off." Kalia smiled back at her employer before disappearing back into the jostling
crowd with practiced ease.
Looking around she realized that for all intense and purposes she now stood alone
in a very crowded room. Now was the perfect time to slip out for a breath of fresh air her
mind practically screamed at her. Vowing that she would be back in five minutes she
slipped out to the verandah that lined the far side of the building. The crisp spring air kept
most of the other guests inside and she thankfully had the outside to herself. Breathing in
the cool air with relish she moved out of sight of the windowed doors and proceeded to
stretch her tense body, sighing in delight as her muscles immediately loosened.
"You know it's not nice to leave your guests." The voice was husky and so utterly
masculine that Usagi felt a shiver run up her spine before she ever saw the owner. Turning
around slowly she regarded him as he stood silently watching her in one of the many pools
of light flowing from the large French doors that lined the outer wall. His dark hair seemed
impossible black in the dim light, his form somewhat blurred by the shadows cast at
skewed angles from the shifting light. But his eyes, now those she could see with amazing
clarity. Dusky blue eyes stared back at her, flecked with silver that seemed to shift with the
shadows regarded her with a smoldering gaze that managed to cause a blush to creep
across her pale skin. God she felt naked standing in front of him the way he was looking at
her. Abruptly anger surged through her, why should she be ashamed because he was being
an ill-mannered lout and staring at her like he new exactly what was under her dress.
He smiled as he watched anger flush through her, replacing the blush he had been
watching with such fascination. He had seen her come out onto the terrace and knew a
more perfect opportunity was not likely to come along. With determined ease he had
stolen out and found her arching her body like cat and sighing softly as her muscles
relaxed. The scene of her breasts pressing tightly against the material of her dress and her
leg peeking out every so slightly was so strongly arousing that he felt his control sway
perilously. God he felt like he was 15 again, eyeing every local girl lustful, damn near
jumping them and their swaying hips.
"I didn't know anyone else was out here." His eyes snapped back to her from their dazed
state of remembrance and she shuddered slightly. Good he thought as he watched her
reaction to him. He wanted her attention solely on him.
"Of course you didn't." His casual reply caused her spine to snap straight in outrage.
"Well I don't generally keep on guard for prowling men at business functions." She
snapped hoping to insult him but was disappointed when his eyes only flashing with
amusement instead of guilt.
"oh but my dear you should." His voice was silky as he stepped towards her, causing her
to take a step back further embedding her into the dark shadows.
"I think I better go back in now." Her voice shook slightly and Mamoru cocked one brow
in response.
"But why would you want to?" He asked with a smile that was completely sexual and
took yet another step towards her. Usagi tried to take another step back but found a very
cold, very firm wall behind her. God this is like some stupid scene out of a movie! Hey
why isn't he stopping?! She watched his approaching form with something between fear
and excitement as she felt her body fairly hum with desire in response to the sexual tension
practically permeating the the air.
"By the way I'm Mamoru." He said as his body slid next against her, pressing her firmly
into the wall. Mamoru groaned when his body came into contact with her soft one. Her
breasts pressed against his chest, her lips only centimeters away from his. His warm breath
fanned across her face like a caress as he just stood there, their lips barely touching.
"Usagi." She said the instant before his lips slammed onto hers. It wasn't gentle or tender.
What it was the most plainly erotic and carnal thing she had ever experienced. And she felt
her blood boil as his body slid next to her with deliberately slow movements. She opened
her mouth tentatively for him when she felt his tongue flick slowly across her lips and was
instantly invaded. He emitted a low throated growl when he felt her tongue chase his
hesitantly at first and then with increasing boldness. It never occurred to her to fight was
happening even as he pushed his entire body against hers, letting her feel his evident
God she tasted sweet. The feel of her pressed against him, of her tongue dueling
his, of her lips under his were all driving him insane with lust. Slowly he started to grind
his hips against her, capturing first her started gasp and then her moan of pleasure with his
mouth. He was trying to control himself, knowing now was not the place or time but not
seemingly to be able to care and those sexy little whimpers she was making in the back of
her throat weren't helping either. He pushed her up against the wall again as he trailed hot
kisses down the column of her neck, drowning in the taste, the smell of her.
"This is insane." Her breathy words made him smile against her skin as he continued his
heated path across her skin. He suckled her neck roughly only to move up and capture her
earlobe gently while whispering how good she felt against him. How much he wanted her,
right then, right there. In response her legs shifted slightly and he found himself intimately
pressed against her. He grit his teeth against the immediate pleasure that coursed through
him and the need to bury himself to the hilt within her. Slowly he slid that silky dress up
her equally silky thighs, relishing the feel of his fingers sliding against her soft flesh as he
moved back the irresitable lure of her succulent mouth.
"Mamoru." She whispered on a half groan as his hand slipped between her legs, causing
her to rise slightly against the wall. Mamoru buried his head in the crook of her neck,
trying to stop himself and knowing it impossible. God she was so hot and already wet as
his finger swiftly slipped inside her and at the wanton cry she gave he felt his control
vanish. With a deft speed that he would of thought impossible only a few hours ago
Mamoru reach for his buckle as he grasped her from behind her and lifted her up, she
wrapped her legs around him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. That was
the last straw and suddenly he was in her in one deep, long thrust. Her cries filled the
shadowed night and he slammed his mouth over her's, plunging his tongue into her mouth
ruthlessly and he began to move. God she was so tight. All he could do was groan with
every movement until he realized her cries were of both pain and ecstasy. Then it hit him
like a train....God she'd been a virgin. He felt like laughing if he were trying to keep his
discipline, keep from slamming into over and over until he found the release he so
desperately craved. She had to be in her 20's, what were the odds she would have saved
herself? for him mused. Yes she was his now and with that he began his slow, torturous
stroke and was rewarded with gasps of pleasure as she bit her lip not to scream out.
Slowly his pace picked up, his intent gaze never leaving her face as he watch the pleasure
build as he again picked up pace, ruthlessly slamming her into the wall over and over but
Usagi was to far gone to care as overwhelming pleasure coursed through.
She clung desperately to Mamoru's shoulders her head landing over his shoulder
as she felt herself ready to explode. God she never knew, she never knew. Was the last
coherent thought she had before she felt a tremor rip through and she cried in rapture.
Mamoru nearly passed out when she climaxed, squeezing him so hard he thought he
would die. With a few quick, hard thrust he climaxed, moaning deeply as her body
accepted him. he sighed contentedly against her neck and she leaned against the wall, leg
still securely wrapped around his waist.
"Oh I remember all right you piece of shit! I remember how you left, just left right after!"
A stinging slap accompanied the words and Usagi skirted past him. He kept his back to
her, facing the darkening horizon through her large offive windows. Rage and anger
flooded through him and when he finally turned around to face her, she took an
involuntary step back at the pure fury she saw there. His eyes had turned into cold chip of
stunning blue ice that now bore into her. His entire body was shaking with rage as he
stalked towards her.
He grabbed her roughly by the arm and jerked her against him.
"Yes I left, but that couldn't be helped. Do you know how hard it was to look for you?
But now I've got you and you aren't getting away again! You're mine!" he finished with a
savage growl as his mouth crashed into hers in a violent almost brutal kiss. When he finally
drew back it was to see outraged face only inches from his.
"I don't belong to you?"
"No?" He asked with a casual air and a lithe smile.
"No!" She screamed at him as she began to struggle in his embrace. "I have to get to
Jason." She didn't realize she'd said it aloud until his body immediately froze.
"Who the hell is Jason!"
errors oh benevolent reader! WARNING: THIS CONTAINS A MIDLY GRAPHIC
SEXUAL SITUTATION. ok so not so mild by some standards and down right whimpy by
others. to each his own. .........remember dear readers I need review or else I think you
don't love me and then I won't write anymore. If you hate where this story is going write
me and I will see what I can do.
*******previously posted on***** check there if this isn't updated
Violet Goddess
Chapter 1
Dark Obsession
It was a year to the day. God it was odd but he could never remember much of
that night, except her. He remembered her, oh he remembered every exquisite detail of
her. Her dress, her perfume, the way her body had swayed innocently yet seductively to
the light music that floated through the crowded room. Mamoru Chiba had been forced to
attend a gala to celebrate the merger of two prominent telecommunications companies,
who were now combining to effectively dominate the market. He grinned at the thought,
nothing like controlling an entire media outlet to set the world right for the night. He knew
his presence was causing somewhat of stir, he almost never attending parties but it simply
could not be avoided this time. He needed relations with both CEOs to be air tight for his
future ventures that would benefit from a little media boost. Sighing slightly, plastering on
a brilliant smile he turned his attention back to the exquisite if somewhat flighty creature
standing next to him. What did she say she did? Ahh yes a model. Weren't they all?
Her smiled brightened to near blinding wattage when she realized she had his
attention and she continued to prattle on oblivious to the fact that Mamoru hadn't even a
vague clue as to what she was saying. Looking over her shoulder he eyed the room
distractedly and that's when it happened. The event that he would never be able to decide
whether to accept as a blessing or a curse. That was the moment when he saw her.
Surrounded by a group of mulling men and extravagantly dressed women she seemed to
shine. A simple white silk dress covered her supple body, ahhh and what a body is was.
Even now looking back, it still caused him to groan at the thought of what lay under that
teasingly modest dress. The floor length gown covered shapely legs with a small slit
allowing a tantalizing glimpse of flesh every so often. The image of those legs wrapped
tightly around him as he sank between them flooded his mind with such ferocity that he
stumbled slightly, nearly slamming into his lovely companion. Righting himself with a
murmured apology he turned a roughish half smile on the girl and watched her breath
catch as she once again rushed into their one sided conversation. After a few moments his
gaze was drawn back to the alluring temptress that stood across the bustling room and he
allowed it to rake over her ravishing figure. He felt himself hardening as he continued to
look at her and the fact startled him greatly. He hadn't even met the woman yet for
Christ's sake and he already wanted her, badly!
A fiendish smile flashed across his lips as he eyed his prey, for his prey she surely
was. Her milky skin seemed to shine like satin in the soft light of the banquet hall, her
golden hair flashing like a siren's lure with every movement her lithe figure made. He
would have her, he knew that with a certainty that firmly fixed that smile on his face as he
once again eyed the redhead next to him. Now how to dispose of this obstacle?
The night was wearing on, not that she could leave. She was the organizer of this
oh so splendid if utterly tedious function and it would definitely not go over well if she left
before the guests could make their heartfelt excuses to leave. Sighing she turned her
attention back to Kalia who was reporting back the stats for the evening. Five hundred
very well fed guests, three menu changes, two minor arguments between guests and one
beaming if slightly disgruntled cook. Well Andre had better learn to just accept that not
everyone has a taste for some of his more "ethnic" dishes. Where he got the idea to serve
haggis of all things at a business function Usagi would never know. Haggis for Christ's
sake! When exactly the appropriate time would be to serve a bunch of sheep organs
stuffed in its stomach and boiled she didn't know and hoped to never find out but was
reasonably sure it was not a business reception.
"Good, good." She remarked absently as she nodded her head for emphasis. "Now if we
can just make it through the rest of the night without any major incidents we just may pull
this off." Kalia smiled back at her employer before disappearing back into the jostling
crowd with practiced ease.
Looking around she realized that for all intense and purposes she now stood alone
in a very crowded room. Now was the perfect time to slip out for a breath of fresh air her
mind practically screamed at her. Vowing that she would be back in five minutes she
slipped out to the verandah that lined the far side of the building. The crisp spring air kept
most of the other guests inside and she thankfully had the outside to herself. Breathing in
the cool air with relish she moved out of sight of the windowed doors and proceeded to
stretch her tense body, sighing in delight as her muscles immediately loosened.
"You know it's not nice to leave your guests." The voice was husky and so utterly
masculine that Usagi felt a shiver run up her spine before she ever saw the owner. Turning
around slowly she regarded him as he stood silently watching her in one of the many pools
of light flowing from the large French doors that lined the outer wall. His dark hair seemed
impossible black in the dim light, his form somewhat blurred by the shadows cast at
skewed angles from the shifting light. But his eyes, now those she could see with amazing
clarity. Dusky blue eyes stared back at her, flecked with silver that seemed to shift with the
shadows regarded her with a smoldering gaze that managed to cause a blush to creep
across her pale skin. God she felt naked standing in front of him the way he was looking at
her. Abruptly anger surged through her, why should she be ashamed because he was being
an ill-mannered lout and staring at her like he new exactly what was under her dress.
He smiled as he watched anger flush through her, replacing the blush he had been
watching with such fascination. He had seen her come out onto the terrace and knew a
more perfect opportunity was not likely to come along. With determined ease he had
stolen out and found her arching her body like cat and sighing softly as her muscles
relaxed. The scene of her breasts pressing tightly against the material of her dress and her
leg peeking out every so slightly was so strongly arousing that he felt his control sway
perilously. God he felt like he was 15 again, eyeing every local girl lustful, damn near
jumping them and their swaying hips.
"I didn't know anyone else was out here." His eyes snapped back to her from their dazed
state of remembrance and she shuddered slightly. Good he thought as he watched her
reaction to him. He wanted her attention solely on him.
"Of course you didn't." His casual reply caused her spine to snap straight in outrage.
"Well I don't generally keep on guard for prowling men at business functions." She
snapped hoping to insult him but was disappointed when his eyes only flashing with
amusement instead of guilt.
"oh but my dear you should." His voice was silky as he stepped towards her, causing her
to take a step back further embedding her into the dark shadows.
"I think I better go back in now." Her voice shook slightly and Mamoru cocked one brow
in response.
"But why would you want to?" He asked with a smile that was completely sexual and
took yet another step towards her. Usagi tried to take another step back but found a very
cold, very firm wall behind her. God this is like some stupid scene out of a movie! Hey
why isn't he stopping?! She watched his approaching form with something between fear
and excitement as she felt her body fairly hum with desire in response to the sexual tension
practically permeating the the air.
"By the way I'm Mamoru." He said as his body slid next against her, pressing her firmly
into the wall. Mamoru groaned when his body came into contact with her soft one. Her
breasts pressed against his chest, her lips only centimeters away from his. His warm breath
fanned across her face like a caress as he just stood there, their lips barely touching.
"Usagi." She said the instant before his lips slammed onto hers. It wasn't gentle or tender.
What it was the most plainly erotic and carnal thing she had ever experienced. And she felt
her blood boil as his body slid next to her with deliberately slow movements. She opened
her mouth tentatively for him when she felt his tongue flick slowly across her lips and was
instantly invaded. He emitted a low throated growl when he felt her tongue chase his
hesitantly at first and then with increasing boldness. It never occurred to her to fight was
happening even as he pushed his entire body against hers, letting her feel his evident
God she tasted sweet. The feel of her pressed against him, of her tongue dueling
his, of her lips under his were all driving him insane with lust. Slowly he started to grind
his hips against her, capturing first her started gasp and then her moan of pleasure with his
mouth. He was trying to control himself, knowing now was not the place or time but not
seemingly to be able to care and those sexy little whimpers she was making in the back of
her throat weren't helping either. He pushed her up against the wall again as he trailed hot
kisses down the column of her neck, drowning in the taste, the smell of her.
"This is insane." Her breathy words made him smile against her skin as he continued his
heated path across her skin. He suckled her neck roughly only to move up and capture her
earlobe gently while whispering how good she felt against him. How much he wanted her,
right then, right there. In response her legs shifted slightly and he found himself intimately
pressed against her. He grit his teeth against the immediate pleasure that coursed through
him and the need to bury himself to the hilt within her. Slowly he slid that silky dress up
her equally silky thighs, relishing the feel of his fingers sliding against her soft flesh as he
moved back the irresitable lure of her succulent mouth.
"Mamoru." She whispered on a half groan as his hand slipped between her legs, causing
her to rise slightly against the wall. Mamoru buried his head in the crook of her neck,
trying to stop himself and knowing it impossible. God she was so hot and already wet as
his finger swiftly slipped inside her and at the wanton cry she gave he felt his control
vanish. With a deft speed that he would of thought impossible only a few hours ago
Mamoru reach for his buckle as he grasped her from behind her and lifted her up, she
wrapped her legs around him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. That was
the last straw and suddenly he was in her in one deep, long thrust. Her cries filled the
shadowed night and he slammed his mouth over her's, plunging his tongue into her mouth
ruthlessly and he began to move. God she was so tight. All he could do was groan with
every movement until he realized her cries were of both pain and ecstasy. Then it hit him
like a train....God she'd been a virgin. He felt like laughing if he were trying to keep his
discipline, keep from slamming into over and over until he found the release he so
desperately craved. She had to be in her 20's, what were the odds she would have saved
herself? for him mused. Yes she was his now and with that he began his slow, torturous
stroke and was rewarded with gasps of pleasure as she bit her lip not to scream out.
Slowly his pace picked up, his intent gaze never leaving her face as he watch the pleasure
build as he again picked up pace, ruthlessly slamming her into the wall over and over but
Usagi was to far gone to care as overwhelming pleasure coursed through.
She clung desperately to Mamoru's shoulders her head landing over his shoulder
as she felt herself ready to explode. God she never knew, she never knew. Was the last
coherent thought she had before she felt a tremor rip through and she cried in rapture.
Mamoru nearly passed out when she climaxed, squeezing him so hard he thought he
would die. With a few quick, hard thrust he climaxed, moaning deeply as her body
accepted him. he sighed contentedly against her neck and she leaned against the wall, leg
still securely wrapped around his waist.
"Oh I remember all right you piece of shit! I remember how you left, just left right after!"
A stinging slap accompanied the words and Usagi skirted past him. He kept his back to
her, facing the darkening horizon through her large offive windows. Rage and anger
flooded through him and when he finally turned around to face her, she took an
involuntary step back at the pure fury she saw there. His eyes had turned into cold chip of
stunning blue ice that now bore into her. His entire body was shaking with rage as he
stalked towards her.
He grabbed her roughly by the arm and jerked her against him.
"Yes I left, but that couldn't be helped. Do you know how hard it was to look for you?
But now I've got you and you aren't getting away again! You're mine!" he finished with a
savage growl as his mouth crashed into hers in a violent almost brutal kiss. When he finally
drew back it was to see outraged face only inches from his.
"I don't belong to you?"
"No?" He asked with a casual air and a lithe smile.
"No!" She screamed at him as she began to struggle in his embrace. "I have to get to
Jason." She didn't realize she'd said it aloud until his body immediately froze.
"Who the hell is Jason!"