Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Obsession ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well hello hello my dear dear readers. Finally chapter 2 is out. I was amazed with the response this story got and have to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who reviewed. i was in doubt as to whether i should continue this story but i decided to continue on when i read all those. so now i'm turning in to a review hog and i want some on this chapter. YES IT IS SLIGHTLY RACY. But no full blown anything just a bit of a compromising situation. enjoy :)
Dark Obsession
Violet Goddess
Chapter 2
His grip bit into her arm as he shook her again, his eyes nearly black with rage.
"Answer me God damn it, who the hell is Jason?!" His voice making the delicate panned
windows shudder as his unyielding gaze continued to rest on one petite blonde.
"H-he's nobody." Fear made her voice shake, fear made her body tremble and fear made
her desperately want to protect Jason. "He's not important." She tried to steady her voice,
sound defiant but the affect was spoiled when her knees buckled and she slammed up
against him.
"Oh but I believe he is." His voice was a deadly calm that made a shiver of dread snake up
her spine even as Mamoru gently set her on her feet again, his arms closing around her
small waist almost reflexively.
Jason? Who the hell was Jason? The question spiraled around in his mind, over and over in the taunting voice of jealousy. He despised the sound of another man's name on
her lips, no it should only be his name on those sweet lips. His eyes involuntarily swept to
those luscious temptations and he nearly groaned when her pink tongue creep out
suddenly in a sensual sweep. Suddenly recognition snapped into place. His features
relaxed slowly and he released Usagi who took several cautious steps back, eyeing the
man in front of her dubiously.
"Ahh dear are you speaking of Jase Andrews? That lout you've been toting around like a
puppy for the last few months?" He watched with smug satisfaction the shock that swept
her features.
"How the hell do you know about Jason?!" She practically screamed the question at him,
her breath short as her anger rose steadily. Unlike him she was not readily in the public eye
and Jase, though wealthy, was not one to rush headlong into any prominent social circles.
No neither of them was likely to ever grace the cover of any socialite magazine, that role
seemed solely reserved for the grinning ass standing directly in front of her. The arrogant
bastard look so self-satisfied at the little bomb he'd just dropped. She felt her hand itch to
slap him again, but eyeing the fading marks of the previous attack and the memory of his
less than receptive response held her in check, just barely.
Standing there in enraged silence the answer to how he'd obtained Jason's name
came to her easily enough though.
"So how far back did you go?" He smiled then, his eyes glinting in amusement as he
walked away from her, slowly tracing the confines of her office.
"Ahh well I'd have say all the way to the beginning." He laughed slightly at the outraged
gasp that followed the statement. "There isn't much one can't find out with the proper
'persuasion' at hand to surmount any unruly obstacles."
There wasn't much indeed someone with Mamour's influence and wealth couldn't
find out with a few well placed phone calls. Knowing him he more than likely had a damn
file on her somewhere with every event from her first grade teacher to a copy of last
month's pay check. Her thoughts continued on in much the same manner for a few more
minutes, growing more frantic with each tick of the clock. Mamoru had stopped his pacing
to watch her as she digested all he'd told her and could only smile as he thought of what
he'd come here for.
"Ok so you know I grew up in Dallas and you know that Professor McPherson handed my
diploma at graduation from UCLA. So what exactly does that accomplish besides making
you a damned stalker and one bored asshole with to much money?" One delicately arched
brow lifted sardonically as she eyed the man across the room from her. He stood against
the now pitch black glass, the soft light from her office eliminating any view of the city.
"Oh it isn't clear?" He regarded her with a casual air as he leaned against the panned class,
deftly crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, it's not clear at all. Furthermore why are you even here?" Curiosity was winning past
the anger and Usagi felt some of her bravado vanish beneath the questing blue eyes
watching her so intently from Mamour's indifferent pose.
"Really Usagi I thought you would have grasped what this is all about by now." Her
named rolled off his lips like a caress and she felt his eyes wander her body hungrily.
"Well I'm afraid I haven't grasped anything so why don't you just come out and say it
instead of skirting around because it's becoming damn annoying." Her words held more
anger and courage then she felt, something was just not right about this situation. Maybe it
was the way he kept persistently looking her over, from head to toe, or maybe the way his
eyes gleamed in the soft light or maybe even the way his hands seemed to clench every
now and again like he wanted to reach out for something. His eyes never left her's as the
stony silence continued on as he seemed to contemplate her statement. She knew he was
just building suspense like the damnable showmen he just had to be. Usagi took a deep
breath and released it slowly between her teeth is a frustrated hiss.
"Well?!" The accursed silence was definitely starting to grate on her already raw nerves as
she looked at him accusingly. She thought, no she knew it had something to do with their
one night together, if you could call it a night. Laying there, against a cold stone wall with
a few hundred people only a few feet and a door away, he had laid his head between her
breasts sighing every now and then. But it only last a few minutes for someone had come
out, rather noisily and most likely drunk from the fumbling footsteps and clink of glasses.
With a muffled curse he had pulled away, helped her stand up and then with the ease of cat
disappeared back into the crowd of the function, leaving her there stunned and lost in
The rest of the evening had been a blur, she'd found Kalia and claimed feeling
wretched which was completely true in the instance. Kalia had taken one look at her
blanched face and shaking form and promptly called a taxi. That had been a year ago, it
had taken her months to get over the whole thing, over the feelings of first being used,
then of rejection and most finally anger. Ahh yes that anger that seemed to reemerge
rather gleeful at the sight of the smug bastard standing in front of her. It has taken Jason
to get her out of her moping, useless state. He'd contracted her firm for a business
banquet and had at first been merely polite but as time passed he had taken an active
interest in her. Usagi, still to shaken by her experience months before, had rather brusquely
rebuffed him, he was deterred at all though. Quite the contrary in fact, Usagi smiled
slightly as she thought about how persistent he'd been. The flowers, the small notes, the
unexpected visits, they'd all slowly broken her barriers down until she had agreed to first
dinner and then marriage. She felt the elegant diamond ring on her finger as though it were
burning a hole through her hand.
He'd proposed to her at her small birthday party last week. Getting down on one
knee he had tentatively held up the small velvet box with a look of equal parts vulnerability
and hope. Usagi had merely smiled and slipped the sparkling ring onto her finger and then
lightly kissed a stunned Jason. His whole face had broken in a boyish smile then and Usagi
knew she'd made the right choice.
"Stop 'skirting' around huh?" Usagi's head snapped up as she once again focused on
He'd been watching her as she'd remembered something, her emotions quite clear
on her exquisite face. Grief, anger, rejection and finally a small smile had spread across her
pink lips with slow beauty that wrenched his heart that it was not directed at him.
"Ok Usagi it quite simple really. This is all about you." Confusion swept her face but he
merely continued on.
"I. Want. You." With each word he had taken a step closer and now had her pinned
against her expansive oak desk. The sharp edge bit into her legs as he continued to stalk
towards her, pinning her body expertly with his as he stared down at her, willing her to
understand just how much he did want her. His body ached with being so close to her and
not being able to be inside her. As his thought progressed in startling detail of just what he
would like to do with and to her he pushed his thigh roughly between her legs, forcing her
to nearly ride it because of her position. He just smiled at her shocked gasp as he began to
move rhythmically, watching her face intently as her body's willingness overcame her
mind's objection.
Her traitorous body surged up to met his movements even as she fought to push
him back. Mamoru only smiled as he watched her inner struggle, her losing struggle. He
felt himself harden at the feel of her body, her heat burning his body like the sun and still
he wanted more. Slipping his hands through her silken hair he pulled her roughly to him,
claiming her mouth in a ravenous kiss that made him push her future up on the desk.
Sliding her ice blue skirt up her legs he situated himself between her legs, growling when
he began to move against her, holding her back and neck so she couldn't escape. His lips
seared the soft flesh of her neck as he roughly pushed back her suit jacket, inhaling sharply
at the sheer lacy slip she wore underneath. Her breasts swelled beneath his gaze and he
bent his mouth to the swell of her bust, biting it delicately.
Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt him softly nip her breasts, her heated
blood tripping in her veins. God how could he do this to her with just a touch? Rob her of
everything, taking her sanity without a backward glance. It was such sweet torture, the
feel of him pressed against her, his heated body just as she remembered. His scent swam
around her, pure and masculine and so completely arousing that she felt herself tremble
once again in his arms. Reaching around, her arms twisted up his chest and around his
neck, her hands sinking into he's gleaming hair with a sigh of satisfaction. She held his
head against her neck even if his hips continued their sweet motion against her. She
welcomed it, the recklessness, the passion, the overwhelming desire that surged up in her.
She welcomed it all with open arms and a ardent thrust of her hips. There was only the
thin layer of her slip and his pants between them and Usagi knew how easily it would be to
remedy the situation, longing for its correction.
Sliding her hands through his hair again a sharp flash caught her eye and she saw
Jason's ring. The pristine diamond winking at her in the soft light, speaking of love and
devotion and trust. Reality came crashing back to her then, she realized exactly what she
was doing and her heart cracked at her betrayal of Jase. God she would not hurt Jason,
not ever, not as she had been. With a determined shove she pushed a startled Mamoru
away from her and blinked hard as she felt tears brimming in her eyes. He merely looked at
her, startled and disheveled as he took in her thoroughly ravished appearance. Shirt hiked
up to her hips, shirt open to reveal heaving breasts, hair tousled from his hands working
through it. Yes every aspect of the scene spoke of lust and to Usagi betrayal.
Mamoru's eye's were glazed as he looked at her and heedlessly he took a step
towards her, hands outstretched to touch her. Usagi held up a shaking hand as she slid off
the desk.
"No." Her voice sounded hoarse in the sudden silence of the posh office but it was fairly
steady as she eyed him. She watched his eyes clear slowly, the hunger so obviously
displayed only moment before ebbing, if only slightly.
"No?" He asked in confusion as his smoldering gaze raked over her body.
"No. This isn't right." Again her voice was steady and Usagi inwardly sighed in relief. She
reached forward and began to button up her jacket even as she shifted her legs to allow
her skirt to fall back into place. Suddenly callused hands stilled her's and Usagi looked up
to see Mamoru suddenly only a breath away.
"Right? Why isn't this right? God the feel of you in my arms, of you skin beneath my
hands, my lips." Slowly he drew her back into his arm, his mouth seeking her's. "Damnit
you make me burn with need. You know what I'm thinking right now?"
"Please don't." Her voice was choked with emotion but he merely ignored her, his mouth
moving across her ivory skin.
"I thinking how much I want to bury myself in you. How I want to strip the clothes from
you body and see how comfortable that damn desk is..." she silenced him with a finger
pressed to his heated lips.
"Mamoru. This. Is. Not. Right." His eyes consumed her as he looked into her's, his lips
opening beneath her finger and his tongue snaking out to slide sensuously against it.
Breath ragged, pulse racing Usagi drew her hand away from him and slowly turned it so
her palm faced away from him and a very bright, very real engagement ring faced him,
glinting slightly in the light.
"This is wrong Mamoru....... because I'm engaged."
Despite what so many thought Jason was not Usagi and Mamoru's love child. Though i did consider it as a possibility after everyone suggested it i decided to stay with my original plan for this fic. remember to review so i feel loved and know you kind people are willing to read more.
~Violet Goddess
Dark Obsession
Violet Goddess
Chapter 2
His grip bit into her arm as he shook her again, his eyes nearly black with rage.
"Answer me God damn it, who the hell is Jason?!" His voice making the delicate panned
windows shudder as his unyielding gaze continued to rest on one petite blonde.
"H-he's nobody." Fear made her voice shake, fear made her body tremble and fear made
her desperately want to protect Jason. "He's not important." She tried to steady her voice,
sound defiant but the affect was spoiled when her knees buckled and she slammed up
against him.
"Oh but I believe he is." His voice was a deadly calm that made a shiver of dread snake up
her spine even as Mamoru gently set her on her feet again, his arms closing around her
small waist almost reflexively.
Jason? Who the hell was Jason? The question spiraled around in his mind, over and over in the taunting voice of jealousy. He despised the sound of another man's name on
her lips, no it should only be his name on those sweet lips. His eyes involuntarily swept to
those luscious temptations and he nearly groaned when her pink tongue creep out
suddenly in a sensual sweep. Suddenly recognition snapped into place. His features
relaxed slowly and he released Usagi who took several cautious steps back, eyeing the
man in front of her dubiously.
"Ahh dear are you speaking of Jase Andrews? That lout you've been toting around like a
puppy for the last few months?" He watched with smug satisfaction the shock that swept
her features.
"How the hell do you know about Jason?!" She practically screamed the question at him,
her breath short as her anger rose steadily. Unlike him she was not readily in the public eye
and Jase, though wealthy, was not one to rush headlong into any prominent social circles.
No neither of them was likely to ever grace the cover of any socialite magazine, that role
seemed solely reserved for the grinning ass standing directly in front of her. The arrogant
bastard look so self-satisfied at the little bomb he'd just dropped. She felt her hand itch to
slap him again, but eyeing the fading marks of the previous attack and the memory of his
less than receptive response held her in check, just barely.
Standing there in enraged silence the answer to how he'd obtained Jason's name
came to her easily enough though.
"So how far back did you go?" He smiled then, his eyes glinting in amusement as he
walked away from her, slowly tracing the confines of her office.
"Ahh well I'd have say all the way to the beginning." He laughed slightly at the outraged
gasp that followed the statement. "There isn't much one can't find out with the proper
'persuasion' at hand to surmount any unruly obstacles."
There wasn't much indeed someone with Mamour's influence and wealth couldn't
find out with a few well placed phone calls. Knowing him he more than likely had a damn
file on her somewhere with every event from her first grade teacher to a copy of last
month's pay check. Her thoughts continued on in much the same manner for a few more
minutes, growing more frantic with each tick of the clock. Mamoru had stopped his pacing
to watch her as she digested all he'd told her and could only smile as he thought of what
he'd come here for.
"Ok so you know I grew up in Dallas and you know that Professor McPherson handed my
diploma at graduation from UCLA. So what exactly does that accomplish besides making
you a damned stalker and one bored asshole with to much money?" One delicately arched
brow lifted sardonically as she eyed the man across the room from her. He stood against
the now pitch black glass, the soft light from her office eliminating any view of the city.
"Oh it isn't clear?" He regarded her with a casual air as he leaned against the panned class,
deftly crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, it's not clear at all. Furthermore why are you even here?" Curiosity was winning past
the anger and Usagi felt some of her bravado vanish beneath the questing blue eyes
watching her so intently from Mamour's indifferent pose.
"Really Usagi I thought you would have grasped what this is all about by now." Her
named rolled off his lips like a caress and she felt his eyes wander her body hungrily.
"Well I'm afraid I haven't grasped anything so why don't you just come out and say it
instead of skirting around because it's becoming damn annoying." Her words held more
anger and courage then she felt, something was just not right about this situation. Maybe it
was the way he kept persistently looking her over, from head to toe, or maybe the way his
eyes gleamed in the soft light or maybe even the way his hands seemed to clench every
now and again like he wanted to reach out for something. His eyes never left her's as the
stony silence continued on as he seemed to contemplate her statement. She knew he was
just building suspense like the damnable showmen he just had to be. Usagi took a deep
breath and released it slowly between her teeth is a frustrated hiss.
"Well?!" The accursed silence was definitely starting to grate on her already raw nerves as
she looked at him accusingly. She thought, no she knew it had something to do with their
one night together, if you could call it a night. Laying there, against a cold stone wall with
a few hundred people only a few feet and a door away, he had laid his head between her
breasts sighing every now and then. But it only last a few minutes for someone had come
out, rather noisily and most likely drunk from the fumbling footsteps and clink of glasses.
With a muffled curse he had pulled away, helped her stand up and then with the ease of cat
disappeared back into the crowd of the function, leaving her there stunned and lost in
The rest of the evening had been a blur, she'd found Kalia and claimed feeling
wretched which was completely true in the instance. Kalia had taken one look at her
blanched face and shaking form and promptly called a taxi. That had been a year ago, it
had taken her months to get over the whole thing, over the feelings of first being used,
then of rejection and most finally anger. Ahh yes that anger that seemed to reemerge
rather gleeful at the sight of the smug bastard standing in front of her. It has taken Jason
to get her out of her moping, useless state. He'd contracted her firm for a business
banquet and had at first been merely polite but as time passed he had taken an active
interest in her. Usagi, still to shaken by her experience months before, had rather brusquely
rebuffed him, he was deterred at all though. Quite the contrary in fact, Usagi smiled
slightly as she thought about how persistent he'd been. The flowers, the small notes, the
unexpected visits, they'd all slowly broken her barriers down until she had agreed to first
dinner and then marriage. She felt the elegant diamond ring on her finger as though it were
burning a hole through her hand.
He'd proposed to her at her small birthday party last week. Getting down on one
knee he had tentatively held up the small velvet box with a look of equal parts vulnerability
and hope. Usagi had merely smiled and slipped the sparkling ring onto her finger and then
lightly kissed a stunned Jason. His whole face had broken in a boyish smile then and Usagi
knew she'd made the right choice.
"Stop 'skirting' around huh?" Usagi's head snapped up as she once again focused on
He'd been watching her as she'd remembered something, her emotions quite clear
on her exquisite face. Grief, anger, rejection and finally a small smile had spread across her
pink lips with slow beauty that wrenched his heart that it was not directed at him.
"Ok Usagi it quite simple really. This is all about you." Confusion swept her face but he
merely continued on.
"I. Want. You." With each word he had taken a step closer and now had her pinned
against her expansive oak desk. The sharp edge bit into her legs as he continued to stalk
towards her, pinning her body expertly with his as he stared down at her, willing her to
understand just how much he did want her. His body ached with being so close to her and
not being able to be inside her. As his thought progressed in startling detail of just what he
would like to do with and to her he pushed his thigh roughly between her legs, forcing her
to nearly ride it because of her position. He just smiled at her shocked gasp as he began to
move rhythmically, watching her face intently as her body's willingness overcame her
mind's objection.
Her traitorous body surged up to met his movements even as she fought to push
him back. Mamoru only smiled as he watched her inner struggle, her losing struggle. He
felt himself harden at the feel of her body, her heat burning his body like the sun and still
he wanted more. Slipping his hands through her silken hair he pulled her roughly to him,
claiming her mouth in a ravenous kiss that made him push her future up on the desk.
Sliding her ice blue skirt up her legs he situated himself between her legs, growling when
he began to move against her, holding her back and neck so she couldn't escape. His lips
seared the soft flesh of her neck as he roughly pushed back her suit jacket, inhaling sharply
at the sheer lacy slip she wore underneath. Her breasts swelled beneath his gaze and he
bent his mouth to the swell of her bust, biting it delicately.
Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt him softly nip her breasts, her heated
blood tripping in her veins. God how could he do this to her with just a touch? Rob her of
everything, taking her sanity without a backward glance. It was such sweet torture, the
feel of him pressed against her, his heated body just as she remembered. His scent swam
around her, pure and masculine and so completely arousing that she felt herself tremble
once again in his arms. Reaching around, her arms twisted up his chest and around his
neck, her hands sinking into he's gleaming hair with a sigh of satisfaction. She held his
head against her neck even if his hips continued their sweet motion against her. She
welcomed it, the recklessness, the passion, the overwhelming desire that surged up in her.
She welcomed it all with open arms and a ardent thrust of her hips. There was only the
thin layer of her slip and his pants between them and Usagi knew how easily it would be to
remedy the situation, longing for its correction.
Sliding her hands through his hair again a sharp flash caught her eye and she saw
Jason's ring. The pristine diamond winking at her in the soft light, speaking of love and
devotion and trust. Reality came crashing back to her then, she realized exactly what she
was doing and her heart cracked at her betrayal of Jase. God she would not hurt Jason,
not ever, not as she had been. With a determined shove she pushed a startled Mamoru
away from her and blinked hard as she felt tears brimming in her eyes. He merely looked at
her, startled and disheveled as he took in her thoroughly ravished appearance. Shirt hiked
up to her hips, shirt open to reveal heaving breasts, hair tousled from his hands working
through it. Yes every aspect of the scene spoke of lust and to Usagi betrayal.
Mamoru's eye's were glazed as he looked at her and heedlessly he took a step
towards her, hands outstretched to touch her. Usagi held up a shaking hand as she slid off
the desk.
"No." Her voice sounded hoarse in the sudden silence of the posh office but it was fairly
steady as she eyed him. She watched his eyes clear slowly, the hunger so obviously
displayed only moment before ebbing, if only slightly.
"No?" He asked in confusion as his smoldering gaze raked over her body.
"No. This isn't right." Again her voice was steady and Usagi inwardly sighed in relief. She
reached forward and began to button up her jacket even as she shifted her legs to allow
her skirt to fall back into place. Suddenly callused hands stilled her's and Usagi looked up
to see Mamoru suddenly only a breath away.
"Right? Why isn't this right? God the feel of you in my arms, of you skin beneath my
hands, my lips." Slowly he drew her back into his arm, his mouth seeking her's. "Damnit
you make me burn with need. You know what I'm thinking right now?"
"Please don't." Her voice was choked with emotion but he merely ignored her, his mouth
moving across her ivory skin.
"I thinking how much I want to bury myself in you. How I want to strip the clothes from
you body and see how comfortable that damn desk is..." she silenced him with a finger
pressed to his heated lips.
"Mamoru. This. Is. Not. Right." His eyes consumed her as he looked into her's, his lips
opening beneath her finger and his tongue snaking out to slide sensuously against it.
Breath ragged, pulse racing Usagi drew her hand away from him and slowly turned it so
her palm faced away from him and a very bright, very real engagement ring faced him,
glinting slightly in the light.
"This is wrong Mamoru....... because I'm engaged."
Despite what so many thought Jason was not Usagi and Mamoru's love child. Though i did consider it as a possibility after everyone suggested it i decided to stay with my original plan for this fic. remember to review so i feel loved and know you kind people are willing to read more.
~Violet Goddess