Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Death and Rebirth ❯ Death and Rebirth 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Death and Rebirth

Chapter Six:

Guardian watched over Carlos from above as he made his way to school. It had been a week and no matter how hard he tried, Guardian could find no trace of Carlos' murderers. This really worried him. He had considered going to Phobos and Deimos for help, but he knew he couldn't do it. A guardian had to perform his duties alone and this really frustrated him. In truth he didn't want help, he just wanted an excuse to meet the legendary Mars twins.

He looked down upon Carlos. As Karasu, he had been keeping himself busy by hunting down criminals. Although he rarely killed anybody, he always used extreme violence. But Guardian could say nothing. In fact, he was actually glad that Karasu kept himself bit under control, even if it was minimal. It didn't console Guardian much that he killed, but Carlos always checked the souls of his victims. He only took the lives of those whose souls were too tainted and corrupted, which were rare, and spared the ones who had even the smallest hope for redemption. Still, this didn't change the fact that his ward was a cold-blooded killer and getting good at it. He didn't like that at all.

Guardian went down, he decided to discuss this subject with Carlos again. He would probably ignore him, but he had to keep insisting. Otherwise, it could happen again.

Carlos was down in the dumps. Hunting down the scum of Tokyo helped release his frustrations, but what he really wanted was to get his mission over with as soon as possible. True, those nightly hunts meant he didn't have to fight in school anymore. This meant no detention, which was really starting to get on his nerves. Plus, all those battles served to train him in combat.

"{Warrior, a word with you}."

"Sure thing Guardian," he extended his arm, "What's up?"

Guardian landed on his arm and started talking. "{It's about your behavior Warrior. You can't keep on slaying people}."

"Vámos, you can count the people I've killed with one hand, or wing, and I always check first."

"{Yes, that is true. But every time you slay, you do it with more violence. That only serves to harm you}."

"Why? What could happen?"

Guardian took a deep breath. "{In every group, there is always one who excels. Well, there once existed a warrior-}"

"Hey, you Mexican creep!" Carlos and Guardian turned to the source of that voice. Carlos groaned, it was two kids that had a reputation of teasing and bullying anyone they didn't like. He had several nasty encounters with them, and always ended up winning. But these two didn't learn. "So, the hermit has a crow for a friend. What do you think you are, a warlock?"

"No," Carlos answered as he turned away, "I'm just someone who's gonna make you hurt, if you don't shut up and let me be."

The other two just laughed, "We've seen how you've been acting lately. You've gone soft."

"That's right. You've become to scared for a real fight, wimp."

Carlos snorted, "I've only been careful as to not get into detention." He grinned wickedly, "but right now, we are out of the campus, so," he taunted them to approach, "you can check out how soft I've become," his grin became wider, "unless you're afraid of a wimp."

The taunt worked. Both kids approached Carlos with obvious intentions for a fight. When the opponents were a few steps away from each other, someone else called out.

"Leave him alone!" All four turned, it was Hotaru. Of course, she was a frequent victim to these two jerks. She walked up beside Carlos, "Can't you two grow up and leave people alone."

"Shut up you freak!" one of them retorted, "This is none of your business."

"That's right," Carlos said, "now get away before you get hurt."

Hotaru shook her head, "I'm tired of cowering under bakas like these. I'm staying!"

One of the creeps made a fist. "Okay freak, you asked for it." He threw a punch straight to Hotaru's face. With extreme ease, Carlos caught his arm and twisted it back and upwards. The kid couldn't do more than gasp in pain. His companion just stood still, amazed by Carlos' speed.

"Now. Do you know why your arm hurts so?" Carlos asked coldly, "It's bent to the limit. A little more pressure and it'll come out of its socket. A lot more pressure and you'll never use it again." The kid whimpered a response. Carlos turned to the other one, "Are you going to behave now?" He got a reluctant nod for an answer and let the kid go. Once the pair was gone, he turned his attention to Hotaru.

"What if I hadn't been able to stop that punch? You would have been seriously hurt. Why can't you keep your nose out of my business?"

Hotaru huffed, "Well I couldn't let you get into a fight." As Hotaru expected, Carlos had succeeded in alienating everyone around him. Even Reiko had lost interest in him. If she was going to save Carlos from his self-imposed solitude, she had to act now. "Besides," she continued, "I've got my own problems with those two." Her gaze then turned towards Guardian, who had stayed on Carlos shoulder all this time. She gasped in amazement, he was a magnificent bird. She'd never seen Phobos and Deimos in their crow forms up close. {They must be even more beautiful}. "I assume this is your pet."



Carlos and Guardian looked at each other. "Uh, yeah. He started following me one day. And in time, we grew fond of each other."

Cautiously, Hotaru tried to pet him. She was afraid the crow would peck her hand, that beak looked sharp. Noticing her intentions, Carlos moved Guardian to his arm and extended him to Hotaru.

"Go ahead, he won't hurt you."

Guardian frowned. He was a guide, an advisor, not a pet. Later he was going to give the warrior a piece of his mind. But when the young girl's soft hand caressed his head, his mood changed. {This isn't so bad. It is actually quite pleasant}.

"He's really pretty. Does he have a name?"

", it's-" Carlos went dumb. Thanks to the media, he had become well known as Karasu no shi. And many people knew that he often called out to someone named Guardian. Mentioning that name would reveal his identity. "It's…Kashaku! I named him Kashaku."

Hotaru raised an eyebrow. "That's a strange name. But I guess you've got your reasons."

"Yeah, I do. Well, I gotta go now."

"Matte. It's still early, we have time to talk."

"It's early, but I've got work to do. Adios." Carlos went out of sight and Hotaru just stood there shaking her head.

"{Kashaku}," the crow pondered his new name, "{I have to admit warrior I like your choice for naming me}."

"Well I'm glad you appreciate it," Carlos said with a wily grin, "because my other choice was Pepe."

Kashaku frowned, "{Not funny warrior}," he flew off, "{not funny at all}."


Central control, Underneath the Crown game center:

Artemis viewed the tape from the meeting the other night. Being a cat, his keener sight allowed him to see something the others couldn't. He pressed some buttons and the image enlarged. Luna came in at that point.

"Gomen, I had to rush Usagi to school, again." She hopped up next to her mate, "Is everything ready?"

"Hai, now watch. I'm focusing the image on Hotaru-chan." Hotaru's silhouette seemed normal at first, but if you looked closely, you would see a black circle upon her chest.

Luna nodded, "It's there all right. Can you zoom in?" Artemis pressed a button and the image focused on the circle. It now looked like a black thundercloud. Luna shook her head, "This looks bad. Any idea what it is?"

"None, we should ask Ami or Rei. But that's not the most intriguing part," he pressed the fast forward button, "watch what happens when she scolds Haruka-kun." The cloud began to swirl faster and more violently, until it made a short explosion. Then it shrunk again, a bit larger than its original size. "So, what do you make of this?"

Luna looked down, "Nothing good, nothing good at all."


Whirlpool compound:

Hawkins stood in a room making annotations. Beside him, was a melted down steel block. Allen came in, coughing dryly. He wore his business suit but his hair was still undone.

"(Cough), how are the results coming out Hawkins?"

"Quite well Mr. Poe," he tapped the chunk of metal with his pen, "This is the result of a regular size energy charge." He checked his notes, "Therapy however, will take a bit more time to complete."

"Well don't expect him to become too stable. Remember who we're talking about." Allen took a deep breath and rubbed his chest.

"Trouble Mr. Poe?"

"Tired," the other responded, "I've got a takeover to complete, a ball to host, a warrior to catch and a massacre to commit. I just can't take a break." He ran a finger over the former block, "Are the drones ready?"

"All ready Mr. Poe, plus the tracker."

Allen nodded and started leaving the room, "Good, I'll have Paul ready to carry out the mission by this afternoon."

Hawkins called him back, "Mr. Poe, wait! Are you sure you will able to lure the Karasu out with that plan."

"We've both studied him Hawkins. I know this will work."


Haruka and Michiru were waiting for Hotaru by the car at a park near Seirryu. The play where Minako and Saori starred made its debut today. Everyone was already at the theater, except for the three mentioned above and Makoto, who was going to bring Shigeru.

The outers' search for Karasu hadn't gone well. The guy seemed to be everywhere at once. The only source of information they had was the media, which they were using right now thanks to a portable TV.

"{For the last few days, there has been a notorious rise in crime in the streets of Juban. At the same time however, a new crime fighter has appeared to protect the citizens. His extremely brutal methods have earned him the name: Karasu no shi, crow of death}."

Haruka snorted. It was too big a coincidence that muggings had skyrocketed as soon as this guy showed up. She watched closely as witnesses were interviewed.

Little did she know that it was Allen Poe who had caused this rise in criminal activity. He knew how Karasu would react. And this way, he could study his pattern.

"{So, my boyfriend Bobby and I are like, walking through the park}." The girl gestured too much, trying to make the most of her fifteen minutes of fame. "{When this guy comes out of nowhere and tries to take my purse. Bobby tried to stop him but got knocked out. At that moment, we hear a crow call and as we turn around, this guy in black leaps from out of nowhere and beats the crap out of the perv. It was so intense! I'm in love!}"

Haruka sweat-dropped. An older man replaced the girl. "{In my opinion. That guy is no better than a common thief is. He stops criminals, yes, but takes away their weapons. He must be armed to the teeth by now. Not to mention the fact that he is a killer}."

"{I remember being scared}," another girl said "{but when he touched me the fear just…it was gone}."

"{The guy is not human!}" A Woody Allen look-alike ranted. "{I saw him get shot three times! He just stood there and made a snide remark}." He shook his finger at the camera "{The sooner the senshi blast this guy, the better off we'll be}."

"I agree, but my boss won't let me." Haruka muttered. Michiru chuckled and elbowed her. The anchorman reappeared on the screen.

"{If all of the scenes where a slaying takes place, Karasu no shi leaves a calling card of sorts, the silhouette of a crow}." The scene changed to show the sketch of a bird painted on a wall, it's wings spread. In the center there was the chalk outline of a body. Whoever it was had been crucified. "{Normally, blood is used for this strange art. But sometimes fire, a trail of drugs even fallen leaves are used for the same effect}."

Haruka turned off the set. "You know, I think Karasu is going through all this vigilante business in order to gain fame. I mean, look everywhere. I once saw a shop that was selling t-shirts with his picture."

Michiru giggled, "Don't worry. As long as Sailor Venus takes care of our P.R., we'll stay number one."

Haruka smiled a little, but a scowl returned to her face. "I just don't understand how Usagi and Mamoru still believe that we can turn this guy into an ally." She picked up a newspaper she'd bought earlier, "Each time he kills he does it with more violence. And the lucky ones will be at the hospital for several weeks," she sighed, "may the princess forgive me, but I can't make myself trust Karasu." She then heard Michiru huff and saw her turn away with her arms crossed. {What's wrong with her?}

"Ohayo!" The princesses of Sea and Sky looked up, it was Makoto and Shigeru. "Have you guys had any luck finding Karasu?"

"Nothing except new reports," the sand-blonde replied, "How about you? Has Ami-chan's program brought results?"

"Hai, we managed to find one more of those camera/drainer things. Inside the ventilation system, of a bar!"

"I place that I have heard about," Shigeru said, "There you will find nothing but the lowest of scum. All of the patrons are either drunk or stoned twenty-four hours a day."

Michiru rubbed her chin, "A hospital, where most of the people there are weakened, and a bar, where everyone is in an intoxicated state." She let her hands down on her legs, "I don't get it. What can these people be after?"

Makoto shrugged, "Your guess is as good as mine."

Shigeru leaned on the car, "And with that mirror, even better. By the way, I've been doing a bit of researching of my own."

Haruka looked up, "Really? What about?"

"Have you heard about Navarro Carlos?"

Michiru sat up, "Hai, Hotaru-chan often talks about him. She really worries about his apparent intentions for being left alone."

"Well, I only know what I've read on the reports and heard from his teachers. But he's done a good job so far. Over the week, he's managed to keep everyone away with an eleven-foot pole. He's got into so many fights and ostracized so many people, that no one will give him the time of day. And he prefers it that way!" Shigeru dug his hands into his pockets, "and the one he used to treat the worse was Hotaru-chan."

With a start, Haruka got up and out of the car. "HE WHAT?"

Makoto held her friend back, "Hey Haruka-kun, calm down. He's not beating her or anything. The worse he has done to her was yell. And you might like to know; she hasn't given up on trying to make friends with him. And according to the gossip mill, he's treating her a little more politely." {Which is practically zip}.

Michiru walked up to her love's side, "I thought as much. She told me about her suspicions; she would never allow anyone to suffer. Especially what she had to go through."

Shigeru nodded and chuckled, "Yep, that's one fine ragazza you two raised. Anyway, that's not what I was going to tell you. On a hunch, I went to the archives to find out what I could about the bambino. Turns out that, even though all the papers are filed, signed and up-to-date. Not one of the secretaries can remember either him or his parents coming over."

"Is that a fact?" Makoto asked.

"Hai. I was able to find out that his father works at 'Dark Feather'. I wanted to contact him, but there's no phone number. And the address I found is non-existent."

Michiru wowed, "To say that this is mysterious would be an understatement. I wonder what's wrong with Navarro-san."

Haruka crossed her arms, "No background and he keeps everyone away from him. I'd say he's got something to hide." She noticed that Michiru rolled her eyes at her, "What?"


Carlos walked through the park, slowly so he wouldn't miss the charm all around him. Kashaku was elsewhere searching for his enemies. This place had become one of his favorites, a place where he could be alone and be at peace. A lot of people visited the park daily, but the beauty all around made people forget about the world around. Carlos stopped and took a deep, revitalizing breath of fresh air. {That's right. This is definitely better than beating up scum…although not as much fun.

"Stay right there."

Carlos sighed, he recognized that voice, hell, he recognized those souls. It was the two kids that harassed him that morning, Shawn and Shiro. And there was someone else with them. Carlos took a look, it was an older and much bigger kid.

"So Shawn-kun, is this the trouble maker?"

"Hai, Sato-san. This is the guy who's going to learn a lesson."

The three of them approach, Sato at the lead. Once he was in front of Carlos, he gave a deep chuckle and clapped with his fist closed. "So runt, ready to spit teeth?"

Carlos was unfazed by this threat. He'd fought with bigger guys before, when he was alive, younger and shorter. "Look fellows," he said calmly, "I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I don't feel like fighting. So let's each of us go his way, okay?" He began to walk away, but Sato put his hand over his chest.

"Did I say you could leave? I don't think so."

Carlos pushed Sato's arm aside and shoved him away. Sato stumbled back and fell on his rear. He was genuinely surprised; this kid was definitely strong for his size.

"I will not fight. Now leave me alone."

Shiro stepped forward and pulled out a switchblade. "Ever fought against someone with a knife, gaijin?"

Calmly, Carlos put his palm by the blade and closed his fists tightly. If these idiots wouldn't listen, then perhaps he could frighten them. His eyes opened wide when he felt a great pain coming from that hand.

"Yah!" He jerked his hand away; it was bleeding like there was no tomorrow! "Demonio!" He'd forgotten all about the wound Uranus had made with her Star sword.

Sato cackled, "So, you're not as tough as you thought you were." He threw a right hook at Carlos jaw, which caused his sunglasses to fall of. It was followed by an uppercut and a knee to the stomach. Carlos was too surprised to counterattack. The bully lifted him by the neck, and in one stride, pinned him against a tree. "Now gaijin, you are going to learn some proper Japanese etiquette. Lesson one: respect your elders."

"Leave him alone!"

Hotaru had seen what those three were doing to Carlos and rushed to the rescue. She climbed on Sato's back and began pounding him. Sato just flung the petit teen off with his free hand. Shawn ran over and held her with a neck choke.

"Hey, I know you," Sato said, "You're the witch from Mugen Gauken."

"Is that so?" Shawn chuckled, "I always said there was something wrong with this freak." He tightened his grip on Hotaru.

Sato hadn't seen Hotaru since Mugen Gauken had been destroyed. He checked out how her body had grown. "I have to admit, the witch has grown up quite nicely," he said lustfully, "this is going to be a very good day." He suddenly felt something clamp his arm, and slowly begin to apply pressure. His eyes widened when he felt and heard his bones crackle. He slowly turned his head and met face to face with the deep dark void of Hell.

"Don't…you dare…TOUCH HER!" He kicked Sato on the chin, knocking him unconscious. Once free, he charged towards Shawn and punched him in the nose. With Hotaru safely out of the way, he threw a flurry of punches to his chest. Then he felt Shiro charge from behind. With a roundhouse kick, he knocked the switchblade out of his hand, and followed with a hook to the stomach. Shiro whined as he felt the air rush out of his body. Carlos then planted his bloody hand to his chest and pinned him down to the sidewalk. He looked up and saw that Carlos had grabbed the knife and was now holding it up, ready to jab it into his face.

"IE!" He closed his eyes in terror. After what he felt was an eternity, he opened them again, Carlos was still on top of him. He looked at what was beside him and saw the knife. Driven into the cement, just millimeters from his face. Shiro gulped, for the first time since he was ten, he wet his pants.

Carlos pulled the creep up; rage flamed out of his ebony eyes. "I could have and will kill you if you three keep acting like such jackasses." He dropped Shiro and looked at the other two. They were already getting up, shivering. "Now, RUN!" They didn't have to hear that twice. In a blink, they were gone. Taking a deep breath to calm down, Carlos went up to pick up his glasses, taking care that Hotaru didn't look into his eyes.

Hotaru was on her knees catching her breath. That was quite a show! Navarro-sempai was truly someone dangerous to anger. She got up and went towards him. "Navarro-sempai, are you-"

"Why do you insist on being so stupid?"


Carlos turned around to face Hotaru; the anger in his face was obvious. "What you just did was utterly stupid? You could have gotten yourself hurt!"

"The three of them were all against you!" Hotaru retorted, "You couldn't have done anything without someone helping you!"

"Three, four, six, I could have handled it all right by myself. All you managed was to get in the way!" He jabbed his finger into Hotaru's chest, "This is the last time I'm telling you: Keep out of my life!" Hotaru responded by slapping his face, with all the strength she could muster. Her violet eyes were flooded by anger fed tears.

"Since that night, when I found you," she said through sobs, "I've been worried whether you'd be alive, well or sad. You've been keeping me away but I always searched you out, ready to give you my friendship," Hotaru trembled with rage, "But now it's quite obvious. You are not worth the effort nor these tears."

Carlos remained indifferent to this display, which he thought was ridiculous. "That's what you get when you go around helping everybody. You risk running into bastards like me." He sneered at her and walked away.

Hotaru was appalled by this behavior, "I wanted to be there for you Navarro, and I was willing to lend a hand when you needed one." Carlos ignored her but she kept calling out to him, "One day you're going to succeed and no one will come near you," she turned away, "on that day you'll realize how much you really need a friend," she ran away.

Carlos came to a halt. Hotaru had just triggered another flashback. Her words were so similar to the ones he heard from…{Carmela}. He rolled up his fists and cursed himself. {Carlos imbécil, what have you done?} He ran after Hotaru, hoping it wasn't too late.


Seiryu High school:

Just outside of campus, Paul stood looking at the building. He was holding a small bag over his shoulder, what it kept inside was quite unpleasant.

{All those children in that building. Their parents force them to achieve excellent grades, not giving them the chance for a life. Such suffering it is that they go through}. That is what Poe had told him, and he believed it. Zealots are so easy to manipulate when you know what strings to pull. Paul opened the bag and dropped its content on the ground, a whole bunch of drone eggs. "Go and liberate those souls," he said as the nightmares hatched.


"It's the last lap and the final curve before the finish line. My tires were almost shot and the only path I could take was between the guardrail and the local favorite. The space between became just wide enough, that's when I-"

"Hey, isn't that Hotaru-chan?" Makoto interrupted. Yes it was, she was quite a distance away from them though. "I wonder why she's running? She hardly ever hurries."

"She's running away from something," Shigeru observed. He looked carefully and saw who it was, "Ara, it's-"

"That does it!" Haruka exclaimed as she sprinted.

It's easy for an undead warrior to catch up with a powered down senshi. What's difficult is for a sovereign idiot to stop an enraged female.

"Wait, please, I need to talk to you."

"Well that's a shame, because I don't want to listen," Hotaru answered sourly.

Carlos grabbed her arm, "Look, just give me a chance to-" Hotaru jerked her arm away from him.

"I gave you more than enough chances. Now get away from me!" He took hold of her again, she pushed him away, "You didn't want me near you, ne? Well congratulations, you've got your wish!"

"But," Carlos tried to reach her but she pushed him away again.

"Keep your hands off me, you-you FREAK!"

Carlos looked down and sighed in defeat. She was right; he was given more than enough chances. Like always, the most valuable gift was right in front of his face, and he didn't see it until he lost it. {Why do I have to be such an ass?} He shook his head at himself. {Oh well, the least I can do is offer an apology, if she hasn't run away yet}. He looked up again and saw Hotaru just standing there, both hands were clasped over her mouth, her eyes were wide with shock and she was…shaking?

Slow and fearfully, Hotaru took her hands away from her face. She couldn't believe what just came out of her lips. For years that word was used against her, hurting her in a way nobody but her could understand. No matter how big Chibi-Usa's friendship was or how much love Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna would give her, the word 'freak' had left a deep scar in her heart. And now that she heard it from her own voice, with such anger, it sounded much more awful. "G-Gomen nasai," she stuttered.

Carlos reached out to touch her face. For some reason she was scared and he knew he could take that fear away with his power. He would have if someone hadn't shoved him off.

"Get away from her!" Haruka pushed Carlos away and enclosed Hotaru in a shielding embrace. She didn't know who this kid was, but she did recognize his face.

A few days ago she saw him involved in a gang fight. Seeing that four outnumbered him, her first reaction has to help. But then she saw him knock out two of the bullies simultaneously. He finished off the other two with a short but extreme display of violence. Haruka whistled, this kid was something serious. When all four were down, he made a sarcastic comment while wearing a sadistic sneer. This last detail troubled Haruka a bit. She noticed that he was wearing the Seiryu uniform. {If this kid knows what's good for him, he better keep away from my Hime-chan}.

Hotaru snapped out of her trance. "Haruka-papa? Matte! Navarro-sempai was only-"

"Navarro, Navarro Carlos?" Haruka eyed the boy suspiciously; "Go to Michiru and Mako-chan, Hime-chan," she said as she got between the two teens.


"Go!" Hotaru frowned but did as she was told. Haruka put her full attention towards Carlos, "What were you trying to do to her?"

"I was just trying to apologize to her," Carlos snapped, "I'm not the one who made her cry like that!" {At least I hope not}.

"Well people cry when they're hurt, and having your arm almost pulled off hurts!"

"I would never hurt a girl physically, at least not intentionally. And what makes you think that I would strike at someone just because?"

Haruka narrowed her eyes menacingly, "I've heard a lot about you Navarro, and I've even seen the way you act. So far, the bad far outweighs the good." She pointed a finger at Carlos' face, "You will not hurt, you will not even go near Hotaru-chan. Is that understood?"

Carlos' expression remained blank through that whole threat. "You can't watch over her forever and you can't watch me at all," a mocking grin appeared slowly on his face, "I can be right next to her tomorrow at school, next week on the streets," his voice got lower, "or tonight in her bed doing what I please." That did it, Haruka threw a punch and Carlos easily avoided it. She threw another, this time he caught her arm. "Don't be to quick to judge people. It can be very dangerous and I hate that."

"{Warrior! The crow-vision}."

Carlos snorted. Couldn't Kashaku see that he was busy? His eyes went wide suddenly, "Hijos de su! Gotta go!" He let go of the blonde and ran as fast as he could.

"Matte!" Haruka spun around, "If you think I'm going to let-" she was speaking at no one. Carlos just disappeared. Haruka stomped her foot, {If that hentai creep touches a hair in my Hime-chan's head…}Fuming she went back to the others.

Hotaru had everyone surrounding her, listening to what happened and what she did.

"I don't believe it. How could I do that to him?"

"You were angry Hime-chan," Michiru comforted her, "people can't control what they say or do when they let their emotions overtake them."

"That's the reason I got into so many fight when I was younger," Makoto added, "I always let my anger let the best of me." She nudged Hotaru's shoulder, "Don't be so hard on yourself short-stuff."

Hotaru managed a shy smile, "Arigato. But still, it doesn't excuse the way I treated Navarro-sempai."

"Think about this," Shigeru suggested, "If he came back looking for you, you must have said something right. I'm sure he'll come looking for you again."

"You think so Shigeru-sensei?"

"I know so."

"And when he does, I'll teach him exactly where he's supposed to be," Haruka said as she joined the others. "Hotaru-chan," she always called her that when it was something serious, "I want you to keep away from Navarro-san."

"Nani?" Michiru knew Haruka's paranoia well, but this was a bit too much. "Haruka, How can you say something like that?"

"He's too secretive to trust," she answered, "and I saw him in a fight once. He's too dangerous. Hotaru could end up hurt."

"Haruka-papa, I know how he fights, I just saw him." She shuddered a bit, "I'll admit he is brutal, but that can't be all there is to him."

"But that is all he'll let us see. And what he keeps hidden can't be good." Noticing that Hotaru was beginning to frown, Haruka placed her hands on her shoulders, "Hime-chan, I'm only trying to do what's best for you."

"Ie, you're doing what you think is best," she replied harshly. She walked away from the group, "Give Mina-san my regards. I'll be going home, by myself."

Haruka watched bewildered as Hotaru left, "What's gotten into her?" She turned to Michiru and found her also frowning and with her arms crossed.

"If you had listened for a change, you might have learned the reason." Haruka was about to ask what that meant when something hummed in Michiru's purse, the Aqua mirror. Everyone looked into it and gasped. "Kuso, Hime-chan we have to-" Hotaru rushed past them.

"I know, I saw!"


Usagi, Rei and Minako were waiting backstage for the others to arrive. Minako peeked through the curtains at the crowd.

"Where are the others? The show's about to start any moment now."

"They'll be here Mina-chan," Usagi said as she patted her friend on the back, "Feels weird being the first one here though."

"It is queer, I must say," Rei quipped, "By the way, how is Saori-san doing?"

"You mean after what happened? Quite well, considering she's not used to facing certain death every five seconds. But let's not bring that subject up," she stroke a victory pose and pointed towards her lucky star, "Here it is: Aino Minako's big break! Nothing shall stop me now!" The alarm on their communicators went off, "damn Murphy and his laws!"

Rei rolled her eyes and Usagi checked it out. "It's a red alert!" This meant all the senshi had to answer. "The signal's coming from Makoto," she turned to Rei "She's in Seiryu at this moment, ne?"

"Hai!" she answered as she and Minako took out their henshin rods.

"Mars/Venus, crisis power, make up!"

"Eternal moon power, make up!"

The three senshi teleported away.


The whole schoolyard was one panicked mess. Even though classes had been dismissed, there where still plenty of students and teachers around. Everyone was running around trying to get away from the drones. All they managed was to make their job easier. Hotaru watched in horror as brown and purple insects turned the school into a slaughter-fest. She recognized the skeletons, but didn't know what to make of the purple ones. She then identified them as 'spitters' when one of them threw a jet of acid at a coach. Turning him into a red-green puddle.

Hotaru pulled out her henshin rod. There was no secluded place nearby to hide her transformation, and she had no time to look for one. Everyone was running around aimlessly, hopefully she wouldn't attract attention. "Saturn cri-"

"TOMOE GET DOWN!" Something large tackled her away from the field of battle. Hotaru was too taken by surprise to react; she ended up under what seemed two hundred pounds of bone and muscle. With a little effort she managed to free herself.

"Baka! I have to go and stop those things," she gasped when she saw who it was and what was happening to him, "Sato-san?"

Sato was lying on the ground face down, a giant wasp that was digging its stinger deep into his back. Hotaru summoned her glaive and sliced the wasp in two. Carefully, she turned him over and checked his pulse, he was still alive, but not for long. Frantically, she tried healing him, but it was no use, he was dying.

"Tomoe-san?" Sato's voice was barely audible.

"I'm here Sato-san. Just hold on."

Sato caught a glimpse of the Silence Glaive. "So it's you. I guess I should have treated you better over the years, ne?"

Hotaru shook her head, "You saved my life Sato-san! But I thought you hated me."

Sato chuckled painfully, "So did I. But when I saw that thing, I guess deep down I couldn't bear see a girl like you get hurt." Hotaru gave him the warmest smile ever. He lurched violently as the poison took effect. "Gomen…nasai…Tomo…" he expired.

Hotaru neared her face to Sato's and kissed his cheek, "I forgive you Sato-san," she whispered, "I've always had." She got up, her eyes scanned the area. She saw the drones create chaos, her classmates surrounded by horror. Half a dozen skeletons and spitters caught sight of her and charged. "Ie," she whispered. She held the glaive over her head, "SATURN CRISIS POWER, MAKE UP!" The drones halted and found Sailor Saturn standing defiantly. The former Silence Messiah gave them no time to react. "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!" The resulting explosion wiped the drones out completely. A slight grin of satisfaction began to bend Saturn's lips, but she was not done yet. She ran off, out for blood.

Eternal Sailor Moon, Mars and Venus couldn't believe what they saw. The whole building seemed one giant beehive.

Sailor Moon sweat-dropped, "You know? These things seem more disgusting in large numbers."

"I agree," Venus added, "How's about we sit this one out and call the Orkin-man."

Mars rolled her eyes "Can't you two-" Some screaming interrupted her. The three senshi turned and saw the students evacuate the building. Sailor Moon looked up, several drones were about to pounce on them. "Venus!"

"I see them. Venus love me chain!" The golden lasso wrapped around the drones and threw them to the ground, a safe distance away from the students.

Mars finished the job, "Burning Mandala!" The attack destroyed just a few of the drones. The rest were badly burned, but still able to fight.

Sailor Moon took a step towards the giant insects. "Roaches and bugs are hideous enough without being seven feet tall. We are the bishoujo senshi and in the name of the Moon we will squish you." One blackened drone just stood and looked at her. Sailor Moon blinked "Uh...What does that look mean?" It threw its head back and then bent forward spitting a jet of acid. Sailor Moon jumped out of the way just in time "YIKES!"

"Odango-head! Can't you make the intros shorter?" Mars yelled as she avoided a skeleton's claw.

"Yell at me at some other time, okay!" Sailor Moon cried as she avoided the streams of acid. "Somebody get this thing of my back!"

"One second." Venus caught a skeleton with her chain and flung it at the spitter. The result was a tangled purple, brown, black and orange mess.

Sailor Moon took a look at Venus handiwork, then she saw several more drones come from that direction. She held the Moon power tier forward "Silver Moon crystal power kiss!" In a second, all of the drones were obliterated.

Venus put a hand on Sailor Moon's shoulder. "Good work princess. Guess that takes care of them."

Moon shook her head. "We're not done yet. I can still hear more buzzing from the building. Let's go." They both ran into the school. Sailor Moon looked back and saw Mars holding her head. "Mars?"

"I'm all right. I just felt a strange presence," Mars answered.

"The enemy?"

"No, it's not evil, just negative. It's a bit familiar somehow…Karasu!"

Sailor Moon's eyes lit up. She looked to where Venus was running, "Wherever he is, we better get going before Venus runs into more of those bugs."

Mars nodded and they both ran inside.

"Death scream."

A dozen more drones were eliminated. Sailor Mercury and Sailor Pluto had arrived along with the others. Mercury was assessing the situation through her computer.

"So Mercury. Where else do we have to fumigate?" Uranus asked as she wiped a drone's blood off her sword.

"They're all around the campus," Mercury replied, "The good news is that most are organized in compact groups, so this shouldn't take long. The bad news is that those groups consist of a large numbers of individuals. Plus, some drones are isolated and my visor can't track those."

"That's good to know," Said Neptune, "How is the princess doing?"

Mercury tapped a few more buttons. "Sailor Moon, Mars and Venus just went inside the building, they shouldn't have much trouble," she frowned slightly, "Saturn is fighting alone. How did she cover such distance in such little time?"

Jupiter answered, "No idea. She seemed to know what was happening before we even told her."

"Okay," Sailor Uranus took charge, "Pluto, you'll go aid Saturn; Mercury and Jupiter, help evacuate the area; Neptune," she gave her a playful smile, "Wanna see who gets the most drones?"

Neptune shrugged, "If you feel like playing games, I guess I'll humor you," She then turned to Mercury, "Where's the largest group?"

"Umm, the southeast area."

"Then let's get going," said Pluto. Everyone nodded and split up.

"GET AWAY!" The boy threw stones at the spitter drone desperately as he backed away. Behind him was his girlfriend, unable to do anything but cry. The purple bug stepped closer, its acid reserve was depleted at the moment, but it would recover soon. This fact was the only reason the youths were still alive. Suddenly the girl tripped and both fell. The drone now had enough acid to dissolve both, if not instantly. It drew its head back. The kids hugged each other waiting for the inevitable.

Then, two gunshots were heard. The drone felt a couple of stings in its back. It turned around. The kids looked also. Karasu stood there defiant, aiming his gun at the spitter. "You want a fight? Try me for size." He shot the drone again. The bullet bounced harmlessly off its chest. Karasu took a look at the gun "This isn't very effective now, is it?" The drone was programmed to deal with those with weapons first. It turned completely and took aim. Just as it opened its mouth, Karasu fired again. The spitter's head blew up because of the bullet's heat plus the acid. "Everything has a weak spot. You just gotta know where it is." Karasu boasted as he spun the gun on his finger. He stared at the kids who were still in shock. "What? Is Karasu no shi too scary for you?"

"Behind you!" the girl screamed.

Karasu turned a saw a skeleton drone ready to slice him in half. Before anyone could move, a red rose appeared in each of the monster's eyes. Blinded, it jerked back in pain. Wasting no time, Karasu drew out his katana and sliced the drone in half. The girl turned and went misty-eyed when she saw her savior.

"Tuxedo Kamen!" she exclaimed with twinkles in her eyes.

"Cool," her boyfriend said, "I wonder if Sailor Jupiter is around."

Karasu smacked both of them on the back of their heads. "Hey! We didn't save your asses so you could get an autograph. Now get the hell out of here, ándale!" Both kids were too scared to reply and did as they were told.

"You're not fooling anyone you know," Tuxedo Kamen told Karasu.


"You insist on terrifying people, some of the things you have done merit being condemned. But your heart is in the right place and your intentions are honorable, you just need someone to show you the right way."

"Listen 'Don Máscaras'," Karasu said curtly, "You don't know what I'm after, you don't even know what I am."

"You're right, I don't," Tuxedo Kamen replied calmly, "but I'm willing to learn if you want to tell me."

Karasu was going to give another stinging comeback but kept his mouth closed. This guy was offering him help. It would be pretty stupid to reject such an offer after what happened with the violet-eyed girl. He felt someone near the building, "We'll talk later. Right now there are more important things to do."

Tuxedo Kamen nodded as he looked in the same direction as Karasu, "Right, the other senshi are-" Karasu had vanished. The future king shook his head, "His manners also need improving."

Kashaku observed the warrior's actions from afar. He was surprised to see that he had treated Tuxedo Kamen in such a polite manner. Later in the day, he would find out what caused such radical change in his behavior. He set his sight on the main building, he also felt Paul's presence. He flew to the warrior's side; after all, another of his duties was to serve as a herald.

A scream caught his attention as he flew over the yard. He saw a group of kids, thirteen possibly twelve-year olds, trying to elude a trio of wasps. He glimpsed at a girl's face and a memory sprung. He remembered a war centuries ago, a whole village slaughtered. He was one of the commissioned to carry the souls of the children. He descended a bit, then went back up again. {I watch and counsel, but do not interfere}. He heard another cry and remembered the weigh of those souls. Heavy for having their life taken so early. Kashaku continued his flight. {My duty is to watch over the warrior, nothing else}. He heard a third cry. At this moment he would have gritted his teeth, if he had any. He wished he could but...{Arrgh, Damn the laws!}

"CAW!" Kashaku made a sharp turn and dove towards one of the wasps. It never knew what hit it. Kashaku dug his talons into it and slammed it to the ground, killing it instantly. And as fast as he landed, he took of again.

As was stated before, despite his appearance he had abilities beyond those of earthly creatures. His kind possessed a hawk's speed, an eagle's strength and a swallow's dexterity, plus other skills. No known guardian had ever displayed them like this however, since all they were supposed to stay on the sidelines. This realization came to him as he pecked off the second wasp's head off in mid-flight. What would the consequences for his actions be? This moment of distraction almost cost him.

"Caw!" "Caw!"

Guardian turned his head when he heard the double call. He saw a wasp heading straight towards him, too close to evade it. Then two crows grabbed it in a dive, each grabbing an end. They twisted and ripped the wasp in half. Guardian watched in amazement. {Are those two?} He wondered. As if to respond him, the duo pulled up and faced him. The three birds hovered, almost motionless, looking into each other's eyes. Then they bolted away from each other trying to put as much distance as they could between them. Kashaku shook his head. {Now I know I'm in trouble}.

The two crows hid in a tree and changed into sprites.

"Phobos-chan, do you have any idea what we just did?" the blue clad sprite asked nervously.

"I know, I know," the red one answered, "We shouldn't have done that. But we couldn't let the guardian die either, you know what would happen to Karasu."

"Hai," Deimos thought for a moment, "Maybe if we say we were trying to save the children, they'll go soft on us."

Phobos wasn't so hopeful, "Search for loopholes later onee-chan, we have to find princess Mars now." They turned back into crows and flew.

"World Shaking!" Yet another batch of drones bites the dust. "Score ten more for me," Uranus said with a chuckle. Neptune didn't acknowledge her, she just kept blasting drones. Uranus had enough, "Okay, let's wager. If I win, you must tell me what's been bothering you all week."

"You could just ask instead of making this a competition, you know," the ocean senshi responded.

"I know, but it's easier to make you talk when you feel obliged."

"Fine. Submarine reflection!" an even larger group fell, Neptune snickered, "you're twenty points behind."

"No problem," Uranus said as the spun the Star sword, "As long as they keep coming in tight formations, I'll catch up."

The drone that seemed to lead the swarm, a spitter, took a look at the senshi and at the fallen ones around. It then gave a long chirp. As one, the drones fanned into a wide formation, creating various individual targets.

Uranus gulped. "They ...ah...learn fast. Don't they?"

Neptune shrugged, "You're just nervous because now you can't beat the point difference," she teased her love, although there was nervousness in her voice, "Submarine Reflection!"

Elsewhere, Paul caught two students who were trying to escape. He gave one a roundhouse kick to the neck and grabbed the other by the head. Twist, snap, dead. Quick and painless, that's how Paul liked to do things, unlike his partners. At his feet was a drone. This one was simply an overgrown roach, about two feet long. The only extraordinary thing about it was it's extra-long antennae.

"I can see none of you have changed."

Paul turned and found Karasu, katana on hand. "So it's you. The boss told me to be expecting you."

Karasu made a face of disappointment, "Damn. And I wanted too surprise all of you," he pointed the sword at Paul, "So what now? Do you run or cower?"

"I do what I've been ordered to child." Paul snapped his fingers. The drone leaped towards Karasu, whipping its antennae.

"Qué rayos?!" Before the warrior could react the roach wrapped its antennae around him. Paul took advantage of the situation and escaped. "You're not going anywhere!" Karasu tensed his muscles, trying to break free. But the drone just let him go by itself and flew away giving out an ear-piercing chirp as it did. Karasu covered his ears; he unplugged them after a while. He was puzzled by how the drone acted. {What was that for?} He tried to sense Paul, but he was gone, it was probably because of the noise. {Great! Who knows how long until I find-}An image popped into his head. He snickered, {Muchas gracias Kashaku}.

Paul was also a bit dizzy because of the drone's call. He took a look at the ring he just put on his finger. Allen's instructions were to attract the warrior, let the tracker-drone get his scent and run back to headquarters. The ring would help him do so. According to Allen its function was to hide auras. Personally, he wanted to test his mettle against Karasu no shi. From what he had read in the newspapers, he could tell he was a formidable opponent. But, his duties to his superior came first. {I wonder if I will ever get the chance to-}"Oof!" Something tackled him from behind, Karasu. Paul took the ring off with disgust, "Stupid thing, don't even work."

"The ring works Paul," said Karasu, "it's just that it doesn't make you invisible to crow-vision," he pointed to a tree behind Paul. The ebon martyr turned around.

"{An interesting item}," Kashaku noted. "{How was it made? I wonder}."

"Who cares? Let's finish this." He lifted Paul up and sneered, "Ready to rejoin with Willy?"

Paul's look was expressionless. He grabbed Karasu's wrists, "As much as I want to leave this wretched world, child," he gave a quick turn and threw him over his shoulder, "I won't depart without a fight!"

Karasu got up and rubbed his back, "So you're a fighter like Chris. Eh?"

Paul took a fighting stance. His moves showed he was a true professional. "I am the one who trained Chris and the others."

"Good," Karasu got into position, "for a moment I thought this would get boring."

Paul showed off his muscles by taking his jacket off slowly, ala Bruce Lee, "Ready child?"

Karasu gave a wide grin "Let's dance. And stop calling me child."


Author's notes:

Kashaku: literally translated, it means: pangs of conscience. After a long search, I found this to be a perfect name for the guardian.

Pepe: A little joke. 'Pepe Grillo' is the Spanish name for Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio's conscience. Also, Pepe is a nickname for people named Joseph. And in Mexico, we have a brand of tequila named: 'José Cuervo'.