Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6

I pull my love close to me. I know that if I ever lost Michiru I would feel the same as Mamoru. I hold her close, not wanting to ever let her go.

I look down at the woman in front of me. "We have to go to them." She nods in response and we both head to our room to pack.

"I made reservations after Setsuna called." She says in a low voice.

We begin to pack for our trip to Japan. My mind wanders as I throw articles of clothing in the suitcase.

When I first met Usagi, I didn't care for her or the others much. It had been only Michiru and I for so long and I didn't want to believe her when she said we could work together. She was a klutz and a crybaby. I wanted nothing to do with her or the Inner Senshi, but she showed me the light.

She truly was stronger than any of us. Her pure heart kept her from enjoying the battles. All she wanted was peace. She was going to have that peace in the future, but someone decided to play a cruel trick on us all.

I feel the tears begin to run down my face once again. I feel a pair of strong, but soft, arms around me. I look up into my lover's eyes.

"Oh, Princess, don't leave us. You still have much to do and so much to teach." I sob into Michiru's shoulder.

"Futures change, Ruka. Maybe our princess needs to leave us."

"What of Crystal Tokyo? What of peace?" I look into Michiru's eyes. "What of Chibi Usa?"

"Life plays cruel jokes sometimes. All we can do is hope that this is not one of those jokes." She kisses me tenderly on the lips before she stands. She walks over to the suitcases. She gives me a small, sad smile as she finishes packing.

We met only months ago, and now she is being taken from us. She has fought evils that none of we Senshi could and she has won. Now she lies in a hospital bed unable to fight for her own life.

I walk over to Michiru and help her carry the bags down to the car. Soon we will be at our princess's side.