Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 8

I don't know what to do. I have called the others, and they are in as much shock as I am. What will we do without Usagi? Tears fill my eyes once more as I think of her lying in that bed.

I couldn't handle it very long, seeing her like that. To me it is not our Usagi lying in that bed. Usagi is the one that always smiles, the one that is always running, and the one that is always there when you need her.

Tears fill my eyes as I look at the picture on the wall. Usagi is so happy in that picture. We are all in our high school uniforms. For once Raye and Usagi were not fighting. We all have big smiles on our faces. Usagi has her arms linked with Makoto and me.

"I'd give anything to see you smile and to hear you laugh again." I whisper to the picture. "But, I fear that I'll get neither." I walk to the picture and place my finger o it. I trace Usagi's face with my finger trying to remember her laugh, but the sound is slowly being erased from my memory.

I pull my finger from the picture and walk toward the front door. I put my shoes on and walk out. I know where I must go, and I know what I must do.

She is a true friend. The one that does not care who you are or what you have done. I was her idol and yet she is mine. Together we could conquer anything. At least that's what I believed, until now.

"Please, Usagi, you can't leave us. There is more good that needs to be done." I whisper my plea to the air as I walk to the hospital.