Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Kindness ❯ Chapter 9

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 9

We sit in the airplane, Hotaru and I. I booked the first flight back to Tokyo after I received Minako's call. I pull Hotaru a little closer as she sleeps fitfully next to me. I stroke her short black hair hoping to calm her uneasy mind, but I know it won't happen.

She has cried since we got the news. She loves Princess Serenity so much. Usagi and Chibi Usa were her first real friends, and now in one swoop she is losing them both.

My thoughts begin to wander as the day's toll wears upon me. My mind drifts to that moment I saw as I looked through the Gate of Time. I had to see what that foolish, but loving child had risked her life and the future for.

Usagi, the one with the heart so big, risked it all to save a child. My eyes fly open as I see the impact once again. "Oh, Usagi." I whisper.

I knew from the time that she had to rescue Chibi Usa that she would risk her life for those she loved. She has proved it every time she has gone into battle. She was supposed to prove it again in the future when she brought peace to all.

She is the one who is to bring peace to the future. The irony of it all is that she was to be savior of the whole world and she lies in a bed dying because she chose to save one small child. A sad smile crosses my face as I think of the irony of it all.

"Oh, Hotaru, will you be able to say good-bye when the time comes?" I whisper as I gaze down at her. As I watch Hotaru sleep, an idea comes to my mind.

Quickly, I pull out my cell phone and call Mrs. Tsukino and tell her of my idea. After she agrees, I wake Hotaru. "I have an idea for Usagi." I look into her eyes. "Will you help?"

She nods her head and we quickly begin our planning.