Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ Journal ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We sat around a table, at Rei's temple. I don't know why, but my eyes kept moving over to Usagi.

That laugh, it annoyed me before, but now, it was soothing.

My hand slowly touched my chest, feeling the outline of the locket.

I didn't realize, I was staring at Usagi now, her eyes, lips her whole face, until I felt a sharp on my side.

Michiru had pinched me!

I yelped, and turned to her "What was that for?"

She hissed under her breath, loud enough for only me to hear. "You were staring at her…"

I blushed lightly, but shrugged it off. "I was looking past her…"


That was the end of the convocation.

I just couldn't help looking at her, she reminded me so much of Celina.

Her happy nature, her actions.


I wanted to know so badly, I had to hold everything back to keep from saying: Are you my sister Celina Rhode?

So, I just sat there, talked when I needed to talk. But, I was dying inside.

It's been two days since I looked at that box, at my baby sister.

I bought a journal, is just in two days, it is one third full.

Filled with my thoughts.


I don't know why I'm writing how I feel in a BOOK. But I spent a good five bucks on this book, so why not use it. SO, here I go.

I think I've found my sister…

Maybe I shouldn't start it out like that.

Many years ago, I had a family, a REAL family. Sisters, brothers, mom and dad. But when I was very young, it was all shattered.

Everyone was taken away from me, it was one day I'd never forget. My mom a dad gathered us all in the living room. There were 2 guys dressed in uniforms and some men and women dressed in professional office attire, they said they were social workers.

Mommy was crying, and dad looked sad. They told us they were going to take us somewhere "safe." Mom hugged and kissed us all.

My older brother, Deon started yelling when they handcuffed my father, one of the guys in the uniform told us, "He was selling something very bad." I didn't hear what he was saying after that, I was holding Celina.

Later they took us outside, I was holding Celina hand.

The next thing I knew I wasn't…

A lady social worked wearing purple, had Celina now, and was walking to a dark red colored car, I was screaming.

All they told me was, "You'll see her again."

But, I never have…until now, I hope.


I stopped writing for while, I felt tears in my eyes, and slowly I began writing again.


My two brothers were Deon, 11, and Justin,10.

My sisters, Amber, 11, she is Deons' twin, Alicia, 6, and Celina who was two….
Journal, I better go now, See you tomorrow?

Hey what am I saying!

Oh well.



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