Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ The Note ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey guys! Here is chapter 3!

Untrustable: Still no idea!

I walked slowly downstairs to get a drink of water. My long pink dress was soaked with sweat as well as my hair.

I gulped down the water, and slammed the glass down, letting out a long sigh.

Ever since I was a child, I have been having dreams about this family. There were 4 young girls, two young boys, and a mother and father. They were talking and laughing.

Then, these people came and took them all away into a black hole! I remember a little girl screaming "Derora!"

That little girl was me.

I walked upstairs and back to my room, I reached under the bed and took out an old shoebox. I took off the lib and looked in it.

There were drawings, pictures, and my favorite item of all…

A gold locket.

It had a picture of a girl in my dream, Derora.

She had long dirty blonde hair, kind of the color of Haruka.

I laughed thinking about it.

Haruka with long hair!


I put the locket around my neck, and put the box back under my bed.

I smiled lightly, and went to sleep, still thinking about Haruka.

The nightmare did not come back.


In the morning, I met the girls and Mamo-chan at the Ice cream parlor, late as usually. I sat between Ami and Mamoru, across from Haruka, grabbing a sundae as the waitress brought it.

"Go ahead," I heard Rei mumble. "Eat my ice cream."

I smiled shyly, and pushed the already eaten ice cream towards her, but she shook her head, and pushed it back. "You can have it…"

"Okay." I said with a shrug.

I heard Haruka chuckle, and I looked at her.

She just smiled at me, her hazel eyes were shinning…

I do not know why, but the girls from my dreams appeared in my head, one was yelling Derora the other was yelling Celina!

I quickly looked down at my sundae, which was now nothing but an empty glass, and swirled the spoon making small click, click sounds.

Everyone was having their own convocations, but my head popped up when Michiru spoke.

"What is that Haruka?"

In Haruka's hand was an old looking enveloped, it seemed to have been opened many times.

Haruka stared at the envelope, then opened it and took out it belongings.

"I-it was a song my mother wrote to my siblings and I."

Michiru looked lost, she searched Haruka face for an answer, but came up with none.

"What do you mean? You never told me you had siblings."

Haruka nodded, "I do…somewhere."

She laid the papers on the table, closer to me. So, I picked them up and read it.



If you are reading this note, we are separated. My dear child, I am wondering how you are at this moment. Are you ok? Did a nice family adopt you? Are you happy?

Remember what I told you every time you were trouble or sad?

"Life is a road and you wanna keep going
Love is a river and you wanna stay on it
When Starting out on a journey."

I told that to each one of you kids

Derora, we knew you would be taken from us. We have requested that you and your sister Celina would stay together. However knowing the government, they would not.

If they did not keep their promise, find your sister, if you are not doing that already.

Remember I love you my child. Always will.


You mother- Sarah

I put down the note, feeling light headed. Haruka was Derora?

I looked at Haruka.

I was Celina.

If Haruka was Derora, then she is my…

Everything then went black.



::sighs:: So? How was this chapter?