Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ Contact ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4 of Lost and found

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Usagi had asked before she had fainted.

<Stupid!> I yelled at myself. <You knew this was going to be too much for her!>

Usagi was now coming to in Mamoru arms, as Ami was slapping her cheek gently. "Usako? Are You okay?" Mamoru's eyes were filled with worry for his love. A soft 'mh-hm' was his answer.

She slowly sat up and her eyes met mine. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry." I began saying repeatedly. She slowly stood up, her legs still a little shaky, and walked around the table to me and hugged me from behind.


We hugged what it seemed like hours. After crying some we broke apart and looked around us.

Everyone in the Café was staring.

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"Where else do you think we should look?"

We had returned to Usagi's house and were now using her dads computer.

"How about looking for their interest…like what did your brothers and sisters like maybe, that will help you to find out where they should live." I quickly turned in my chair clutching Kenkos hand in mine.

"Papa…Mama? What are…"

Usagi's parents cut her off. "Baby, we love you we knew someday you would wonder. You've done more then wonder you've found one of your siblings. So, you're mother and I would like to help."

I looked up at Usagi who was standing be hind me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Tuskino. Thank you." I turned, slowly, back round facing the computer. "Okay…Deon and Amber were the twins so maybe they are still together. They both loved the water and the wild life…so."

"We look at a beach somewhere, a famous one. Maybe even in the Bahamas." Mr. Tuskino crouched beside me, dragged the keyboard to him and began typing.

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It seemed like we all held out breaths as we scrolled down looking at the names.

1. 78% Deon Jr. & Amber Lamont (222) 555-8852
2. 11% Deon Jr. & Amada Miles (222) 555-7845
3. 11% Deon Jr. & Amada (222) 555-4644

"Ruka…should we try the first name? I mean it's 78 percent of the results and…the name Lamont-"

"That was our last name, Celina." I stood up slowly, and I felt something had and cold touch my arm.

"Call." Mrs. Tuskino said softly. "Call them."

I griped the phone in my hand tightly. "I can't."

"Yes you can!" Michiru came around and touched my cheek. "Love, you can do this."

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It seemed like it rang a thousand times! The Tuskinos' held Usagi tightly and cried softly.

Finally someone picked up the phone.

"Hello? Lamont resident."

My mouth was opened but I could not say anything.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

"He…Hello…Um" It was a guys voice, so I took the chance. "Deon?"

"Yes this is Deon. Who is this?"

"Um…this is Haruka…um from Japan. I mean this is-"

"I'm sorry. I don't know any Haruka."

"No! I mean, this is Derora. I think I'm your sister."

There was such a long silence on the other end. I almost died. Then I heard a woman's voice.

"Derora? Gosh this must be a cruel joke!"

"No! This is Derora! As well as Celina." Usagi's brother went and got the other phone and gave it to Usagi, and her voice came on the line.
"He-Hey this is Celina." Her soft was so soft a fragile.

There were screams in the back ground at Deon and Ambers' place. Then yet another voice, a male came on the line.

"Celina? Derora? This is Justin. Is this really you guys?

"Yes," Both of us said at the same time.

Usagi looked at if she was going to faint, and I wanted to scream!

Justin talked to us for almost ten minutes. Then Amber came on the line, then Deon.

I was watching Usagi as she opened her mouth and asked, "Where is Alicia?"

Every time Usagi had talked Amber would squeal. "She's at work but we called her she's on her way!"

I had a question I was dying to ask.
"When did you all find each other?"

"Well, the minute Deon and I turned eighteen we wanted to find all of you. Everyone had his or her real names, except for you guys…so we never found yall. However we never stopped looking."

"Hey Deon wants to talk again."

Deons voice was tick, yet soft. "We would love for you guys to come down here."

My eyes met Usagi's, "Bu-but what about our families?"

I sighed softly. "We made friends and everything here. Can they come?"

"Of course! Of course! As long as you guys come too."

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We talked until nightfall. Mainly about how we have been, how did we find each other.

Soon we regretfully finished our convocations.

"We love you guys and we hope to see you soon"

"We love you too! Bye"

Then we hung up our phones.