Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found ❯ I'll see you soon ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BAHAMAS-The capital- Nassau

"Amber! Alicia! Stop the house is spotless!" Deon watched as both of his sisters went over every room for the fifth time. Justin just sat on the floor of the large living room. The carpet was pure white, the "horse shoe" couch was black and comfortable even just be looking at it, the big screen television was against the wall directly in the middle of the couch. Other chairs in the room were black, sliver and white. The coffee table was glass with silver trimmed.

Alicia came from one of the rooms down the hall, "Derora's favorite color was blue and gold right?"

Amber nodded, and brought out one of the boxes from the hall closet and dumped out some sheets. "And Celina's was pink and white."

All Justin, and Deon could do was watch as their sisters set the guest rooms and begin cleaning.

Getting a little fed up, Deon grabbed Amber and turned her to face him, her mid back length, blonde hair hitting him in the face in the process. "Chick! Stop it!"

"Well, DUDE, my baby sisters are coming in two days! Everything has to be perfect."

"Your sisters? They happened to be all of our sisters!"

Amber gasped and leaned all of her weight against her twin brother. "I'm so sorry…I have dreamed of this day…now that it's happening I want it to be perfect."

He wrapped his stronger, muscular arms around her. "It's ok. C'mon we have to go by welcome gifts for them anyway."

Justin stood up, and walked over to them, Alicia did the same.

Justin moved his sun blenched blonde hair from out of his eyes. "How many of them are there? Around 11 and 12?"

Alicia laughed, "Gift Baskets?"

"Gift Baskets!"


Next Day

Tokyo, Japan


"Tomorrow, we will be on our way to the Bahamas!" Mina danced around and began packing another suitcase.

"Mina…you have a suit case filled with swim suits, suit case, filled with dresses! Now what?"