Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoes ❯ Mistletoes - The Epilogues (Minako) ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Mistletoes - The Epilogues (Minako)

Status: Alpha

Author: MysticMew (

Beta-reader: Ayrki

Rating: NC-17

Works in Series so far: Mistletoes

Category: Very Dark/Romance

Pairing: Usagi/Hotaru, Usagi/Minako/Hotaru

Summary: Minako struggles to understand the needs of her new lovers better.

Distrubition: MAC (, Starsinlove Group (, Shoujo ( and wherever I find it suitable. If you want it, come and ask and you won't meet much resistance.

Disclaimer: Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is owned by Takeuchi Naoko, Toei, Kodansha and assorted companies

Legal Disclaimer: This story is of a darker nature and will deal with controversial topics, as well as graphic description of two and three women in a more than platonic relationship. Also issued are scenes of (sexual) violence and rape. If you are not used to that type of story or it is illegal where you live, hit the return button on your browser right now or I'll guarantee for nothing.

Story Disclaimer: Mistletoes©2002 by Matthias Engel

Mistletoes - The Epilogues

Minako's tale

Story concept by Matthias Engel

Based on the works of Takeuchi Naoko

All my life I had searched for that one person. That one true love. The one mate for me, Venus, Senshi/Goddess of Love. Several times I had thought to have found the right person. Several times I had my heart broken. Yet my search remained fruitless. In my youth I had loved it to give people dreams and things to believe. That had been one of my main reasons for my quest to become a teeny star. Inspiring people and giving them an idol to look up to, I wanted to be a good one for them. Was it so much to ask only one thing for myself. Was it too much to ask for some own kind of happiness?

Imagine that I found it eight years later, after going through heartbreak, despair and the emotional trauma of losing almost all my kindred sisters. Only after that, I had been allowed to find true love. And even that chance had almost slipped out of my grasp once again. However, that really didn't matter now. I was here now, in a little mansion on the outskirts of the city, snuggled close to a bundle of two incredible girls who happened to love me both.

That and similar thoughts went through my mind that morning after Christmas Eve. That wonderful day that had brought so much salvation for us all. We had been able to bid our friends farewell after six, antagonizing long years, we had finally broken down that barrier between us and admitted that this feelings, this love between us was real… And then we had apparently dozed of on the couch while trying to watch some movies.

I smiled softly at the sight to my right. Usagi had moved even closer to me and Hotaru was snuggled up next to my blonde friend, her arm slip around her waist so that her hand rested on my backside. The sensation of warmth was wonderfully refreshing. How long had we waited for something so comfortable? Not a false pretense of comfort but real like… like this. If there had been any doubt if my spontaneous decision from yesterday had been rushed it was washed away right now.

Hotaru stirred next to Usagi and I gently reached over with one hand to stroke some dark hair out of her face. The younger woman blinked twice before opening her eyes and smiling up at me. "Morning… love." I suppressed a blush. "Do you intend to flatter me… little firefly?" Hotaru grinned back at me. "Do I need to?" We were both giggling by now, surprisingly or maybe not so, Usagi slept through the noise.

I looked up briefly and blinked in surprise, staring at something greatly important to the events of the last days for us. "You know, if I didn't know it any better I would say this mistletoe is following us." Hotaru glanced up and with a mischievous smile answered. "Hmm… maybe you are right." I could read it all over her face. I think it was because of the effects from the purification ceremony because Hotaru actual was rather good at faking innocence.

"Say, how does it get here anyway. I know it hadn't been here when I dozed off." I fixed Hotaru with a mock glare which made her pout. A cute pout that is. "Seems you caught me. I admit it, guilty as charged." A thought coming to mind I grinned and before she could react pulled her over with my free arm and giving her the full treatment of a Venus trademark kiss. After a minute she fell back in her original position, her eyes slightly glassed over. After another minute she finally managed to stutter a "Wow…" Yay me, I still got it.

"That was for revenge," I said with a wink and looked down at Usagi with a wicked grin. "Now is for fun."

After we had "woken Usagi up", which had quickly turned into a fifteen minutes long smooching session, we lazily managed to get up and make some breakfast. Which was spent in relative silence but that wasn't a bad thing either. There was a relaxed ease this morning in all of us that hadn't been there for years. I went for a quick run around the area to work of some of that tension in my body from the night on the sofa. I was used to beds, either way, and despite how nice it had been to wake up with the two woman next to me, in reality our position hadn't been the most comfortable one to sleep in.

It was after I returned and walked back into the kitchen where Usagi and Hotaru were supposedly doing the dishes that this still new kind of relationship was tested for the first time. At least for me. I had dropped my jacket off and was looking for my two lovers when I came by the kitchen and froze. They were washing up something, alright, but it was more like washing up someone. Usagi was sitting on the edge of the sink. The jeans she had decided to change into yesterday evening before we settled down were partially down which left her bare ass pressed tightly against the cold metal. I could not see much more since most of the view was blocked by Hotaru who had her body tightly clinging to the blonde's so that each one most likely felt the breasts of the other against their own. My dark-haired lover had one arm behind Usagi's neck, holding her lips locked in place with hers, while her other hand was clearly somewhere else…

Did you expect that I was jealous? To tell you the truth, I was surprised myself that I wasn't. Once again I simply found myself watching. Leaning against the doorframe I curiously observed their rough quickie. You could really not describe it as anything else. I wasn't jealous, I was merely curious and a little desperate to understand my two new lovers better. They were so different. I was used to Hotaru being wild from that few encounters but to see Usagi like this. As long as we had been "together" she had never been like this. A little submissive at times, yes, but this new side of her it… I could not deny that it scared me a little. Confused me more than scared. I wanted to understand them, how to satisfy their needs, however, I could not really imagine what was going on inside of them when they were like this. What had changed since their rape.

I could tell that Hotaru was making fast work. They hadn't spotted me - I was sure Usagi would otherwise had at least shown a reaction - so engrossed they were in the act. Concealed partly by jeans and a bit of Usagi's panties, you could see that Hotaru was working her whole fist inside of Usagi. It wasn't gentle or slow, the strokes were swift and I could hear little whimpers from the other blonde.

It didn't take them long to finish and I had to say that I was somewhat turned on. I had to fight down my own yearning to join them. Usagi's whimpers turned into a barely suppressed shriek when Hotaru finally set her off for one last time. I wasn't quite prepared for the reaction as the echo of the shockwave hit me and zapped through my own pleasure center like a thunderbolt. I could not help the sudden moan escaping my lips.

The reaction - as expected - was immediate. Hotaru actually froze for a moment and her head shot to the side gawking at me. It was about one of the very rare times I had caught Hotaru flabbergasted. Usagi on the other hand was frantically trying to untangle herself from Hotaru which was a bit hard to accomplish with the other woman's hand still partially in her panties and Hotaru literally frozen to the spot for a moment.

I laughed, I could not help but letting the rumble from deep inside my belly go. Just too adorable. Seeing Hotaru's pout and Usagi's mixture between looking hurt and panicked finally managed to calm me down and I walked over to them. Giving both of them a gentle smile and with an effort ignoring the aroma of sexual arousal and their awkward position I kissed both of them quickly on the lips. "You could have waited for me to come back, you know?" I teased and instantly both woman blushed as they finally managed to separate. Usagi hastily tried to bring back some resemblance of order and modesty to her clothing.

"Minako?" Hotaru voice was uncertain. She had apparently caught herself but was now a little unsure how to proceed. I tipped her on the nose with one finger. "Just kidding. I don't think this is either the place or the time for a first time." No, that should be a special occasion, something normal. As normal as possible with us that is. I searched her eyes, gauging her reaction. I think she understood and the grateful look that I wasn't feeling left out or even jealous was more than enough reward.

"Now," I said firmly. "I believe you better cut the dishes, I do the rest. You better go wash up yourselves. Alone, if you catch my drift." Usagi meekly nodded and practically dashed out of the kitchen. Hotaru laughed and mock saluted. "Yes, ma'am."

"That Night" had come quicker than I thought. The day had resulted in several small encounters. Before the sun set I think passion had flared between Usagi and me as well as Hotaru and me at least twice. And I wasn't sure about how often they had slipped away but I certainly felt most of the echoes. The sexual tension between us had risen drastically over the course of the day and so it was not surprising that we could not hold back any longer.

I have done some threesomes before but last night did not compare to any of them. In most of my encounters jealousy always played a part and everyone tried to get the best of it. With us, there was none. Our first joining night had been beautiful. More so, fantastic, I might say.

What had become of my patience and the whole "this is not the right place" reasoning I did not know. Despite my longing for some normality what had begun as some rather innocent necking in the "park area" - you could not really call it garden anymore - had quickly spun out of control. We had finally made it back to the house and a bedroom but not before several acts that would have been considered exhibitionistic hadn't we been so reclusive up here.

I did not regret any second of it though. The lovemaking of three people so deeply intertwined was not something you could easily describe, only feel. And feeling I did, like a true Goddess actually. For the first time in my life I think I really felt like the title bestowed and self-proclaimed upon me. It was amazing. I had not known that you could actually have a release just from seeing your lovers make love. The connection I had already established with Hotaru was nothing against the powerful sensation of the three-way bond. Just wow…

Again I had felt a little uneasy at first at Usagi's… "eagerness". Both of them certainly didn't hold back. However, nothing despite the usual bit of wildness that went along with Senshi mating happened last night and I quickly became more accustomed to setting the same pace for Usagi as I usually did with Hotaru. I was glad that they didn't go any further. I think both of them felt that I wasn't ready for that. Despite my need to understand them, I was not really sure if I could deal with it right now. Not in the heat of passion at least. I was fairly sure that I could hold myself against one of them but both…

Anyway, nothing of the more extreme kind happened. At least not THAT kind of extreme. The rest could have been filed under the description, alright. Where Christmas Eve had been sensual and beautiful, last night was purely ecstatic. What had begun a day ago had ended in a fulfilling and blissful way. The joining was complete now and I could feel that what I had missed all this years had finally been found. The pieces were together, never to be torn apart again.

It was now, at the late afternoon the next day, that I happened to make my daily call that had kind of eluded my mind the last two days - not that anyone could have blamed me I suppose. Maybe in the back of my mind I didn't actually want to be remembered about some of the darker topics that had dominated the last week. I was just preparing for another nice evening… and much nicer night with my two life mates - which we were now, there was no doubt about it - and really didn't want my mood to be bothered by anything. Duty won though. As much as I wanted to push thoughts about Usagi's rape back, I would not forgive myself either if something had come up and I missed the opportunity to kill the two bastards. Oh, and I clearly did intend lethal harm.

As soon as I greeted the man on the other end, I was already being assaulted by a frantic storm of questions and information woven together. "Hey, slow down, will you?" I chided the other man. Wakagi was a good man but he could get annoyingly excited about the tiniest of things sometimes. And this was no tiny thing. "I told you, I was going to be on vacation over Christmas… Yes, I also told you I was preoccupied… Yeash, Wakagi-kun, I have a life too, you know? At least sometimes…" That came over less miserable as I thought it would. Which was probably due to the fact that I actually felt like having a real life again the first time in years.

The officer on the other end said something and I narrowed my eyes. "Can't this wait?" I didn't want to miss an evening with my two lovers. "Yes, Wakagi. I can tell you that they were human." How I could be sure? "Do you doubt the expert? I met them, personally. And if they weren't either extremely good shielded or their disguise was totally natural I would say there is about 0,000001 percent of a chance that they weren't human." Come over to the station? Now? No! I didn't want to. Why now? Damn you, voice of reason, of course its for Usagi… Kuso, alright… I sighed. "Okay, I'll be there in an hour."

I put the phone down and sighed again, this time showing a bit more remorse. No success so far but Wakagi and Natsuna had found several leads that all ended with the same result. The pair was somewhere in the near vicinity but every time they seemed to have them pinned down they - to quote Wakagi - "mysteriously teleported out of there, vanishing like Youma dust". Damn, I should have never let him see some of my actual fights. I swear the guy has a creative imagination. Anyway, he could swear that in at least ninety-five percent of the near catches the perimeters had been secured so tightly it would have been a miracle if a mice slipped by unnoticed. And yet they had always escaped the police's grasp.

"Problems?" A pair of arms slung around my waist and I was glad it was Hotaru. We wanted to keep Usagi out of this as best as possible. I turned around and stole a quick kiss before relating to her what Wakagi had just told me. The smaller woman frowned. "That's odd. I mean, I know that they are good but that good… Do you think there really is more behind it?" I looked at her sharply, not really wanting to face the possibilities the thought rose. "You mean that they really aren't human? Why did they… take Usagi like that than? But nevertheless, something is fishy here."

Hotaru caressed my cheek, a worried expression on her face. "What are we going to do?" I moaned a little when her hand slipped under my shirt and bra, only barely able to restrain myself. "WE are going to do nothing. Wakagi wants me over at headquarters to look at some of the files, nothing else. You two enjoy the evening." Hotaru looked not please and I certainly didn't feel like it. "I don't want you to go." I growled as she pinched my nipple and had her thrust against the wall in one swift move. "Neither do I," I hissed huskily, catching her lips with mine in a heated kiss that I really wanted to go further than that. But I had promised Wakagi to be there in an hour so…

Reluctantly I let go of Hotaru but not before brushing a hand under her short skirt. "We continue this tomorrow." And that was not a promise, that was a statement.

Of course as much as I wanted to be finished with that business as quick as possible, life never works out so well. So I ended up spending about four hours with my two police friends from my time as Sailor V, going over files and recordings of various natures. And in the end I could only confirm that this simply wasn't natural. I knew that the police wasn't good with anything supernatural but Sakurada's department was about the best unit working with normal crime I had ever seen in my time. Natsuna was a more than capable police chief and seldom lost sight of what was going on. I had come to admire her for that in the few months I had officially worked for the police in between going to England and meeting up with the rest of the Senshi.

And that was why I could simply not believe that the ones that were in the scene only known as Black and Ivy had slipped through their grasp so often. Hell, I would have had a hard time escaping such an deployment of police force. They were already working tightly with the international police but both of them feared that this case would be taken away from them quickly if they didn't succeed. Only the fact that they had an acknowledged claim on them through Usagi's verification kept them onboard I guess. And neither of us wanted to let others handle this.

It had been close to midnight when I finally returned home, spent and none the wiser. I was tired and a little cranky from all the unfulfilling work and therefore I overreacted when I made my way to our bedroom. I mean, I had expected that they wouldn't just do nothing and wait for me, I had practically ordered them to enjoy the evening and that would have been alright. The sight upon arriving at our bedroom though I wasn't prepared for. It wasn't actually as sickening as the one I stumbled upon a few days ago which had finally uncovered all those horrible truths being hidden for so long, however, it was apparent what had gone on in there besides simple lovemaking.

It had been then that Hotaru had turned her head to me from her entangled position - which had unconsciously woken up Usagi as well - and with her eyes told me to… ahem, join them, that I lost it. I wasn't jealous about doing IT. I had this already figured out. The sight though, combined with being confronted with the actual cause of why they were acting this way… I could simply not understand why they actually craved a repeat of the cruelty done to them.

I know, I wasn't fair and the one thing I wanted more than anything was to understand, to not feel that horrible feeling of being left out of something. This was an essential part of our relationship after all and try as I might, I didn't like being out of the loop with this. It made me feel inadequate to them, not possible to satisfy them to the full extent of my abilities.

And that was why I found myself here since sunrise with very little sleep in one of the other rooms of the mansion. The warmth of the winter sun filtered through the glass enclosing the beautiful garden scenery was relaxing and it reminded of our joining night that had involuntary begun here… What did you think? That it was actually outside in the cold winter weather? It had stopped snowing and there were few clouds in the sky but the temperatures were still freezing cold.

"I'm sorry that I bolted," I mumbled that Hotaru had once again almost slipped up behind me without my notice. "Is Usagi alright?" The poor girl had started wide-eyed at me when I caught them and she must have sensed my feelings that instant… and I had felt her shame and uncertainty later on. I had barely gotten an ounce of sleep. "It took awhile but I think she understands that you were just stressed."

I turned around and smiled weakly at her. With one arm I motioned for her to sit next to me, not sure if she wanted to right now. Hotaru complied though and accept my desperation to hold her for awhile, my arm around her shoulders and her head resting on mine. "Yeah… stressed. That's not all though." Hotaru looked up to me with that wise eyes that seemed to be able to understand everything. "You feel left out." I nodded, not seeing any sense in denying it. That was after all what had been in my mind and as much as I had been able to pick up my mates' emotions, I was sure they could pick up mine as well.

"I wish I could understand you," I said after awhile, then continued in a lower voice: "I want to understand you." Hotaru caught my gaze with hers and I swallowed at the expression I saw there. "Do you really want to do? Are you ready to accept this part of us? We can show you, if you want to. But only if you really want to." That serious look, intense and sincere gnawed on that little bit of resolve I had mustered while sitting here and thinking over the matter. But I could not falter now. I would not give myself to the illusion that there was a way I could ever totally understand them but that was alright. I had said to Hotaru herself. Love was always complicated, never simple. It was not a perfect, picture book harmony but more like a big roller coaster of emotion. Often it meant sacrificing more then you received. But for them… For them I would do about anything. What we had was special and I wouldn't let her go even if it meant giving up some part of my pride.

"Hai, I want to," I answered firmly, my resolve now steadied and my mind made up. Hotaru nodded simply and then gave me a kiss on the lips. "Don't think we want you to feel left out of this. If you ever feel uncomfortable with anything we do, please tell us." Which was the basis of the firmest relationships actually. We had been best friends, teammates, sisters in more ways than bounded through blood. It was those types of people who understood each other the best. Who listened and were there when you needed them, who listened when you had something to tell, who you could trust to tell even your deepest secrets. Those were the types of people who could form the strongest bonds because they could always fall back on what they were before. Not merely lovers all the time but also friends.

"So… You still stressed?" came Usagi's voice from behind us which made me almost jump out of my skin. I really must have been lost in the moment. I turned my head to see Usagi standing there, a look of uncertainty and hesitation clearly written all over her face. I reached for her hand and with the other draw her down for a breathtaking kiss a la Venus. "Does that mean we are okay?" Usagi asked quietly after we parted. Hotaru helped in pulling her down in between us all the way. "Definitely okay," I mumbled into the tight embrace.

It was those types of people who didn't break apart at the first sign of a crisis.

The day went by more lazily when I expected. Usagi and Hotaru had gone back to Juuban to let the Tsukinos know that we would stay for the week until New Year. Hotaru made arrangements for that purification ceremony with Hino-san and for a talk with Usagi's family and the other Senshi's families. It had been a tough decision but surprisingly Usagi had been the one to make the request. So many truths were uncovered in the last days, the parents of the fallen Senshi deserved some truth… Actually the only one who didn't know was Doctor Mizuno, the rest of the ones who needed to know, their daughters were still alive. We would deal with them separately, after the ceremony. That would be the best course of action, Hotaru had advised. After all we could all just imagine the turmoil following the revelation of Usagi's fate… numerous fates actually to her parents. The one fate especially.

The house was quiet when both girls had been out and I felt kind of lonely. Several echoes had reached me over the last hours. Usagi had been happy actually, I think she mentioned something about catching up on old friendships. I could just imagine who that would be.

I was in the kitchen, just finishing to prepare dinner, then I heard the sound of a car pulling up. From the kitchen window I could just see Usagi getting out and waving at the driver as the car drove away. She seemed more relaxed than this morning after our little "fight". A few minutes later Usagi came bouncing in the kitchen, making a show of sniffing the air. "Hmm, that smells good. When is dinner ready?" I laughed and gave her a peck on the lips while proceeding to swat her hands away from the pots. "You'll never change, do you?" Usagi pursed her lips, looked for a moment as if she was thinking, then shook her head. I laughed again.

"So, did you and Naru-chan have a good time?" Usagi blinked, then smiled, not bothering to ask how I knew. It was unnecessary after all. "Mmh hmm…" she mumbled pressing herself against me rather seductively. Again I was surprised at this more carefree Usagi. "But now I'm hungry." The way she said it left little doubt at the double meaning of her statement. I tilted her chin with one finger and smiled at her. "Dinner first, then dessert." Usagi grinned like a Cheshire cat and practically hoped away in the direction of the living room.

I looked back out of the window for a moment, wondering what Hotaru was taking so long and then getting the faint idea that her absence was intended so that Usagi and I could make up or something like that. This mechanisms that came so simple and natural were still new to me and amazed me over and over again.

Finishing my preparations, I picked up the trays, thinking that even though we were only two it was probably not too much to eat. After all Usagi's monumental appetite had returned with a vengeance after her… our healing had finally started. I would not want to have it any other way.

Dinner was quiet, more like the absence of words. Certainly not the absence of tiny gestures, eye contact and rather suggestive actions below the tablecloth… It became hard to concentrate on eating and after about twenty minutes of picking in our food and some more pleasant things going on below I couldn't take it anymore. None of us could take it anymore. Testament to this was that Usagi didn't even jump when I knocked the chair over in the process of standing up. Instead the other blonde just looked up at me huskily, licking the last drops of sauce from the corners of her mouth rather suggestively.

I growled darkly, yanking her to her feet in one swift motion with which she complied eagerly. Eagerly enough to send us both tumbling to the floor. I did not complain though as I flipped us over in mid-fall, knowing that Usagi could take the impact, probably wanted to be below anyway. My mouth sought out her eager one and my hands started to claw away at the material of her buttoned blouse. I had to restrain myself from tearing, we would be short on clothes in a few weeks otherwise.

Finally getting my hands under her bra, I found her nipples already standing fully erect. I considered myself a teasing participant in sexual activity, driving my "victims" insane with anticipation, drawing out their release as long as possible. I had given Hotaru proof of that already and Usagi had also experienced some of my techniques. Today though I wasn't in the mood for playing. It had been almost one and a half days after I got some release and the frustration from yesterday night and this evening had left behind lingering traces. So I succumbed quickly to the primal call that was Senshi mating. Wild and heated.

I had Usagi's arms pinned over her head with one hand and with the other hand proceeded to relieve her of the rest of her clothing. Another growl erupted from my throat as I took in the side of my friend and lover's perfectly-shaped body. We were not only similar in facial features and hair color. No, I had discovered that Usagi held a lot of my own attributes. Her skin was a little softer than mine but otherwise…

I attacked the withering girl beneath me furiously. My teeth found her neck and left another mark there while my hands briefly played with her breasts before quickly wandering southwards. Usagi was panting by now and her heavy-lidded eyes told me all I needed to know. "Take me…" she rasped out and I did. Opening her legs wider than actually necessary, with my hands on her thighs, I began clawing at the sensitive flesh while dipping my head in-between. My tongue shot out, not bothering with foreplay as I set her off right away.

Usagi had her hand in my hair, trying to press me even further inside of her while I continued to lap up her juices. That went on for a few minutes, alternating between tongue with teeth and using my hand and fingers, Usagi shook under my wild attack but showed no sign of tiring anytime soon. Senshi stamina be blessed. I couldn't take the strain anymore, my own sex was dripping wet with arousal and the need for release. The shorts I had been wearing in the house had long ago joined the pile of clothing and my shirt was not better off. Usagi was just riding another orgasm on four of my fingers and the backlash began to take its toll on me. I clenched my other hand to a fist and before the other woman could recover had retrieved one hand and slammed the other inside of her without even giving her time to register. Usagi's screech sent a flame of new heat through my system and my hand that was still covered in Usagi's juices disappeared inside my panties. It took only a touch to set off the reaction and soon I was panting alongside my lover.

Feeling the need for more contact and for some rewards from the other woman - Usagi had said after all that she was hungry, I stood up to dispose of the rest of the clothing but a hand on my arm stopped me. I looked down, amazed that Usagi managed sitting up after that one. "Don't," she said and draw me in for another kiss before standing up herself and pushing me towards the stairs.

I was confused for a moment, my clit screaming for attention. That quick release came not even close to bringing at least some small satisfaction and Usagi knew it. "Hotaru told me, you wanted to learn." Uh… For a moment my mind draw a blank, then my eyes widened and I froze. Now? And I had expected them both for that or Hotaru at least. She was the one who had dealt with that longer after all.

We had reached the first floor by that time and Usagi embraced me from behind, running her hands up and down my body. I think she must have felt my unease. "Hotaru said that I am far along with the training that I could test my control." Test? Was I a lab rat now? "Do you trust me?" Usagi whispered in my ear, her voice steady but with an undertone of anxiety. I realized that I could crush her careful rebuilt spirit right now with the wrong choice of words.

Kuso, I wanted it. I had said so myself. Did I trust her? There was no one else besides Hotaru who I trusted more. And I let her know that. "With my life, you know that." I shuddered at her hot breath on my ear, her hands had come around to cup my breasts under the bra. "Good," she breathed and another shudder run down my spine. I could hear the relief in her voice and knew that moment that whatever would come out of this night, I had made the right choice.

There were no simple words to describe the night but I think I got a much better look on what needs my two girlfriends had and what I still had to learn about them. I had been in this scene for the longer part than the last six years. I had experienced a lot, learned a lot of tricks and quirks of different forms of loveplay. I had even indulged briefly in the BDSM scene for some time. However, all of it was rather light, held tightly under the cover of the half-serious modeling company. It wasn't all that serious and nothing of it prepared me actually for what an emotional traumatized Senshi would be like in this area of expertise.

Usagi had pushed me into the bedroom, the bra lost somewhere along the way but as soon as we got to the bed she got rather serious about showing me that part of her that I had dreaded to understand. Again she had asked, if I trusted her and at my complying nod had proceeded to blindfold me and push me on the covers, chest-first. I wasn't quite sure but moved to obey her order to raised my legs so that she could take of my panties. The sting of the open palm slapping me across my aroused pussy lips made me realize that Usagi really was serious. She wanted me to hold my legs up in the air and the next thing I knew I felt them tied together and to the bedposts most likely.

Drawing from knowledge and from what Hotaru briefly mentioned I knew that dominating types needed their pets to show at least some sort of disobedience. So I squirmed and tried to turn around. The position of lying on my chest, my body half way lifted up was not really comfortable. All it earned me in turn was Usagi forcefully reaching between my nether lips and twisting the tight nub harshly, sending a release through my body that I was unable to actually cherish through the lance of pain accompanying it.

Still numb with shock at Usagi's lack of remorse - and really it surprised me again despite expecting it - I was not prepared for suddenly being penetrated in my rear end by something metallic. A hilt of something… Whatever it was it hurt as hell as it was stuck up right to the core. The pain was in a rather odd way magnificent, only an ounce of pleasure mixed into it. So unlike what I was used to. It wasn't like I couldn't take it. If they could, I could take much more. I might not have the Ginsishou or Saturn's healing powers but I kept my body fairly healthy and short of Haruka and Makoto I had by far always been the healthiest of the Senshi. The usual quick healing all Senshi shared would do the rest.

No, that wasn't really what made me uncomfortable about the whole ordeal. I think the simple truth is, I didn't really like being dominated. I liked being in control, maybe it was the leader in me or just my personality, but that was basically the root of the problem. That realization had stunned me quite a bit after everything had been said and done, I must say. Still I had let Usagi continue her ministrations for about half an hour - could be more, don't ask me, I was too far out of it - before rising a bit to the challenge and catching a surprised Usagi off guard when I turned the tables on her.

Until then I had been greeted to some extremely vicious methods of mixing pleasure with pain, although I could tell Usagi was holding back somewhat. She really wanted to do more, I could sense it in her aura and later in her eyes when she undid the blindfold. But her control did not falter.

That was why I endured it patiently. Usagi's rough hands within that leather gloves of hers, the whip and even the clamps I had seen now on several occasions. I think they were kind of symbolic to her and I did understand how much it meant that she, um… shared them with me.

After about a small eternity of having my anal canal bruised and penetrated in several ways, Usagi had had some mercy with me… Or so I thought than she undid the blindfold and actually let me see. That was when she came with clamps. Until then I hadn't had much to describe what actually happened other than the continuous feeling of pleasure and pain ripping through my body. The blindfold made me rather… well, blind to what was going on and I could just feel. Which I could not say if that was worse than feeling AND seeing.

However, despite all the things I had to put up with afterwards I was kind of proud of Usagi. As she had said that whole thing was not only a way for me to understand them better but also for her to test her control. She never went too far, pulled a strike with the whip once or twice where I could tell it would really have gone beyond simple pain. I could tell she… both of them didn't want me where they were. After some reluctance Hotaru had finally shared some of the finer details of that night between her and Usagi after the rape with me. I think I understood now that I shouldn't be as torn in my mind as they were forced to be. One of us NEEDED to be without that craving. Which was all fine by me.

I stopped rubbing my aching clit as I sensed Hotaru in the dark room, only dimly-lit by the pale moonlight from outside, and turned my head slightly. Remembering last night I made a show of motioning her to the bed with my eyes. I could see her eyes flashing for a moment and then she was strolling over to us like a cat. She slid under the covers and slid up behind me. Looking over my shoulder at the spent Usagi, she allowed herself a light grin. "I see you wore her out." I shook my head and laughed softly. "Thank you for caring about me." I suppressed a moan as I felt Hotaru's snake down and carefully itch my hand away from my clit to massage it herself. "Hmm," she purred into my ear. "What did you say?" Shivering slightly, and that definitely not from a lack of heat, I turned my head to look at her. Hotaru sensed my confusion and put a finger to my lips. "Don't. I figured you would be the dominant type anyway. Did it help a little?" I nodded, not really knowing what to say or how to express it. But I think I understood a little better now.

The ironic thing was that I had learned something even more valuable. I learned that I could never understand them completely. What was going on inside of them - not without thinking about letting myself being raped as well… And I also learned that not understanding didn't matter. It was the intention that mattered and what I could give them on my own initiative. After Usagi had been raped Hotaru told me she could teach her control but only I could teach her trust. I trusted her today because I knew Usagi needed me to trust her. For her self-confidence and for her own conscience. And that's what it was all about. Trust. That was what my two mates needed the most.

I gasped as Hotaru's touch sent small fires crawling over my skin. How could I still be aroused after what Usagi and I had just… She didn't let me finish the thought. Other than normal mating standards her touch was feather-light on my swollen clit. "I remembered someone saying something about finishing this later?" I started to protest, not sure if I could take much more after the ordeal but these words were fleeing completely from my mind when she brushed over my pleasure spot once again, a warm sensation spread through my body, a ripple of healing magic clearing away the most traces of tonight's activity.

It wasn't soon until Usagi was woken up by the backlash of energy and joined us, practically glowing with pride at Hotaru's approving looks.

<A few days later>

Things had finally quieted down again. After spending two days at Hikawa Jinja, followed by the dreaded "talk" with Usagi's parents and afterwards all the rest, we had been drained, spent and all but collapsed when we finally got back here. I felt a lot better though. That talk had been long since overdue. My parents had actually been surprisingly understanding with all the impact of information that had been thrust upon them. They even went out of their way and talked with both Usagi and Hotaru, accepting them openly as their daughters-in-law. Maybe the silence and rare visits between us over the years had made them think how I had often felt at their ignorance in my younger days. Maybe we were actually going to speak more often to each other than before.

Usagi's family after much screaming, accusing and other things that were to be expected had finally accepted the fact that they hadn't been the best kind of attentive parents either since they couldn't piece together the facts. I was actually proud of Hotaru who had shown remarkable control at practically making both Ikuko-san and Kenji-san squirm when they let some rather rude comments about our inability to protect our Princess slide. It was all in the heat of the moment and I didn't really blame them but it had hurt.

Mizuno-san had been worse but I also expected that. She hadn't said much but that look she gave us… Maybe we really should have told her earlier or maybe she just needed some time. The older woman had never really recovered from the loss of her daughter, trying to drown the hurt in her work. In a way she was just like us and that I could sympathize with. After we had finished she had simply left the room and was gone before any of us had realized it.

Tomorrow would be December thirty-one. Arrangement for a New Year's party had been made. Tomorrow we would set up the house for several guests, including Naru and Umino as well as our families. I smiled down at the two woman sleeping next to me. As so often it was Usagi in the middle again but I didn't mind. Even with all that had gone on, our Princess still needed some reassurance from time to time that she was accepted into this triad and that there were no preferences between us.

I said that I felt alive again for the first time after the incident. And I did. I felt alive and right where I belonged. I had found that place I was looking for, that certain someone or better someones. I loved them and they loved me. Everything else was unimportant. I had learned this lesson. This triad worked as long as we were being ourselves and not someone else just to please the others. We had been someone else for far too long already.