Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Princess in Gotham ❯ It's A Bird It's A Plane It's Superman! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own Batman or any of the related characters. They are the property of D.C. comics and Warner Bros. I also don't own Sailor Moon-and if you thought I did, you belong in Arkham Asylum with anyone who calls the noise Faith No More makes music.
I took a long time to update this story. Sorry, but the inspiration for it was just too
Moon Princess In Gotham
Darknight Squire
Chapter Six: It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman!
The Crown Arcade was closed and deserted when Luna came in. Immediately she leaped up on the Sailor V video game and pressed the PLAY button.
“Welcome to Sailor V's Video Challenge.” A voice spoke from the game.
“This is Luna,” the moon cat spoke.
“Repeat the password.”
“When the cat's away, the rabbit, the bird, and the bat will play.” Who comes up with these corny passwords?
“Welcome, Luna. This is Central Control.” The voice from the game went on, “How are the three Senshi you have found so far faring?”
“Sailors Mercury and Mars are doing very well,” Luna said, “but Sailor Moon-I fear she is not as reliable as I'd hoped.”
“You must have patience, Luna,” the voice of Central Control said. “We hear you have formed an alliance of sorts with the Batman.”
“Yes.” Luna confirmed. “His young partner Robin acts as an informal liaison between us. And at times the boy shows an earnestness I only wish Serena had.”
“That is strange, since he has no connection to our mission to start with.”
Luna cleared her throat. What she was going to say next was not easy. “I'm afraid he does. You see, the General Jadeite was responsible for the deaths of Serena's parents. And Robin is in reality Dick Grayson-Serena's younger brother.”
“This is indeed something we needed to hear. Has he revealed to the Senshis' identities to his mentor?”
“No, he hasn't.” Luna wondered if Central Control would deduce that Batman was Bruce Wayne, Serena and Dick's guardian. If they did, that would be Bruce's problem. If they didn't, she wouldn't tell them. “And they have both been more helpful than I would have expected. In our last encounter, it was Batman who thought of the strategy that foiled Jadeite.”
“Indeed. For an ordinary human he is most capable.” The screen on the computer game suddenly showed a picture of a young man with long reddish hair wearing a uniform like Jadeite's. “We have word that Queen Beryl has replaced Jadeite with this man, Nephrite. He has a different strategy than Jadeite. Instead of several ordinary humans, he plans to drain energy from super-powered beings. And that he plans to start with this person.”
The picture of Nephrite changed to another man, one in blue tights and a red cape. Luna's jaw dropped, although in retrospect she shouldn't have been surprised.
Who had more energy than Superman?
“Incredible, Nephrite.” Queen Beryl said to her General. “A man of power. A MAN OF STEEL!”
“Indeed, my queen.” The images faded and Nephrite put the black crystal back into his pocket. “He is called Superman. And he is the last of the Kryptonians.”
“How could he be?” Beryl asked. “One of the first things we learned as soon as we were able to escape our dimensional prison was that planet had exploded ages ago. And it's people were genetically linked to Krypton, they couldn't leave.” Her teeth ground as she spoke; Krypton had allied itself with the Moon Kingdom and many of Queen Serenity's soldiers had been armed with weapons of Kryptonian design. A natural phenomenon had robbed her of revenge upon them.
“Apparently somehow he had escaped. And Earth's sun has a strange effect on Kryptonian body chemistry.” Nephrite continued. “His body acts as a solar collector and enables him to do the things you saw. With him in our clutches, we will be able to harness the power of the sun itself!”
“And just how do you plan to capture him?” A high contralto voice spoke from above.
Nephrite looked up and saw a young blonde woman in a uniform similar to his floating above him. “Zoicite.”
“I asked how do you plan to capture him?” Zoicite floated down to the floor and stood next to Nephrite. “I've observed him too, and from what I saw, this `Superman' has the strength of at least twenty of our strongest youma.”
“That's the best part of my plan.” Nephrite said. “We won't need to capture him.
Serena's shoulders were slumped as she walked past the Crown Arcade. She'd just gotten her report card for the semester-and the grades on it were not going to please Bruce at all.
She looked inside the arcade. Andrew wasn't there; he'd told her the other day that he'd be taking a week off to study for his exams.
Maybe I should go inside for one last Sailor V game before Bruce sees this, Serena thought to herself, then looked at her report card. Then again, why should he see it at all?
Serena tossed the report card behind her-and suddenly heard someone cry “OW!”
Serena turned around and saw a tall young man with short black hair dressed in blue jeans and a black leather jacket that looked to be about eighteen. He was looking at her report card and shaking his head. “Tsk tsk. Look at these grades.” He handed the card back to Serena. “Better study harder, Meatball Head.”
“Don't call me Meatball Head!” How had this stranger learned her brother's nickname for her?
The skies were bright and blue as the Man of Steel flew back to the city he'd made his home. He'd spent the weekend-his first free one in a long time at the Kent farm and now was just looking down at Metropolis. It's so beautiful, just flying out over it, Superman thought to himself, I wish it could go for just one day without any crime or disturbance-that I could just lay back and enjoy the scene from here.
As if on cue, Superman's ultra sensitive ears picked up the words Hold up your hands! This is a stick-up! Sighing, he swooped down to the city below, to stop whatever new crime was in progress.
The stickup was at a jewelry store on the corner of Jefferson and Green. As Superman landed, he saw that the police were already there forming a standard barricade in front of the doors.
He approached Captain Maggie Sawyer and Inspector Dan Turpin, with whom he'd worked before. “What's going on here?”
The captain looked at Superman. “Three guys with sawed off shotguns holding up the place,” Sawyer took out her cigarette and sighed. “And it's not just that….”
That the blue flyboy out there?” a voice cracked over Sawyer's radiophone. “Well Supes, we aint just got the guns, each of us has got a bomb strapped to our chests. Superman did a quick x-ray scan of the store and saw that was indeed true. Any sign that you're in here and we set them off. You may be fast enough to stop one of us or even two, but can you stop all three? Superman looked again. All three of the robbers were placed roughly twenty feet apart. He could grab the detonator from one, and disable another's bomb with his heat vision, but the third would by then have set off his-and even a speeding bullet wasn't fast enough to stop an explosion that already began.
“I suppose I can't,” Superman said into the radiophone, “so I'll just have to leave it to Turpin and Sawyer to negotiate with you.” He winked and the Captain and inspector, then flew up out into the sky.”
“You mean he leaves us just like that?” Turpin asked incredulously. “Some help he is.”
“I wouldn't be too sure about that,” Captain Sawyer took a drag on her cigarette; unlike Turpin she actually tried to deal with Superman on a personal as well as professional level. “If I know him, he's spotted something he can use to get to those creeps when he x-rayed the building.”
“I don't get it,” one of the robbers told another as the third was talking on his cell phone with the police. “Why should he care if a bomb goes off? It can't hurt him.”
“It's these yahoos, you numbskull,” the other robber indicated the store clerks and patrons on the floor. “That Boy Scout can't stand to see innocent bystanders get hurt and there's no way he can interfere without that happening, so he just leaves it to the cops. That's the beauty of Denny's plan-when dealing with the flyboy, you're outclassed in muscle and can't hurt him unless you got powers or a piece of the green rock, so you gotta use your brains-not that you ever had much in that department, Reggie.”
Reggie scratched his head for a moment, and then nodded. “You sure got good way of explaining it, Jeff.” He tabbed the bomb he wore strapped to his own chest. “Good thing Denny's got some real smarts, eh?”
“Not as smart as you think.” All three robbers turned and saw Superman standing right under the air conditioner duct. “Try setting off those bombs.”
Reggie and Jeff just dropped their detonators, but Denny pressed his-and nothing happened. The Man of Steel smiled to himself; he'd come in thought the ventilation system and while the hoods were talking, managed to disable all their bombs with his heat vision. “Now, will you come along quietly, or am I going to have to get tough with you?”
The first two robbers dropped their guns, but the one called Denny was still unwilling. Quickly he grabbed a woman from the floor and pushed his gun against her head. “I'm warning you Supes, if you move, I'll shoo-yowl!” He immedatly dropped the red-hot gun, and looking at Superman, hung his head in defeat.
As the police lead the robbers away, a young looking man in an Armani suit with long red hair came up to Superman. “Superman, I'm Maxfield Stanton, the owner of this store. I just want to give you my personal thanks for thwarting these hooligans.”
“You're welcome,” Superman answered. “Just trying to help, after all.”
“Certainly,” Stanton said and extended his hand. As Superman shook the proprietor's hand, he failed to notice Stanton's other hand place something on the buckle of his belt.
Serena sighed with relief as she slumped her suitcase on the hotel bed. Even after he saw her report card Bruce let her and her friends come along on this business trip to Metropolis!
“Aren't we all lucky?” Raye said as she laid her suitcase next to Serena's. “You're the ward of a multi-billionaire and we all get to come here with you on this trip to Metropolis, the home of Superman on a Wayne Enterprises corporate jet!” As soon as she'd heard Bruce would be heading to Metropolis on business and that Serena, Dick, and Amy would also be coming along, Raye had begged Bruce to let her come too-she even offered to spend the next weekend trimming the bushes at the Manor. Bruce said that wasn't necessary but let her come anyway.
Raye opened her suitcase and out fell a graphic novel. Serena picked it up. “Hey, it's a new Sailor V issue!” She opened it, and then suddenly wailed. “Waah! It's in Japanese!”
“Right.” Raye smirked as she plucked the Japanese comic book from Serena. “I get these special ordered from Japan-so nosy friends can't go cramming their noses into them without my permission!”
“Actually Serena,” said Amy as she came into the room, “the only reason you and I are here is because Mr. Pennyworth is in England visiting relatives and my mother has double duty at the clinic this weekend.
“That's right,” The girls looked and saw Bruce standing in the doorway. “Serena, that report card you brought home told me you need to be studying a lot more, so you and Amy are going to be spending the weekend here hitting the books.” Serena opened her mouth to protest but before she could say anything Bruce went on, “It's either this or you won't be attending that clown convention next month you were looking forward to.”
“But Mr. Wayne,” Raye asked, “I want to see this city, not be locked up the whole weekend with her!” She glared daggers over at Serena, who glared back at her.
“Don't worry.” Bruce moved aside and the girls saw Dick. “You and Dick here can take the city tour while I'm over at LexCorp trying to keep Lex Luther from seizing Wayne Enterprise's Metropolis subsidiaries.”
The elevator opened to the editing room of the Daily Planet. Bruce Wayne stepped out and was greeted by a somewhat overweight middle-aged man puffing a cigar.
“Welcome to the Daily Planet Mr. Wayne.” Perry White said as he shook Bruce's hand.
“Glad to be here Mr. White. Figured as long as I'm in town I might as well see how well my investment is doing.” A year ago Wayne Enterprises had bought out the Daily Planet along with other Metropolis businesses to expand its interests.
“Well, I'm just glad it was you who bought this place and not Lex Luther. He would have slashed our staff and brought in new people who don't understand how the Planet works.”
“When my parents were murdered, his father Lionel attempted a hostile takeover of Wayne Enterprises.” Bruce grimaced at the memory. “I'm not surprised the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.”
“I remember your father.” Perry took a long drag on his cigar. “We shared an apartment when he was a med student and I a cub reporter for the Gotham Gazette. Very sad what happened.”
“I remember you and Alice at the funeral.” The two stopped as they came a certain cubicle. “Hello Miss Lane.”
“Hello Bruce.” Lois Lane smiled at the young billionaire. “Here to try and rekindle the flame, are you?”
“Err, no.” Now Bruce suddenly felt awkward; he and Lois had dated for a time shortly after he'd bought the Planet. “I'm just in town on business and thought I'd stop by to see how the paper was doing.”
“Sure you are,” a voice said behind him. Bruce turned around and saw Clark Kent standing right behind him. “That had better be your reason for being here.”
“Whoa, Farmboy, no need to get all jealous.” Lois said.
“I'm not jealous,” Clark said, but his glare belied his words. “I'm just concerned, that's all.”
“Now Kent, that's no way to talk to the guy who owns the paper,” White rebuked the bespectacled reporter.
“That's quite all right, I know how stressful being a reporter for a major newspaper can be.” Bruce interjected.
“Right. As opposed being a playboy billionaire.” Clark retorted.
“KENT! I'll hear none of that from you!” Perry White roared.
“Yeah Clark, I can take care of myself,” Lois put her hands on her hips, “I don't need you hanging over my shoulder.”
Clark turned and headed towards the elevator. “I can see THAT.”
“Hey wait Kent! You can't just go off and leave like that!” White called.
Bruce placed his hand on Perry White's shoulder. “Let him go. He probably just has some issues he needs to sort out.”
“How would you know?” White asked. “You barely know him.”
“Just call it a hunch,” was all Bruce said. But in some ways I know him better than either of you probably ever will.
“You're kidding,” Raye said in disbelief. “She actually caused all the elephants to stampede out the circus?”
“You better believe it. It took hours for us to round them all up!” Dick laughed at the memory, although he'd been majorly embarrassed at the time. “A good thing they didn't cause any major damage or the circus would have had some big lawsuits on its hands.”
“That sister of yours is a disaster waiting to happen,” Raye said as she and Dick crossed the street crosswalk. “The other day when we were at the shrine studying-.”
All of a sudden the two found themselves in a path of a car racing towards the red light at top speed. Dick quickly grabbed a hold of Raye and as quick as lightning, jumped right on top of the hood of the car, then off to the sidewalk on the right.
The car continued racing down the street, and suddenly three police cars with sirens blaring were racing after it. Raye looked at the chase, then at Dick. “How-how did you do that? Pick me up and carry me over the car, that is.”
“Acrobat training. It gives you real good reflexes. Plus I kind of felt this surge of adrenaline.”
Raye blinked. Dick Grayson was small for a sixth grader; he just came under Raye's shoulder and was slender to boot. “And YOU'RE Serena's brother? Are you sure there wasn't some mix up at the hospital?”
Dick shrugged. “We were both born in the family circus trailer. Besides, Dad always said we kind of balanced each other out.”
“I'll say. Amy told me Serena couldn't so much as walk on a balance beam in gym class without falling down on her butt. She didn't quite say it those words, being the miss goody goody she is, but that's what I got from her.”
Suddenly they heard a loud SWOOP and saw a red and blue blur race over their heads. Raye and Dick ran in the flying blur's direction along with the other people on the sidewalk. Suddenly, that blur crashed into the racing car and there was Superman standing in front of it, it's entire front ruined.
“I can't believe it,” Raye said her eyes wide and her hands clasped over her heart, “it's really him, Superman, the Man of Steel himself!”
“What are you, some kind of superhero groupie?” Dick said; this was a side of Raye he hadn't seen before.
The Man of Steel walked over tore off the driver side door. “All right, just why were you speeding and the police after you.”
“Hey we were just takin' a joyride, Supes! Ain't nothin' wrong with that, is it?” the driver, a twenty something young man with a pink and green Mohawk, a ring through his nose and five more in his lips snorted at Superman.
One of the policemen came up to Superman; three others surrounded the car with drawn revolvers. “Actually Superman, these four just held up a convenience store and were trying to escape.”
“Is that so?” Superman suddenly grabbed a hold of the perp's forearm and began to squeeze.
“Hey what-you're hurting me!” the robber cried out.
“Superman!” the policeman said, “We've already got them, no need to hurt them any more.”
“Very well,” Superman said, “but I better not catch you again.” And with that the Man of Steel let go of man and flew off.
Raye crossed her arms as the police led the robbers into their patrol cars. “He should have broken both his arms. That would have taught him a lesson.”
“Yeah but, the man was already caught and he wasn't going to fight anymore.” Dick said. “Besides, a guy like Superman easily overpowers creeps like him.”
“And a creep like him will be out on the streets in about two weeks, robbing more convenience stores.” Raye said glumly.
Serena went through three agonizing hours of studying with Amy. Why she wondered, should I have to waste a beautiful Friday evening studying when I could be out touring the city with Dick and Raye. On second thought, I'd rather not be out with those two.
She saw Ami put aside her books and take out her computer and something else. “Hey, wait a minute,” Serena said, “that's the grapnel Robin gave Raye!”
“Yes.” Amy nodded. “I thought I'd analyze it, to see if I could possibly duplicate it.”
“But why would you want to?”
“Raye and I can't make our tiaras grab onto objects like you can with yours, and I figured we might both need something like it. Plus my bubbles don't do much other than blind youma, so I might see if I could develop something like a batarang.”
“You sound like you want to design our own utility belts, like Batman and Robin's.”
“That's exactly what I'm doing,” Amy smiled. “Of course, you wouldn't need a grapnel or a batarang-I figure I could just put some smoke bombs in yours. Mine would carry some special lab and first-aid kit, and if possible I might even try to make those tiny gas masks Batman uses-although I don't know where I could possibly get any samples.”
“That's all well and good, Amy but right now we have a more important matter.” The girls looked to the window and saw Luna standing there.
“Luna!” Amy cried. “How did you get all the way to Metropolis!”
“I went down to the bus station after I found out you were gone from the Manor, after spending two nights being sidetracked and waylaid after tuning in to Central Control!”
“Serena!” Amy rebuked her friend. “Luna was missing for two nights and you didn't go look for her! And then leave the city while she's still missing?”
Serena blushed. “Well, it's not like she's an ordinary cat, and she's always been able to take care of herself-.”
“Yes, I was really lucky to find that abandoned car to hide from those stray dogs that were chasing me,” Luna said angrily. “But we have no time for that now. It is most fortunate I already knew you would be coming to Metropolis this weekend. I learned from Central Control that the enemy has a new target: they're out to drain energy from Superman!
Even at night, Metropolis shone brightly. The lights of it's many all night businesses, clubs, subways, and private homes hosting parties made what some people called The City of Tomorrow a shining beacon to been seen for miles around.
“Boy, this city sure aint like Gotham,” Robin quipped as he followed Batman through the rooftops over the neighborhood his mentor had told him was called Suicide Slum. “Even the poor section of town's all bright and shiny, it can practically blind you.” He looked at Batman. “Why are we out tonight?”
“Because when I was over at the Daily Planet, on of the reporters, Clark Kent, was acting very agitated for some reason. Then when you told me about what you and Serena's friend saw Superman act, and I knew it bore looking into.”
Robin scratched his head. “There some connection between this Kent guy and Superman?”
“Clark Kent IS Superman.” Batman looked at his young partner and held a finger over his mouth.
The two edged over to one building-a pawnshop by the sign on top-and saw a window on the second floor that had a circular hole cut in. Sure sign of a professional burglar.
Batman and Robin crept through the hole and made their way to the bottom floor. Sure enough a man was there busy cracking open the pawnshop safe.
All of a sudden a red and blue blur flashed through the building, and the safecracker found himself held of the ground with Superman's hand around his throat.
“Trying to help yourself to someone else's money?”
“No, Superman, you see I own this store and-.” The sentence was cut off as Superman tightened his hand around his throat.
“Your heartbeat say's your lying.”
“All right! I was going to just rob the place and then you show up. I'm just a thief, I've never killed or injured anyone-.”
“No,” Superman's eyes narrowed, “but you have hurt people buy your actions-and for that you must pay!” Superman grabbed the burglar's right arm and squeezed hard….
“Ahhhh!” The burglar cried out. “You're hurting me! Let me go!”
“Yes Superman.” Batman stepped out from the shadows. “Stop hurting him and take him over to the police station.”
“For what? So he can be released again to steal again?” Superman glared at Batman. “And you always said I was too easy on scum like this. Maybe it's time I took your advice.” And he squeezed the burglar's arm even tighter.
Robin cried out, “Superman, your belt!” Superman looked down and saw strange pattern that looked almost like a clawed paw glowing red on the buckle of his belt.
“Whatever that thing is, it's making you act this way. Come, let's leave this man here for the police and maybe we can help you.”
After batcuffing the burglar to a pipeline running down the wall and radioing the Metropolis PD, Batman, Superman, and Robin met on top of the roof of the building. Even with his enormous strength, Superman couldn't break whatever the glowing object was off of his belt.
“Whatever this thing is, it must be some magical device, to keep you from being able to tear it off,” Batman mused.
“Indeed,” a voice spoke from above. The three looked up and saw Nephrite floating above them. “Indeed, it's quite clear to me that my colleague Jadeite underestimated you, Batman.”
“You did this to me!” Superman flew straight at Nephrite, who sent him flying with a wild haymaker.
“That, that guy just punched out Superman!” Robin cried. He touched the side of his mask, whose telescopic visors zoomed in on Nephrite's fists. “He's wearing brass knuckles studded with tiny green rocks.”
Batman took a small pair of binoculars from his utility belt and looked. Superman came at Nephrite again, and again Nephrite punched him repeatedly-until getting sent flying half a mile by Superman's fist.
“Those green rocks are Kryptonite,” Batman said. “Not enough to kill or seriously hurt him, but enough to slow him down. But why is he using so little?”
Nephrite shook his head. Not even the strongest of youma that he'd sparred with had hit him so hard. And his hands felt as if he had punched sold concrete reinforced with titanium. No wonder they call him the Man of Steel.
Suddenly he saw Superman coming straight at him. Quickly, he pulled out a small box and pressed it.
“Uhhnngh” Superman cried as he covered his ears. The sonic emissions from Nephrite's box were causing his super-sensitive ears to give him a monstrous headache.
Nephrite smiled. “Strange, is it not, that one of your powers can be so easily used against you.”
From the rooftops, Batman and Robin watch with anxiety. “That guy's giving it to Superman and there's nothing we can do about it,” Robin said wistfully.
“But we can!” The two turned and saw Sailor Moon with Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars right behind her.
Darien Shields had just showered and was getting ready for bed. He didn't know why, but for some reason he'd felt this urge to leave his apartment in Gotham city where he attended college and come visit the old orphanage in Metropolis where he'd grown up.
As he lay on his bed he looked at his hands. They were completely healed now, but his earliest memories had been seeing them bandaged up from the burns he'd had when they found him all those years ago in Japan. He was six years old and whatever accident he'd survived had robbed him both of his memory and his fingerprints. The only thing he'd been able to recall was that his name was Darien.
Suddenly, he'd had this strange feeling come over him, then blacked out.
Blood ran from Nephrite's nose after Superman punched him again. The Man of Steel's adrenaline was overcoming whatever effect Nephrite's Kryptonite knuckles had in slowing him down.
Which was just what the Dark Kingdom General wanted.
Suddenly Nephrite heard the ground below “Mercury Bubble Blast!” Bubbles suddenly shot up around him then dissolved into mist, blocking his view.
And Superman's fist connected with his jaw again, shaking it loose.
Nephrite fell and landed on the roof of a building with a thud. Superman flew down and landed right beside him.
Superman grabbed him by the collar. His energy rising to it's peak-, the General thought wearily-
“You'll tell me how to get this thing off of me and what you're up to, or so help me,”
Superman said as he pulled his fist back-.
All of a sudden a rush of light burst from the object on Superman's belt buckle. The Man of Steel collapsed in a dead feint.
“What, what's happening?” Robin asked as he looked across the street at the roof where Superman collapsed. The light from the object was swirling and darkening, turning into the most bizarre mist.
Jadeite wearily got up and floated above them. “As you can see, even Superman is powerless before the might of the Dark Kingdom! Behold, our ultimate warrior-” the mist cleared away revealing a hulking mass of gray mass of muscle and sharp bony protrusions- “Doomsday!”
The creature held out its arms and roared. Batman, Robin, and all the three Sailor Senshi winced at the sound.
“That's the ugliest youma I've ever seen!” Sailor Moon cried out.
“All of them are ugly,” Robin added.
Suddenly the creature leaped across the street at them. Screaming, the girls leaped to other buildings, while Batman and Robin swung away.
Nephrite looked down at Superman lying unconscious at his feet. I'll let Doomsday deal with Batman and those brats. I'll take Superman back with me, and once we get him connected to a draining chamber and a source of sunlight, we'll be able to continually drain energy from him!
Suddenly a rose landed right between the General and Superman.
Nephrite looked up. On the rooftop of a taller building he saw a man in wearing a black tuxedo, cape, and white domino mask standing over him. “You must be that Tuxedo Mask I've heard so much about.”
“Right.” Tuxedo Mask leaped down and drew his sword from his cane. “I won't let you take this man who has used his extraordinary powers to do so much good and turn him into a tool for your evil.”
“Ha!” Nephrite sent a blast of energy at Tuxedo Mask, who jumped out of the way. The blast hit the small shed on top of the building, smashing it to pieces.
Suddenly the general found a small flat disk with a blinking light on his collar. “What's this?”
Out of nowhere, a large swarm of bats surrounded Nephrite, biting at him and sending him over the edge of the roof. Blast! he thought as he open a dimensional portal. I'll have to come back for Superman later.
Tuxedo Mask saw Batman, Robin, and Sailor Mercury come up. The Dark Knight picked up Superman and placed his arm over his shoulder. “Me and Robin will take care of Superman. Tuxedo Mask, fight that monster!”
Tuxedo Mask nodded and headed over to where the girls were fighting the youma.
“Mars Fire Ignite!” Flames shot out from Sailor Mars's finger and engulfed Doomsday, who shrieked enough to wake the dead, but continued on. “Blast, it's just not working!”
“Moon Tiara Action!” Sailor Moon sent her tiara hurtling at Doomsday. The monster laughed as it grabbed the jewel headband. “Moon Tiara capture!”
Suddenly the tiara stretched and encircled the monster, holding it in a bond stronger than titanium. Sailor Mars looked at the bound creature. “You think that will hold it?”
Doomsday leaped up, and came crashing down at the two girls. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars barely managed to get out the way before the youma crashed through the roof into the building below.
“What are we doing here?” Robin asked as he and Sailor Mercury Followed Batman into what looked like an abandoned warehouse. “That monster's out there wrecking the city, with only Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and that Tuxedo guy facing it, and we-.”
He stopped when he saw Batman press a hidden button on the wall and a section of it slid way to reveal a room that looked like a more compact version of the Batcave. “You never told me about-.”
“I didn't see any need to. I have places like this set up in various cities across the globe where I may have business.” Batman place Superman's limp body on a small bed, the walked over to a rather nondescript blue motorcycle. “You two watch over him,” he said as he put on a helmet and revved up the engine. “I've got a plan that at least will be able to lure that Doomsday creature away from the city.”
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Tuxedo Mask inched closer to the hole Doomsday had created. “You don't suppose that monster's-?” Sailor Mars asked.
Suddenly Doomsday, still with its arms bound by Sailor Moon's tiara, leaped out and landed on a nearby rooftop. Sailor Moon looked at “I guess that answers your question.”
Sailor Mars immediately whipped out a bundle of Japanese spirit wards. “I call upon the Kami who watch over us help us to defeat and contain this monster!” She threw them at Doomsday, and the wards clung to the creature.
Doomsday writhed as if in agony, unable to move. “I did it!” Sailor Mars cried. That magic Grandpa taught me really does work.
Tuxedo Mask threw one rose at Doomsday, then another, and another, until it looked as if a rose garden was growing out of the youma's chest. He clapped his hands together.
Boom! The roses exploded, and Sailor Moon danced with glee. “Ha ha, the youma's moon dust now.”
The smoke cleared away, and suddenly Doomsday was there, still bound by the Tiara but the spirit wards shaken away. “I'm afraid not.” Sailor Mars said. The creature glared and suddenly beams of heat burst forth from its eyes, sending them scattering and setting the building on fire. “That thing's got Superman's heat vision!”
Suddenly a flash of smoke appeared right behind Doomsday. The creature turned its head and saw Batman on the street below throw another flash grenade at it. “The creature leaped and Batman roared his motorcycle away. Doomsday leaped in front of it, but Batman steered away, luring the monster after him.
“I think he's trying to get that thing out of the city.” Tuxedo Mask looked at the two girls. “Come on, we better help him out. Batman may be a great fighter, but I doubt he can stand up to that thing alone.
Sailor Mercury was analyzing Superman's vital signs with her computer when suddenly she felt something rub against her leg. She looked down. “Luna!” she cried out, “How'd you get here?”
“I followed you.” The Moon cat leaped up on the counter across from the bed and looked at the unconscious Kryptonian. “How's he doing?”
“His vital signs are stable. Those small wounds he sustained from the fight with the Nephrite person healed up surprisingly fast.” She let out a brief chuckle. “Oh here I am with what has to be every physicians dream-a chance to examine Superman-and I won't be able to tell Mother about it!”
“We got to find some way to revive him quick, and somehow restore him to full power.” Robin walked over to the T.V. console and turned it on. The news was covering Batman and the other's fight with the Doomsday youma. “If we can't, that things going to take a whole lot of lives.”
Superman suddenly stirred. “What-what happened?”
“He's come to!” Sailor Mercury cried out.
“Good.” Robin said. “Now we can go out and join the others.”
“Not quite.” Superman shook his head. “I'm still pretty drained from what happened.” He tapped a section on his belt. “But I know someone who can help.”
At a hidden fortress in the Artic, a creature similar to the bull terrier breed of the Earth species Canis Familiaris stirred. The automatons assigned to his care stood aside and opened the portal entrance as he leaped up and zoomed through the sky, flying to the aid of his master.
Batman looked down at his motorcycle's gas meter. He was racing close to where source of the Gotham River from Metropolis's Atlantic harbors. I should have made sure the gas tank was full. Pretty soon it would be empty, and he would be stranded with that Doomsday creature after him.
At least he'd gotten it out of Metropolis.
“He's coming right behind us, Batman!” Batman turned his head and saw on another motorcycle Tuxedo Mask with Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars hanging on behind him.
“Batman, you mind if Sailor Mars gets on with you?” Tuxedo Mask shouted.
“We can't stop for-.” Suddenly Batman saw Sailor Mars leap off Tuxedo Mask's bike and land right behind him and wrap her arms around his torso. What kind of girls are they, to be able to do stuff like that? He knew he couldn't have, although Robin very likely could.
The sight of Doomsday landing right in front of them broke his thoughts. Batman and Tuxedo Mask's motorcycles split up and headed in opposite directions.
“Take that, monster!” Sailor Mars threw spirit wards at the creature. One hit its forehead and clung to it, freezing Doomsday in its place.
But being frozen wouldn't stop it. Heat leaped from its eyes and hit Batman's motorcycle, sending him and Sailor Mars flying.
“Sorry we took awhile to get here.” The four looked up and saw Superman, carrying Robin in one arm and Sailor Mercury in the other, land down with them.
And right behind them was a flying dog wearing a cape like Superman's.
Doomsday turned its gaze towards Superman and released its heat vision.
“Superman look out!” Sailor Moon cried out. But Superman instead put himself right in the path of the red beams.
“It's all right.” Sailor Mercury said. “Superman used that super-dog's-his name's Krypto by the way-to restore his own powers take us here.”
“Of course!” Batman snapped his fingers. “Superman absorbs solar energy, and his heat vision is nothing more than concentrated sunlight.”
“Right.” Sailor Mercury continued, “likewise so is that Doomsday creature's. But Doomsday doesn't absorb energy itself; it's just made from energy drained off of Superman. So that must mean as it keep pouring it on, Superman keeps absorbing the solar energy, and the creature weakens.”
“In other words,” Sailor Moon looked and saw Luna poke her head out from under Krypto's cape, “retrieve your tiara and finish that monster!”
“Right!” Sailor Moon held out her hand. “Moon Tiara Return!”
The tiara came off of Doomsday and flew into Sailor Moon's hands. The monster, seeing was free, stopped its heat vision attack and leaped up into the sky.
“MOON TIARA ACTION!” Doomsday looked and saw the discus of light fly at it and slice it's body in two, before dissolving into glittering dust.
As the others were watching, Tuxedo Mask walked over to his motorcycle and started the engine. Before anyone could say anything, he was off on his way.
After mentally cursing for missing another chance to put homing device on Tuxedo Mask, Batman noticed girls talking to Superman. “That person called Nephrite, he's from another dimension called the Dark Kingdom that's after living energy,” Sailor Mercury said. “They may come after you again or other super powered beings like Wonder Woman or the Atom.”
“I'll be on my guard,” Superman said, then looked at Batman. “I never figured you'd be the type to work with children.”
“Only Robin is my partner,” Batman said. “The girls some key to the strange events that have been happening in Gotham City lately-and may be happening elsewhere too.”
Robin looked at the wreckage of Batman's motorcycle. “Uh, how are we going to get back to town? Have Superman carry us in trips?”
Batman pulled a small box from his utility belt and pressed it. “That won't be necessary.” A powerboat mysteriously came out of nowhere and beached itself.
Batman looked at the Sailor Senshi. “Do you girls need to go anywhere?”
Sailor Mercury smiled. “Just drop us off at Metropolis Harbor, will you?”
End of Chapter Six
Okay, since I took so long to update, I decided I'd make it an extra long chapter. Writing a story with Superman in it is hard!
Okay, as you can probably guess, Nephrite's mainly going to try draining energy from super powered beings. Who else besides Superman do you think he's going to try for?
In the next chapter:
No Dark Kingdom or Nephrite in this one. Serena and Molly attend the convention mentioned in this chapter, where something really sinister is being plotted by the Clown Couple of Crime Joker and Harley!