Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sorry, it took so long to post. I got lazy and just stopped writing. So here's Chapter Two....

She stared at the falling water hitting the rocks below. She had been staring at the waterfall for a really long time. It could have been minutes or even hours. Anything to keep her from thinking about the current situation she had found herself in. She wanted to move as freely as the water hitting the water below. No worries about anything but moving on. She looked up at the sky as thunder rolled and lightning crackled. The dark clouds reflected her current state of mind perfectly. She sighed as droplets of rain started to fall. Like everything in her life, the weather was changing abruptly as well. The rain would normal have a calming effect on her, but today she had no such luck. She didn't know how long she had been in the water or how she had gotten there. All she know was that it numbed the dull sting of the wounds on her neck. She couldn't even reach her hands up to touch them because her whole body felt heavy. It didn't help that there were ropes keeping her from sinking.

“Glad to see you're finally awake.” A soft female stated behind her in perfect English. At least, her captors spoke a language she knew. She really wanted to move, to know who was talking to her. She just prayed that whomever was behind her wasn't working with those men.

“You have nothing to worry about. We are friends of your mother.” It was another female voice, this one was a little deeper than the first.

“Then perhaps you could tell me how I ended up here.”

“Your mother sent for us. She was concerned for your safety.” Another voice, it was much deeper than the second almost male. There was a tiny infliction of femininity in.

“My safety? Why?”

“We aren't sure, but her letter was very convincing.” The first voice replied.

“Those men?”

“Are nothing more than burning corpses.”

“My parents?”

“Dead.” The third voice replied, harshly.

“But they can't be killed.”

“They can and they were.” Again the third voice replied, making her angrier.

“Get me out of the water. Now.”

“She can't even see us and she's already making demands.” The third voice stated.

“Like mother. Like daughter.” The first voice laughed. She really wished they would stop talking and pull her from this watery prison. She heard a splash as someone jumped into the water and swam towards her. A woman with short blonde hair and dark blue eyes moved in front of her.

“You know a little gratitude for rescuing you would be nice.”

“You don't even know what you rescued me from!”

“It doesn't matter. Manners are still manners.” She moved a little further away.

“For all I know, you are the ones responsible for all of this.” The blonde woman glared at him.

“Perhaps leaving you in here a little longer might help.”

“You don't think I'm really going to believe people I've never even met, do you?”

“Your mother did.”

“Well I'm not her.”

“Good point.” The woman disappeared under the water. She could feel the restraints being removed as her body started to sink. Just as she was almost completely submerged in the water, she felt arms come around her and move her towards the shore.

“Considering we still have breath in our bodies, I think we can be trusted.”

“I want to go home.” Two sets of hands pulled her on to the shore. She just laid there. It would be a while before she got feeling back in her body. She looked up at to more unknown women. One with soft teal colored hair and blue eyes and the other had red eyes and dark greenish hair.

“There is no home for you to go back to.”

“So then where will I go?”

“Your mother has left special instructions in case this happened.”

“Okay?” She was still confused.

“We'll be heading overseas. You'll be staying with some friends of your father. They specialize in your new condition.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It is not our place to discuss this. Our knowledge is limited on the matter.”

“One more question, then.”


“How long have I been in the water?'

“Three months.”


“Where are you taking me?” She eyed the large metal birds on the pavement. She didn't like this place at all. It was too crowded. Too noisy. She had never encountered so many people all at once. It was a bit overwhelming. Her mother's friend, whom she had come to know as Amara, Trista, and Michelle, were keeping a barrier around her as they many their way through the airport as they had called it. At first she found it to be a hindrance, but upon see the large amount of people and metal birds moving about she was grateful. However, this little distraction wasn't enough to stop her from thinking about her parents and her ever changing life. After she had recovered, they had brought her to the spot that was once her home. It had burned to the ground, nothing but stone and broken wood in its place. There was no trace of her parents having even been there. That's what frustrated her the most.

“Hey kid, pay attention.” They were standing in front of a line that led to two strange metal pieces.

“What are those?”

“Metal detectors. They aren't like us, so they need those objects to make sure that people aren't caring harmful weapons.” Michelle replied.

“Okay.” They made it to the front the line. She proceeded to walk towards the metal detector.

“Ma'am, your bag.” She just stared at the man in black and blue. “On the belt.”

“You'll get it back.” Trista placed a hand on her shoulder. She only nodded and placed it on the black 'belt'. She followed her companions through the detector and received her bag back. They continued down a long hall after giving a piece of paper to a woman dressed in dark blue.

“Where are we going now?”

“On the metal bird.”

“Is it safe to travel on?”

“People do it everyday.”

“Very well.” As they reached another threshold, another woman greeted them. She took another piece of paper from Amara.

“Welcome to Buena Vista Airlines. First class is just through that red curtain. Please enjoy your flight.”

“Thanks.” Amara winked at the woman, which earned her a smack from Michelle. Trista only grinned as she shook her head. These woman were sure weird. She followed them down rows of seats to the red curtain, which had bigger seats and was a little more spacious than the previous area.

“Hand me your bag.” Amara held out her hand. She handed the bag to her and sat in the sit Michelle pointed out to her. Amara put all their bags into an overhead cupboard. Trista buckled her in as she sat down, next to the window.

“Are we going to South America or Asia?”

“No, the United States.” Trista replied, strapping herself in.

“To Las Vegas?”

“Now why would you suggest that off all places?” Amara asked, looking at a shiny piece of paper. It looked hard and very pretty.

“It's where my parents met and got married.”

“She did love to live in the moment.” Michelle leaned against Amara.

“She use to say the happiest moments in her life were the unexpected.”

“She was an adventurer.” Amara smiled.

“We're going to New York. We'll pick you up a few pieces of clothing and then we're heading west.” More people entered the room.

“So we're going to Alaska then? I don't really like the cold.”

“I wasn't aware you could sense the difference in temperature.”

“Why not?”

“Well, you-” Michelle nudged Amara from saying more. “You'll find out eventually.”

“This would be more easier if you just told me what's going on.”

“It would be, but then again your mother was never an easy woman. We are honour bound to her as friends to respect her request.” Trista replied.

“And are you not honour bound to me as her daughter?”

“If we weren't, we would leave you in Spain.” Amara looked at her sharply. She followed her arms and turned away. She was starting not to like where this was going. The metal bird shook and started moving.

“How are you so sure that these people you're taking me to will help me?”

“According to your mother, he helped your father.”

“Can you at least tell me his name?” The metal bird was coming off the ground.

“Carlisle. Carlisle Cullen.”


So I've finally introduced some characters and the crossover. I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much I did writing it. Let me know what you guys think.