Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ meet the senshi ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: If Sailor Moon was mine, Tuxedo Mask and the Generals would ditch the girls and worship me at my feet. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet.
A/N: Ummm… I hope I'm doing alright so far and readers, please review and comment or flame if you must, on my mistakes so I can fix them.
Chp. 3
New Feelings…Can it possibly be attraction?
As Usagi was about to walk through the arcade doors, she ran into something hard (again). But this time instead of falling to the ground, the person that she ran into caught her with his arms and kept her there. He murmured in a husky voice, “I guess this time was my fault and I'm sorry.” He looked at her smiling softly.
Right when she heard his voice, her head had shot up and realized that it was Darien that had caught her. Her ears perked up at the sound of his voice though and an idea popped up in her head, but she decided to act upon it later. She blushed and stammered, “ummm… Darien, could you get off of me?” For a second he looked at her with his intense midnight blue eyes and she was lost in them. She felt his hard body against her and was on fire. What she didn't notice that Darien was smirking at her and checking her out at the same time. He felt her luscious curves through his clothes, and felt himself hardening, `Uh oh' he thought nervously, and hauled her up roughly and with a cool reply he murmured against her ear, “Watch wear you're going Meatball Head.” With that, he walked in the arcade.
Usagi brushed her the dirt off her skirt angrily. The jerk hadn't even said sorry! Why were they always running into each other? She already had Tuxedo Kamen to obsess over, so why Darien? While she was deep in her angry thoughts, she noticed a slutty girl with wavy red hair walking over to the arcade, all over some football jock (A/N: guess who? Lol, could resist! Also, those of you reading, please review! It helps greatly! Also, flame if u must, but just remember I'm new at this, so please don't hurt me! cringes). Usagi hurriedly walked through the arcade doors to avoid her. As she walked in, she saw Andrew and waved to him. She bounced over to him, with hopes of getting an ice-cream. He smiled at her and asked, “Hey, Usagi! Let me guess… your usual?” He laughed, knowing that it was a rhetorical question.
He asked her, seeing her groan and bang her head down on the counter, “What's wrong, bad day?” She nodded and wailed, “It was horrible, and to top it off, that jerkoff friend of yours, is making it worse!” Hearing Beryl's malicious snicker coming through the arcade doors, she groaned,”Don't look up, the bitch is here!” Andrew smiled sympathetically at her and shook his head. He walked off to take Beryl and her friend's orders.
Not wanting to see Beryl, Usagi decided to sneak to the storage room and out the back door, but to her surprise, she found it locked. She decided to climb out of the girl's bathroom window instead, but it was also locked with an “out of service' sign on it.
She sighed and found that the men's bathroom door was unlocked but was unsure for a moment. Just as she slipped behind the door, Darien came and pushed it open. He gazed at ther sardonically, “I already knew that you were flat chested Odango, but you're aiming to be a cross dresser now?” He shook his head and smirked.
Usagi could feel her temper rising and pushed him against the bathroom wall. She hissed angrily, “Unlike you baka, I at least go after the other sex, while I saw you checking out sluts and this one guy yesterday in front of the supermarket!”
A/N: Ummm… that is it for the chapter now… I think… Am I doing okay so far? Please review to comment me on my mistakes! Thank-you! For those that want me to email them the chapters as I go along, please email me, and I'll be happy to email them to you!