Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ meet the senshi part II ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: No I don't own the sexiness (Darien) and never will own the sexiness though I might try to steal the sexiness so help me or I shall die trying!
A/N: Readers, it would help if you reviewed, `cuz it tells me if you like my story or not, and what kinds of mistakes that I need to fix! There might be a lemon here and there in my story and I don't know how many chapters there will be. I just hope that you enjoy my story! I try to update at least once a week, maybe if there are enough reviews, I might update two to three times a week!
Chp. 4
Darien glared at her. And was about to say something back to her when he heard a seemingly familiar sound playing. Usagi gave Darien a last shove before running out of the arcade. She ducked into an alley and opened up her bag. She took out her communicator. Sailor Jupiter's face popped up on the screen: “Youma in the park, and you better run fast, Mars is already mad enough at as it is because you missed the meeting at the temple today.”
With that, the screen blacked out. Usagi let out a horrified gasp as she recalled the past days events and how Rei had screeched at her when she had left, “Odango! Meeting tomorrow, right after school! You better be there! If you're not, I'm going to fry your ass!”
Usagi quickly shook her head to get rid of the dreaded feeling she was getting about what Rei was going to do to her. “Moon Crystal Power!” With that, she transformed and ran to the park leaping from roof to roof.
Darien's POV
Darien watched Usagi walk off, in a daze. Where had he heard that music before? Then it hit him, it was in his dreams! It was when he was in the from of Prince Endymion, giving a star locket to the princess. What connection did Usagi have to the princess? Surely Usagi was too clumsy too know anything, or did she? At the same time, he felt a familiar throb in the back of his head and groaned. It was time to go kick some youma butt and save sailor moon again! He conjured a rose from now where and transformed silently. He snuck out the arcade so noone would be able to see him. While he ran, he saw sailor moon not so far ahead of him and sped up slightly so that he was running beside her. Before she could say anything though, he swept her up in his arms silently without asking for her consent and kept running.
Usagi's POV
Damn that bastard! He is just like Darien, so cold and arrogant! But then again, Tuxedo Kamen was much better looking than Darien! Where Darien was lacking, Tuxedo Mask had it all! She laughed silently to herself and shot Tuxedo Mask a glare. But he didn't even acknowledge her but just kept running. She gave him a once over and almost swooned. Even though he was cold and arrogant, he was still her savior. Every time when she needed dire help or transformed, he was there for her. She remembered the time when he had dropped her outside on her balcony when she had been hurt from battle. She smiled when she remembered how he had apologized profusedly for not getting there sooner. It really had been quite comical watching him muttering and cursing himself. But then, she frowned remembering how he said something about “his” princess. Just who had he been talking about anyways? But before she could wonder anything else about his mysterious princess, he had set her down. She looked at the battle field in horror. The senshi were all torn and fighting desparately for their lives. Mercury was on the ground unconscious and not moving and bloody. Venus was desparately trying to stand and find enough power to attack. Mars was too stubborn to back down while the back of her uniform was ripped and rivlets of blood ran down her back.