Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ mutual attraction ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: No I don't own th4e sexiness and neer will own the sexiness though I might try to steal the sexiness so help me or I shall die trying!
A/N: sorry for the short chapter before ppl. Hmmmm…someone even commented that the chapter was weird.
Chp. 10
The talk
They both stood silent for a few moments.
Sailor Moon. “You think that you can just take over my life like that? Those are my friends!”
Tuxedo Mask. “All I wanted was to talk to you, what's wrong with that?”
Sailor Moon. “If you want something, you have to ask for it.” She crossed her arms and huffed angrily.
“Look, I just wanted to apologize about last night and I want you to give me another chance with you.”
“Another chance? What makes you think that I want to give you another chance? You hurt me before, so how am I going to know that you're not going to hurt me again?”
“Look, just give me another chance and I'll try to prove it to you! I'll even do anything you want! I've been searching for the princess this whole time, and now that I've finally found you, I'm not going to let you go! Don't you get it, now that I've found you, I finally feel whole, like I've found my other half.”
“Fine, but I made a bet with another girl in my school…”
“What kind of bet?”
“I told her that my date would be hotter than hers…and that means that I need you to go with me to the winter formal because I don't have a date yet.”
“Errr…usually I don't do this kind of stuff, but under the circumstances, I will. Do I need to wear a tux or anything?”
“Yeah, hmmm…I can wear my princess dress! We'd look good together then. But it'd be dangerous because the Negaverse would recognize me.”
“When's this dance?”
“In two days, when are you going to pick me up?”
“Ummm… what about 7? So we can go out to eat first, then dance.”
(A/N: Just to tell you people, you know how I mentioned Ann and Allen before? Well I forgot to tell you that they're new to Serena's school and the day that they appeared, the two aliens appeared, along with all their freaky youma)
The two detransformed and he brought her home. He left her without a word on her balcony, so he wouldn't wake up her father. He had heard from Andrew, that her father had a shotgun and chased boys away from her with it. Once he had ran Andrew off her lawn with the garden hose. The result, was a soaking Andrew.
That night, Serena hugged herself, happy that she had found a date, one that she thought that was perfect. Now…if only Beryl… what if Darien didn't turn out hotter than Beryl's date? Then she'd be ruined!
Next day at school
Beryl sneered,”So, Ser-e-na, did you find a date yet? `Cuz I've got the football captain, the hottest guy in school.”
Serena muttered to herself, “Not to mention the dumbest guy in school”
Beryl continued on, with out hearing Serena,”He's even bringing me to the dance in a limo…”
Serena began to tune Beryl out. She had seen Darien's cars before, and boy were they hot! Now, he also had money, so he wouldn't look bad against the football captain. Darien was also the notorious available bachelor in town…etc.
Serena left Beryl, ranting where she was. Molly caught up with her in the classroom.
Molly.”Did you find a date for the winter formal yet? I did, I'm going with Melvin.”
Serena was flabbergasted, “Melvin? You mean geeky Melvin?”
“Well, he's not that bad…I saw him the other day without his glasses, and he actually looked kinda nice. If you think that my date isn't good, who's your date?”
Serena said proudly,”Darien Shields!”
Molly's mouth dropped open, then she ran over to Serena and hugged her. Anyone that saw them in the classroom, saw two maniac girls jumping around and hugging, while screaming.
Beryl and her girls snickered at the two of them and sat down. Allen, however, hesitantly walked over to Serena.
“Ummm…Serena can I talk to you alone for a moment?”
Serena and Molly shared a look, but she went.
“So, what do you need Allen?”
“do you have a date to the winter formal yet? Because if you don't, would you like to go to the winter formal with me?”
“Sorry Allen, but I already have a date.”
At that moment, Allen became livid, “Who? I've been nice to you all this time, and this is how you repay me!” He stomped off.
When school was over, Darien came over to pick Serena up in his corvette. (did I spell right?) He became worried when he saw that she looked a bit shaken. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing. Just this creep that tried to ask me to the dance. OH my gosh! I forgot to buy the tickets! And the ticket sales end today!”
HE grinned and held up the tickets,” I had someone else buy them for me already. Hmmm.. what's this guy's name? Maybe I can pay him a little visit before the dance, so I can make sure that he doesn't ruin the dance tomorrow night.”
Serena shook her head firmly at him, “That's not a nice thing to do, besides what can he do anyways?”
Next day at night…Serena's getting ready for the dance
As she did her make-up, Serena had a sense foreboding, but she shook it off. `what could go wrong anyways?' the girls had come over to her house and they were getting ready together. Mina was going with Andrew. Serena remembered how she used to have a crush on Andrew and how Darien used to tease her for that. Rei was going with Chad, but he was on stage for the first half of the dance. HE had his own band, which was surprising because when Serena first met him, he couldn't sing. And when he sang, everyone ran for cover and covered their ears. Amy was going with Greg, another computer geek. And Lita was going with Ken, her boyfriend that she kept breaking up with and getting back with for some reason.
As she combed her hair, she smiled because she had just snagged the hottest guy in town and there was nothing Beryl could do about it. What would Beryl's reaction be to seeing Darien with her?
Only the girls and Molly knew who she was going with. Beryl probably thought she was just bluffing or she had desparately asked out some random guy.
After she styled her hair, she stepped into her dress.
She rushed down stairs along with the rest of the girls when they had heard several car honks for them downstairs.
The guys were waiting in Serena's living room. Each guy presented a rose for their date from behind their back.
But unluckily for Serena and Darien, Kenji had to come out for that moment and saw Darien's arm around Serena's waist.
Kenji turned red and livid he began ranting how Serena was not allowed to be dating and how she was too young for Darien. Sammy came out, curious to see what all the commotion was all about. “Whoa… ugly actually got a date? And with Darien? Duuude… I must be seeing things.” He walked back into his room.
When Kenji took out his shotgun, everyone chose that moment wisely to rush out the door.
A/N: sorry ppo, if my chapters are getting weirder and weirder. I don't noe where I'm going with this story anymore….
I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my friend Courtney and my friend Christina. Thank-you for reading my story! Really appreciate it!