Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Thanks so much for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this fic!

Serena ran as fast as she could towards the restaurant she was eating at. She ran into people, knocking them down along the way. She strung out a line of apologies. She shrieked when she felt someone grab her shoulders, as she paused to catch her breath. She turned around quickly to find her mother looking at her curiously and a bit worried.

“Mom, what are you doing here?,” questioned Serena.

“Well since you were taking so long, I went to see what was up,” replied her mother. She then eyed her daughter oddly. “Who was that guy you were talking too, he’s very cute,” she said with a wink. Serena gave her mother a wry smile.

“Eww mom, that jerk is not cute,” she exclaimed . Then she looked towards her mother wearily. “ I’m tired, can we go home please?” she asked.

“Yeah, I think we had enough shopping for today. Let’s go home.”

The duo picked up their shopping bags and headed for the car. The whole ride home was pretty quiet. Once they pulled up to the drive of their home, Serena’s eyes widened and she gasped.

There in the drive way was her father’s car. He had come home early; not a good thing, not a good thing at all. She looked at her mother with fearful eyes. Her mother looked at her with the same look as well.

“Let’s just go inside. Everything will be alright,” Whispered her mother, trying to console her daughter, but sounded like she was trying to convince herself. They slowly got out of the car and took out their shopping bags, trying to buy some time and prepare themselves for what was to come.

They dragged their feet up the steps and towards the front door. Serena and her mother looked at each other one more time, before her mother opened the door. It was quiet, too quiet, much to their surprise. Nothing was broken or out of place. They stepped inside cautiously and set our bags by the front door. They looked around the den and no one was there.

Serena and her mother walked towards the kitchen. Then they spotted him. There he was, sitting in the dark with a beer in one hand and his other hand tapping angrily against the table top. Serena saw several beer bottles broken all over the kitchen and shatter marks and beer drops on the wall, cabinets, and floor.

She then looked at her father, who was now staring back them, with his body trembling with rage and eyes beat red from the alcohol. She took a step back, fearing for her life.

“I came home early to surprise my wife…and what do I find?” growled her father, as he looked at them. “NO ONE!… no one is home, the house is completely empty, not a damn thing to eat!”

“Ken, honey, calm down…I’ll make you something to eat, anything you want,” replied her mother. Her father shot up from his seat, throwing it back behind him in the process. Serena jumped in surprise from the loud clatter of the chair hitting the floor.

“Shut the hell up Elaine…I don’t want anything!,” yelled Ken. He then turned around and picked up the chair that had dropped. He raised it over his head and then threw it at his wife mother. His wife had no time to block as the chair collided with her face.

She dropped to the floor haplessly. The woman laid on the floor with blood trailing down her forehead and nose. Serena immediately dropped to her knees to check her mother’s pulse. She sighed with relief, when she felt the thumping of her mother’s heart against her fingers.

She wiped the blood from Elaine’s nose and forehead with her hand. She lightly smacked her cheeks, but her mother wouldn’t wake up.

She gasped when she felt her father wrap his large hand around the back of her neck. He raised her to her feet and made her look him in the eyes. She grimaced when the stench of alcohol harshly invaded her senses.

“If you tell anyone about this, I will beat you so bad you’ll wish you were dead.” He sneered .

‘I already do wish I was dead,’ thought Serena to herself.

“Answer me when I’m talking to you!,“ he shouted . Serena gritted her teeth.

“Yes sir,” she replied.

“Good,” Ken looked at Serena with a twisted look. He tightened his hold around the back of her neck and took his fist and rammed it into her face. The impact caused her head to be thrown back and her bottom lip to bust open. Blood trailed down her chin when she slowly turned back to her father.

Tears were building up in her eyes and she was desperately trying to hold them back. She didn’t want the bastard having the pleasure of seeing her cry. Crying only made things worse. She cursed herself when a few tears escaped from her eyes against her will.

“Oh, so you want to cry now! I’ll give you something to cry about!,” yelled Ken.

‘Damn,’ was the only thought Serena could muster up, before her father dragged her towards the basement, the “torture room“. The worst room throughout the house, the only place where no one can hear your screams of anguish and pain, and she was going to be dragged down there.

When Serena was close enough to the basement door, she grabbed a hold of the wall to prevent from going any further. Ken turned and pried her fingers from the door and Serena screamed, kicked kicker her legs, and swung her arms, so her father would let her go, but to no avail.

Her father continued his way down the stairs. He then threw Serena down to the floor. She knew better then to choose to run now; considering she knew from experience. Even if she did make it out of the house, she would have to come back home sometime. Then all hell would break loose.

She shuddered when her father brought out the whip and got a good grip on it. She already knew the procedure and she went over towards the door. She leaned forward, placing her hands on the wall with her back facing my father.

“Take you shirt off,” growled Ken. She frowned, this wasn’t part of the procedure. To think having a layer of clothes on while being whipped hurt, this was going to be hell, with the whip baring down against her flesh. This was bad; very bad. She did as she was told and took off the shirt and got back in her position.

Ken raised the whip and swung it down as hard as he could. The whip made a ‘crackling’ sound when it made contact to Serena’s flesh. An inhuman scream erupted from her mouth when she felt the excruciating pain sore through her.

A welt immediately formed after the first strike and then it opened causing blood to ooze it’s way down her back. Serena’s teeth was clenched and her eyes were closed tightly. She had tears running down her face and her body was trembling.

Ken raised the whip and repeatedly brought it down against his daughter’s back. After the 4th strike, Serena’s knees buckled and she leaned her head against the wall. She had sweat beaded against her forehead and she was breathing heavily.

Seeing his daughter down on her knee’s made him want to beat her even more. He continued to strike down on her about 3 more time before he grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her down to the floor. She landed on her back, which caused her to cry out in pain.

She rolled onto her stomach and whimpered when her father walked on her back to get over towards the stairs. He climbed the stairs without casting a second glance towards his daughter. Along the way he threw his whip down to the floor and exited the basement. That was the last thing Serena saw before she blacked out.

Author: That’s all for know! Hope you enjoyed and please review.