Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story!

Three Hours Later!

Serena’s eyes opened when she felt someone running their fingers through her hair. Her head was resting against a pillow and she was lying down on her stomach. Her mother lay beside her with her arms around her daughter, stoking her hair. Serena closed her eyes and felt her mother kiss her closed eyelids.

“Is dad here?,” questioned Serena.

“No, he went to pick up Sam,” replied Elaine. Serena nodded her head and moved closer to her mother’s embrace.

“What time is it?,” asked Serena.

“It’s 5 o’clock sweetie,” replied Elaine, causing Serena to groan.

“I have to go to Rei’s house for a sleep over,” whispered Serena.

“No you can not. Your are in pain. Out of the question,” exclaimed Elaine with a frown. Serena looked at her mother with pained filled eyes.

“You don’t understand mom, I cant stay here. I refuse to stay in this house with that man tonight,” exclaimed Serena. Elaine looked her daughter in the eyes for a moment before she nodded with a sigh.

“All right, you can go,” replied Elaine. Serena smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around her mother.

“Thanks mom, you’re the best!,” exclaimed Serena with a large smile. She then sat up quickly, but laid back down just as fast with a wince and groan of pain.

“Oh, be careful honey, your wounds are still tender,” cried out Elaine with a worry look in her eyes. Elaine sighed and wrapped her arms around her daughter again.

“You can go to Rei’s house only on one condition,” said Elaine. Serena looked at her mother questioningly.

“Name it,” replied Serena.

“You better make sure you call me when you get there to make sure you arrive carefully. Plus be very careful, I don’t need your wounds to re-open,” said Elaine sternly.

“Sure mom, I’ll make that I’ll do that for you,” replied Serena with a grin. She gave her mother a hug and looked at the wound on her mother’s forehead. It hadn’t been bandaged, but it was cleaned up. The gash was about an inch long, but didn’t look like it needed stitches. Serena gently touched it.

“Does it hurt much?,” asked Serena.

“Not the cut, but I have a major headache,” replied Elaine. Serena nodded and sat up much slower then she did before.

“I need to get ready to go,” replied Serena as she stood from the bed and was heading towards the bathroom. Elaine nodded and got comfortable on her daughter’s bed. She loved how her daughter decorated her room. It had a dark and mysterious mood to it; just like her daughter’s attitude.

The walls were painted black with silver imprints of moons and stars. She had a silver colored rug that covered the her hard wood floor. She had a large red wood dresser that was painted silver. A large queen size bed that was oh so comfortable. It had a large and thick black blanket with an silver outline of a dragon imprinted on it. There was four large pillows with two of the four pillow cases being silver, with Serena’s name written in black. The other two pillow cases were black with Serena’s name written in silver. The sheets were silver and were made of satin silk.

She had a 37 inch TV hooked up to a DVD player and an PS2 hooked up as well, with its controller lying carelessly on the floor. She had a black laptop she uses frequently to write stories and poems, lying on top of her dresser. She had many scented candles in many portions of her room, she lights up every so often. She had four speakers that were placed in each corner of her room and had a large stereo system.

Elaine loved coming into her daughters room, it gave her a sense of peace and relaxation. Something that her and her husband’s room didn’t provide for her. Elaine sighed and laid down. She had something important to tell Serena, one of the reasons she didn’t want the girl to leave tonight. But the child has been through so much, she doesn’t want to tell her something at the moment, that she knew for sure was going to devastate her. She would wait till she would tell her daughter the news.

Elaine smiled when she saw her daughter exited the bathroom, making her snap out of her troubling thoughts. She wore a black T-shirt with blue jeans. Serena went to her closet and pulled out a sleeping bag and placed it on the floor. She went beside her dresser and picked up her backpack. She pulled out some clothes and placed them in the backpack and zipped it up.

She placed that as well on the floor next to the sleeping bag. Serena turned and noticed her mother staring at her. Serena walked over to her mother and gently sat down on to the bed, as not to disturb her still tender wounds.

“What’s wrong mom?,” questioned Serena. Elaine shook her head and smiled.

“Nothing dear,” replied Elaine. “Is it bad that I like to watch my child do things?” Serena smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Of course not mom,” said Serena. She leaned forward and rested her head on her mother’s chest.

“Hmm, I’m so tired,” whispered Serena.

“I can tell, I’ve noticed that you haven’t been sleeping much, and I have also notice that you have been sneaking out of the house late at night as well,” replied Elaine. Serena winced as if she had been hit. Her eyes slightly widened. Does she now that I’m Sailor Moon.

“Mom, I can explain!,“ exclaimed Serena in panic. Elaine moved her lips to her daughter’s ear.

“I know what you do and who you are and I’ll never say a word to anyone, so calm down,” replied Elaine. Serena smiled with relief. She gave her mom a tight hug.

“I love you mom, you really are the best,” whispered Serena.

“I love you too Serena.,” said Elaine. Serena sighed, “Time for me to get going.”

“Want me to drive you?,” asked Elaine.

Serena shook her head no, “No I rather walk, I need the exercise” Elaine shook her head with a grin.

“Yeah, ok Serena,” replied Elaine. Serena stood from her bed and picked up the sleeping bag and her backpack. She smiled at her mother before she walked down the stairs and soon out of the door. Elaine looked out of the window that was in her daughter’s room. She kept her eyes on the daughter until she was out of her sight.


Serena walked down the street taking in the nice weather. She whistled a soft tune and had a small smile gracing her pretty features. Her mind began to drift to other things, causing her not to notice herself closing in on somebody till it was to late. She let out a small yelp as she crashed into someone causing her to fall and land on her back. She stiffened, tightly closed her eyes and biting down on her swollen bottom lip. She ignored the pain and opened her eyes to see Darien stand from his spot on the floor, he was knocked down to.

Darien turned and say Serena. He raised out a hand which surprised Serena considerably. She hesitantly took a hold of the hand , and was pulled to her feet. She brushed off her pants and blushed.

“Sorry about that,” replied Serena. Darien bent down and picked up Serena’s belongings and handed them to her.

“No Problem,” Serena grabbed them quickly and looked at Darien with a small smile.

“Thank you,” whispered Serena, before she walked off quickly down the street. Darien watched her go and looked at the spot where she had fallen. There was blood on the sidewalk. He looked back at Serena with wide eyes, but the girl was already gone. He couldn’t decide whether or not to chase after her or to leave it alone. He decided that he would talk to her about it tomorrow. Then he shoved his hands into his pocket with an worried expression and walked down the street, with his mind encircling the thought of Serena’s blood on the sidewalk.


Serena stopped her speed walk when she saw Rei’s house up the road. She smiled worth relief, she was ready to climb up the flight of stairs when she felt someone smack her quite hard on the back. Her eyes momentarily rolled to the back of her head. She turned to see that Amara was behind her a grin on her face.

“Hey Kitten, what’s up?” questioned the tall blonde.

Serena tried her best to muster up a smile, “Nothing much,”

“I’ll be right back!”, exclaimed Serena, before she took off into Rei’s Temple. Michelle came up behind Amara.

“What was that about?” asked the Michelle.

Amara shook her head, “I don’t know” She then looked down at her hand and saw that it was covered in blood.

“My goodness Amara, your bleeding!” exclaimed Michelle with worry. Amara shook her head no.

“It’s not mine.” replied Amara as she had turned her head toward the doorway of the temple where Serena had entered.