Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer! Don’t own any of the characters in this story!

Serena ran up the temple steps, as fast as her legs would allow her. She rushed through the temple doors and down the hall, passing by the other Senshi who were in the meeting room. She went straight towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut, not bothering to lock it. She stopped and breathed in a gush of air to fill her aching lungs and to calm her thumping heart.

She went to the sink, dropped her bag and sleeping bag she had been holding with her hands, and placed her palms on the table, leaning her body forward. She the moved her elbows and rested them on the sink surface and placed her forehead on the palms of her hands. Breathing heavily, she raised her head and looked into the mirror a moment. She then straightened herself and turned around so that her back was facing the mirror. She raised the back of her shirt and winced, seeing that her wounds had indeed re-opened.

“Damn it,” whispered Serena under her breath. She took off the shirt, she was grateful she wore the black shirt so no one can see the blood seeping through. She opened a medicine cabinet and smiled when she saw an first aide kit. She took off her blood stained bandages and threw them away. She did the best she could on cleaning her wounds and re-bandaging them.

She smiled in triumph when she finished bandaging her wounds. It wasn’t the best of work, but who cares, it was something. She jumped down from the sink counter and looked at her shirt, there was no way in hell she was going to put that back on. Then her eyes widened, that was a t-shirt she had worn, that meant her wrists were exposed…‘Did mom see my cut marks? Did Amara and Michelle…even worse, did Darien.’ thought Serena frantically.

“How could I be so stupid,” groaned Serena in a berating way.

“Oh well I guess I’m going to have to deal with it if that situation occurs,” whispered Serena. She went over to her book bag and looked inside it, she grabbed a hold of a dark blue t-shirt and matching sweat shirt. She put on the t-shirt and raised her heard when she heard a knock on the door. Serena took a hold of the sweatshirt and brought if over to the door.

She was pulling it over her head when she opened the door. When she opened it, Rei stood in the doorway. Rei looked at Serena for a moment and her eyes momentarily scanned over Serena’s wrists before it was hidden by the sweatshirt.

“Yes Rei?,” questioned Serena. Rei’s head quickly shot up and looked at Serena.

“Oh, um, everyone is waiting for you,” replied Rei. Serena nodded. Rei turned to leave, but was interrupted by Serena’s voice.

“Oh, hey Rei, can I use your phone to call my mom?,” questioned Serena. Rei smiled.

“Yeah, of course you can,” replied Rei, before she turned and left.

“Thanks,” called out Serena, while Rei walked down the hall. Serena fixed her sweat shirt, she hadn’t missed the look Rei had gave towards her wrists. Serena turned and went to gather up her sleeping bag and back pack. She left the bathroom and walked over to the kitchen where the phone was. She quickly dialed up the number and talked to her mom, purposely not telling her of her fall and of the re-opening of her wounds.

When the conversation ended, Serena hung up the phone and gathered her things once again. She went to the den where everyone was. She set her things in the corner and waved to everyone. She took a seat in between Ami and Lita.

Throughout the whole meeting, she could feel the eyes of Amara, Michelle and Rei burning into her. She had been shifting uncomfortable and avoided their eyes the whole time. She kept quiet through the meeting and kept her gaze to her hands, which were wringing together.

She was happy when Amara and Michelle left with Setsuna and Hotaru. The only person left was Rei and the Inner Senshi. The girls chatted happily as Serena kept quiet. Lita turned to her friend and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“What’s wrong Serena?,” questioned Lita. Serena shrugged her shoulders.

“Nothing is wrong,” she replied. Lita quirked an eyebrow, as everyone tuned out from their conversation to listen to Lita’s and Serena’s.

“Well you don’t seem ok, you’ve been quiet the whole time,” replied Lita. Serena turned her head to look at her friend. She gave a small smile.

“Really, I’m ok,” replied Serena. Lita frowned a bit, she didn’t like that smile. She then grinned and grabbed a hold of a pillow the was beside her. She then whacked Serena upside the head and started to laugh. Serena held a stunned look, before she too grabbed a pillow and whacked Lita back. The rest of the Senshi laughed and joined into the pillow fight.


Amara drove towards home with Michelle sitting beside her and Setsuna and Hotaru sitting in the back. Hotaru had fallen asleep and classical music was playing softly. Amara’s hands gripped the steering wheel. Her mind kept revolving around the blood that came from Serena’s back.

Amara shook her head when she felt someone place a hand on her forearm. She looked over and saw that Michelle was looking at her with concern.

“Amara, we’ll will get to the bottom of this, but right now, please keep your attention on the road,” said Michelle. Amara nodded and turned back to the road, she sped her pace and sped off down the road.


Darien sat in his apartment in the dark. He had his face resting in the palms of his hands. He couldn’t stop thinking of Serena. Ever since that day he saw her in the mall, the bruise she tried to conceal with make up, he couldn’t get her off his mind. No, this wasn’t the first time he couldn’t keep his mind off of her, this has been happening for a long time, but not this strong.

He could ignore the visions of her in his mind. The taunting images of her sweet smile, her gorgeous green eyes, of him holding her in his arms and bringing his lips to hers. But, now he couldn’t, the images of the fear that was held in her eyes when he touched her and how panicked she looked before she took off down the halls of the mall haunted his mind.

Darien shook his head clear. He couldn’t think anymore, every little thing reminded him of Serena. He sighed and slouched back into his black leather couch. Oh how that meatball headed girl made him feel every time he saw her running down the street like a lunatic, and how she devours food like she does, he couldn’t possibly see where she put it all.

A small smile etched across his face, thinking of her. He knew he liked the girl, no that would be an understatement. He loved the girl, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Especially the way he treated her, the girl probably hates his guts.

Darien laid down and stretched himself along the length of the couch. He was determined to make her his. To express his love to her. Then he frowned as the thought of the bruises came back to him. He was going to find who is hurting her, and when he does he’s going to make them pay.

Darien ran his fingers through his soft black locks, he was going to have to talk to her tomorrow, if he doesn’t, he’ll probably drive himself to the brink of sanity with all of the questions and emotions he held for her.

His frowned deepened as the thought of Sailor Moon, the fighter of love and justice. He had deep feelings for her as well. He felt a deep connection with Sailor Moon, and she was somehow connected with his past, the past he only remember in dreams, of a time long ago, the Silver Millennium.

He stood to his feet and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a cup from a cabinet and went to the refrigerator. He pulled out a pitcher of cold water and poured himself some, and then placed the pitcher back. He leaned against the counter and drank down the ice cold water.

He tossed the cup into the sink and headed to his bedroom. Upon entering he went over towards the bed. He shed off his clothing, only clad in black silk boxers. He went over climbed onto his bed and covered himself into his blankets. He rested his head on his fluffy pillows and closed his eyes, bring his hand behind his head and fell asleep, dreams filled with him and Serena together.


The Senshi were having a blast. Serena laughed as the Senshi pinned her to the ground and began an tickling assault. Serena giggled uncontrollably, trying to get away from her friends hands. The Senshi then brought out the pillows and playfully whacked Serena.

Serena turned to her stomach and tried to climb to her feet. She moved forward but was captured by Rei, who held onto her tightly. From Serena’s struggling and Rei’s tight grip, the girl’s shirt began to rise. The rest of the Senshi continued the pillow attack, except for Amy.

She froze as she saw a long scar along the side of Serena’s ribs. Amy scooted forward and her hand gently ran the length of it. She raised Serena’s shirt a little and saw the bandages on the girl’s back. Serena stiffened and her eyes widened. Rei looked down at Serena curiously as the girl start to really struggle out of her grasps. The Senshi stopped swinging the pillows and looked at Serena, then to Amy.

The looked at the blue haired genus, and looked to the direction her eyes were staring at. They dropped the pillows and gasps could be heard. Serena struggled even more, wanting to escape the looks. Rei tightened her grip a bit more and looked down at Serena with wide eyes.

‘Oh my god, Oh my god,’ thought Serena. ‘I have to get out of here’ Lita lifted the sweat shirt and looked at the bandages and the scars, old and new.

“Serena, where did you get these?,” questioned Mina, eyes scanning over the wounds in horror. Serena turned her head from them, burring her face into Rei’s neck. Rei grabbed Serena by her shoulders and pulled her back.

“Serena, who?,” asked Rei. Serena turned her head away, tears filling up in her eyes. Rei shook Serena a bit.

“Serena tell us,” pleaded Rei. Serena looked to Rei with tear filled eyes. She shook her head no.

“I can’t tell you,” whispered Serena.

“Why, you can tell us anything,” replied Mina. Serena shook her head again.

“No, I cant tell you, you don’t understand, you’ll never understand,” whispered Serena.