Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Thanks for the reviews people!!!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story.

“No, I cant tell you, you don’t understand, you’ll never understand,” whispered Serena.

“Understand what? Tell us Serena!,” exclaimed Lita. Serena shook her head no once again.

“I cant, he will get me. I don’t want him to get me!,” stated Serena, on the brink of hysteria.

“Who is going to get you?, Serena calm down,” exclaimed Amy. Serena pushed her way out of Rei’s arms, trying to make a run for it. Rei immediately grabbed onto her and pulled her back down.

“You’re not going anywhere Serena, now explain,” said Rei, making her grip around Serena all the more tighter.

“Let me go, let me go, let me go!,” she shouted. Mina quickly moved over to her. She took her hands and placed them on each side of Serena’s face.

“Calm down,” said Mina. Serena stopped struggling and looked Mina in the eyes.

“Now tell us what’s going on,” said Mina. Serena shook her head no, but Mina stopped her.

“Please,” pleaded Mina.

“I cant,” she whispered.

“Yes you can Serena. What are you afraid of?” asked Mina.


“Him, who?,”

“I cant tell you,”

“Yes you can,”

“No… he’ll hurt me,”

“If you tell us, we’ll stop him from hurting you,”

“You cant protect me, he’ll get you too,”

“Not if we can help it,” Serena sighed.

‘Why are they being so stubborn,’ she thought.

‘Why is she being so stubborn,’ thought the Senshi.

“Why cant you accept the fact that I cant tell you!,”

“Because we are your guardians and its our duty to protect you. I’m pretty ashamed for not finding out about this sooner.” exclaimed Mina. Serena glared at her Senshi, becoming angry.

‘I should have stayed home,’ thought Serena.

“Look, if I tell you, you have to promise me not to tell any one,” pleaded Serena. The scouts looked at each other unsure. True they wanted to know, but this is a serious matter that shouldn’t be kept quiet

“Serena, we cant…,”

“Promise me!,” exclaimed Serena.

“Ok we promise, now tell us what’s going on!,” Serena sighed with relief. She nodded her head, eyes staring at the floor, fingers unconsciously fiddling together.

“It’s my dad. He’s the one that has been hurting us,” replied Serena.

“Us?” asked Rei.

“Yeah, my mom and I,” said Serena. She took in a deep breath.

“It wasn’t always like this, I mean, my dad was a good man…before things started to go down hill.,” said Serena, eyes showing a far-off look.

“Like?,” asked Lita.

“Well, before we moved here, my dad had a great job. We had a huge house, a nice car, lots of money. Things were just perfect” replied Serena.

“What happened?,” asked Amy.

“My dad lost his job. He didn’t have the money to support us as he used too. So he sold our house and car moved into a smaller house and a less expensive car. Then my dad started drinking,”

“Is that when the beatings started Serena?,” asked Mina, pulling her knees up to her chest.

“Yea,” she looked down to the floor, “They weren’t so bad than. Just got smacked around a bit, got yelled at all the time. It started to get worse over time, then it stopped,”

“Stopped?,” asked Lita, totally warped into the story.

“Yea, mom became pregnant with Sam. Everything was good again. Dad had stopped drinking, no more beatings, he was so nice, like he used to be, we had moved again, here.”

“So what happened?,” asked Rei.

“Well, a couple of weeks after Sam was born, everything started again. But, it was way worse this time,” she looked up at her friends, “I just don’t understand why it started again,”

“When did all of this start?,” asked Amy, becoming quite curious.

“I was 9 when we moved, so 5 years ago,” said Serena.

“Your dad has been beating you for 5 years?!” exclaimed Lita.

“Yea, he’s been drinking really heavy now. Always at bars, or drinking bottles after bottles of beer when he’s home. Then the screaming and hitting starts, I’m just glad he doesn’t hit Sam,”

“Why haven’t you told anyone about this?” asked Mina.

“I had one time, before dad found out mom was pregnant. I had told my teacher in my old school, in our last town. She called up some people and they came to my house. My dad talked to them and then they left, so I thought all was good. But then, my dad came over to me and beat the crap out of me. That was the worst beating I had ever had in my life. I hadn’t gone to school for a week, and then we moved a couple of days afterwards. That when my told dad about Sam,” said Serena, shuddering at the memory.

“That’s why I didn’t want to tell anyone, and I don’t want something like that to happen again..” said Serena. Everything was pretty of quiet after that. A disturbing silence it was, as the Senshi thought over the things that had been told, while Serena thought over some horrible memories.

“Hey, why don’t we head in, I’m tired,” replied Serena, giving off a fake yawn.

“Yeah, lets go to sleep,” replied Mina, she too giving off a yawn, yet hers was real.

“Hey wait Serena, I want to see those wounds on your back first. I want to make sure they aren’t too bad. Plus someone did a real crappy job bandaging them up. “ said Amy. Serena blushed, walking over to Amy without saying a word. After about 10 min of checking, cleaning and wrapping, Amy was finished.

“Thanks Amy,” said Serena.

“No problem,” replied Amy with a smile. “Hey, if you ever need someone to fix up your wounds or anything, don’t hesitate to come to me, ok?,”

Serena nodded, “ok,”

Serena walked over to her sleeping bag. She climbed in, laying down on her back. She visibly winced, and turned onto her stomach. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Author: well that’s all. I’m really sorry for the wait, but I’m grounded. So, I don’t know when I’ll be able to update again. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed and please review.