Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Everything is revised! I hope you enjoyed! A new chapter shall be out soon!

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in this story!

Darien leaned back slightly and saw that her eyes had closed. He looked down to her pouting lips. He licked his own, wanting to kiss them. ‘It wont hurt to try,”

He then brought his lips down, giving Serena a tender kiss on the lips. The kiss which only lasted a second, seemed like an eternity between the two. They both leaned back from each other, gazing into the other’s eyes, green clashing with midnight blue. (Author: Yes people, I did want to make Serena’s eyes green. Why?? Because I wanted something different I guess…well anyway, back to the story)

Serena broke the gaze by turning her head, her cheeks turning to an interesting color of pink, then to an astonishing red. She giggled nervously; experiencing her first kiss. Darien stared at her, with an eyebrow arched and a small grin.

“You’re changing colors meatball head,” said Darien, chuckling softly. The comment caused her cheeks to become a darker shade of red, as well as the red creeping down her neck and going up towards her ears. She stood up quickly, averting her eyes from him, looking to the ground.

“Um, I have to go,” she said. Darien stood to his feet as well, taking a hold of Serena’s chin, so she could look him in the eyes.

“Do you really have to leave?,” he questioned. She nodded her head quickly, too quickly. Darien smiled, seeing that the girl really wanted to leave, not because she had too, but because she was in shock and didn’t know what to think of this situation she just got fixated into.

“How about you and I catching lunch, or maybe dinner tomorrow?,” asked Darien. She narrowed her eyes in surprise.

“Are you asking me out?” asked the blonde, the first words spoken since the kiss. Darien nodded, a broad grin upon his face.

“Yes I am meatball head.” Serena smiled, a real smile.

“Alright, how about dinner?,”

“Dinner it is, I’ll pick you up,” Serena’s face faulted.

“No, no, I’ll walk,” she said, a hint of fear in her eyes.

Darien frowned, not understanding. “What’s wrong?,”

“Nothings wrong,” She looked to her floor, then looked back at him with a smile. “Alright pick me up at my house, lets say…about 8?”

He quirked an eyebrow at her in confusion, then shook his head slightly. “Alright, 8 it is, but I cant pick you up without your address,”

“Hehe, oh yea,” She reached into her pocket, finding a pen, but no paper. “Eh, I don’t have any paper.”

He smiled, pulling his hand out and pushing it forward, “This should work,”

Serena smiled sheepishly, then took a hold of his hand, scribbling down her address. She slightly smiled, seeing his hand twitching every time she wrote something. She finished, putting her pen back into her pocket and let go of his hand. Darien pecked her lips again, causing her to blush again.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” with that, he turned, walking down the side walk, hands in his pockets. Serena watched as he went of with a small smile, she turned and headed off as well. Her mind was swarming around the kiss, and her date tomorrow evening.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard screeching tires and a horn beeping. She tuned to the side and saw a very familiar yellow sports car; Amara and Michelle. Serena sighed, knowing that she had some explaining to do.

The windows rolled down, then Michelle poked her head out. “Hey Serena, how about a little drive, eh?,”

Serena stared at Michelle, thinking it over, then nodded her head, “Yea, sure,”

She walked over to the car, opening the door and climbed into the back seat. Getting comfortable on the leather seats, she looked towards the viewing mirror and saw that Amara was staring at her through it. The sandy blonde haired woman smiled at her through the mirror, then turned back to the windshield.

Michelle turned in her seat to look at Serena, “Hey, lets go and order some food, then take it to our house,”

Serena slightly smiled and nodded her head, “Yea sure, that sounds good,”

With that, Amara stepped on the peddle and sped off. The car ride was rather quiet, a thick tension filling the air. Serena leaned against the door, looking out the window, watching things as they whizzed by. They stopped at a burger joint and ordered what was needed and drove off, heading off towards the large house of Amara and Michelle, which Setsuna and Hotaru lived in as well.

They pulled up into the driveway, then parked, exiting the car. They walked towards the door, then entered and immediately headed for the den. Michelle settled the food down on the table, then took a seat in a large comfortable chair, Amara sitting down beside her.

“Take a seat,” said Amara, pointed to a love seat behind Serena. Serena looked at the chair, then sat heavily into it, a long sigh escaping her slightly a gaped mouth. Michelle spread out the food, dividing it, everyone having a burger, fries and a drink.

They ate in silence, taking in the serene quietness. Serena raised her head, snapping out of her dazed state when she heard Amara clear her throat. The sandy blonde headed woman stared at Serena for a moment before she spoke, “I think you know why we called you here,”

Setsuna suddenly walked into the room, “Hotaru is taking a nap,“ she took a seat in another empty seat that was beside Serena. Serena crumbled up her trash, putting it on the table. She sat up in her seat, crossing one leg over the other, looking the scout of Uranus in the eyes, “Yes I do,”

Amara nodded, “Care to explain?,”

The young Lunarian princess sighed, bending slightly at the waist, resting her elbows on her knees. She rested her face on the palms of her hands, unsure of how to start.

“I don’t know where to begin,” she whispered, raising her head to look at three of her loyal outer scouts.

“Why not start from the beginning?,” replied Michelle, in an calm and easy going voice.

Serena nodded, sitting back up, leaning back in her chair and slouched in it. She did what Michelle said, and explained from the beginning. From her dad loosing his job, to the recent attack her father unleashed on her with the whip. She didn’t tell them about her mother having cancer, not wanting to bring that up. Amara, Setsuna and Michelle listened intently, not interrupting their princess once, afraid that she’ll stop her explanation. Although, Setsuna knew what was going on, she had promised the princess she would not say a word, even though it hurt her greatly to see the moon princess in so much pain.

Once Serena finished her explanation, there was a silence, not quite comforting, yet not uncomfortable either. Michelle sighed, breaking the eerie silence that was fogging up the room. “Why haven’t you told us? This is serious,”

Serena sighed, getting a major headache. She pressed her finger tips to her temples, trying to suppress the pain. “Because I didn’t want you to get involved alright,” She raised her hand when Amara was about to intervene, “Yes, I know you are my guardians, and that it is your job to protect me, but this isn’t your battle. It is mine.”

Amara growled low in her throat, not liking this one bit, “ I don’t care Serena, your not staying in that house with that man!,”

Serena’s eyes narrowed in anger, a fierce flame burning within them, then shouting “ I really don’t care what you think!,” She sighed, lowering her voice, shouting wasn’t going to help anything. “Look, I cant leave. I have to take care of my mom and little brother, they need me just as much as I need them,”

“But Serena, the three of you can stay with us,” pleaded Michelle, but Serena shook her head with a small chuckle. She then looked at the both of them, dead serious. She didn’t need to look upon Setsuna, for the princess knew the Senshi of time wouldn’t intervene, at least not at the moment.

“We’ll only be running away from our problems. How long do you think it will take for him to find us? My father is not stupid…he’ll find a way to get us in the end. So I rather face him head on,”

“Serena… don’t understand,” whispered Michelle.

“No you don’t understand alright,” she paused standing up from her seat. “Look I have to go home.”

She turned, heading towards the door. Amara quickly stood up, grabbing Serena’s arm, “Serena, we should talk about this”

“Amara, there is nothing to discuss. Now can you please let me go of my arm? I have to go home and talk to my mom,” whispered Serena, eyes downcast to the floor. Amara sighed and let go of her arm. Serena looked at her then turned, heading towards the door. She walked out, with Amara, Setsuna and Michelle watching her go.

Amara sighed, when Serena walked out the door. She looked towards Michelle who was cradling her head with her hands.

“She’s so damn stubborn,” murmured Amara, before she went and punched the wall.

Setsuna looked upon them sadly, she saw what was to come in the future, she turned to the window, sadness burning in her eyes, “oh princess…your pain is only the beginning…stay strong, something worse is to come,” she looked down to the ground, eyes clouding over, “I cant even step in to help,”

She leaned into the couch, “If only the queen hadn’t said I couldn’t step in, I would have prevented this…this horror your about to face,” she whispered to herself.

She covered her face with her hands, “Oh my princess,”


Once Serena closed the door, she took off into a run. Running down the steps and driveway, then finally down the side walk. She didn’t stop running till she was in front of the crown arcade. She stopped, placing her hand onto her chest, breathing heavily.

She than straightened from her bent position. She began to make a slow pace towards home. She smiled when she walked up her driveway, not seeing her dad’s car in sight. She quickly ran inside, desperately wanting to talk to her mother.

She walked inside, seeing that the den was vacant. She moved in towards the kitchen, seeing that no one was there either. So she headed towards the stairs, climbing them slowly. She went towards her brother’s room, creeping the door open slowly. She walked in side and went towards his crib.

She peered inside the crib, seeing her little brother fast asleep. His breathing steady, a small trickle of sweat running down the side of his face. She used her hand and wiped it away, then kissed his forehead tenderly, before turning to leave.

She headed towards the door and exited, then went towards her mother’s room. She knocked lightly on the door and received no answer. So she pushed open the door and walked inside, seeing that her mom was lying down on her bed sleeping.

She smiled slightly and walked over towards the bed. She climbed in the bed, wrapping her arms around her mother. “Mom…,” whispered Serena.

Elaine groaned, rolling towards her daughter, “Hmm?,”

Serena moved closer to her mother, giving her a tight hug, “I wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier,”

Elaine, now fully awake, looked down at her daughter. “You don’t have too,”

Serena sat up, with a tear stained face. “Yes I should, I shouldn’t have talked to you like that,”

Elaine smiled, grabbing a hold of her daughter, “It’s alright,”

She held her daughter tightly to her. Serena raised her head with a smile, “I’ve got a date for tomorrow,”

Author: Hey! Well, a new chapter shall be out soon! Maybe tomorrow if your lucky >< don’t count on it!