Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Well…been some time since I last update! Well I got a new chapter for ya *hears everyone cheers* Hoped you like the revisions, made some drastic changes, so if u haven't re-read, you should. Hope you enjoy the fic. Now on with the story!

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters in this story!

Another day has gone by and Serena was very excited, yet afraid at the same time. Tonight was her date with Darien. She had made a date with her enemy, and worst of all, she couldn't find anything to wear! Elaine laid on her daughters bed, a warm smile upon her face. She watched as her daughter scurried around the room, tossing clothes left and right. She giggled at her daughter's antics and sat up slowly, not wanting to disturb her still aching head.

"Serena…honey," she said, coming up behind the flustered child.

Serena whipped her head around, eyes frantically wide, "Mom! I cant find anything to wear!,"

Elaine kept her warm smile on her face and shook her head from side to side in amusement. She moved into Serena's closet, looking through the clothes. She soon pulled out a pretty pink, sleeve-less blouse with a white, knee length skirt, "This looks nice,"

Serena eyed the outfit and put forth a smile, "That is nice," she looked up at her mother, giving her a tight hug.

"Thanks mom,"

She hugged her daughter back, "No problem,"

Serena took the outfit from her mother and held it up to her, turning towards a mirror and posing a bit, "This is really nice," she placed the clothes down on her bed, and sat down beside it. She looked curiously up at her mother, "Are you going somewhere tonight?,"

Elaine nodded her head, taking a seat beside her, "Yea, Sam and I are going over to the Aino's for dinner,"

Serena smiled, "Tell Mina I said hi," she then looked down to her lap, "Where's dad?,"

The middle aged woman sighed, "At some bar…as usual,"

Serena frowned, bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, "I hate it when he drinks,"

Elaine wrapped her arms around her daughter, "I do too, Sweetie," She kissed her daughter on the forehead, at the temple," Come on, you need to get ready. You only have an hour before he comes,"

Serena narrowed her eyes, looking down at her outfit once again. She looked at the blouse specifically, noting that it didn't have any sleeves. She thought about the cuts that were on her wrists, new and old, "Um, mom…I'll need a sweater,"

Elaine cocked an eyebrow, "What for? It's pretty warm out,"

She looked up to her mother, "It may get chilly mom,"

Elaine eyed her daughter oddly, then realized why exactly she wanted the sweater. She didn't want anyone to see her cut marks. She tilted her head to the side, "If you say so, I saw a white sweater in the closet. You should wear that,"

She nodded, standing from the bed, "Well, I'll go take my shower now," then made her way towards the bathroom. Her mother watched her go, then stood to her feet as well.

"Hm, I mine as well get Sam dressed and ready," She murmured, then exited the room.

Serena stood in the shower, the warm water spraying down on her bruised body. She winced every now and then, as the water landed on tender spots throughout her body, especially when she had turned to her back. Sharp pains running up and down her back with each drop of water.

Once done washing her hair and body, she shut off the water, grabbed a towel, wrapped it around herself, and stepped out of the tub. She went straight into her bedroom, finding some under garments. She quickly put on her clothing, not bothering to place any gauze or such on her wounds. She went back into the bathroom and blow dried her hair. She placed on some light make-up, sprayed on some perfume, and put on a few items of jewelry.

Exiting the bathroom, she headed for her closet, fetching her white sweater and placing it on, she headed downstairs. Elaine was sitting on the couch, trying to zip Sam up in his jacket. The little boy squirmed and giggled, making it even harder for Elaine to accomplish zipping up the jacket.

She growled in frustration, "Come on Sammy! Stay still,"

Serena giggled alongside her brother and moved towards the duo. "Mom, let me do it," She moved over, zipping the jacket up within in mere seconds.

Elaine playfully glared at her, "I could of done that,"

Serena rolled her eyes, "Suuure,"

Elaine noticed her daughter wearing the sweater and frowned. She decided to try to get her daughter to tell her the reason why she wore the sweater, "Honey…why are you really wearing that sweater?,"

Serena fidgeted uncomfortably, "What are you talking about?,"

Elaine pressed on harder, "You're trying to hide something, aren't you?,"

Her daughter took a step back, 'She cant find out, she just cant," she thought. She looked down at her mother, "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"You're lying to me," Elaine suddenly stood to her feet, grabbing a hold of one of her daughters hands. She pulled up her sweater sleeve, exposing the ugly long scars. She gasped in surprise, for some of the cuts looked infected and very gruesome, "My God Serena!,"

She looked upon her mother with horror; her secret was out. She whipped her hand violently away from her mother as if she had been burned, "It's n-n-not that b-b-bad," she stammered, taking a step back.

"Not Bad!," she exclaimed, looking at the cuts, "Look at them!,"

She looked down at the wounds she inflicted upon herself. Long jagged cuts, resembling snakes crawling up her arms. Tears began to build up as she looked up into her mother's horrified eyes, "I'm sorry,"

The door bell rang, interrupting the two females. Elaine turned away from the door to look back to her daughter, "We'll talk about this later," she then walked over to the door and answered it, as Serena stared after her retreating back.

Elaine opened the door and saw Darien, clad in a black tuxedo, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a nervous smile upon his face, "Hi…is this the Tuskino residence?,"

The middle aged woman smiled. Motioning him to step inside, "Sure is,"

Darien returned a genuine smile, walking inside. He saw Serena upon entrance, as she adjusted her sweater. 'My God, she looks so beautiful,' were his thoughts, as she dried the tears from her eyes, walking towards him. "Hey Darien,"

Darien smiled down upon her, handing her the flowers, "These are for you," He looked her over, "You look very pretty,"

Serena took the flowers, breathing in the sweet scent, "Mmm…thank you. You look handsome yourself," she said and kissed him on the cheek.

Elaine came up and took the flowers from her daughter, "I'll put these in a vase," she then turned to the couple, "Now, when will you be home?,"

"Umm…is 10pm fine?," asked Darien, taking a hold of Serena's hand.

Serena's mother nodded, "That sounds great," she pushed the couple towards the door, "Go on now, and have some fun!,"

She watched the duo walk down the driveway to Darien's car. He had run over to the passenger side, opening the door for Serena, closing it, then jogged over to the diver's side. He climbed into his car, and soon they were off. Elaine smiled and closed the door, turning to her son, who looked like a bloated snowman, stuffed in his jacket. She giggled at him, as she walked over towards him, "Come on, lets get going,"


The car ride was rather silent, music playing softly. Serena turned towards her date, "So where are we going?,"

Darien smiled, relieved that she broke the silence, "Well, I'm taking you out to dinner,"

"Where at?," she questioned, arching an eyebrow curiously.

He grinned, looking in her direction, 'she looks so cute,' he thought,' then turned back to the road. "The Moonlight Diner,"

The blonde headed teen's green eyes widen exceptionally wide, "No way! That's the best restaurant in town. How did you get reservations?,"

He chuckled softly, "I have connections my dear," He then pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Turning off his car, he quickly exited, jogging to the other side to open Serena's door. Holding out a hand he said, "Madam, may I have your hand?,"

She giggled, placing her small delicate hand into his, "Yes you may," He helped her out and the couple linked arms . Upon entrance, Serena's face lit up, looking over the beautiful restaurant. A young male waiter came towards them, "Good evening, last name please?,"

"Chiba," replied Darien.

"Ahh…," he smiled at Serena. He then turned to Darien, "Come on, your table is ready,"

The couple followed after the young man. They were brought to a small table for two, no one else in sight, with candles lit up around the area, the moonlight beaming down upon it, giving it an ethereal glow. Serena's eyes lip up, eyes sparkling, "This is so beautiful," she whispered.

Darien escorted her to a chair, pulling it out for her. When she sat, her pushed her chair in, then moved to his own seat, sitting, facing his date. The waiter brought them their menus and received their drink orders.

"Wow Darien, this is really nice," replied Serena, completely mesmerized. Her eyes looking up at the moon. Darien noticed the warm glow that radiated off her body, as the moon bathed her with it's rays. He looked at her oddly…Sailor Moon's body glowed like that. He rid himself of the thought, there was no way Serena could be Sailor Moon.

The waiter came back with their drinks, "So what will you be ordering?,"

The duo ordered and Darien took a hold one of Serena's hands. "Your mom looks very well,"

She nodded in agreement, "She does," she looked at him curiously, "So tell me something about yourself. I honestly don't know anything about you,"

"Hmm…well, I live in an apartment on my own. I'm a freshman in college, studying to be a doctor. I grew up as an orphan, my parents died in an car accident when I was 5," he paused before continuing, "On my birthday,"

"I'm so sorry," she whispered with sympathy, gripping his hand more tightly.

He gave her a wry smile, "It's alright…I'm over it." he gave her a curious look as well, "So what about you?,"

She looked down at her hands, "Well, I'm a freshman in high school," she looked up to see his face for any sign of disapproval for her age, and was happy when no hints or signs were present, "I'm not doing too well in school, absent a lot,"

She quickly got off the subject, "I moved around a little bit before I settled here. You've already met my mom," she smiled, "my little brother was on the couch, stuffed in his jacket. You might of not seen him, he's 5 months old,"

"What about your father?," asked Darien.

He saw an un-readable emotion flicker through her eyes, that made his stomach turn. She looked at him, mustering up a fake smile, "My dad?," she paused, thinking of what to say. She couldn't tell him the truth. "he's a great guy,"

Darien eyed her suspiciously, she was lying. He decided not to get into the topic, as he looked down at their clasped hands. He saw something on one of her wrists, as her sleeve rose up a bit. He looked down at it a little closer and still wasn't able to see what it was, "What is…?,"

Serena tore her hand away from his, keeping tit beneath the table, along with the other one. "It's nothing!," she exclaimed. Darien cocked an eyebrow in confusion, "What's wrong?,"

The waiter came in with their plates of food, smiling upon the couple with a bow, "I hope you enjoy," then, walked away. Serena dug into her food, keeping her eyes away from her very confused date. Though, Darien ignored his food and kept his midnight blue eyes upon the moon princess, "Serena?,"

She stopped in mid-bite, not from him speaking to her, but for the word that came from his mouth, "What did you call me?,"

"I called you Serena. That is your name isn't it?," he asked, keeping his eyes upon her.

She shifted her food upon her plate, "It is, but I didn't think you knew my name, since you always called me meatball head,"

Darien grinned, "How wasn't I suppose to know your name? You screamed it out when ever I called you meatball head. You even took the liberty to spell it out every so often." he took both of her hands into his own once again, rubbing his thumbs over the soft skin, "Please tell me what's going on,"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Darien took his hand, tipping her face, so he could see into her eyes. He was deeply surprised by what was held within its depths. Pain, confusion, anger; nothing happy lied within them, "The other day…I believe you were running off towards the temple…you had a sleeping bag and a book back. We ran into each other and we were both knocked to the ground. When you ran off once again, there was blood on the cement…is someone hurting you?," he questioned. He continued to stare into her eyes, continuing to speak, "When I saw you at the mall…I could see the bruises on your face you tried to hide with makeup," He paused once again, "I want to help you…at least I want to understand what's going on Serena. Please tell me," he begged.

It was quiet for a few moments, neither one wanting to speak. Darien brought Serena's hands to his lips and kissed them briefly. He pushed down Serena's sweater sleeve before she could respond, and was met by the grotesque scars. He wasn't prepared for the sight and took in a gasp of air. He lightly touched them, analyzing. He looked up to Serena's face and saw the warm tears rolling down her cheeks.

He wiped the tears from her eyes and she rested her face into the palm of his hand, eyes closed. She opened them slowly, so much pain filled within them, "Please take me home,"

Darien massaged her cheek with his hand, "Let's talk about this…I can help you; something,"

She shook her head 'no', "I don't want to talk…I just want to go home. Please?,"

He sighed, then nodded, "Alright, let's go,"

She gave him a watery smile, "Thank you,"

Darien stood, going off to find the waiter and to pay for everything. Serena sat, staring off blankly. She wiped her tear soaked face with a shaky hand, trying to recollect herself, "This isn't my week," she whispered, resting a hand on her head.

She jumped slightly when Darien suddenly placed a hand on her back, "Come on," he helped her to her feet and slung an arm over her shoulders, pressing her supple body tightly against him. They walked out of the restaurant, and into the parking lot in silence. Darien settled her into the car, then made his way over to his side, getting in.

When he settled himself in the seat, he looked over towards her, seeing her head leaning again the window, eyes watering once again. He started the car, then places a hand upon hers, then drove off. About 15 minutes later, Darien pulled up into Serena's driveway. He looked over towards her and realized that she had fallen asleep. Shaking her lightly, he whispered, "Serena…wake up, you're home."

She groggily opened her eyes, looking around in confusion. Finally realizing that where she was, she looked at Darien with a small smile. She leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips, "Thank you fore dinner and the ride,"

Darien nodded, smiling as well. Serena opened up the door, then turned back over to him, "I may talk to you about it someday…just not today," then exited the car. Darien watched her walk over to her door and he pulled out and off to home.

Serena quickly headed to her door, not noticing that her father's car was there. She opened the door and entered. All the lights were off and the feeling of uneasiness began to flood within her. She closed the door behind her and looked around her cautiously.

"Who was that?," was the gruff slurred question she heard. Whipping her head to the side, her father turned on a side lamp beside the couch he was sitting on. Serena took a step back, uneasiness panging inside of her almost painfully; something was wrong.

She looked upon her father, eyes redder then usual, making her think of a demon. His hair was more tussled then usual, clothes messed up., "A friend," she whispered.

She heard a growl erupt from his throat, "You were on a date weren't you?," he questioned, standing up, stumbling his way over to her. Serena's breathing quickened, becoming very afraid, "N-no daddy,"

Her head was suddenly thrown to the side when Ken slapped her across the face. She put a hand to her burning cheek, tears building up.

"Don't lie to me!," he yelled, fury burning within his bloodshot red eyes. The tears spilled from her eyes, heart pounding in her chest, "I'm not…he's just a friend,"

She let out a startling yelp, then a cry of pain, when Ken pushed her. She crashed into the table behind her, hitting another lamp within the room, knocking it over and breaking it. She landed on the floor on her back, pain searing through her harshly. She choked on a sob, rolling onto her stomach.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO LIE TO ME!!," He walked over to her in a drunken manner, grabbing the girl by the back of the neck. He rose her up, swaying a bit, "You stupid little slut," he spat. "you've been sleeping with him, I know it,"

He turned her over so she could face him, a black and blue hand print forming. She winced in pain and for the rancid smell of alcohol that dripped from his breath. She shuddered, he was drunker then usual, "I'm not dad…I swear…," she whispered, and earned another slap across the face, this time making her nose bleed.

"You stupid bitch!," he growled, a dark and disturbing look filling his eyes. "I'll teach you a lesson," he growled, forcing his dry lips onto hers. He gave her a lopsided smile, "I'll teach you good," He then grabbed her by her hair, dragging her up the steps, as the blonde kicked and screamed.

Author: Well, I'm stopping *grins* Hoped ya liked!