Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Pain ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Well ^_^ I once again updated! Thanks so much for all of the reviews PPL!!! Hmm….lets see, this chapters has some hints of rape…so you are warned. Let me point out, this is not from any personal experience so I have no idea what it's like >_> so…I'm kind of guessing on the emotions here O_O. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters within this fic.

Elaine sat on the couch, sipping tea within the Aino household. She had a warm smile on her face, listening to Mrs. Aino speaking animatedly. She could hear her son's giggles, as Mina played with him. Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed, something was wrong, seriously wrong.

Her eyes narrowed, a sense of fear and uneasiness began to make her heart beat faster, 'What's going on?,' she thought, not liking this feeling at all. Searching her mind, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong, her mind could only surrounded itself on one thing, or rather, one person; Serena.

Looking down at her watch, seeing that it was 10:30 pm, the uneasy feeling coming back twice as hard, making her hands tremble. She had to go home, something was definitely wrong. Placing her cup of tea down on the table, giving Mrs. Aino a weak smile, "Hey, I must get going now,"

Mrs. Aino frowned softly, "Aw, so soon?,"

Elaine nodded her head sadly, her heart thumping rapidly against her chest, "Yes, I'm sorry, I've got things to do in the morning,"

Mrs. Aino nodded in understanding, rising from her seat. "Alright then, let me go and fetch Sam and your jackets," She went off upstairs to get the jackets, and Elaine stared blankly at her cup. Mrs. Aino came back, handing Elaine her jacket, then tossing her daughter Sam's jacket, so she could put it on.

"Thanks for dinner, it was great,"

Mrs. Aino smiled, giving her long time friend a hug, "No problem. You know, you're always welcomed in my house,"

Mina gave Sam to his mother smiling, a little replica of her mother. "Tell Serena I said she has to give me details on her date," she exclaimed with an wink.

Elaine giggled, "I'll make sure that I tell her,"

Walking to the door, she turned around, "Tell your husband I'm sorry for not sticking around for ice-cream,"

"I'm sure he'll understand," with that, Elaine exited the house and went to her car. Placing her son in his car seat in the back, she quickly climbed into the front, starting the car.

"I'm coming Serena, don't worry honey, I'm coming," She waved the Aino's goodbye, then drove off down the road.


Serena sat in a pitch black room, the room of her parents. Huddled in a corner, curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth slowly. Her head was tucked in her arms, breathing heavily, moaning in pain.

Flashback haunted her thoughts, the vivid memory forever scarred in her mind. 'His hands touching her in places, places where no father should ever touch their child. Those hands, so rough and callused, causing so much pain. Squeezing…pinching…groping…touching…holding her down…nothing soft or gentle…those hands… violating her in the worst possible way,'

She bit down on her lip, drawing more blood then there already was, from the tender flesh, the tears slowly trailing down her bruised face. 'Oh his lips…his hard chapped lips…claiming her soft pink ones. His lips trailing all over her body…kissing…sucking. His tongue…tasting…tasting things he should have never tasted,'

She sniffled, wrapping her arms more tightly around herself. Desperately trying to rid the horrid memory from her mind. She didn't want to remember…oh God…she didn't want to remember. 'Her tears mixing with her blood, her screams…the soul shattering screams. Her cries of anguish and pain…and no one was there to listen…to help…no one…'

Shuttering violently, 'Her clothes being torn off. His muscular heavy body, crushing her small lean supple one. Lying on top of her, no way to escape. Trapped like a bird in a cage…longing for freedom.'

She shivered, cool air chilling her nude battered body, 'The beating…his fists pounding down on her. Her face, chest, anywhere he could hit. To make her stop. To make her stop struggling, to make her stop the crying and the screaming…to make her stop the begging, her begs for him to stop the hurting,'

She leaned back, leaning against the wall, eyes closed tight. The pain between her legs was nearly unbearable. Her tears continued to stream down her face, colliding with her blood, seeming as if she was crying tears of blood. 'He had unzipped his pants, standing fully erect. His eyes bloodshot, grinning a drunken grin. He savagely entered her while she was still dry. The pain that soared through her, was something she had never experienced in her life…and her father enjoyed every minute of it,'

She choked on a sob, her dignity and pride stripped from her. The one thing she thought her father could never take, the one thing she thought she would give to the man that she loved, was brutally taken from her like a flash; her virginity. She laid down on her side, in a fetal position, body wracked with sobs. All she wanted was to rot and die…just rot and die…


Elaine pulled into the driveway of her home. She didn't see her husband's car and all of the lights were off, except for the one in the den. "Well, Ken isn't home…Serena must be asleep," Though, the uneasy feeling wouldn't leave her be.

She looked into the review mirror, seeing Sammy asleep. She exited her car, grabbing her son from his car seat, and made her way to the front door. Entering, she first spotted one of her lamps shattered on the floor. She narrowed her eyes, closing the door behind her.

On closer inspection, she saw drops of blood on her tan carpet. A feeling of sickness churned in her stomach, "Serena!," she called, but received no answer…not good. Gripping her sleeping baby close to her, she made her way up the steps. Whispering her daughters name in the dark hallway, she felt a sense of fear rising within her with every step she made.

Going into Sam's room first, she turned on his lights, scanning the room for her daughter, but didn't see her in sight. She laid Sam down in his baby crib, then exited, making sure she turned off the lights and left the door open slightly. She went to her daughter's room next, knocking on the wooden door, receiving no answer, she opened the door and stepped inside. Turning on the lights and peeking in, she still didn't see her daughter, she was still nowhere to be seen.

She sighed, turning to her bedroom, "She must be in there," she whispered. She quickly made her way to her bedroom, throwing her door opened, switching on the lights. Nothing…she wasn't there. Though, Elaine gasped, looking around that room of hers. Things were knocked down, and something caught her eye. Serena's tarnished blood stained clothes laid in a pile.

She saw blood trails on her rug, leading out of the room. "Where the hell are you Serena?,"

She suddenly heard water being turned on, "The bathroom!,"

She exited her room, and stopped in the hallway. She looked towards the hallway light switch, contemplating if she wanted to turn it on or not. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she flicked it on. Her eyes widened, regretting her decision. Blood stains of her daughter's handprints, were smeared all over her walls. Trails and drops of blood stained the carpet, all leading from her room to Serena's.

She looked to the door, seeing the door knob was covered with dried blood, she hadn't felt when she last touched it. Taking slow steps towards the bedroom, she opened the door, turned on the lights, this time seeing the blood trails on the carpet, and hearing the water run more clearly. She went to the bathroom door, knocking, "Serena?," No answer.

Opening the door, she first saw the pools of blood on the tiled floor. The room was fogged up from the steam, the overly hot water produced. She slowly closed the door behind her, taking small steps into the room. Coming up to the shower curtains, she took a hold of them. Taking a deep breath, she pulled them back.

"My God…,"

Serena sat in the bathtub in a fetal position, blood and water swirling down the drain. Scorching hot water, burning the girl's sensitive skin, making it bright red. She was rocking back and forth, eyes empty, mumbling, "I tried to make him stop…he wouldn't listen to me," over and over again.

Getting over her shock…somewhat, she quickly turned off the water, burning herself in the process. Grabbing a towel from behind her, she wrapped it around her daughter's body. She pulled out the seemingly lifeless body from the tub. Sitting on the floor, she pulled her daughter into her lap, wrapping her arms around her tightly.

She spotted the blood trailing down between her daughter's thighs, felt her tears absorbing into her shirt. She rocked her from side to side, cradling her like a baby. Serena continued to mumble, "I tried to make him stop…he wouldn't listen to me," repeatedly, making tears well up in Elaine's own eyes. She knew what had happened and knew who had done it; her husband. Looking down at her daughter, who gripped her tightly, trembling, "What did he do to my baby?…,"

For the first time in her life, Elaine didn't know what to do. So she sat, holding her daughter in her arms…just rocking her.


Darien was down on his knees, hands on his temples, head pressed to the floor. You could hear his moans of pain, as he withered on the floor. He rolled over onto his back, cover in swear, panting heavily. He groaned, "This…this pain!," tears sprouted in his eyes, he felt like he was being torn apart from the inside out.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, "She's hurting so bad,"

He slowly stood to his feet, stumbling his way into the kitchen. He stood by a window, looking up into the moonlight. He noticed that it was dim…as if it was sad., "Why are you hurting so much Sailor Moon?,"

He fell down to his knees once again, eyes darkening, "There's an attack,"

A red rose suddenly appeared in his hand. He was engulfed in bright light, and when it had diminished, he was clad in a black tuxedo, a black top hat, and a white masquerade mask. He was none other then Tuxedo Mask. He opened his window, swaying a bit, "I must go fight," then, leaped out.


The Sailor Senshi had just finished killing off a very powerful youma. Sailor Mars dropped down to her knees, panting, wiping the sweat from her brow, "Man…that was intense!,"

Sailor Venus dropped down beside her, "Yea that was,"

Sailor Uranus crossed her arms over her chest, thinking about a missing member of their team, "Where's Moon?,"

The Sailor Senshi de-transformed. Amy ran a hand through her short blue hair, "I don't know where she is,"

"Well, Serena's mom and little brother was over my house for dinner, though she left kind of urgently," said Mina, looking around at everyone. "Her mother told me that she was out on a date,"

"A date?," asked Michelle, standing beside Amara, curiosity present on her face.

"Yep, a date!," she chirped with a grin.

"With who!?," demanded Amara, her protective side stirring up.

Mina grinned, "With Darien!,"

"DARIEN!!!!," exclaimed the other Senshi, shock present on all face.

Lita was first to recover, "I knew she had a thing for him,"

The other Senshi nodded in agreement except Amara, "Grr…of all people,"

Setsuna's eyes looked up into the moon…eyes filled with deep sadness. "Stay strong princess…just stay strong," she whispered.


Darien/Tuxedo Mask, was up in an tree, listening to the Sailor Senshi conversation. His eyes were exceedingly large, not believing all he had heard. Serena…his meatball head, was the fighter of love and justice; Sailor Moon. His meatball head was…the princess of the moon.

Darien's eyes traveled up to the dimmed moon, "She's…Sailor Moon…,"

Author: Well, I'm stopping there O_O kind of didn't know what else to write hehehe. For all of you who maybe didn't catch it…Darien did feel what happened to Serena, from then and her beatings in the past as well. Anywayz, who knows when I'll update again ><…kind of another block, hopefully I'll think of something soon!!! Please R&R