Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Well long time no see. Been busy with stuff…plus I had some of this written…and it got erased!!! Well, anyways, let me warn you…I’ve never seen the first season of Sailor Moon…so I’m pretty much making up stuff as I go along and I know the outers don’t come out till way later in the series, but I want them now so hah!! sticks out tongue Sooooo there wont be n e of that Hotaru having the pharaoh or what ever in her ok? Well enough rambling, hope ya enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don’t own the characters in this story.

The sky was dark, not a star shun within it, light only being supported by the moon, which hung high, covered partially by clouds. Serena walked down the dark streets of downtown Tokyo, a place where no child should ever be, a place where a parent feared for their children to go, and who could blame them? Hookers roamed the streets, standing on every possible street corner there was. Drug dealers hiding in dark alleys, selling death to kids.

Serena kept her head low, never making eye contact with those around her. She had her head covered by a black hood from her sweatshirt, a few black strands of hair hanging around her face. She had her hands stuffed in the front pocket of her sweater, fingering a cigarette lighter and a pack of Newports.

She moved towards a building and leaned up against it. She pulled out a cigarette, placing it inside her slightly parted lips. With her head still downwards, she pulled out her lighter, lighting the cig. She placed the lighter back in her pocket, and sucked in heavily on the cig, then letting the smoke flow out of her nostrils, tilting her face up to the sky as well.
She leaned her head against the brick building behind her, releasing a heavy long sigh. Her and her old man had gone at it again. Nothing but screams and insults thrown at her like flaming knives striking her in her heart over and over again.

Will this ever end? Oh God she hoped so…

Serena placed a hand on her slightly swollen and sore cheek. Ken had hit her once again, back handed her across the face as hard as he could, throwing her head to the side harshly, making her crash onto the ground with a loud thud…and that wasn’t the first time.

Elaine didn’t know Ken had hit Serena, and that he had done so in the past. Ken had hit her plenty of times, a smack here and there…but never anything more than that, unless he was drunk, but lets not get into that. Serena closed her eyes, she would never tell her mother of the things her father had done to her, especially when she was younger…she would never tell a soul.

“Don’t you think you’re a bit too young for smoking?” came a husky, yet feminine reply.

Serena dropped her head a little and snapped her eyes open startled. Her eyes met up with a tall and lean figure with sandy blond hair, intense piercing eyes… Serena stared into the figure’s eyes momentarily, seeing something flicker with in them, what was it, pain? She gave a further observation, the slender body that seemed too feminine…yet so masculine.
The figure was clothed in a white button down shirt, khaki pants, and had a leather jacket slung over the shoulder. She was having an inner conflict with her self on determining the gender of this person. She looked upon the person chest, and noticed the slight curves of breast through the large shirt.

Female,’ thought Serena. She snapped out of her thoughts with a sharp reply of, “ What’s it to you?”

The woman shrugged, looking down at Serena. “Nothing, just wondering why you’re sucking on something that will eventually kill you.”

Serena glared at the unknown woman. “Well, it’s none of your business.” She pushed herself off of the wall, tossing her cigarette to the ground and twisting her foot upon it. She swiftly turned around, walking away.

The woman had a small grin form upon her lips, “I see our princess has an attitude.”

Serena’s eyes widened when she heard that and quickly turned around only to see…nothing. A cool breeze brushed comfortingly against her cheek. She could have sworn she felt a presence within it, but only shook her head.

“Who was that?” she whispered, a very strong sense of déjà vu hit her hard. She narrowed her eyes momentarily, and then turned, making her way back to the place she called home.

She strolled through a park, idolizing the flowers and trees. She had her brows furrowed, a bit of envy welling up inside. She kneeled down by a patch of roses, fingering the soft red petals. “So beautiful, yet so dangerous.” She eyed the thorns, and smiled ruefully.

She looked towards the direction that would lead her home, the last place she wanted to be at the moment. She looked down at her transformation brooch she now held in her hand, fingering it lightly. A small, yet devious smile crossed her face, wanting to transform for the first time. She looked around to make sure no one was present and looked down once again at the brooch. “Won’t hurt to try.”

She clutched onto the brooch tightly and shouted, " MOON PRISM POWER MAKE UP ".

She was engulfed in bright lights and pink ribbons, know stood the mystical being of Sailor Moon. With her hair glowing a gold-ish yellow color. Still up in it's ponytails her hair was cascading down her back up to her ankles. A gold tiara with a crescent moon insignia in the middle wrapper was around her forehead and a pair of crescent moon earrings hanging loosely from ears.

She wore a red chocker with a gold crescent moon in the middle. She also wore a pair of white gloves that stopped at the elbows. She had on a white bodice with a blue sailor type collar and a large red bow on her chest. The most powerful weapon in the world that has saved the world many times laid upon her chest pinned to the middle of the bow was the Silver Imperialiam Crystal. She wore a short revealing blue skirt that hugged her hips delicately. To complete her outfit she had on red high-heeled boots that stopped just below the knees.

She looked down at her sailor outfit and her nose scrunched up a bit. “God, talk about a short skirt…and this…bodice is so damn tight! How am I supposed to breathe!” She soon fell silent, feeling something brush against her back.

She brought her hand behind her back, clutching onto her long thick blonde hair. She brought it in front of her, holding it now with both hands. Her eyes widened, tears welling up. “Oh my God…”

She dropped to her knees, overwhelmed by the bad memories…the bad voices. She could hear the name-callings, the taunts…could see her father picking her up by the hair to scream at her, see the kids yanking on her hair with cruelty. Serena covered her ears, trying to block out the sounds…

Luna had followed Serena to the outskirts of town, feeling concern for the child. She had watched as her father had hit her, and watched as teen stormed her way to her room, then sneak out of the window. She hid in an alley when Serena stopped to take a smoke break. When she saw the tall blonde, she too felt a strange sense of déjà vu…like she had seen that person before.

Unfortunately, Luna herself did not remember who the real identities of Sailor Scouts were either.

She followed the young princess to the park and watched her in the flowers and as well seen her with her brooch, watched the devious smile cross the princess face with humor. Watched in amazement, seeing the transformation of Sailor Moon. Deep concern and sadness flooded through her, seeing the young princess having a break down, and not understanding why, or how to comfort her.

All she could do was watch…and pray that her princess could pull herself together.
A blood-curdling scream rang out, chilling Luna and Serena to the core. Serena stood to her feet, all of the horrible memories and voices fading quickly. She looked around wildly, ‘where did that come from?’ she thought.

The scream rung out once again, and she made her way towards the direction in top speed. She slid to a halt, talking a step back with wide eyes. “What the hell is that?”
She looked up at the ugliest thing she has ever seen since seeing her father’s feet. The monster must have been 10ft tall, with 6 eyes, spikes sprouting from its back. A huge muscled body; just complete ugliness.

Serena heard another scream and spotted a little girl who must have been no older that 6 years old. The monster held the child in his hands, giving off a wicked laugh. Serena growled, lunging forward and kicked the unexpected monster in the leg.

The monster howled, dropping the child and clutching it’s leg. Serena turned quickly, grabbing the child before she hit the ground. Serena twisted her body and landed on the ground so that the child would not be harmed.

She stood up slowly, setting the child on the ground. She bent down at eye level to the child. “Go…run!”

The child nodded, turning around and running off as fast as she could. Serena turned towards the monster that was now looking down at her angrily. With an enraged roar, the monster attacked.

The Inner Sailor Senshi stood on the branches in a high tree watching the fight between Sailor Moon and the monster. Sailor Mars looked towards her companions. “Who the hell is that?”

Sailor Venus shrugged. “I don’t know.” She looked towards the others. “I didn’t know there were suppose to be another Senshi.”

Sailor Mercury nodded. “It’s true. There isn’t supposed to be another one. Though, my computer reads that she is a real Senshi and is not a fraud.” Mercury looked towards the new Senshi. “We must find out who she is.”

The Outer Senshi suddenly appeared within the tree except for Sailor Pluto. Sailor Uranus looked down at the battlefield, arching a brow. “Whoa…who is…”

“We don’t know.” Interrupted Sailor Jupiter.

Tuxedo Mask joined the group, looking around at the group of women. “Having some sort of get together?”

Uranus frowned “Shut up Tux boy.”

Tuxedo looked down at the battlefield, repeating the question no one knew. “Who’s that?”

“WE DON’T KNOW!” they all shouted.

“Alright alright!! Don’t need to shout!,”

He looked down to the fight. “Well, whoever she is, she’s kicking major ass.”

Jupiter grinned. “Yea she is…though, she seems familiar.”

Serena thrust another kick, sending the monster down to it’s knees. Serena stood back, breathing heavily. “God! Just die already!.”

She suddenly heard a voice whisper something that sounded something like…Moon Tiarra Magic. She cocked and eyebrow and whispered Moon Tiarra Magic to her self. When she said it, her tiara began to glow.

She soon heard someone whisper to grab the tiara, which she did. She looked down at the tiara, which soon turned into a blinding white disk. She looked down at it and then at the monster. She grinned, hurling it at monster as hard as she could.

The tiara hit the monster dead on, causing the monster to scream in agony. The monster was soon engulfed in white light, and with a spectacular soundless explosion, there was nothing left save for a pile of dust blowing away in the wind.

The tiara came back like a boomerang, taking its rightful place back around Serena’s forehead. Serena looked at where the monster once was in complete shock. She done it…she really did it. A huge grin crossed her face and she pumped her fist up into the air.

“Hell yea!!” she jumped up and down with child like excitement. “I did it I did it!” she cheered over and over again.

She soon calmed down and noticed a little doll on the ground a few feet away from her. She made her way towards it, picking up the little Cabbage Patch Doll. She looked ahead of her and saw the little girl she just had saved poke her head out from behind a tree.
She walked over to the child and held out the doll. “Is this yours?”

The little girl nodded, taking the doll from Serena’s hands and held it tight to her. “Hmm, do you know where you live?”

The little girl nodded and Serena reached down and picked the girl up. “Alright then, I’ll take you home.”

The Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask watched as Serena left. They all looked at each other and agreed that they needed a serious meeting.

Author: Well I’m done with this chappy! Please review!