Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the SM characters in this fic!

Luna stared upon her sleeping princess with pride; since she watched her take down the horrid monster that attacked that little girl no more than 3 hours ago. Though, she was slightly puzzled because she had seen the young princess have a mental break in the park.
“Oh dear child,” whispered Luna. “What going on in that head of yours?”

The dark purple cat ears twitched as she heard the door knob turn. She quickly jumped off of the bed and took a hiding spot in a dark corner. Ken opened the door and walked through and spotted his sleeping child in the bed. He made his way over to her bed, touching her face and lifting it slightly. He eyed the area where he had hit her and was relieved that the swelling had gone down considerably.

Sighing heavily, noting that the bruise was hardly visible; he shook his daughter awake. The “raven” grumbled, mumbling something incoherent. When Ken shook her again, she groaned and mumbled “5 more minutes.”

Ken frowned, shaking her harder. “Get up girl.” He demanded, causing Serena to open her eyes wearily. She groaned and rolled over, placing her pillow over her head.

“I’m sick, go away!” she feigned a cough and clutched her covers tightly around her.
Ken this time growled in annoyance, taking a hold of the blanket and pillow and yanking it from Serena’s reach. “Up, NOW!”

Serena whined, over dramatically sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest. “What?”
Now pleased at getting the child to sit up, he replied. “Get dressed, you got school.”
Serena glared at her father, “Why are you waking me up and not mom?”

Ken narrowed his eyes on his daughter. “Because I wanted to, now get dressed.”

“Pft…you just wanted to see if my face swelled up.” mumbled Serena, turning away from her father.

Ken reached forward, grabbing Serena by the collar of her PJ’s. He pulled her forward, their noses now touching and anger burning in his eyes. “What did you say to me?”

Serena stared into his eyes fearlessly. “I said you wanted to save your ass by making sure you didn’t leave any noticeable marks on me.”

A knock rung out on the door and the duo simultaneously turned towards the door. Elaine walked in and saw her husband holding her child by the collar of her shirt.

She frowned deeply. “What is going on here?”

Ken swallowed deeply; he was caught. Serena slapped Ken’s hand away from her collar, and looked at her mother. “Nothing mom.” She shifted her eyes to her dad. “We were just fooling around.”

Elaine eyed her daughter momentarily and finally nodded her head. “Mm hmm, well anyways, breakfast is ready.”

She looked at her daughter’s attire. “Honey, hurry up and get dressed!” She shook her head. “You have to go to school soon.” she then quickly turned, making her way to Sam’s room to see if her son was really getting dressed or was still in the bed asleep.

Ken looked down at her daughter questioningly. Serena smirked. “I would have told her, but I really wasn’t in the mood to go through a bunch of bull I really don’t care to listen too.”
The older man snorted and headed for the door. “Whatever.”
Serena sneered. “I should tell her though.”

The comment stopped her father dead in his tracks and he slowly turned his head to look at her. Serena stared blankly at the ground, remembering things she wished she would forget. “I should tell her what Uncle had done to me…what you’re doing to me.”

She shifted her eyes upon her father, who involuntarily shivered. The haunted look stirred something deep within him and he wasn’t sure what it was.

“But I won’t.”

Ken cocked a brow. “Oh? Well, why not?”

Serena smiled. “Because…for some ungodly reason, Mom loves you and you somehow make her happy.” She looked to the ground. “I don’t want to mess that up.”

She suddenly gave off a bitter laugh. “How would you think she’d react to finding out that the man of her dreams and his brother is tormenting her little girl?”

Ken clenched his hands into tight fists. “Shut up. Your making up things again. Nothing ever happened…”

Serena shot up from her bed, her body trembling with rage. “It never happened, my ass!” she nearly screeched. Her anger was beginning to boil and she was starting to black out…and that wasn’t a good thing, not a good thing at all.

She gritted her teeth almost painfully tight. “You may try to block it out of that head of yours, but I remember it every damn day.” She turned her enraged darkened eyes upon her father. “I remember what Uncle did, and I always will. I know that it was real…don’t pull that crap on me.”

Serena closed her eyes. “I can still hear his laughter as I screamed and wailed in pain and I bet you enjoyed every tormenting second of it.”

“Enough!” exclaimed Ken, his hands now dripping small droplets of blood by his nails digging into the palms of his hands. He was facing the door and his body had tremors flowing through it. “Get dressed and get to school.”

With that, he walked out the door and slammed it shut as he left. Serena heard him pound on Sam’s door and shouting at the boy to get out of the bed or else. She sighed heavily and flopped back on the bed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Luna come out of her hiding place and leap on to the bed.

She placed the purple cat on her chest and scratched behind her ears. “Sorry you had to hear all of that.” She shifted her eyes to the clock beside her head and swore under her breath, seeing the red bold numbers of 7:30am.

“Crap! I got 30 minutes till school starts!” She placed Luna on the bed and bounded off to the bathroom for a quick wash.


School went by as a blur and Serena was slowing walking down the street. She heard her name being called and she saw her friend Mina running down the side walk to meet up with her.

“Hey, Serena! Wait up!” called the blonde, catching up to her friend. She slowed her pace down to a walk and grinned brightly.

“Hey, you want to go to the arcade?”

Serena smiled, “I don’t know.”

Mina pouted. “Aw! Come on, it’ll be fun!”

“Will the others be there?”

Mina nodded enthusiastically. “Yep, they’ll be there later.”

Serena grinned. “Alright, let’s go!”

Serena and Mina were sitting at a table, chowing down on some pizza. Mina was talking a mile a minute and Serena tried very hard to understand what the girl was talking about. She looked around and spotted a racing game that was soooo calling her name.

She grinned, turning to Mina who was still babbling. “Hey Mina, lets play that racing game over there.” She said, pointing in the direction of it. Mina shut her mouth and looked to the racing game. A smile crept across her face and she nodded. “Yea.”

She jumped out of her seat and made her way over to the game. She took a seat and patted on the other seat beside her. “Come on Serena, race me!”

Serena hopped into the seat, and the duo inserted a few coins and the game began. An hour flew by and the two girls continued to race. A good size of youngsters surrounded the game, watching as the two played animatedly.

Soon the rest of the inner Sailor Senshi walked into the arcade and spotted over a dozen kids surrounding one game. They walked over towards it to see what all of the commotion was about and all they could do was shake their heads, watching the princess and the Senshi of love go head to head in a racing game for dear life.

‘GAME OVER’ flashed on both screens and Mina smacked the steering wheel angrily. “Man! You beat me again!”

Serena snickered in triumph. “I guess I’m just good, is all.”

“Uh huh,” mumbled Mina, sulking pitifully.

The outer Senshi suddenly walked into the door. The four scouts walked over towards the game, a grinning Amara in the lead. She tapped the back of Mina’s seat and the blonde looked up questioningly. “Hey, you mind if I play?”

Mina shook her head. “No…wasted all my money on that game!” she wailed and made her way over to the table, and munched on some slightly chilled pizza.

Amara took a seat and turned towards her princess. Serena turned her head towards the blonde and her eyes widened as she gasped. “You!”

Amara grinned. “The one and only.”

She inserted some coins into the game and positioned her foot on the gas pedal. “Race me.”
Serena eyed her then shrugged, putting some money in the machine. She suddenly smirked, already claiming her victory. As soon as the screen blared “GO”, she stomped on the gas pedal. After a few seconds, she realized that Amara wasn’t doing a thing. She glanced at her several times then finally asked, “Why aren’t you doing anything?”

Amara smirked. “Just drive.”

Serena shrugged and did as she was told. She soon went around the course twice and was nearing the end of the race. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Amara sit up and take hold of the steering wheel.

Before Serena could even blink, Amara’s car went around the course twice and then…she was passing her! Serena’s mouth dropped down as Amara’s car rolled in to first place.

Serena frowned. “How the hell…” She snapped her eyes over to the tall blonde sitting beside her, who was smirking.

“You so cheated!”

Amara burst out into laughter. “No, I’m just good.”

Serena glared, her face turning slightly red in anger. “There is no way!” she looked towards the game then back at Amara. “It’s impossible to do something like that!”

Amara grinned. “Stop being such a sore loser.” She briskly got up from the seat and made her way over to her girlfriend Michelle and the rest of the Outer Sailor Senshi.

Serena looked towards the Outer Senshi and eyed them closely, déjà vu hitting her hard. “Why does it feel like I know them,” She whispered to herself. She then turned to the Inner Senshi, the same feeling coursing through her.

She stared upon the two groups of scouts in deep thought. ‘Who are these people?’ She pondered to herself. Rei looked towards the blonde and cocked an eyebrow. “You know Serena, you may be good, but Amara here is the best.”

Serena looked up at the senshi of fire with furrowed brows. “Amara?” She looked towards Amara and her eyes suddenly widened. “Amara Tenoh, the race car driver?”

Amara nodded with a smirk. “The one and only.”

Serena suddenly pouted. “Well then, I really didn’t stand a chance.” She stood to her feet and stretched, popping sounds coming from her spine. She looked towards the woman and watched as Amara possessively wrapped her arms around an aqua haired beauty, and then her eyes shifted towards the little girl and the woman who the little girl was clinging onto.
“So…who are you three?”

The aqua haired beauty smiled a dazzling smile. “I am Michelle. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Serena eyed here, “You’re that famous violinist aren’t you?” She watched as Michelle nod, the dazzling smile never faultering. Michelle then looked down towards the little girl. “This is little Hotaru.”

“Nice to meet you, Hotaru.” The small child gave a shy smile, and then held more tightly onto the woman she had clung to earlier.

Serena’s eyes then shifted up to the tall woman Hotaru clung too. “And you are?”

“I am Setsuna,”

The young teen cocked a brow, “The famous designer.” She furrowed her brows. ‘Wow, I just met three celebrities within 5 minutes. Unreal!’

She sighed, running her fingers through her black locks. Her cell phone suddenly rang and she quickly answered it.

The Sailor Senshi watched their princess conversed intently on the phone. She soon hung up and gave a sheepish smile.

“Well, I need to get going. My mom has dinner ready.” She stood up swiftly. She looked towards the four people she had recently met. “It was nice to meet you.”

She soon turned to her new found friends. “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow. See you guys later.”

They all waved her goodbye and as she made her way to the door she heard a voice she would of rather not had heard. “Oh, leaving so soon?”

Serena’s face faulted and she turned towards Darien. She frowned at him deeply, “Ah, the dickhead that crashed into me the other day.”

“Wow, don’t you have a potty mouth.” Darien gave her a coy smile. He leaned against the bar he sat at. “F.Y.I. you crashed into me, little girl.”

Serena growled deeply in her throat. “I don’t have time for this you jerk-off.” She turned on her heels and stormed her way out of the arcade.

Darien grinned at her retreating back. “Sassy. I like her.”

Author: Well, that’s all for now! Please review!