Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: wow…its been a minute LOL! Life got real crazy, and I haven’t had the time to write, plus my brother spilled orange soda in my old computer n wiped out all the new chapters I had started *sigh* but I’ve finally got myself motivated, so I hope u enjoy ^_^

Serena lay sprawled out on her stomach along her bed, deep in thought. She pondered over the 8 people that plagued her mind since the day that she met them. ‘Why does it feel like I should know these people.’ thought Serena.

She rolled over onto her back, sighing heavily, and staring up at the ceiling. Luna took this time to bound into the room, belly filled with tuna. While licking her lips, she leaped up onto Serena’s bed, walking across the girl’s belly and resting peacefully upon her chest. Her tail lulled around as Serena scratched behind her ears, and she couldn’t help but let a small purr escape her feline lips.


Serena looked down at the cat, eyebrow cocked in curiosity, “Hm?”

“I need to ask you something.”

Serena took a hold of the cat and sat up, placing Luna on her lap. “What do you want to ask me?”

Suddenly, Serena clutched her head, severe pain flowing threw her head. Luna jumped off of her lap, startled. She looked upon her princess bewildered, watching as the girl slipped off of the bed and to her knees. Serena placed her head on the floor, eyes clenched tightly shut. Her breathing started to quicken as the pain became worse with each passing second.

“What’s wrong?!” exclaimed Luna, fear apparent in her large purple eyes.

Serena rolled onto her back, beginning to rock from side to side. Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head and heard a faint whisper in the back of her mind; danger. The pain suddenly vanished and she suddenly shot up from the floor.

“Fuck…” she muttered through clenched teeth. She slowly stood to her feet, everything becoming a bit unsteady. She looked to Luna, who stood frozen stiff with fright.

“Someone needs my help.” whispered Serena, making her way to her bedroom window. Luna shook her head, and followed after the girl, who was already halfway out of the window.

Serena jumped off of the roof, and landed gracefully in the yard. She quickly made her way to the fence and jumped over it. From the corner of her eye, she saw Luna following closely behind her. Serena started to jog, and then sprinted into a full fledge run. The pain began to come back, which she soon realized meant that she was getting closer to where the “danger” was.

She came to a screeching halt when she spotted a Youma terrorizing the city. Although, what caused her to stop so quickly was the fact that she seen 8 females dressed in the sailor attire and one male dawned in a tuxedo.

She furrowed her brows and backed up and cloaked herself behind a nearby building. She grabbed her broach and transformed into Sailor Moon. She peaked out from behind the building, just in enough time to see the large Youma dish out an attack that knocked the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask to the ground.

“I’ve got to help them.” whispered Sailor Moon.

“Moon Tiarra Magic.” She grabbed her tiara and clenched it in one hand tightly. She stared upon the Youma, and without hesitation she bolted forward, charging head on to the Youma. The Youma being too occupied, didn’t notice the sneak attack, and was quite startled when it felt an excruciating pain tear through its bulging right arm. The Youma looked down upon its arm that was evaporating into dust.

The Youma was ready to howl in rage, when Sailor Moon swiped its feet from underneath it. It fell to its back and looked up to see the moon senshi above it, tiara in hand. The Youma rolled over in enough time to dodge the attack. As Sailor Moon was about to touch ground, the Youma snatched her up by the throat and hurled her into a brick wall.

Sailor Moon fell to the ground with a loud ‘thud’, causing the Youma to cackle in victory. It made its way towards the fallen Senshi, as Moon was rolled onto her stomach with a moan. The Youma grabbed Moon by her leg, yanking her up. It cocked its head to the side as an evil grin crossed over its grotesque face. He clenched his hand around her leg even tighter, and then began to spin, spinning moon around in circles, and then un-expectantly letting go.

Moon flew a good 10 feet, crashing into a tree, and landed upon the ground motionless. The Youma smirked until it felt an excruciating pain across its back. It turned, seeing the other senshi as well as tuxedo mask standing behind it, crouched in fighting stances. The youma let out a roar before it raised its large fists into the air, and smashing it to the ground. The ground tore apart from the impact, sending the heroes crashing to the ground once again. The youma gave off yet another loud cackle.


From the corner of its eye, the youma noticed Sailor Moon on her knees, cradling her side, face downcast. She was breathing heavily and slowly raised her head, cocking her head to the side to look upon her foe, blood trickling down the side of her face.

“You think this is funny?” she whispered through clenched teeth. She could feel herself blacking out with rage. She slowly rose to her feet, glaring at the youma with anger and hatred. “I’ll show you what’s funny,” she growled, charging at the youma head on.

The Youma was taken by surprise and was unable to avoid being tackled to the ground. Sailor moon straddled his chest and began pounding both fists into its face. Suddenly she called out, ‘moon tiara magic,’ and snatched the tiara from her head. She stared the beast in the eyes with a smirk, causing the large Youma to actually quiver in fear. She took the tiara and jabbed it straight between the eyes, and a blinding white light surrounded them both.

When the light cleared, all that was left was Sailor Moon sitting on her knees, cradling her injured side, a small smile gracing her lips. The tiara had replaced itself on her forehead, and pile of dust was whisking away.

“Now that…was funny” she whispered, slowly and unsteadily rising to her feet.

“I really don’t think you should stand.”

Moon visibly tensed, totally forgetting that she wasn’t alone. She slowly turned around and noticed the other Senshi and the one clad in a tux had formed a semi circle around her.

Moon chewed on her bottom lip as she took a step back, looking for a way to escape. A small smirk formed upon her lips as an oh so brilliant idea popped into her head. Her eyes widened as she took another step back. “Another Youma!” She exclaimed.

The group of 9 turned around immediately, preparing for yet another fight. Uranus furrowed her brows… “There’s no Youma.” She turned back around and noticed that Moon was nowhere in sight. She couldn’t help that a small smile graced her lips. “Clever.”

Neptune turned upon hearing the response and furrowed her brows, starting to scan the area. “Where did she go?”


Sailor Moon sprinted through the woods and stopped, bending slightly at the waist trying to catch her breath. With a sigh she detransformed and plopped down in the grass. She lifted up her shirt and saw the dark bruising on her side and frowned deeply.

“Damn Youma,” she muttered.

“Nice job Serena.”

She turned, looking at her feline advisor. Luna came closer to her princess and looked upon her worriedly. “You’re hurt.”

Serena waved her off. “Nothing too bad.” She mumbled, wiping the blood from the side of her face. She slowly stood up, hissing in pain. “Come on Luna, we need to get home.”

The feline nodded and followed her princess as they made their journey home. Upon reaching the house, Serena sighed heavily as she looked up at the tree she was going to have to climb to get into the house unnoticed. Muttering several swears, she climbed up the tree with much difficulty. She climbed into her bedroom window, Luna following her lead.

She trudged into her bathroom and stripped down, wanting to take a long hot shower. Once she was finished, she stepped into her bedroom in a towel and advanced towards her dresser, her advisor watching her every movement.

Now clad in a t-shirt and shorts, she sat on the edge of her bed, and ran a hand tiredly through her bangs. She then turned to her advisor questioningly. “What were you going to ask me before…I had that little episode?”

Luna stiffened, unsure if she really wanted to ask at the moment, but decided that she really did want to know the answer to her question. “The other night…when you left…I followed you to the park and I seen you transform for the first time…” Luna paused looking up at her princess. “You looked like you were about to have a mental break down…what happened?”

She watched as the princess’s body tensed, and a flicker of emotions present in her eyes. She looked towards her advisor with a wry smile. “Do you really want to know?”

Luna hesitated, than slowly nodded her head. Serena slid back on her bed and pulled Luna on top of her chest and began to pet the feline softly. “When I was younger I had the same hair as Sailor Moon…blonde, length, odangos and all.”

She closed her eyes taking a deep shaky breath then looked upon Luna with pain filled eyes. “People ridiculed me for my hair style…constantly being picked on, and having people yank on my hair…I finally cut it and died it black…so I could feel normal, and one less thing people can pick at me about.” She replied, whispering the last part.

“When I transformed and seen my hair was the way it used to be…I started hearing those taunts again…I guess I freaked.”

Luna nodded, and licked the tears away that began to trail down Serena’s face. “I’m so sorry…I shouldn’t of asked”

“It’s all right.” She smiled at her companion, though the smile did not reach her eyes. “The past is the past…I’ll get over it.” She placed Luna on the bed beside her and got under the covers. “I need to get some sleep, school in the morning.”

Luna nodded, and curled up beside her. “Sleep well princess,” though the words fell to deaf ears because Serena had already fallen asleep.

Author: hoped u like!! Please review