Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Thanks for the reviews you guys!!!!
The sun's rays beamed brightly through Serena's curtains, causing the girl's eyes to snap open. Lifting her head up, she looked around her room groggily, waiting for her eyes to adjust. With a frown she looked at her clock and shrieked in terror.
“Fuck! Its 1:30pm.”
She shot up from the bed, ignoring the pain that shot up through her side. With panicked eyes, she turned towards her bedroom door, as her mother peered into the room. “Mom, why didn't you wake me!!!” she just about screamed.
Mrs. T chuckled, “You looked so tired, and I didn't want to wake you. Go get dressed and I'll take you out to lunch.”
With that, she exited the room, leaving a stupefied Serena in her wake. Running a hand shakily through her hair, she let a small frown grace her pretty features. “Mom let me lay out of school…what is really going on?”
Serena made her way down the stairs feeling quite refreshed. She wore tight torn diesel jeans that clung to her hips, with a black studded belt. She as well wore black halter top, showing off her lean stomach, and belly button ring that had a crescent moon graphic in its center. Her bruise had completely cleared from her side, but was still rather sore. She had on a pair of high top black and white converse sneakers and black wristbands with white crescent moon and star designs on each wrist to finish off her attire.
Her mother stood up upon her daughter's entry, wearing a white sundress and matching white sandals. She picked up the car keys that lay on the coffee table and ushered her daughter out of the door, locking it behind them.
“What about Sammy? I was going to pick him up from school and take him to the arcade with me.” Said Serena.
“I told him that you would meet him at the arcade, being that his school is about three blocks away.” Replied Mrs. T.
The two climbed into the car and made their way into town. The car ride was rather quiet despite the soft music that played. They pulled up to a small restaurant that and Serena couldn't help but smile.
“This is that Jazz coffee shop I noticed the other day…I've been dying to come here.” said Serena, linking arms with her mother as they made their way in. They were shown to a small table with two seats and had menus handed to them, Jazz music playing softly in the background.
“Can I get you something to drink while you decide on your order?” asked a young pretty brunette waitress.
Mrs. T smiled warmly at her. “I would like a Latte,”
Writing the order down, the waitress turned to Serena with a smile. “And you?”
“I'll take a cappuccino please.”
“Alright, I'll have that ready in just a moment.” replied the waitress walking away to complete the order.
They momentarily looked at the menu and decided what they wanted, just as the waitress came to them with their drinks. She placed them down on the table, and once again held out her notepad to take their order.
“Have you decided on you order, or do you need more time.”
“No, we know what we want,” stated Serena politely. “I would like the crispy chicken sandwich and fries.”
“And I would like the ceaser salad.”
“Alright, it will be out shortly.” replied the waitress, leaving the duo once again.
Serena slowly sipped on her cappuccino, and looked up at her mother who was staring at her intently. “Is there something on my face?” asked Serena.
Mrs. T laughed softly. “No dear, can I not admire how beautiful my daughter has become?”
Serena blushed profusely, looking down at her drink. She suddenly cocked an eyebrow and looked up at her mother. “So why did you really let me stay home from school, I know being tired wasn't the only reason.”
An out of character giggle escaped Mrs. T as she cover mouth with a hand. “Can't get by you can I?” She suddenly became serious, rising out a hand to caress the side of her daughter's face, than brushing back the locks to reveal the ugly bruise that lay on her temple.”
Serena stiffened, and her eyes widened. Mrs. T brushed her thumb lightly across the bruise and frowned slightly. “When I came into your room to wake you, I seen this and I wanted to ask you about it. I rather talk to you while your father wasn't present.”
She dropped her hands into her lap just as the waitress took that moment to bring the food to the table, oblivious to the tension that had begun to form. “Here you go, and I hope you enjoy. Do you need refills?
Mrs. T shook her head. “No, we're fine. Thank you.”
The waitress smiled brightly, “Well if you need anything I'll be over there.” And with that she left the duo to finish their conversation.
“So, how did that happen?” question Mrs. T.
Serena closed her eyes, knowing full well she couldn't tell her mother that her alter ego was the super heroine Sailor Moon, that she protected the world from Youma who terrorized the city.
She looked up at her mother. “The other night, I woke up from a nightmare a little disoriented, and I tripped over my book bag on my way to the bathroom and hit my head on the side of the dresser.”
Mrs. T saw right through the lie, even though it was a damn good one. She held her tongue; her daughter only lied when it was necessary, so she would not push the issue…for now. “Why didn't you tell me, you could have had a concussion or something…that's very serious.”
Serena looked down at her plate shamefully. “I'm sorry; I just didn't think it was that big of a deal.”
She patted her daughter's knee under the table. “Just let me know things like that, I don't care how small the wound is.”
Breaking out into a large smile, she replied, “Now hurry up and eat, so you can have fun with your friends and brother.”
Serena grinned, digging into her food happily. The duo broke out into small chat about school and other girl talk.
Mrs. T pulled up in front of the arcade, and Serena turned to her mother, placing a kiss on her cheek. Her mother smiled, “Have fun, I'll call you when it's time to come home.”
With a nod, Serena made her exit. “Love you!”
“Love you too,” and with that, Mrs. T drove off.
Serena waited for the car to disappear into the distance and then made her way into the arcade. The familiar sounds of games and laughter filled her ears, and a sense of excitement welled up inside her. She spotted Andrew behind the counter and made her way towards him.
“Hey Andrew, can I get a chocolate shake please.”
“You aren't going to pig out on another big ass shake are you,” came a snide remark.
Serena's eyebrow began to twitch in annoyance and she looked over towards Darien who has become her rival of being a smart ass. “No you pompous ass, I want a regular one.”
She quickly turned back to Andrew, “So, can I get that shake?”
Andrew grinned, “You got it,” and made a hasty retreat to the kitchen.
Darien smiled, taking his usual seat at the bar, eyeing Serena from head to tow, as if mesmerizing every curve in her body he had not realized she had. “God, you're beautiful.” He whispered.
Serena turned to him. “Did you say something?”
Snapping out of his reverie, he glared upon her. “To be so scrawny you eat a hell of a lot.”
Serena's jaw dropped, “I am not scrawny! I am lean and fit.” Andrew came out with her milkshake and handed to her, which she thanked him kindly. She turned angry eyes back to Darien. She flicked her hair into his face and walked off. “I have high metabolism”
“High metabolism my ass, them shakes will catch up to you. Don't come crying to me when you have thunder thighs and a pot belly.” He burst out laughing when Serena flicked him off and continued her stride to meet her friends at their booth.
She smiled when she neared the table where 8 of her friends sat, chatting happily amongst themselves. Amara spotted her first. “How's it going kitten.”
Everyone's attention turned to Serena, causing Serena to smile nervously at all the attention, a blush hinting at her cheeks. “Pretty good, actually.”
“Didn't think you were coming, since you weren't at school today” replied Lita, as the girls shifted over to let the princess take a seat with them.
“I wasn't feeling too good this morning, but I'm much better now.”
“That's good to hear.” beamed Amy, looking over at the girl with a smile.
“Hey I thought you were bringing you little brother?” asked Mina, taking note that Serena was indeed alone.
“Oh, he's supposed to meet me here…” she trailed off spotting her brother coming up the street. She suddenly frowned; noticing how upset he looked.
“Excuse me for a moment.” She muttered, standing quickly from her seat and making her way outside. The group of 8 looked at each other in confusion, before they all looked outside the window to see what was going on.
Author: So what do you think, good or no???? Review and keep me motivated!!!