Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Serena stepped outside and stood in front of her brother. He walked up to her, and stopped, with his head held down, his bangs shielding his face. Serena squatted down in front of him and cocked her head to the side.
“Hey kiddo.”
“Hey,” whispered Sammy.
She furrowed her brows and frowned. “What's the matter?”
She rose out her hand and lifted up his chin. She gave off a startled gasp, seeing the left side of Sammy's face was black and blue, and he had a black eye forming. He had tears rolling down his face, and he looked towards the ground shamefully.
“What the hell happened to your face?” she nearly growled out, wiping the tears away.
He looked up at her, more tears spilling down his face. “I was about a block away from school, when this big kid pushed me from behind, telling me to give him my money. When I said no, he pushed me up against the wall and punched me in the eye, took my money, than pushed me to the ground.”
Suddenly they heard someone laugh loudly and both Serena and Sammy turned their attention towards it. There stood a guy that looked to be 17, with short unruly dirty blonde hair. He stood about 5'10 with a muscular build. He was talking loudly with two other people, Serena assumed were his friends.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Sammy's eyes widened in fear and he quickly began to move behind her. Slowly standing up, she turned to her brother.
“Is that him?”
He slowly nodded his head; rage burned in Serena's eyes, despite the smirk on her face. She turned towards the guy and clenched her hands into tight fists.
“Stay here.”
Before Sammy could protest, Serena was already across the street. She walked over to the guy and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, gray blue eyes staring down at her intently.
“Hey sexy, what can I do for you?” he asked, licking his lips and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Serena smiled sweetly. “Do you know that boy over there?” she asked, pointing to her brother.
The guy looked over and a smirk crossed his face. “Yea that's the little shit I punched for his money earlier; started crying like a little baby.”
Serena's eyes narrowed into slits. “Well, he's my little brother…and I suggest you give him his money back.”
He cocked his brow and he stared down at her incredulously. “Really now…and what if I don't?”
She leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Then we are going to have a problem.”
He chuckled, looking at his friends with a smug look. He turned back to the petite raven. “A problem, huh?,” He let a smirk cross his boyish face. “What the hell are you going to do about it girl?”
A dark look flashed upon Serena's face, as a devious smirk crossed her lips. She took a step back, kicked up her left leg, and made a swift kick forward. Her foot landed cleanly on her opponent's right knee, a sickening crack ringing out.
The teen dropped to the ground immediately, grabbing his wounded knee, “You crazy bitch!!” he screamed.
His friends stood back stunned, and Serena squatted to the wounded teen's eye level. “Call me crazy…one…more…time…” she snarled.
The teen looked up at her with rage filled eyes. “You crazy stupid bitch!” he spat.
With unregistered speed, she grabbed the teen by his hair, shoving his head into the glass window behind them, with extreme force, but not enough to break the glass. She seemingly whipped out a blade from thin air and pressed it up against his throat.
He let out a terrified yelp, and Serena leaned in close to his ear. “Give me your wallet, or I'll slice you're throat open right here.”
The teen shakily reached down into his pocket and pulled out a black leather wallet and held it up. Serena let him go, and snatched the wallet from his hand, sticking her blade in her back pocket. She cocked a brow when she saw all the $20's and $50's he had. She snatched out two $20's, closed up the wallet, and threw it onto his lap.
“Now if you fuck with my brother,” she paused, “No, if I you see or hear about you and your two goons harassing anybody, I'll be looking for you.” With that, she turned away and walked back over to her brother. The other two teens scrambled to their injured friend, helped him up, and scurried on down the street.
Serena made her way to her brother, who stared up at her with amazement. “You were so awesome!” he exclaimed.
Serena giggled, all traces of anger cleared from her face. She handed her brother the money, and he gasped loudly. “He only took $10 dollars!”
Serena smiled sheepishly at him. “Well, I guess that's a helluva lot more games you can play.” She bit her bottom lip, “Don't tell anyone about the extra cash, keep that between me and you.”
Sammy nodded enthusiastically, knowing that “anyone” specifically meant mom and dad. Serena grinned and ruffled his hair, “Come on, I want to stomp you in this racing game.”
“You wish you could stomp me, you know I'm the best!” he exclaimed, opening up the door to the arcade. Upon entry, they heard everyone in the arcade clapping and cheering. Serena and Sammy stood frozen startled.
A young boy came up to the duo with a grin. “It's about time someone taught that jerk a lesson, he's always beating up kids for their money.”
“Are you serious?” Serena asked.
“Yep,” the boy chirped. “I guess he won't be picking on anybody anymore.” He replied, and walked out the double doors of the arcade.
Serena looked around the arcade sheepishly as the crowd of cheers and claps for her died out. With a rather dark shade of red crawling up her cheeks, she made her way to the bar, Sammy following closely behind her.
They both took a seat and Andrew came up to them excitedly. “Oh my God, that was incredible!”
Turning a deeper shade of red, Serena shifted her eyes to the counter top. “It was nothing really.”
“Nothing? You just took out a guy 3x your size!” exclaimed Darien who was sitting beside Sammy.
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” She muttered.
Andrew grinned. “You can have anything you want on the house, I couldn't stand that kid!”
Serena grinned and looked down at her brother, then back up at Andrew. “I would like two cheeseburgers, two chocolate shakes, and a bag of ice for my brother's eye.”
Andrew nodded and made his way to the kitchen. Serena rested both elbows on the table and gave off a sigh, followed by a startled yelp, as someone came up and threw an arm around her shoulders.
“Damn kitten, you kicked the shit out of him!” exclaimed Amara with a soft chuckle.
Both Sammy and Serena laughed, Serena then swung around in her seat and noticed that the other 7 girls were behind her as well. “I guess I did, huh?”
“Hell yeah you did!” said Lita. She looked towards Serena's little brother. “So, is he your brother?”
Serena nodded, “Yea, this is Sammy.” She turned to her brother. “Sammy, these are my friends, Amara, Michelle, Lita, Amy, Mina, Rei, Setsuna, and…”
“Hotaru…,” finished Sammy.
Serena cocked a brow, “How'd you know?”
“I go to school with her, she's in my class.”
“Oh…okay, well…the guy sitting next to you is dickhead,”
“Darien,” he said with a growl.
Serena rolled her eyes, as her friends giggled. “And the blonde who works here is…”
“Andrew,” replied Andrew, as he walked out with two milkshakes and a bag of ice. He set the drinks down and handed the bag of ice to Sammy, who in turn placed it on his swollen face.
He gave a mock bow. “Nice to meet you!,” then turned around back into the kitchen. He quickly returned with the two cheeseburgers as Serena took a long swig from her shake.
“Oh my God, this is soooooo good!” exclaimed Serena, taking another long slurp.
Darien furrowed his brows, looking at her. “I don't see how you drink those things.”
Serena lazily shifted his eyes towards him. “Have you ever had one?”
“Of course not, they're fattening.”
The raven choked on her shake, eyes bulging from her head. “What!?!,” She narrowed her eyes on him. “Are you gay?”
Darien's jaw dropped, and flushed with embarrassment. He heard the other girls snicker at him, and he glared at each of them. “I am not gay.”
“Well, prove it. Take a swig, I promise it wont mess up your glorious figure.” Darien frowned, but snatched the shake from her hands.
Serena grinned. “No wonder you're so crabby…missing out on the simple pleasures of life.”
He snorted, than stared at the shake. With a sigh, he took a small sip. A small smile crept up upon his face, as he took a long swig. “This is good.”
Serena chuckled and reached out for her shake. “Good, now give it back.”
Darien swiveled around in his seat, back facing the princess. “Nuh uh, Andrew can make you another one.”
She growled. “You ass!” his response was a dramatically loud slurp from the shake.
Sulking, she looked towards Andrew, who in return shook his head. “I'm on it!”
She then turned to her brother, noticing that his burger and shake was gone. “Damn Sammy, you never finish before me!” He let out a giggle and Serena ruffled his hair. “Why don't you go play some games…maybe Hotaru will play with you?”
Sammy nodded, jumping off the stool. He handed his now melted bag of ice to his sister and both he and Hotaru went off to play some games. Serena watched them run off, than picked up her plate, and the shake Andrew just placed in front of her.
“Where you going?” asked Michelle.
“Well…you guys are standing, and I rather we all sit at a booth.”
Michelle smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”
Serena grinned, leading the way. They all took a seat and began to converse happily. Hours went by and before they all knew it, the sun was setting. Serena jumped, when she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket. She whipped it out.
“Hello?” a few seconds went by. “Okay, we'll be there soon.” She hung up the phone and replaced it back in its rightful place. She looked at her friends. “That was my mom, time to go.”
Lita looked down at her watch. “Wow, its 7 already!” she looked outside and noticed the sun had already gone down.
They shuffled out of the booth, and Serena went and retrieved both Hotaru and Sammy and walked back to the group. Hotaru made her way to Setsuna and clung onto her leg, causing the Senshi of time to smile.
Serena ruffled her brother's hair. “Come on, Mom said dinner is ready.”
“What did she make?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs.”
“Awsome!” Sammy grabbed a hold of his sister's arm and began to tug her towards the exit.
“Hey Kitten, how you getting home?” asked Amara, swirling her car keys on one finger.
“Oh I was planning on walking. I don't live to far from here. I'll see you guys later!” Serena waved and made her way outside, making sure to tell Andrew goodbye as well. A beeping noise caught her attention and she spotted Darien unlocking the doors to a black 1968 SS CUDA RV.
`Wow, that's a nice car.' thought Serena.
“Whoa! You're car is so cool Darien!” exclaimed Sammy.
Darien chuckled. “Want a ride home?”
“Yea!” replied the boy.
Serena snapped her attention to him. “No, we only live a couple blocks away. We can walk…”
Sammy had already jumped in the backseat and was hollering for his sister to get in. Darien smirked at her. “You mine as well get in.”
She huffed and made her way to the car. She stuck her tongue out at him and climbed in. She looked around quickly and noticed everything was clean and in perfect shaped, with black mint condition leather seats.
Darien climbed in and started the car. “Where to?”
“Two houses away from Andrew.”
He nodded and turned on the radio to a rock station and sped off down the road. They pulled up to the cute two-story home and he pulled into the driveway. Serena climbed out the car and put the seat down so her brother could climb out. She pushed the seat back up and then stuck her head back in the car.
“No problem.” He replied, flashing her a smile.
She closed the door, and she and Sammy both made their way into the house. Once Darien made sure they were in the house, he pulled out, making his way to his own place.
Serena and Sammy walked inside and the aroma of spaghetti and meatballs hit their senses. Sammy ran into the kitchen, and Serena jumped startled hearing her mother scream.
“What happened to your face!?!” hollered Elaine.
Serena walked into the kitchen and propped herself up against the wall, listening to Sammy explain what had happened.
“This high school kid punched me in the face and took my money! But Serena beat him up and got my money back.”
Elaine shifted her eyes to her daughter. “What have I told you about fighting?”
Serena's jaw just about hit the floor. “I'm not going to let some punk push my brother around and not do anything about it.”
Elaine huffed, deciding to change the subject. “You two got here pretty fast.”
“Serena's boyfriend Darien dropped us off.”
Serena's eyes widened 3x their size. “He is not my boyfriend! I can't stand that jerk!”
“Oh please sis, I seen the way he looks at you. I may be young, but I'm not stupid. If you two didn't argue so much, you'd be sucking each other's faces off!” he replied, taking a seat at the dinner table.
Serena gasped, “You have no idea what you're talking about twerp!” Serena took a seat at the table, glaring daggers at her brother, causing her brother to snicker. Elaine watched the scene before her and all she could do was shake her head with a smile.
Author: ^_^ Hope you guys enojoyed!!!!! I really appreciated the reviews, keep em coming!!