Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Wow it's been a while! I've been caught up in writing another fic of mine. Anyways, I appreciate the reviews you guys!
Disclaimer: Don't own any of the SM characters in this story!
Serena lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and running her fingers through her brother's hair, as his head was resting on her chest, fast asleep. It was going on 1am and Luna and she had just finished a long discussion about the Sailor Scouts she had a run in with the other day.
She chewed on her bottom lip, deep in thought. `They're the people I was dreaming about…but who are they in real life…and who is the tux guy.'
She sighed deeply, `They all seem so familiar,' she knitted her brows together. `And my friends…I know them too...but I just can't put my finger on it.'
She shifted her eyes towards her advisor, whom lay curled up on her belly, Sammy's arm draped over her. `I should have stayed when they confronted me…damn it.'
She sucked in her breath, a familiar pain shooting through her head, causing her to jerk. Sammy shift and rolled over, snuggling himself into the pillows, as Luna jumped up alarmed. She looked upon her princess whom was clutching her head in pain.
“An attack?”
Serena nodded, with her eyes clenched tightly shut. The pain started to subside and she rolled out of the bed and shakily stood to her feet. She grabbed her brooch from atop of her end table and made her way to her already open window. She gave one more glance to her sleeping brother, than jumped out of the window, Luna one step behind her.
She transformed as soon as she hit the ground and took off down the street. She was once again led to a park and frowned. “Why do they always pick the same place…” she muttered, scanning the area for a Youma as Luna ducked off into some bushes.
She heard what sounded like branches breaking and from the corner of her eye she seen a full blown tree falling in her direction. Doing several back flips, she barely dodged the tree as it smashed into the ground. She slid to a halt and looked towards the direction the tree had fallen from and spotted the Youma.
Its appearance looked like a woman with green skin, in a bodice made of vines, long wavy green hair of entwining green vines and off-white roots that reached to its ankles, and glowing violet eyes. The Youma smirked, casting her eyes upon Sailor Moon.
“Goodie! I have someone to play with.” She threw her hand forward and vines shot out of its fingers and lunged for Soldier of Justice. Moon jumped high in the air, landing on top of the vines, and began to run up its length to its beholder. The Youma screeched seeing the turn of events, and was unable to block as Moon's fist connected to her face, making her fly back through several trees.
Moon gracefully landed on her feet with a smirk of victory. “This is going to be easy.” She replied, calling forth her powers and ready to grab her tiara. Although, before she could do so, a vine shot up from beneath her and dragged her under ground. When she re-emerged, she was heavily coated in dirt, and had many cuts and bruises. She was being held upside down by her ankle by a vine, and was looking into the angry eyes of the Youma. The tree-like being smirked and began swinging Moon, slamming the poor teen to the ground and any surrounding trees.
She suddenly hurled Moon, throwing her back towards the park. Moon hit the concrete ground rather hard, and rolled like a rag doll, than came to a sliding halt. She coughed heavily and moaned in pain, rolling onto her back.
“Tougher than she looks,” she muttered, just as she seen a large thick wooden root coming to her head. She narrowly missed the object and jumped unsteadily to her feet. She never noticed the small pellets that surrounded her feet as she seen the tree woman coming at her with inhuman speed.
Acting quickly she hurriedly called forth her Tiara, and slung it the Youma, slicing her through the abdomen. She watched as the Youma split in half, and was dusted immediately. She dropped to her knees tiredly, as she placed a hand to her aching head.
“Damn she was a tough one,” she replied. She suddenly stiffened when she heard Luna scream for her to look out, but it was too late. The pellets had sprouted and grabbed a hold of Moon. She was now held up in the air, thick vines attached tightly around her arms and legs, holding her spread eagle, and open for any attack. To her horror, she watched at the tree-woman emerged from one of the pellets and smiled upon her evilly.
“Didn't think I would die that easily did you?” she asked tauntingly. She snapped her fingers and watched in great humor as Moon screamed in pain as electric shocks coursed though her body. The Youma snapped her fingers once again and caused the electric shocks to stop, and with much satisfaction, seen Moon drop her head in near unconsciousness. The Youma turned her vine-like fingers into sharp looking spears and held them in front of her. She smirked preparing herself for the kill.
“Prepare to die!”
Luna looked upon the scene with pure horror. “Oh Selene! That monster is going to kill her! I must do something.” Just as the advisor was ready to jump from the bushes, she suddenly seen a red flash strike the ground and embed itself before the Youma.
The Youma stepped back started and looked up to see a man clad in a black tux, cape, top hat, and a white mask covering his face. The Youma frowned deeply, infuriated that she was interrupted. She looked back at the ground and noticed that it was a red rose embedded into the ground. Before she could make her next move, the rose flashed and she felt severe pain shoot throughout her entire body.
The act caused her to loose control of the vines that contained Moon, and the Senshi began to fall to the ground. Before she made contact, she was caught, and was held tightly by the Tux clad figure. Moon shifted her eyes upon her savior wearily.
“Who are you?”
He flashed a heartwarming smile. “I'm Tuxedo Mask.” He looked over her battered form in worry. “Are you alright?”
She nodded weakly. “Of course…I was just about to whoop her ass before you stepped in”
Tux couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. `Sounds like Serena,' He furrowed his brows at his sudden thoughts. He looked upon the blond questioningly. He placed her on the ground and leaned her up against a tree.
“No…it couldn't be.” He whispered.
Upon hearing him, Moon arched a brow. “What couldn't be?”
He never got to answer as he felt a sharp pain in his back causing him to arch his back. He looked down and seen he was impaled by a thick root. As quickly as it impaled him, it was retracted, and he fell forward, clutching his wound; mask and top hat falling away.
Moon gasped and placed his hand on his shoulder and pushed him onto his back. “Shit, you al…” she paused taking a good look at his now revealed face, and her eyes widened.
“Dick head?” she asked, voice laced with shock.
“Now you know who I am…Serena.” he replied with clenched teeth.
She turned her head sharply behind her, the Youma cackling. She furrowed her brows and frowned deeply. The stupid tree looking freak pulled a cheap shot, and that really…really pissed her off! Though, before she could react, a vine shot out, and wrapped itself around her throat, and snatched her off of the ground. Before she knew it she was dead in front of the Youma, staring it in its grotesque face. Moon struggled to get the vine off of her, causing the Youma to cock its head to the side.
“You just won't give up, will you?” it asked.
“Not till one of us is dead,” she growled, causing the Youma to laugh. She raised her hand ready to strike. Moon swallowed deeply, and tears of frustration flowed down her cheeks. She was tired of always getting beat on, tired of being mocked and considered weak and helpless; she could not be defeated…the whole world depended on it!
The Youma was about to strike when Moon's tiara began to glow. The tiara melted away and the moon insignia glowed brightly on her forehead. Before the Youma could even blink, a bright flash engulfed it, deteriorating immediately. Moon dropped to the ground with a thud, and stared a head of her blankly.
“What the hell just happened?” she snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Luna jump on her lap.
“Are you alright!?” exclaimed her advisor, looking over the wounds with deep concern. Moon hugged Luna tightly and began to dehension, much to her advisor's horror.
“What the hell are you doing princess?” asked Luna in a hushed whisper.
Serena smiled. “It's alright Luna, he knows who I am. He's an ally, and right now he needs my help.” She placed Luna on the ground and painfully stood to her feet.
“Go home Luna and I'll be there shortly.”
Luna shook her head in total disagreement. “I will go with you.”
Serena shook her head. “Please Luna, go home…I need to talk to him…I promise I will be home.”
Luna gave a cat-like frown, but nodded her head none-the-less. “Alright Princess…you better come home!” with that the cat took off, and disappeared from her sight. Serena sighed heavily looking in the directions where Darien was, and slowly made her way over to him.
Author: Well, that's all for now! Hope you enjoyed ^_^ and please review! I'm so close to 100!